258 research outputs found


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    Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) 1946 yılına kadar toplam yedi kurultay düzenlemiştir. Bunların tümü CHP'nin tek parti iktidarı döneminde yapılmıştır. Bu kurultaylarda alınan kararlar, sadece parti üzerinde etkili olmakla kalmamış, ülkede izlenecek ekonomik, toplumsal ve siyasal politikaların belirlenmesi açısından da önemli bir zemin oluşturmuşlardır. 1946'da Türkiye'de birtakım iç ve dış dinamiklerin etkisiyle çok partili siyasi yaşama geçilmiştir. Bu gelişme, ülkenin içinde bulunduğu ortamı değiştirmiştir. CHP'nin 1946 Olağanüstü Kurultayı da, çok partili siyasal yaşama geçildikten sonra toplanmış olup, partinin ortaya çıkan yeni koşullara göre hem kendini hem de ülke siyasetini yeniden biçimlendirmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte 1946 Kurultayı'nın önceliği, ülke siyasetinin çok partili yaşam koşullarına uygun duruma getirilmesi olmuştur. Republican People's Party organized totally seven congresses until the year of 1946. All of them were organized when Republican People's Party was in power during the singleparty period. The decisions that were taken in these congresses not only had effects for the party, but also provided basis for determination of economic and social policies and political lines of the country. In 1946 the multi-party system was settled in Turkey by the influence of some internal and external dynamics. This progress converted the political atmosphere of the country. The Extraordinary Congress of Republican People's Party of 1946 was carried out with the purpose of reforming both the party and the politics of the country considering the new conditions after the multi-party system was settled. Furthermore, the priority of the Congress of 1946 was to make the politics of the country convenient for the multi-party system


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    Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) 1947 yılına kadar sekiz kurultay düzenlemiştir.Bunlardan sadece birisi, 1946 Olağanüstü Kurultay'ı, II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında çok partilidöneme geçildikten sonra yapılmıştır. CHP düzenlediği tüm kurultaylara oldukça önemvermiştir. Buralarda alınan kararlar sadece partinin geleceğini etkilemekle kalmamış, ülkesiyaseti üzerinde de etkili olmuştur. CHP'nin 1947'de düzenlediği kurultayda hem ülkesiyasetihemdepartiaçısındansondereceönemli sonuçlarortayaçıkarmıştır.Bununlabirliktebu kurultayın bir siyasi parti olarak CHP üzerindeki etkisi daha fazla olmuştur. Tüzükteyapılandeğişikliklerlepartinintabanı,partidedaha etkili kılınmaya çalışılırken,Kemalizm'intemel prensiplerini belirleyen altı ilke de yeniden tanımlanmıştır. Ancak ilkelere yönelikolarak yapılan yeni düzenlemeler, kimilerince ideolojik bir sapma olarak değerlendirilmiş vekurultayda Kemalizm'den ödün verildiği şeklinde yorumlanmıştır. Republican People's Party organized eight congresses until the year of 1947. Onlyone of them, the Extraordinary Congress of 1946, was carried out after the Second WorldWar when in Turkey the multi-party system had settled. The Republican People's Party tooknotice of all these congresses pretty much. The decisions that were made in these congresseshad effects not only on the future of the party, but also on the politics of the country. TheOrdinaryCongressofRepublicanPeople'sPartyof 1947, aswell,hadhighlysignificantresultsthat concerned both the party and the politics of the country. Furthermore, this congress hadgreater effects ontheRepublicanPeople'sParty.While the grassroots were triedtohavevoice and potentiate more through the innovations on the statutes of the party, the Six Principlesof Kemalism were re-identified in the congress, as well. The revisions that were made onthe Principles, were considered as an ideological deviation by some and were perceived asmaking concessions about Kemalism in the congres


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    Siyasi partilerin kongreleri, partinin ve ülkenin sorunlarının görüşüldüğü, partilerinizleyeceği siyasetin belirlendiği, geniş kapsamlı toplantılardır. Bu kongreler, ülkenin kaderinietkileyecek bir boyuta da sahiptir. Çünkü partilerin kongrelerinde aldıkları kararlar, genellikleo siyasi partilerin ülke yönetiminde ya da muhalefette iken izleyeceği yol haritalarını dameydana çıkarır. Türk siyasi tarihinde oldukça önemli ve belirleyici bir yere sahip olan CHPde ülkenin tek parti ile yönetildiği 1923 ile 1946 yılları arasında, toplam olarak yedi kongredüzenlemiş ve Türk siyasi kültürü üzerinde etkisi olduğu söylenebilecek olan "DeğişmezGenel Başkanlık", "Milli Şef" ve "Kemalizm" kavramları, CHP'nin bu kongrelerinde ortayaçıkmıştır. Bu kavramlardan ikisi çok partili hayata geçilmesiyle birlikte gündemden düşmüş,sadece Kemalizm kavramı birbirinden farklı yorumlarla açıklanmış olsa da günümüze kadarsürekliliğini korumuştur.Political conventions are the comprehensive caucuses in which issuesregarding the party and the country are discussed and policies to be followed bythe parties are established. Such conventions have an aspect affecting the country's destiny. Because, decisions adopted by the parties in such conventions reveal theroad maps to be followed that political party while it is the ruling or oppositionparty. CHP which has a significant and determinant role in the Turkish politicalhistory between 1923 and 1946 when the country was governed by a single politicalparty held total seven conventions and the concepts "The fixed General Presidency""National Chief" "Kemalism" which have an effect on the Turkish political culturewere unveiled in those conventions of CHP. Two of these concepts fell off theagenda upon the transition to the multi-party system; just the concept of Kemalismhas prevailed until today even though it was explained with various interpretations

