62 research outputs found

    Millennial soil retention of terrestrial organic matter deposited in the Bengal Fan

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    The abundance of organic carbon (OC) in vegetation and soils (similar to 2,600 PgC) compared to carbon in the atmosphere (similar to 830 PgC) highlights the importance of terrestrial OC in global carbon budgets. The residence time of OC in continental reservoirs, which sets the rates of carbon exchange between land and atmosphere, represents a key uncertainty in global carbon cycle dynamics. Retention of terrestrial OC can also distort bulk OC- and biomarker-based paleorecords, yet continental storage timescales remain poorly quantified. Using bomb radiocarbon (C-14) from thermonuclear weapons testing as a tracer, we model leaf-wax fatty acid and bulk OC C-14 signatures in a river-proximal marine sediment core from the Bay of Bengal in order to constrain OC storage timescales within the Ganges-Brahmaputra (G-B) watershed. Our model shows that 79-83% of the leaf-waxes in this core were stored in continental reservoirs for an average of 1,000-1,200 calendar years, while the remainder was stored for an average of 15 years. This age structure distorts high-resolution organic paleorecords across geologically rapid events, highlighting that compound-specific proxy approaches must consider storage timescales. Furthermore, these results show that future environmental change could destabilize large stores of old - yet reactive - OC currently stored in tropical basins

    Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis by Elemental Analyzer–Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Precision and Limitations

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    [EN]We examine instrumental and methodological capabilities for microscale (10−50μg of C) radiocarbon analysisof individual compounds in the context of paleoclimate and paleoceanography applications, for which relatively high-precisionmeasurements are required. An extensive suite of data for14C-free and modern reference materials processed using differentmethods and acquired using an elemental-analyzer−accelerator-mass-spectrometry (EA-AMS) instrumental setup at ETHZurich was compiled to assess the reproducibility of specific isolation procedures. In order to determine the precision, accuracy,and reproducibility of measurements on processed compounds, we explore the results of both reference materials and threeclasses of compounds (fatty acids, alkenones, and amino acids) extracted from sediment samples. We utilize a MATLAB codedeveloped to systematically evaluate constant-contamination-model parameters, which in turn can be applied to measurementsof unknown process samples. This approach is computationally reliable and can be used for any blank assessment of small-sizeradiocarbon samples. Our results show that a conservative lower estimate of the sample sizes required to produce relativelyhigh-precision14C data (i.e., with acceptable errors of 0.5, a precision of 2% can be achieved for alkenone and fatty acid samples containing≥15 and 10μg of C, respectivel

    An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers

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    Permafrost thaw in Arctic watersheds threatens to mobilize hitherto sequestered carbon. We examine the radiocarbon activity (F14C) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the northern Mackenzie River basin. From 2003‐2017, DOC‐F14C signatures (1.00 ± 0.04; n = 39) tracked atmospheric 14CO2, indicating export of “modern” carbon. This trend was interrupted in June 2018 by the widespread release of aged DOC (0.85 ± 0.16, n = 28) measured across three separate catchment areas. Increased nitrate concentrations in June 2018 lead us to attribute this pulse of 14C‐depleted DOC to mobilization of previously frozen soil organic matter. We propose export through lateral perennial thaw zones occurred at the base of the active layer weakened by preceding warm summer and winter seasons. Although we are not yet able to ascertain the broader significance of this “anomalous” mobilization event, it highlights the potential for rapid and large‐scale release of aged carbon from permafrost

    Environmental and hydrologic controls on sediment and organic carbon export from a subalpine catchment: insights from a time series

