97 research outputs found

    The Effects of 0.3 mA and 0.5 mA Threshold Currents on Axillary Brachial Plexus Block

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    Aim:The nerve block success by peripheral nerve stimulator may be increased by optimal nerve localization. However, it is not clear which current threshold is more suitable for this. Material and Methods: Forty patients between 18-60 years of age were included in this randomized, double blind study. In group 1 (n=20) and group 2 (n=20), the thresholds of current were 0.3 mA and 0.5 mA respectively. The mixture of 150 mg of levobupivacaine (0.5%) and 200 mg of lidocaine (2%) in a total volume of 40 ml was injected around the radial nerve. The duration of postoperative sensory and motor block and the first analgesic requirement were measured. Results; The onset of sensory and motor block of the musculocutaneus (p=0.01 and p=0.004 respectively) and the onset of motor block of the median and ulnar nerve (p=0.009 and p=0.02 respectively) were significantly shorter in group 1 than in group 2. The duration of postoperative sensory and motor block and the time to first analgesic requirement were significantly longer in group 1 than in group 2 (p=0.0001). Conclusions; The 0.3 mA current is more beneficial than 0.5 mA current in shortening the onset of sensory and motor block, lengthening the postoperative sensory and motor block and the duration of first analgesic requirement

    Towards prioritizing vulnerability testing

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    Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying and prioritizing the vulnerabilities in a system. Vulnerability scanners can, for example, scan a website for known vulnerabilities by running a repository of security tests, each of which is designed to reveal a known vulnerability. As the security tests need to be executed on each and every web page encountered, it may take quite a while for these scanners to report vulnerabilities. In this work, we present an approach for revealing the vulnerabilities faster by prioritizing the executions of the security tests on a per web page basis. The approach is based on a simple conjecture that 'similar' web pages may possess 'similar' vulnerabilities and that identifying these similarities can help prioritize the security tests. The results of the experiments we carried out by using 2927 distinct web pages (collected from 80 web sites), support our basic hypothesis; the percentages of the times the actual vulnerabilities appear in the top 8 and 15 predicted vulnerabilities were 86.9% and 98.4%, respectively

    The relationship between serum paraoxonase levels and carotid atherosclerotic plaque formation in Alzheimer's patients

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    Low paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and carotid atherosclerosis have been suggested to be important risk factors for dementia. However, the studies to date could not fully clarify the relationship between PON1, carotid atherosclerosis and dementia. The present study aimed to measure carotid atherosclerosis and PON1 activity in Alzheimer's Disease and to evaluate the relationship between them. The study included 25 Alzheimer's patients and 25 control subjects, for a total of 50 individuals. The study measured the serum PON1 activity and other biochemical parameters and carotid atherosclerotic plaque values of the participants. The mean paraoxonase activity (31.06±2.31U/L) was significantly lower in the Alzheimer's group compared to the control group (59.05±7.05U/L) (P<0.001). Nonetheless, the carotid plaque values were significantly higher in the patient group (3.02±0.52mm) compared to the control group (1.84±0.45mm) (P<0.001). Furthermore, there was a negative correlation (81.0%) between PON1 activity and carotid plaque in the overall study group (P<0.05). Also serum homocystein level was higher in the patient group (22.15±7.05) compared to the control group (13.30±3.32). In conclusion, our findings show inverse association between PON1 activity and carotid atherosclerosis in Alzheimer patients: the lower the PON1 activity the more progressed the atherosclerotic process in AD

    Comparison of immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM) concentrations in calves raised under organic and conventional conditions*

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    The objective of study was conducted on to compare immunoglobulin (Ig) concentrations in calves raised under organic and conventional conditions. 30 newborn Holstein Friesian calves (15 rose under organic and 15 under conventional conditions) in two dairy cattle farms. Blood samples were taken from 30 newborn calves at birth (before taking colostrum) and on 14th day to compare immunoglobulin (Ig) concentrations in calves raised under organic and conventional conditions. Furthermore, blood and colostrum samples were also taken from the mothers included into the study. IgG and IgM concentrations in colostrum and blood serums were determined using commercial ELISA kits. IgG concentrations at birth (0.79±0.34, 1.64±0.95 mg/mL) and on the 14th day (46.5±21.5, 70.5±27.8 mg/mL) in calves raised under organic conditions were lower than those raised under conventional conditions (p0.05). No difference was found in the IgG and IgM concentrations of colostrum obtained from cows raised under organic and conventional conditions. In both the husbandry systems, positive and significant (p<0.01) correlations were found between the Ig concentrations of the mothers and offsprings. Consequently, it can be suggested that higher Ig concentrations in cattle raised under conventional conditions might be due to poorer environmental conditions

    The effect of different additives on semen freezing of Aksaray malaklı shepherd dog

