235 research outputs found

    Negative Mass Solitons in Gravity

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    We first reconstruct the conserved (Abbott-Deser) charges in the spin connection formalism of gravity for asymptotically (Anti)-de Sitter spaces, and then compute the masses of the AdS soliton and the recently found Eguchi-Hanson solitons in generic odd dimensions, unlike the previous result obtained for only five dimensions. These solutions have negative masses compared to the global AdS or AdS/Z_p spacetimes. As a separate note, we also compute the masses of the recent even dimensional Taub-NUT-Reissner-Nordstrom metrics.Comment: 12 pages, RevTEX4; typos fixed; v3: version to appear in PRD, references adde

    Gravitational charges of transverse asymptotically AdS spacetimes

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    Using Killing-Yano symmetries, we construct conserved charges of spacetimes that asymptotically approach to the flat or Anti-de Sitter spaces only in certain directions. In D dimensions, this allows one to define gravitational charges (such as mass and angular momenta densities) of p-dimensional branes/solitons or any other extended objects that curve the transverse space into an asymptotically flat or AdS one. Our construction answers the question of what kind of charges the antisymmetric Killing-Yano tensors lead to.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4; version 2: important corrections made; version 3: one new paragraph and 2 references added, accepted for publication in PR

    A note on the pp-wave solution of Minimal Massive 3D Gravity coupled with Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory

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    In this work, we examine a family of pppp-wave solutions of Minimal Massive 3d Gravity (MMG) minimally coupled with the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. An elaborate investigation of the field equations shows that the theory admits pppp-wave solutions provided that there exist an anti-self duality relation between the electric and the magnetic components of the Maxwell 2-form field. By employing Noether-Wald formalism, we also construct Noether charges of the theory within exterior algebra formalism.Comment: v2 : improved versio

    Finite mass gravitating Yang monopoles

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    We show that gravity cures the infrared divergence of the Yang monopole when a proper definition of conserved quantities in curved backgrounds is used, i.e. the gravitating Yang monopole in cosmological Einstein theory has a finite mass in generic even dimensions (including time). In addition, we find exact Yang-monopole type solutions in the cosmological Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Yang-Mills theory and briefly discuss their properties

    Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains

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    Determinación del contenido de ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y fitoesteroles de aceites procedentes de varias semillas de adormidera (Papaver sommniferum L.)

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    The fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol contents of the oils of several poppy seeds were investigated. The main fatty acids in poppy seed oils were linoleic (687.6-739.2 g kg-1), oleic (141.3-192.8 g kg-1) and palmitic (76.8-92.8 g kg-1). The oils contained an appreciable amount of -tocopherol (195.37-280.85 mg kg-1), with a mean value of 261.31 mg kg-1 and α-tocopherol (21.99-45.83 mg kg-1), with a mean value of 33.03 mg kg-1. The concentrations of total sterol ranged from 1099.84 mg kg-1 (K.pembe) to 4816.10 mg kg-1 (2. sınıf beyaz), with a mean value of 2916.20 mg kg-1. The major sterols were -sitosterol, ranging from 663.91 to 3244.39 mg kg-1; campesterol, ranging from 228.59 to 736.50 mg kg-1; and Δ5-avenasterol, ranging from 103.90 to 425.02 mg kg-1. The studied varieties of poppy seeds from Turkey were found to be a potential source of valuable oil.El contenido en ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles de aceites de varias semillas de adormidera fueron investigadas. Los principales ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla de adormidera fueron el ácido linoleico (687.6-739.2 g kg-1), ácido oleico (141.3-192.8 g kg-1) y ácidos palmítico (76.8- 92.8 g kg-1). Los aceites contienen una cantidad apreciable de -tocoferol (195.37-280.85 mg kg-1), con un valor medio de 261.31 mg kg-1 y α-tocoferol (21.99-45.83 mg kg-1), con un valor medio de 33.03 mg kg-1. La concentración total de esteroles varió desde 1099.84 mg kg-1 (K.pembe) a 4816.10 mg kg-1 (2. sınıf beyaz), con un valor medio de 2916.20 mg kg-1. El principal esterol fue el -sitosterol, que varió desde 663.91 a 3244.39 mg kg-1; el campesterol, que varió desde 228.59 a 736.50 mg kg-1; y el Δ5-avenasterol, que varió desde 103.90 a 425.02 mg kg-1. Las semillas estudiadas de las diferentes variedades de adormidera de Turquía pueden ser una fuente potencial de aceites con valor añadido