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    Studies engaging in tracking headwater carbon signatures downstream remain sparse, despite their importance for constraining transfer and transformation pathways of organic carbon (OC) and developing regional-scale perspectives on mechanisms influencing the balance between remineralization and carbon export. Based on a 40-month time series, we investigate the dependence of hydrology and seasonality on the discharge of sediment and OC in a small (350 km2) Swiss subalpine watershed (Sihl River basin). We analyze concentrations and isotopic compositions (δ13C, F14C) of particulate OC and use dual-isotope mixing and machine learning frameworks to characterize and estimate source contributions, transport pathways, and export fluxes. The majority of transferred OC is sourced from plant biomass and soil material. The relative amount of bedrock-derived (petrogenic) OC, abundant in headwater streams, progressively decreases downstream in response to a lack of source material and efficient overprinting with biospheric OC, illustrating rapid organic matter alteration over short distances. Large variations in OC isotopic compositions observed during baseflow conditions converge and form a homogenous mixture enriched in OC and characterized by higher POC-F14C values following precipitation-driven events. Particulate OC isotopic data and model results suggest that storms facilitate surface runoff and the inundation of riparian zones, resulting in the entrainment of loose plant-derived debris and surficial soil material. Although particle transport in the Sihl River basin is mainly driven by hydrology, subtle changes in bedrock erosivity, slope angle, and floodplain extent likely have profound effects on the POC composition, age, and export yields.</p

    Surprising concentrations of hydrogen and non-geological methane and carbon dioxide in the soil.

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    Due to its potential use as a carbon-free energy resource with minimal environmental and climate impacts, natural hydrogen (H2) produced by subsurface geochemical processes is today the target of intensive research. In H2 exploration practices, bacteria are thought to swiftly consume H2 and, therefore, small near-surface concentrations of H2, even orders of 102 ppmv in soils, are considered a signal of active migration of geological gas, potentially revealing underground resources. Here, we document an extraordinary case of a widespread occurrence of H2 (up to 1 vol%), together with elevated concentrations of CH4 and CO2 (up to 51 and 27 vol%, respectively), in aerated meadow soils along Italian Alps valleys. Based on current literature, this finding would be classified as a discovery of pervasive and massive geological H2 seepage. Nevertheless, an ensemble of gas geochemical and soil microbiological analyses, including bulk and clumped CH4 isotopes, radiocarbon of CH4 and CO2, and DNA and mcrA gene quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses, revealed that H2 was only coupled to modern microbial gas. The H2-CO2-CH4-H2S association, wet soil proximity, and the absence of other geogenic gases in soils and springs suggest that H2 derives from near-surface fermentation, rather than geological degassing. H2 concentrations up to 1 vol% in soils are not conclusive evidence of deep gas seepage. This study provides a new reference for the potential of microbial H2, CH4 and CO2 in soils, to be considered in H2 exploration guidelines and soil carbon and greenhouse-gas cycle research

    Abrupt intrinsic and extrinsic responses of southwestern Iberian vegetation to millennial-scale variability over the past 28 ka

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    We present new high-resolution pollen records combined with palaeoceanographic proxies from the same samples in deep-sea cores SHAK06-5K and MD01-2444 on the southwestern Iberian Margin, documenting regional vegetation responses to orbital and millennial-scale climate changes over the last 28 ka. The chronology of these records is based on high-resolution radiocarbon dates of monospecific samples of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides, measured from SHAK06-5K and MD01-2444 and aligned using an automated stratigraphical alignment method. Changes in temperate and steppe vegetation during Marine Isotope Stage 2 are closely coupled with sea surface temperature (SST) and global ice-volume changes. The peak expansion of thermophilous woodland between ~10.1 and 8.4 cal ka bp lags behind the boreal summer insolation maximum by ~2 ka, possibly arising from residual high-latitude ice-sheets into the Holocene. Rapid changes in pollen percentages are coeval with abrupt transitions in SSTs, precipitation and winter temperature at the onset and end of Heinrich Stadial 2, the ice-rafted debris event and end of Heinrich Stadial 1, and the onset of the Younger Dryas, suggesting extrinsically forced southwestern Iberian ecosystem changes by abrupt North Atlantic climate events. In contrast, the abrupt decline in thermophilous elements at ~7.8 cal ka bp indicates an intrinsically mediated abrupt vegetation response to the gradually declining boreal insolation, potentially resulting from the crossing of a seasonality of precipitation threshold

    Temperature and moisture are minor drivers of regional-scale soil organic carbon dynamics

