10,047 research outputs found

    The bearable lightness of being

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    How are philosophical questions about what kinds of things there are to be understood and how are they to be answered? This paper defends broadly Fregean answers to these questions. Ontological categories-such as object, property, and relation-are explained in terms of a prior logical categorization of expressions, as singular terms, predicates of varying degree and level, etc. Questions about what kinds of object, property, etc., there are are, on this approach, reduce to questions about truth and logical form: for example, the question whether there are numbers is the question whether there are true atomic statements in which expressions function as singular terms which, if they have reference at all, stand for numbers, and the question whether there are properties of a given type is a question about whether there are meaningful predicates of an appropriate degree and level. This approach is defended against the objection that it must be wrong because makes what there depend on us or our language. Some problems confronting the Fregean approach-including Frege's notorious paradox of the concept horse-are addressed. It is argued that the approach results in a modest and sober deflationary understanding of ontological commitments

    History of nutrient inputs to the northeastern United States, 1930–2000

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    Humans have dramatically altered nutrient cycles at local to global scales. We examined changes in anthropogenic nutrient inputs to the northeastern United States (NE) from 1930 to 2000. We created a comprehensive time series of anthropogenic N and P inputs to 437 counties in the NE at 5 year intervals. Inputs included atmospheric N deposition, biological N2 fixation, fertilizer, detergent P, livestock feed, and human food. Exports included exports of feed and food and volatilization of ammonia. N inputs to the NE increased throughout the study period, primarily due to increases in atmospheric deposition and fertilizer. P inputs increased until 1970 and then declined due to decreased fertilizer and detergent inputs. Livestock consistently consumed the majority of nutrient inputs over time and space. The area of crop agriculture declined during the study period but consumed more nutrients as fertilizer. We found that stoichiometry (N:P) of inputs and absolute amounts of N matched nutritional needs (livestock, humans, crops) when atmospheric components (N deposition, N2 fixation) were not included. Differences between N and P led to major changes in N:P stoichiometry over time, consistent with global trends. N:P decreased from 1930 to 1970 due to increased inputs of P, and increased from 1970 to 2000 due to increased N deposition and fertilizer and decreases in P fertilizer and detergent use. We found that nutrient use is a dynamic product of social, economic, political, and environmental interactions. Therefore, future nutrient management must take into account these factors to design successful and effective nutrient reduction measures

    The environment and host haloes of the brightest z~6 Lyman-break galaxies

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    By studying the large-scale structure of the bright high-redshift Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population it is possible to gain an insight into the role of environment in galaxy formation physics in the early Universe. We measure the clustering of a sample of bright (-22.7<M_UV<-21.125) LBGs at z~6 and use a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to measure their typical halo masses. We find that the clustering amplitude and corresponding HOD fits suggests that these sources are highly biased (b~8) objects in the densest regions of the high-redshift Universe. Coupled with the observed rapid evolution of the number density of these objects, our results suggest that the shape of high luminosity end of the luminosity function is related to feedback processes or dust obscuration in the early Universe - as opposed to a scenario where these sources are predominantly rare instances of the much more numerous M_UV ~ -19 population of galaxies caught in a particularly vigorous period of star formation. There is a slight tension between the number densities and clustering measurements, which we interpret this as a signal that a refinement of the model halo bias relation at high redshifts or the incorporation of quasi-linear effects may be needed for future attempts at modelling the clustering and number counts. Finally, the difference in number density between the fields (UltraVISTA has a surface density ~1.8 times greater than UDS) is shown to be consistent with the cosmic variance implied by the clustering measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted MNRAS 23rd March 201

    The clustering and bias of radio-selected AGN and star-forming galaxies in the COSMOS field

