662 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat, menuntut semua lini kegiatan manusia untuk dapat mengadopsi, memanfaatkan serta menghasilkan sesuatu yang berguna bagi kehidupannya. Teknologi komputer secara umum telah berkembang seiring dengan ditemukannya beberapa peralatan canggih yang semakin mempermudah upaya manusia dalam menyejahterahkan kehidupannya. Saat ini multimedia memegang peran yang sangat besar dan memasuki hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan. Dari pendidikan, pemerintahan, bisnis, kesehatan, perbankan, telah menggunakan teknologi ini sebagai suatu cara memudahkan para pengguna dalam melakukan berbagai hal. Usaha penjualan dan peternakan ayam, dewasa ini menunjukkan perkembangan yang relatif pesat, terbukti semakin banyaknya pengusaha kelas menengah kebawah muncul di setiap pasar-pasar hewan tradisional maupun pasar kaget. Tetapi proses penjualan masih menggunakan proses manual dan hasil ayam yang sudah dibeli belum tentu mengetahui kuawalitas layak di pelihara. Sedangkan Blankon Farm sendiri adalah Sebuah tempat peternakan dan penjualan khusus ayam hias yang mempunyai standart pada setIap jenis ayam. tetapi sisitem untuk publikasi penjualan masih menggunakan seleberan kertas dan iklan Koran yang dimana masih belum bisa menambah atau memberikan info kepada konsumen secara luas Dilatarbelakangi permasalahan di atas, dalam proyek akhir ini dibangun sebuah aplikasi yang berfungsi sebagai Sistem Penjualan Dan Penawaran Ayam Hias Secara Online Berbasis Frameworrk CodeIgniter. Keyword : Blankon Farm, Ayam Hias, Framework CodeIgniter, Penjualan dan Penawaran Online, PH

    Decadent Sky

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    Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Minyak Sawit Indonesia dan Malaysia di Pasar Internasional

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze dynamics export competitiveness ofIndonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in International market. And to analyze exportperformance of Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in International market. The dataused in the study was time series of 1995 - 2009 obtained from various sourcessuch as FAO, MPOB, BPS, Dirjenbun Deptan, and Oil World. The result of thisresearch are, dynamic export competitiveness of Indonesia's palm oil haveimprovement in exporting market of palm oil in the world, especially in Asian andEurope, except in case of palm oil in some Europe state. Effect of standard growthIndonesia and Malaysia have positive value. Indonesia's palm oil more competitivecompared by Malaysia in Asian, but in Europe, Malaysia's palm oil more competitivecompared by Indonesia. This matter is shown by negative value from effect ofmarket distribution and effect of residual. Competitiveness of Indonesia andMalaysia for palm oil product can be told above average of the world, because theindex RCA more than one. Then, the value of ratio net Export and Total TradeIndonesia and Malaysia also showed a positive value which means that Indonesiaand Malaysia is an exporter of palm oil

    Decadent Sky

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    Output growth is now expected to be less than projected in March, and inflation will be greater. These projections do not assume a strike in the automobile industry. Money growth dropped sharply in the first three months this year, then accelerated rapidly in the subsequent five months. The two quarter annual rates of change of M1, M2, and monetary base (MB) are shown in attached charts and tables. The contraction of monetary growth, for two-quarter periods, in Q1/79 and Q2/79 was as sharp as in any period in the past thirty years. However, the subsequent re-acceleration was equally as sharp. This roller-coaster pattern of monetary growth is similar to that experienced in 1966-67, the time of the first "credit crunch" and "mini-recession"

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Belajar dan Kemandirian dalam Mengerjakan Tugas terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Ekonomi Kelas XI di SMA Semen Padang

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    This study aims to examine 1) the effect of learning activities on studentlearning outcomes in high school economics class XI Semen Padang, 2) Influenceof independence in doing the learning outcomes of students in high schooleconomics class XI Semen Padang, 3) The effect of learning activities andindependence in doing tasks together on learning outcomes of students in highschool economics class XI Semen Padang.When the study was conducted in May 2014. The type of research used inthis study is a descriptive study associative. The population is all students in highschool economics class XI Semen Padang many as 126 people. Samplingtechnique with Simple random sampling with a sample size of 96 people. Dataanalysis techniques of multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 16.0.The results showed that: 1) There is a positive and significant effect oflearning activities on student learning outcomes in high school economics classXI Semen Padang this with tcount>t table (4.955> 1.661). 2) in positive andsignificant impact of independence in doing the learning outcomes of students inhigh school economics class XI Semen Padang this is evidenced by the value oftcount>ttable (7.556> 1.661), there is a positive and significant impact jointlybetween learning activities and independence in the tasks of the learningoutcomes of students in high school economics class XI Semen Padang academicyear 2013/2014 this is evidenced by the Fcount>Ftable (135.599>3.09) and RSquare0.745

    Comparing the effects of different approaches to liberalising world grains markets

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    The success of the current Doha Round of the WTO negotiations on agriculture will require substantial reform in each of the three areas of market access, export subsidies and domestic support. Substantial improvement in market access for agricultural products will be an essential requirement for achieving a successful outcome. However, the extent of improvement in market access resulting from the current negotiations will largely depend on the form and the approach followed to reduce tariffs and expand tariff rate quotas. In this paper different approaches to expanding market access for grains area analysed using a partial equilibrium model. Simulated scenarios include linear reductions in applied tariffs and expansions in tariff rate quotas, which are contrasted with a scenario representing market access proposals of the Cairns Group of countries in the current WTO agricultural negotiations. The effects of these two trade liberalisation scenarios on world prices and trade are analysed and discussed. Results indicate that to achieve a meaningful gain in market access for grains, WTO members must agree to either directly reduce the current applied tariffs or make large percentage reductions to the WTO bound rates, which lead to effective reductions in the current applied rates.Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade,