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    Storing large amounts of organic carbon, soils are a key but uncertain component of the global carbon cycle, and accordingly, of Earth System Models (ESMs). Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are regulated by a complex interplay of drivers. Climate, generally represented by temperature and moisture, is regarded as one of the fundamental controls. Here, we use 54 forest sites in Switzerland, systematically selected to span near-independent gradients in temperature and moisture, to disentangle the effects of climate, soil properties, and landform on SOC dynamics. We estimated two SOC turnover times, based on bulk soil 14C measurements (τ14C) and on a 6-month laboratory soil incubation (τi). In addition, upon incubation, we measured the 14C signature of the CO2 evolved and quantified the cumulated production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Our results demonstrate that τi and τ14C capture the dynamics of contrasting fractions of the SOC continuum. The 14C-based τ14C primarily reflects the dynamics of an older, stabilised pool, whereas the incubation-based τi mainly captures fresh readily available SOC. Mean site temperature did not raise as a critical driver of SOC dynamics, and site moisture was only significant for τi. However, soil pH emerged as a key control of both turnover times. The production of DOC was independent of τi and not driven by climate, but primarily by the content of clay and, secondarily by the slope of the site. At the regional scale, soil physicochemical properties and landform appear to override the effect of climate on SOC dynamics

    Eastern Mediterranean water outflow during the Younger Dryas was twice that of the present day

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    Eastern Mediterranean deep-intermediate convection was highly sensitive to varying inputs of fresh water fluxes associated with increased rainfall during the African Humid period (15-6 kyr Before Present). Here we investigate changes in the water-outflow from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea since the last deglaciation using neodymium isotope ratios. Our results indicate enhanced outflow during the Younger Dryas, two times higher than present-day outflow and about three times higher than during the last Sapropel. We propose that the increased outflow into the western Mediterranean over the Younger Dryas was the result of the combined effect of 1) enhanced climate-driven convection in the Aegean Sea and 2) reduced convection of western deep water during this period. Our results provide solid evidence for an enhanced Younger Dryas westward flow of Eastern Mediterranean sourced waters in consonance with an intensification of Mediterranean water-outflow during a weakened state of the Atlantic circulatio

    Seasonal particulate organic carbon dynamics of the Kolyma River tributaries, Siberia

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    Arctic warming is causing permafrost thaw and release of organic carbon (OC) to fluvial systems. Permafrost-derived OC can be transported downstream and degraded into greenhouse gases that may enhance climate warming. Susceptibility of OC to decomposition depends largely upon its source and composition, which vary throughout the seasonally distinct hydrograph. Most studies on carbon dynamics to date have focused on larger Arctic rivers, yet little is known about carbon cycling in lower-order rivers and streams. Here, we characterize the composition and sources of OC, focusing on less studied particulate OC (POC), in smaller waterways within the Kolyma River watershed. Additionally, we examine how watershed characteristics control carbon concentrations. In lower-order systems, we find rapid initiation of primary production in response to warm water temperatures during spring freshet, shown by decreasing δ13C-POC, in contrast to larger rivers. This results in CO2 uptake by primary producers and microbial degradation of mainly autochthonous OC. However, if terrestrially derived inorganic carbon is assimilated by primary producers, part of it is returned via CO2 emissions if the autochthonous OC pool is simultaneously degraded. As Arctic warming and hydrologic changes may increase OC transfer from smaller waterways to larger river networks, understanding carbon dynamics in smaller waterways is crucial.</p

    Fluvial organic carbon composition regulated by seasonal variability in lowland river migration and water discharge

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    Identifying drivers of seasonal variations in fluvial particulate organic carbon (POC) composition can aid sediment provenance and biogeochemical cycling studies. We evaluate seasonal changes in POC composition in the Río Bermejo, Argentina, a lowland river running ∼1,270 km without tributaries. Weekly POC concentration and isotopic composition from 2016 to 2018 show that during the wet season, increased lateral channel migration generates an influx of 13C-enriched and 14C-enriched floodplain-sourced material, overprinting the 13C-depleted and 14C-depleted headwater signature that is observed during the dry season. These findings demonstrate how channel morphodynamics can drive variability of POC composition in lowland rivers, and may modulate the composition of POC preserved in sedimentary archives