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Aksaray Malaklı çoban köpeği spermasının farklı katkı maddeleri içeren sulandırıcılar ile dondurulup çözüm sonu spermatolojik parametrelerin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma grupları, Tris ana stok (TAS)+trehaloz (10 mM), TAS+metiyonin (2 mM) ve kontrol olarak oluşturuldu. Köpeklerden sperma digital maniplasyon yöntemi ile alındı. Sulandırma işlemi tamamlanan sperma örnekleri 0.25 ml lik payetlere çekildi. Payetlenen spermalar 1.5 saat +5˚C‟ta ekilibrasyona tabi tutuldu. Ekilibrasyon sonrası payetler sıvı azot buharında donduruldu ve sıvı azot içerisinde saklandı. Sperma hacminin belirlenmesinde dereceli sperma toplama tüpleri kullanıldı ve sonuçları mililitre olarak kaydedildi. Hemositometrik yöntem ile spermatozoon konsantrasyonu belirlenerek mm3 olarak kaydedildi. Ölü canlı spermatozoa muayenesi için eosin-nigrosin boyama yöntemi kullanıldı. Spermatozoa plazma membran bütünlüğü oranını belirlemek için Hipo osmotik şişirme (HOS) testi yapıldı. Sonuçlar istatistiksel açıdan tek yönlü varyans analizi ile incelendiğinde çözüm sonu metiyonin grubunda motilite (%52,5±2,7) ve HOS test parametreleri açısından (%43,1±2,9), kontrol grubuna (%41,5±3,1;%33,2±2,9) göre istatistiksel farklılık gözlendi (p<0,05). Çözüm sonu canlı spermatozoa oranına en yüksek metiyonin grubunda ulaşılmasına rağmen gruplar arası istatistiksel farklılık bulunamadı (p>0,05). Trehaloz grubunda ise motilite, HOS test ve canlı spermatozoa oranı sırasıyla %50,0±3,9;%60,6±3,7;%38,4±3,6 olarak bulundu. Çalışmanın sonucunda Aksaray Malaklı çoban köpeği spermasında tris bazlı sulandırıcıya eklenen metiyonin 2mM dozunun spermatolojik parametreler üzerine faydalı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Metiyoninin kriyoprotektif etkinliğinin trehaloz ve kontrol grubuna göre daha güçlü olduğu kanısına varıldı.The aim of this study was to investigate the spermatological parameters of Aksaray Malakli shepherd dog after freezethawing semen with various additives. Study groups were set up as Tris-based extender (TBE)+trehalose (10mM), TBE+methionine (2mM) andcontrol. Sperm was collected by bulbus glandis massage (Digital Manipulation). Diluted semen samples were aspirated into 0,25 ml French straws and equilibrated at 5 ºC for 1,5 h. After equilibration, the straws were frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor, plunged into liquid nitrogen for storage. For determination the sperm volume, grade semen collecting tubes were used and the results were recorded in milliliters. The sperm concentration was determined with hemocytometric method as mm3 . Eosin-nigrosine staining method was used for live sperm percentages. The HOS-test was performed to determine the ratio of intact spermatozoa membrane. When the freeze-thawing results are statistically examined with one-way analysis of variance, methionine group, motility (52,5%±2,7) and HOS test analysis (43,1%±2,9), (41,5%±3,1;33,2%±2,9) shown significant differences compared control (41,5%±3,1; 33,2%±2,9) group (p <0,05). The best result in the live sperm percentages was observed in methionine group but there was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p> 0.05).In the trehalose group, motility, HOS test and live sperm percentages results were 50.0% ±3,9;60,6%±3,7;38,4±3,6%, respectively. As a result of the study, it was determined that methionine 2 mM added to trisbased diluent in Aksaray Malaklı shepherd dog sperm was beneficial on spermatological parameters. The cryoprotective effect of methionine was found to be stronger than trehalose and control group

    Trace Elements, Heavy Metals and Vitamin Levels in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    Aim: In the present study, we aimed to assess serum concentrations of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), vitamins A (retinol), D (cholecalciferol) and E (α-tocopherol) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and to compare with healthy controls

    Serum adenosine deaminase, catalase and carbonic anhydrase activities in patients with bladder cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: The relationship between adenosine deaminase and various cancers has been investigated in several studies. However, serum adenosine deaminase activity and carbonic anhydrase and catalase activities in patients with bladder cancer have not previously been reported. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure serum adenosine deaminase, carbonic anhydrase and catalase activities in patients with bladder cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with bladder cancer and 30 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Serum adenosine deaminase, carbonic anhydrase and catalase activities were measured spectrophotometrically. RESULTS: Serum adenosine deaminase, carbonic anhydrase and catalase activities were significantly higher in patients with bladder cancer than controls (all significant,