    Serum Paraoxonase, Arylesterase, and GlutathioneS-Transferase Activities and Oxidative Stress Levels in Patients with Mushroom Poisoning

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    OBJECTIVES: Consumption of toxic species of mushrooms may have detrimental effects and increase oxidative stress. Paraoxonase, arylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase are antioxidants that resist oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the changes in these enzymes during intoxication due to mushrooms. METHODS: The study enrolled 49 adult patients with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning according to clinical findings and 49 healthy volunteers as the control group. The patients with mild clinical findings were hospitalized due to the possibility that the patient had also eaten the mushrooms and due to clinical findings in the late period, which could be fatal. Paraoxonase, arylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase concentrations, as well as total antioxidant and oxidant status, were determined in the 49 patients and 49 healthy volunteers by taking blood samples in the emergency department. RESULTS: While paraoxonase, arylesterase, and total antioxidant status were significantly decreased in the patient group (po0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, total oxidant status and the oxidative stress index were significantly higher (po0.05). There was a positive correlation between the hospitalization time and the oxidative stress index (r=0.752, po0.001), whereas a negative correlation was found with glutathione-S-transferase (r=-0.420, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: We observed a significant decrease in paraoxonase and arylesterase and an increase in glutathione-S-transferase and oxidative stress indexes in patients with mushroom poisoning, indicating that these patients had an oxidative status. In particular, a low total antioxidant status and high oxidative stress index may gain importance in terms of the assessment of hospitalization duration

    Exploring strategies to prevent post-lobectomy space: transient diaphragmatic paralysis using Botulinum Toxin Type A (BTX-A)

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    OBJECTIVE: Various techniques to reduce air space after pulmonary lobectomy especially for lung cancer have been an important concern in thoracic surgical practice. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) injection into the diaphragm to reduce air space after right lower pulmonary lobectomy in an animal model. METHODS: Twelve male New Zealand rabbits were randomly allocated into two groups. All animals underwent right lower lobectomy. Then, normal saline of 0,1 ml and 10 units of 0,1 ml Botulinum toxin type A were injected into the muscular part of the right hemidiaphragm in control (n = 6) and BTX-A groups (n = 6) respectively. Residual air space and diaphragmatic elevation were evaluated with chest X-ray pre- and postoperatively. Diaphragmatic elevation was measured as a distance in millimetre from the line connecting the 10th ribs to the midpoint of the right hemidiaphragm. RESULTS: The mean diaphragmatic elevation in BTX-A and control groups were 7.0 ± 2.5 and 1.3 ± 1.2 millimetres respectively. Diaphragmatic elevations were significantly higher in BTX-A group (p = 0.0035). CONCLUSION: Intraoperative Botulinum toxin type A injection may reduce postlobectomy spaces effectively via hemidiaphragmatic paralysis in rabbits. Further studies are needed to validate the safe use of Botulinum toxin type A in human beings

    Robust control of shunt active power filter using interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller for power quality improvement

