844 research outputs found

    On the accurate long-time solution of the wave equation in exterior domains: Asymptotic expansions and corrected boundary conditions

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    We consider the solution of scattering problems for the wave equation using approximate boundary conditions at artificial boundaries. These conditions are explicitly viewed as approximations to an exact boundary condition satisfied by the solution on the unbounded domain. We study the short and long term behavior of the error. It is provided that, in two space dimensions, no local in time, constant coefficient boundary operator can lead to accurate results uniformly in time for the class of problems we consider. A variable coefficient operator is developed which attains better accuracy (uniformly in time) than is possible with constant coefficient approximations. The theory is illustrated by numerical examples. We also analyze the proposed boundary conditions using energy methods, leading to asymptotically correct error bounds

    Comparative Analysis Of Zebrafish And Planarian Model Systems For Developmental Neurotoxicity Screens Using An 87-Compound Library

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    There is a clear need to establish and validate new methodologies to more quickly and efficiently screen chemicals for potential toxic effects, particularly on development. The emergence of alternative animal systems for rapid toxicology screens presents valuable opportunities to evaluate how systems complement each other. In this article, we compare a chemical library of 87-compounds in two such systems, developing zebrafish and freshwater planarians, by screening for developmental neurotoxic effects. We show that the systems’ toxicological profiles are complementary to each other, with zebrafish yielding more detailed morphological endpoints and planarians more behavioral endpoints. Overall, zebrafish was more sensitive to this chemical library, yielding 86/87 hits, compared to 50/87 hits in planarians. The difference in sensitivity could not be attributed to molecular weight, Log Kow or the bioconcentration factor. Of the 87 chemicals, 28 had previously been evaluated in mammalian developmental neuro- (DNT), neuro- or developmental toxicity studies. Of the 28, 20 were hits in the planarian, and 27 were hits in zebrafish. Eighteen of the 28 had previously been identified as DNT hits in mammals and were highly associated with activity in zebrafish and planarian behavioral assays in this study. Only 1 chemical (out of 28) was a false negative in both zebrafish and planarian systems. Differences in endpoint coverage and system sensitivity illustrate the value of a dual systems approach to rapidly query a large chemical-bioactivity space and provide weight-of-evidence for prioritization of chemicals for further testing

    Poverty Rates of Refugees and Immigrants

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    Hyperboloidal evolution of test fields in three spatial dimensions

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    We present the numerical implementation of a clean solution to the outer boundary and radiation extraction problems within the 3+1 formalism for hyperbolic partial differential equations on a given background. Our approach is based on compactification at null infinity in hyperboloidal scri fixing coordinates. We report numerical tests for the particular example of a scalar wave equation on Minkowski and Schwarzschild backgrounds. We address issues related to the implementation of the hyperboloidal approach for the Einstein equations, such as nonlinear source functions, matching, and evaluation of formally singular terms at null infinity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Multidomain Spectral Method for the Helically Reduced Wave Equation

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    We consider the 2+1 and 3+1 scalar wave equations reduced via a helical Killing field, respectively referred to as the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional helically reduced wave equation (HRWE). The HRWE serves as the fundamental model for the mixed-type PDE arising in the periodic standing wave (PSW) approximation to binary inspiral. We present a method for solving the equation based on domain decomposition and spectral approximation. Beyond describing such a numerical method for solving strictly linear HRWE, we also present results for a nonlinear scalar model of binary inspiral. The PSW approximation has already been theoretically and numerically studied in the context of the post-Minkowskian gravitational field, with numerical simulations carried out via the "eigenspectral method." Despite its name, the eigenspectral technique does feature a finite-difference component, and is lower-order accurate. We intend to apply the numerical method described here to the theoretically well-developed post-Minkowski PSW formalism with the twin goals of spectral accuracy and the coordinate flexibility afforded by global spectral interpolation.Comment: 57 pages, 11 figures, uses elsart.cls. Final version includes revisions based on referee reports and has two extra figure

