13,615 research outputs found

    Information Technology Auditing -3/E.

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    The third edition of this text contains key improvements and changes that continue to provide intuctors and student with the bestinformation technology auditing text available. This edition has been reorganized and expanded to addres the internal control and audit issues mandated by Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. The third edition include a full ranges of new and revised homework assignments, up to date content changes, a new chapter on transaction processing, and new appedix material in several chapter to provide the reader with background and perspective. All of these changes add up to more student and instructors as current as possible on issues such as business processes, general controls, aplication controls, fraud issues, and relevant aspects of Sarbanes-Oxley legistation in a changing IT auditing environment

    Investigation of advanced counterrotation blade configuration concepts for high speed turboprop systems, task 1: Ducted propfan analysis

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    The time-dependent three-dimensional Euler equations of gas dynamics were solved numerically to study the steady compressible transonic flow about ducted propfan propulsion systems. Aerodynamic calculations were based on a four-stage Runge-Kutta time-marching finite volume solution technique with added numerical dissipation. An implicit residual smoothing operator was used to aid convergence. Two calculation grids were employed in this study. The first grid utilized an H-type mesh network with a branch cut opening to represent the axisymmetric cowl. The second grid utilized a multiple-block mesh system with a C-type grid about the cowl. The individual blocks were numerically coupled in the Euler solver. Grid systems were generated by a combined algebraic/elliptic algortihm developed specifically for ducted propfans. Numerical calculations were initially performed for unducted propfans to verify the accuracy of the three-dimensional Euler formulation. The Euler analyses were then applied for the calculation of ducted propfan flows, and predicted results were compared with experimental data for two cases. The three-dimensional Euler analyses displayed exceptional accuracy, although certain parameters were observed to be very sensitive to geometric deflections. Both solution schemes were found to be very robust and demonstrated nearly equal efficiency and accuracy, although it was observed that the multi-block C-grid formulation provided somewhat better resolution of the cowl leading edge region

    Advanced software techniques for data management systems. Volume 3: Programming language characteristics and comparison reference

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    A comparative evaluation was made of eight higher order languages of general interest in the aerospace field: PL/1; HAL; JOVIAL/J3; SPL/J6; CLASP; ALGOL 60; FORTRAN 4; and MAC360. A summary of the functional requirements for a language for general use in manned aerodynamic applications is presented. The evaluation supplies background material to be used in assessing the worth of each language for some particular application

    Responses of salmonids to habitat changes

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    Streams in western North America provide spawning and rearing habitats for several species of salmon and trout that are of substantial economic importance in the region. Timber that grows on lands through which these streams flow is also economically important, and its harvest can substantially change habitat conditions and aquatic production in salmonid streams. Undisturbed forests, the streams that flow through them, and the salmonid communities in these streams have intrinsic scientific, genetic, and cultural values in addition to their economic importance. The complex relations between salmonids and their physical environment, and the changes in these relations brought about by timber harvest, have been investigated extensively (see the bibliography by Macdonald et al. 1988). However, in spite of considerable evidence of profound changes in channel morphology and in light, temperature, and flow regimes associated with timber harvests, much uncertainty exists about the responses of salmonids to these changes

    The Zero-Lift Drag of Several Configurations of the XAAM-N-2 Pilotless Aircraft. TED No. NACA DE332

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    Free-flight tests have been made to determine the zero-lift drag of several configurations of the XAAM-N-2 pilotless aircraft. Base-pressure measurements were also obtained for some of the configurations. The results show that increasing the wing-thickness ratio from 4 to 6 percent increased the wing drag by about 100 percent at M = 1.3 and by about 30 percent at M = 1.8. Increasing the nose fineness ratio from 5.00 to 6.25 reduced the drag coefficient of the wingless models a maximum of about 0.030 (10 percent) at M = 2.0. A corresponding change in nose shape for the winged models decreased the drag coefficient by about 0.05 in the Mach number range from 1.1 to 1.4; at Mach numbers greater than 1.6 no measurable reduction in drag coefficient was obtained. The drag of the present Sparrow fuselage is less than that of a parabolic fuselage which could contain the same equipment

    Galerkin approximations for initial value problems with known end time conditions

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    AbstractGalerkin's method is used to approximate the transient solutions of intial value problems in which a steady state or advanced time state is known. A convergence theorem is established and choices of basis functions are discussed. The method is then applied to systems arising from nuclear reactor kinetics theory and the semi-discretization of parabolic two-point boundary value problems

    Rapid compensatory evolution promotes the survival of conjugative plasmids

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    Conjugative plasmids play a vital role in bacterial adaptation through horizontal gene transfer. Explaining how plasmids persist in host populations however is difficult, given the high costs often associated with plasmid carriage. Compensatory evolution to ameliorate this cost can rescue plasmids from extinction. In a recently published study we showed that compensatory evolution repeatedly targeted the same bacterial regulatory system, GacA/GacS, in populations of plasmid-carrying bacteria evolving across a range of selective environments. Mutations in these genes arose rapidly and completely eliminated the cost of plasmid carriage. Here we extend our analysis using an individual based model to explore the dynamics of compensatory evolution in this system. We show that mutations which ameliorate the cost of plasmid carriage can prevent both the loss of plasmids from the population and the fixation of accessory traits on the bacterial chromosome. We discuss how dependent the outcome of compensatory evolution is on the strength and availability of such mutations and the rate at which beneficial accessory traits integrate on the host chromosome

    The proficiency of the original host species determines community-level plasmid dynamics

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    Plasmids are common in natural bacterial communities, facilitating bacterial evolution via horizontal gene transfer. Bacterial species vary in their proficiency to host plasmids: Whereas plasmids are stably maintained in some species regardless of selection for plasmid-encoded genes, in other species, even beneficial plasmids are rapidly lost. It is, however, unclear how this variation in host proficiency affects plasmid persistence in communities. Here, we test this using multispecies bacterial soil communities comprising species varying in their proficiency to host a large conjugative mercury resistance plasmid, pQBR103. The plasmid reached higher community-level abundance where beneficial and when introduced to the community in a more proficient host species. Proficient plasmid host species were also better able to disseminate the plasmid to a wider diversity of host species. These findings suggest that the dynamics of plasmids in natural bacterial communities depend not only upon the plasmid's attributes and the selective environment, but also upon the proficiency of their host species