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    Dobro je poznato da se usporedno aktivni filtar snage (SAPF - Shunt Active Power Filter) uvelike koristi za smanjenje harmonijske distorzije i kompenzaciju reaktivne snage u elektroenergetskim sustavima. Regulator napona sabirnice istosmjerne struje SAPF-a vrlo je važan za odličnu kvalitetu snage. U reguliranju SAPF-a, napon sabirnice istosmjerne struje regulira se konvencionalnim metodama kao što su PI i PID regulatori. Međutim, ti regulatori ne mogu dati dobre rezultate u prijelaznim i stacionarnim uvjetima. Robusni i inteligentni regulatori potrebni su za poboljšanje performansi SAPF-a. U ovom radu, sustav neizrazite logike intervala tipa-2 (T2FLS) koji ne zahtijeva matematički model kao kontrolni sustav preferira se za reguliranje napona sabirnice istosmjerne struje SAPF-a i uspoređuje sa sustavom neizrazite logike tipa-1(T1FLS). Konstruirane su i simulirane strukture SAPF-a s oba regulatora primjenom MATLAB /Simulink okruženja. Rezultati simulacije su pokazali da SAPF struktura s predloženim regulatorom ima bolje karakteristike od T1FLS-a u odnosu na fiksni napon sabirnice istosmjerne struje, ukupno harmoničko izobličenje i kvalitetu snage.It is well-known that shunt active power filter (SAPF) is widely used to reduce harmonic distortion and to compensate reactive power in electrical power systems. DC bus voltage control of SAPF is very important for excellent power quality. In the control of SAPF, DC bus voltage is controlled by conventional control methods such as PI and PID controllers. However, these controllers cannot give good results under transient and steady state conditions. Robust and intelligent controllers are required in order to improve performance of SAPF. In this paper, interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FLS) that does not require mathematical model to be controlled system is preferred for control of DC bus voltage of SAPF and compared with type-1 fuzzy logic system (T1FLS). SAPF structures with both controllers are designed and simulated using MATLAB /Simulink environment. Simulation results have shown that SAPF structure with proposed controller has superior features than T1FLS in terms of fixed DC bus voltage, total harmonic distortion and power quality

    Determination of fatty acid, tocopherol and phytosterol contents of the oils of various poppy (<i>Papaver somniferum</i> L.) seeds.

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    The fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol contents of the oils of several poppy seeds were investigated. The main fatty acids in poppy seed oils were linoleic (687.6-739.2 g kg<sup>-1</sup>), oleic (141.3-192.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>) and palmitic (76.8-92.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>). The oils contained an appreciable amount of -tocopherol (195.37-280.85 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), with a mean value of 261.31 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> and α-tocopherol (21.99-45.83 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), with a mean value of 33.03 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The concentrations of total sterol ranged from 1099.84 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (K.pembe) to 4816.10 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (2. sınıf beyaz), with a mean value of 2916.20 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The major sterols were -sitosterol, ranging from 663.91 to 3244.39 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; campesterol, ranging from 228.59 to 736.50 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; and Δ<sup>5</sup>-avenasterol, ranging from 103.90 to 425.02 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The studied varieties of poppy seeds from Turkey were found to be a potential source of valuable oil.<br><br>El contenido en ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles de aceites de varias semillas de adormidera fueron investigadas. Los principales ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla de adormidera fueron el ácido linoleico (687.6-739.2 g kg<sup>-1</sup>), ácido oleico (141.3-192.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>) y ácidos palmítico (76.8- 92.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>). Los aceites contienen una cantidad apreciable de -tocoferol (195.37-280.85 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), con un valor medio de 261.31 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> y α-tocoferol (21.99-45.83 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), con un valor medio de 33.03 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. La concentración total de esteroles varió desde 1099.84 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (K.pembe) a 4816.10 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (2. sınıf beyaz), con un valor medio de 2916.20 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. El principal esterol fue el -sitosterol, que varió desde 663.91 a 3244.39 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; el campesterol, que varió desde 228.59 a 736.50 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; y el Δ<sup>5</sup>-avenasterol, que varió desde 103.90 a 425.02 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Las semillas estudiadas de las diferentes variedades de adormidera de Turquía pueden ser una fuente potencial de aceites con valor añadido