    Plagiocephaly Perception and Prevention: A Need to Intervene Early to Educate Parents

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    Background: Plagiocephaly is a condition where the cranium has been malformed because of external forces or premature cranial suture fusion. This study’s objective was to gather and examine data regarding parent and caregiver awareness of plagiocephaly and its potential impact on development as well as to determine their rate of concern for positional flattening. Method: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted. Categorical variables were described by frequency and proportions. The study was conducted across eight outpatient pediatric sites. Approximately 1,100 parents and caregivers were targeted. Inclusion criteria required participants to be willing to answer the questionnaire, to be 18 years of age or older, and to have an infant 12 months of age or younger. Results: There were 404 participants, most of whom were female (89.8%) and 30–39 years of age (61.1%). Nineteen children (4.7%) were reported to have plagiocephaly, torticollis, and/or muscle weakness (PTM). A greater percentage of the participants with a child with PTM knew of positional flattening or plagiocephaly (73.3%) compared to those without (53.8%). The respondents with a child with PTM had a greater concern about plagiocephaly than those without (p = .03). Many of the respondents (65.3%) would use a device designed to prevent plagiocephaly. Conclusion: Many parents and caregivers were unaware of plagiocephaly and its potential impact on facial symmetry. A greater percentage of the participants with a child with PTM knew of positional flattening and also had a greater concern about plagiocephaly than those without

    An SMC-like protein binds and regulates Caenorhabditis elegans condensins

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    Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) family proteins participate in multisubunit complexes that govern chromosome structure and dynamics. SMC-containing condensin complexes create chromosome topologies essential for mitosis/meiosis, gene expression, recombination, and repair. Many eukaryotes have two condensin complexes (I and II); C. elegans has three (I, II, and the X-chromosome specialized condensin IDC) and their regulation is poorly understood. Here we identify a novel SMC-like protein, SMCL-1, that binds to C. elegans condensin SMC subunits, and modulates condensin functions. Consistent with a possible role as a negative regulator, loss of SMCL-1 partially rescued the lethal and sterile phenotypes of a hypomorphic condensin mutant, while over-expression of SMCL-1 caused lethality, chromosome mis-segregation, and disruption of condensin IDC localization on X chromosomes. Unlike canonical SMC proteins, SMCL-1 lacks hinge and coil domains, and its ATPase domain lacks conserved amino acids required for ATP hydrolysis, leading to the speculation that it may inhibit condensin ATPase activity. SMCL-1 homologs are apparent only in the subset of Caenorhabditis species in which the condensin I and II subunit SMC-4 duplicated to create the condensin IDC- specific subunit DPY-27, suggesting that SMCL-1 helps this lineage cope with the regulatory challenges imposed by evolution of a third condensin complex. Our findings uncover a new regulator of condensins and highlight how the duplication and divergence of SMC complex components in various lineages has created new proteins with diverse functions in chromosome dynamics

    Mode signature and stability for a Hamiltonian model of electron temperature gradient turbulence

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    Stability properties and mode signature for equilibria of a model of electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence are investigated by Hamiltonian techniques. After deriving the infinite families of Casimir invariants, associated with the noncanonical Poisson bracket of the model, a sufficient condition for stability is obtained by means of the Energy-Casimir method. Mode signature is then investigated for linear motions about homogeneous equilibria. Depending on the sign of the equilibrium "translated" pressure gradient, stable equilibria can either be energy stable, i.e.\ possess definite linearized perturbation energy (Hamiltonian), or spectrally stable with the existence of negative energy modes (NEMs). The ETG instability is then shown to arise through a Kre\u{\i}n-type bifurcation, due to the merging of a positive and a negative energy mode, corresponding to two modified drift waves admitted by the system. The Hamiltonian of the linearized system is then explicitly transformed into normal form, which unambiguously defines mode signature. In particular, the fast mode turns out to always be a positive energy mode (PEM), whereas the energy of the slow mode can have either positive or negative sign
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