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    in order to understand recruitment mechanism of the tropical anguillid glass eels in the Poso Estuary, Central Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, a year quantitative sampling field was conducted from May 2008 to April 2009. About 11181 specimens of glass eels were fished using line transects method of two triangular scoop nets through 13 times of new moon and 1761 specimens were preserved for examined in the laboratory. It was found that recruitment of glass eels occurred almost throughout the year of investigation and peak of recruitment occurred in August. Anguilla celebesensis and Anguilla sp. nov 1 were recruited in dry season, A. marmorata recruited in dry and rainy seasons, while A. interioris, A. bicolor pacifica and Anguilla spp. nov 2 recruited only in rainy season. Anguilla celebesensis (69.17%) was the most dominant species recruited in the estuary followed by A marmorata (23.54%), Anguilla spp nov 1 (4.99%), Anguilla spp nov 2 (2.03%), A interioris (0.14%) and A bicolor pacifica (0.04%). The onset of recruitment as well as fluctuation of abundance of the tropical anguillid glass eels into Paso estuary were strongly associated with seasonal and circadian rhythmic as well as tidal and lunar cycles that occurred in the central Indonesian regions


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    Proses anammox menjadi alternatif yang lebih efektif dalam penyisihan nitrogen secara biologi dibandingkan dengan proses biologi lainnya. Proses anammox bergantung pada suhu optimum 30-400C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efesiensi penyisihan nitrogen pada proses anammox menggunakan Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reaktor dengan rentang suhu 21-290C pada skala laboratorium dengan variasi Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 24 jam dan 12 jam. Pengujian penyisihan nitrogen menggunakan metode spektrofotometer UV-Vis untuk analisis ammonium, nitrat, dan nitrit. Penelitian ini menggunakan limbah artifisial dan seeding sludge bakteri anammox dengan genus Candidatus Brocadia berbentuk granular. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran, didapatkan nilai rasio stoikiometri ΔNH4-N:ΔNO2-N dan ΔNO3:ΔNH4 sebesar 1,2 dan 0,21. Kinerja penyisihan nitrogen dengan HRT 24 jam didapatkan nilai Nitrogen Removal Rate (NRR) maksimum 0,113 kg-N/m3.d pada Nitrogen Loading Rate (NLR) 0,14 kg-N/m3.d, dan HRT 12 jam nilai NRR maksimum 0,196 kg-N/m3.d pada NLR 0,29 kg-N/m3.d. Efesiensi penyisihan Ammonium Conversion Efficiency (ACE) dan Nitrogen Removal Efficiency (NRE) maksimum pada HRT 24 jam berturut-turut adalah 82% dan 77%, efesiensi penyisihan ACE dan NRE maksimum pada HRT 12 jam berturut-turut adalah 72% dan 68%. Penelitian membuktikan bahwa proses anammox dapat diterapkan di daerah dengan rentang suhu 21-290C pada skala laboratorium menggunakan UASB reaktor. Kata Kunci: Anammox, UASB reaktor, limbah artifisial, efesiensi penyisihan nitrogen, variasi HRT

    Peran ASEAN dan PBB dalam Mendorong Proses Demokratisasi di Myanmar Pasca Kudeta Militer 2021

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    It cannot be denied that democracy is one of the important issues in international relations. To assist countries that experience difficulties in implementing democratic principles in their countries, such as Myanmar, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations (UN) as international organizations that are pro-democracy, have a responsibility to oversee the success of the process democratization, especially after the military coup that occurred on February 1, 2022. Data collection was carried out through a literature review of previous works as well as various official sources including statements, declarations and resolutions issued by ASEAN and the United Nations. From the results of this study it can be seen what efforts have been made by ASEAN and the United Nations in encouraging the communication process in Myanmar. Apart from that, this research also describes the differences and agreements in terms of the strategies used by these two international organizations in practice in the field. The author will also try to provide his personal views in this paper regarding which organizational approach is more effective in suppressing the Myanmar military junta regime


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    Abstract: There are some materials in reading comprehension, such as the types of the text and kinds of the reading test. Teacher may be difficult to teach reading comprehension and handle around thirty five students in the classroom. Furthermore, the implementation of the new 2013 curriculum suggests students to be active in the whole process of learning; however, there are only few students who really concern about the materials, and some remain passive during the whole process of learning. Because of the students’ passiveness, the technique may persuade the students active and enjoy the materials, such as Jigsaw, Numbered Heads Together (NHT), and Team Group Tournamnet. The technique which may influence the student to concern to the whole process of learning is Numbered Heads togetehertechnique. Group work offers full of active insights into the concerning materials. Moreover, the research about NHThad been done, and the finding showed t observedis 2, and t table is 1.69. The score of t t was from the table of t distribution percentile score with df = 0.05 (= probability 0.95), and n = n-1 = 35-1 = 34. From the calculation above to >t t , H0was rejected, and on the contrary Hi was accepted. The finding has shown that the use of Numbered Heads Togetherwas effective in teaching reading comprehension. Keywords:Numbered Head Together technique, reading comprehension, Juniour High Schoo