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    Dark matter haloes in which galaxies reside are likely to have a significant impact on their evolution. We investigate the link between dark matter haloes and their constituent galaxies by measuring the angular two-point correlation function of radio sources, using recently released 3 GHz imaging over $\sim 2 \ \mathrm{deg}^2oftheCOSMOSfield.WesplittheradiosourcepopulationintoStarFormingGalaxies(SFGs)andActiveGalacticNuclei(AGN),andfurtherseparatetheAGNintoradiativelyefficientandinefficientaccreters.Restrictingouranalysisto of the COSMOS field. We split the radio source population into Star Forming Galaxies (SFGs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and further separate the AGN into radiatively efficient and inefficient accreters. Restricting our analysis to z<1,wefindSFGshaveabias,, we find SFGs have a bias, b = 1.5 ^{+0.1}_{-0.2},atamedianredshiftof, at a median redshift of z=0.62.Ontheotherhand,AGNaresignificantlymorestronglyclusteredwith. On the other hand, AGN are significantly more strongly clustered with b = 2.1\pm 0.2atamedianredshiftof0.7.ThissupportstheideathatAGNarehostedbymoremassivehaloesthanSFGs.WealsofindlowaccretionrateAGNaremoreclustered( at a median redshift of 0.7. This supports the idea that AGN are hosted by more massive haloes than SFGs. We also find low-accretion rate AGN are more clustered (b = 2.9 \pm 0.3)thanhighaccretionrateAGN() than high-accretion rate AGN (b = 1.8^{+0.4}_{-0.5})atthesameredshift() at the same redshift (z \sim 0.7),suggestingthatlowaccretionrateAGNresideinhighermasshaloes.ThissupportspreviousevidencethattherelativelyhotgasthatinhabitsthemostmassivehaloesisunabletobeeasilyaccretedbythecentralAGN,causingthemtobeinefficient.WealsofindevidencethatlowaccretionrateAGNappeartoresideinhalomassesof), suggesting that low-accretion rate AGN reside in higher mass haloes. This supports previous evidence that the relatively hot gas that inhabits the most massive haloes is unable to be easily accreted by the central AGN, causing them to be inefficient. We also find evidence that low-accretion rate AGN appear to reside in halo masses of M_{h} \sim 3-4 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atallredshifts.Ontheotherhand,theefficientaccretersresideinhaloesof at all redshifts. On the other hand, the efficient accreters reside in haloes of M_{h} \sim 1-2 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atlowredshiftbutcanresideinrelativelylowermasshaloesathigherredshifts.Thiscouldbeduetotheincreasedprevalenceofcoldgasinlowermasshaloesat at low redshift but can reside in relatively lower mass haloes at higher redshifts. This could be due to the increased prevalence of cold gas in lower mass haloes at z \ge 1comparedto compared to z<1$.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRA

    Molecular Model for Prenucleation Water Clusters

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    A molecular model applicable to prenucleation water clusters is described. As an illustration the model is applied to water clusters having clathrate-like structures composed of five-menibered rings. This work was motivated by the apparent inadequacies of the corrected liquid drop model which (in addition to applying bulk properties to small clusters) predicts nucleation rates which may be as much as 1017 larger than experiment. We present the energy of formation at a temperature of 277°K for our molecular model for clusters ranging in size from 5 to 57 molecules. These results agree qualitatively with experiment and, we believe, provide a motivation for further development of the molecular approach

    Molecular Model for Ice Clusters in a Supersaturated Vapor

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    A molecular model previously applied to prenucleation water clusters is used to examine ice Ih, embryos. The canonical partition function is evaluated for clusters having from 6 to 64 water molecules. The intermolecular vibrational free energies are extrapolated to clusters containing up to 120 molecules and free energies of formation, nucleation rates, and critical supersaturation ratios are calculated and compared with experiment. For the clusters studied, the ice Ih structure appears to be much less stable at all temperatures than the more spherical clathratelike cluster

    4He experiments can serve as a database for determining the three-nucleon force

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    We report on microscopic calculations for the 4He compound system in the framework of the resonating group model employing realistic nucleon-nucleon and three nucleon forces. The resulting scattering phase shifts are compared to those of a comprehensive R-matrix analysis of all data in this system, which are available in numerical form. The agreement between calculation and analysis is in most cases very good. Adding three-nucleon forces yields in many cases large effects. For a few cases the new agreement is striking. We relate some differencies between calculation and analysis to specific data and discuss neccessary experiments to clarify the situation. From the results we conclude that the data of the 4He system might be well suited to determine the structure of the three-nucleon force.Comment: title changed,note added, format of figures changed, appearance of figures in black-and-white changed, Phys. Rev. C accepte

    OncoLog, Volume 59, Number 02, February 2014

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    New Approaches Revolutionize the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma: Recent breakthroughs in immunotherapy and targeted therapy have improved outcomes for patients with advanced melanoma Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment Approach Helps Patients Quit on Their Terms: Kicking a tobacco habit is a formidable task. Quitting tobacco after a diagnosis of cancer, can be even more difficult Targeted Drug Shows Promise Against Advanced Breast Cancer: Adding the experimental kinase inhibitor palbociclib to standard hormonal therapy may delay disease progression in patients with advanced breast cancer that is estrogen receptor (ER) positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER@) negative HOUSE CALL: Avoiding Food-Drug Interactions: Some foods and medicines don’t mix INBRIEF: PKM2 Identified as Potential Prognostic Marker for Glioblastomahttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1241/thumbnail.jp