    Using corpora for language teaching and assessment in L2 writing: A narrative review

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    Corpora have primarily been used in linguistic research, but they have not yet become a pedagogical mainstay of language teaching and assessment practices. Therefore, this narrative review paper aimed to inform practitioners and researchers by examining the advantages and disadvantages of data-driven learning and exploring the use of corpora in foreign language teaching, particularly in writing. Specifically, the goals of this paper include: (1) elucidating what data-driven learning is and its potential to shape the learning experience, (2) explaining and exemplifying how learner corpora can guide EFL learners with particular attention to academic writing, and (3) providing insights into the indirect uses of corpora in teaching and assessing academic writing in L2. The review has met its objectives by presenting evidence compiled from the results of corpus-related studies and references to the use of corpus in language instruction

    The Evaluation of Water Sorption/Solubility on Various Acrylic Resins

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    Objectives: The absorption of water by acrylic resins is a phenomenon of considerable importance since it is accompanied by dimensional changes, a further undesirable effect of absorbed water in acrylic resins to reduce the tensile strength of the material. Solubility is also an important property because it represents the mass of soluble materials from the polymers. Methods: Ten acrylic resin-based materials were evaluated: two heat cure acrylic resins (De Trey QC-20, Meliodent Heat Cure) and eight self cure acrylic resins (Meliodent Cold, Akrileks, Akribel, Akribel Transparent, Vertex Trayplast, Formatray, Dentalon Plus, Palavit G). To evaluate water sorption and water solubility, thirty square-shaped specimens (20x20x1.5 mm) were fabricated from the wax specimens. One way ANOVA test, Tukey test and Pearson correlation coefficient performed for data. Results: Water sorption mean values varied from 11.33±0.33 to 30.46±0.55 µg/mm 3. Water solubility mean values varied from-0.05±0.23 to 3.69±0.12 µg/mm 3. There was statistically significant difference between mean values of the materials (P<.05). There was no linear correlation between sorption and solubility values. Conclusions: The results of the water sorption and water solubility values of both self-cured and heat-cured acrylic resins were in accordance with the ISO specification. No correlation found between water sorption and water solubility values. (Eur J Dent 2008;2:191-197

    The causal relationship between foreign direct investments, Trade openness and economic growth in Turkey

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    Turkey adopted a policy of openness with the decisions of January 24, 1980. The openness policy implemented by Turkey has significantly increased the ability of the Turkish economy to attract foreign capital, with the effect of increasing international capital movements.The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of foreign direct investments and trade openness on the economic growth of the Turkish economy. Data from the period 1980-2022 was used for this purpose. In the study, the relationship between variables was investigated using Johansen cointegration test and Granger causality test. Johansen cointegration test results show that there is a cointegration relationship between the variables and the series move together in the long run. Granger causality test results show that there is a one-way causality relationship between economic growth to foreign direct investments and openness. It has been determined that there is a unidirectional Granger causality from trade openness to foreign direct investments. Foreign trade and financialisation movements, which have sped up since the 1980s, have significantly affected the growth levels of countries. Countries that adopted an import substitution approach, such as Turkey, abandoned this approach and determined outward-open growth strategies, leading to their classification in the global economy according to their foreign direct investments and openness levels. Key words: Foreign Direct Investments, Trade Openess, Economic Growth, Johansen Cointegration Test, Granger Causality Test

    Assessment of palliative approach in the pain management in endodontic emergencies during Covid-19 outbreak: Retrospective cohort study

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    Aim: During the coronavirus disease, a palliative approach was recommended for the management of endodontic emergencies. This retrospective cohort study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of dexamethasone or ibuprofen-acetaminophen combination for pain management in endodontic emergencies. Material and Methods: One hundred and eight records of patients who presented to the emergency department with dental pain were evaluated retrospectively. Since interventional procedures were not performed during the pandemic period, Specific analgesics/antibiotics for the management of pain were preferred. A follow-up protocol with a questionnaire was developed to observe the effectiveness of palliative treatment and make changes if necessary. All participants received a questionnaire to rate the pain levels 6, 12, 18, 24, 48, and 72 hours after taking the drug. All data were collected from the patient file and assessed. After inclusion and exclusion criteria, 32 patients were included (n = 19, ibuprofen + acetaminophen; n = 13, dexamethasone). Data were analyzed using the chi-square test (P = 0.05). Results: In both groups, a significant decrease in pain was experienced immediately after medication and at 6, 12, and 18 hours, with no significant difference (P > .05). However, dexamethasone (Group II) resulted in lower pain levels than ibuprofen\acetaminophen (Group I) at 24 and 48 hours (P < .05) Discussion: Both dexamethasone and ibuprofen-acetaminophen can be good palliative choices in endodontic emergencies in pandemic conditions. However, at 24 and 48 hours, dexamethasone resulted in lower pain levels

    A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Effect of Rapidly Infused Crystalloids on Acid-Base Status in Dehydrated Patients in the Emergency Department

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    Study objective: To compare the effect of normal saline (NS), lactated Ringer's, and Plasmalyte on the acid-base status of dehydrated patients in the emergency department (ED)