    Duodenal Duplication Cyst with Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis: Report of a Case

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    Introduction:Duplication cyst can be occurred in any level of GI tract but the duodenal cysts are extremely rare. Most of the duplication cysts are detected in children. Duodenum duplication cysts are difficult to diagnose, as the presenting symptoms are nonspecific and are closely related to the type, size and location of the lesion. Both CT imaging and MRI can adequately identify a duodenal duplication cyst.Presentation of the case: We report an adult with recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis who was diagnosed with ERCP. With the diagnosis of duodenal duplication cyst, we planned to perform surgical resection of the cyst.Conclusions: The surgical intervention for duodenal duplication cyst includes complete or partial surgical resection of the cyst. The location of the cysts in relation to the duodenum, especially to the ampulla, is important to determine the treatment strategy. Alternatively, duodenum duplication can be safely and effectively treated by different endoscopic interventions

    Apandisit ile komplike gebeliklerin cerrahi tedavisi ve gebelik sonuçları: obstetrisyen görüşü

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    Objective: To evaluate the pregnancy outcomes of patients who underwent appendectomy during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: Patients who underwent appendectomy between years 2010 and 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. All patients’ pregnancy outcomes were followed-up by using university registry system and telephone interview. Patients were evaluated regarding age, gestational age, clinical and laboratory examinations, imaging studies, mean time interval between emergency department and operation, mean operative time, pregnancy outcome and pathologic results of the appendix. Results: Thirty-nine patients were included in the study. Sixteen of 39 patients were in the first, 15 of them in the second and 8 of them were in the third trimester of the pregnancy. Three patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy and the rest underwent laparotomy. In pathologic evaluation of the appendix, seven patients (17%) had normal appendix, 4 patients had perforated appendix, one patient had neuro-endocrine tumor and rest of the patients had appendicitis. Two missed abortion occurred after operation, rest of the patients had live birth. Six of them were preterm and 31 had term birth. Twelve patients delivered through vaginal birth and the rest via caesarean section. Twenty patients were in the first half of the pregnancy (group 1) and 19 patients were in the second half of the pregnancy (group 2). There were no significant differences between the groups in operation time and mean time interval between emergency administration and operation. Conclusion: Delayed operation and negative appendectomy can cause adverse pregnancy outcomes. Expectant management in suspected cases may decrease negative appendectomy rates but can also lead to perforation. Computed tomography and MRI ought to be considered if ultrasonography is inconclusive. Tocolytic regimens can be administered to prevent threatened preterm labor. Obstetric indications were valid for delivery mode.Amaç: Gebeliğinde apendektomi yapılan hastaların gebelik sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 2010-2014 yılları arasında apendektomi yapılan hastalar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Tüm hastaların gebelik sonuçları üniversite kayıt sistemi ve telefon görüşmeleri ile takip edildi. Hastalar yaş, gebelik yaşı, klinik ve laboratuvar muayeneleri, görüntüleme çalışmaları, acil servis ve operasyon arasındaki ortalama zaman, ortalama operasyon süresi, gebelik sonucu ve apandiksin patoloji sonucuna göre değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Otuz dokuz hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Otuz dokuz hastanın 16’sı ilk, 15’i ikinci ve 8’i gebeliğin üçüncü trimesterindeydi. Üç hastaya laparoskopik apendektomi kalanlarına laparatomi yapıldı. Apendiksin patolojik değerlendirilmesinde, yedi hasta (17%) normal apendiks, dört hasta perfore apendiks, bir hasta nöro-endokrin tümor ve kalanları apandisit saptandı. Operasyon sonrası iki missed abortus meydana gelirken kalanları canlı doğum yaptı. Bunlardan altısı preterm ve otuz biri term doğum yaptı. On iki hasta vajinal yolla ve kalanları sezaryen yoluyla doğurtuldu. Yirmi hasta gebeliğin birinci yarısında (grup 1) ve 19 hasta gebeliğin ikinci yarısındaydı (grup 2). Gruplar arasında operasyon zamanı ve acile kabul ile operasyon arasındaki ortalama zaman aralığı açısıdan anlamlı farklılık yoktu. Sonuç: Gecikmiş operasyon ve negatif apendektomi olumsuz gebelik sonuçlarına neden olabilir. Şüpheli olgulardaki izlem tedavisi negatif apendektomi oranlarını düşürebilir; ancak aynı zamanda perforasyona neden olabilir. Bilgisayarlı tomografi ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme, ultrasonografinin net olmadığı zaman düşünülmelidir. Erken doğum tehditini önlemek için tokolitik rejimler uygulanabilir. Doğum şekli için obstetrik endikasyonlar geçerlidir