336 research outputs found

    GPS analysis of a team competing in a national under 18 field hockey tournament

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    The purpose of this study was to utilise global-positioning system (GPS) technology to quantify the running demands of national under 18 field hockey players competing in a regional field hockey tournament. Ten male field hockey players (mean ± SD; age 17.2 ± 0.4 years; stature 178.1 ± 5.2 cm; body mass 78.8 ± 8.8 kg) playing in different positional groups as strikers, midfielders and defenders wore GPS units while competing in six matches over seven days at an under 18 national field hockey tournament. GPS enabled the measurement of total distance (TD), low-speed activity (LSA; 0 -14.9 km/hr), and high-speed running (HSR; ≥ 15 km/hr) distances in addition to distances over five velocity bands (≤ 5.9km.h-1; 6 – 10km.h-1; 10.1 – 14.9km.h-1; 15 – 24.6km.h-1; and ≥ 24.7km.h-1). Midfielders covered significantly higher TD and the highest LSA when compared to other positional groups. Strikers covered significantly higher HSR and the lowest LSA out of all positional groups. These results suggest that these playing positions are sufficiently different to warrant specialised position-specific conditioning training leading into a field hockey tournament. Therefore, training schedules, substitutions and intra-match recovery should be tailored by position, taking into account the needs of the individual players

    The Judicial Disciplinary Procedures of the New Zealand Rugby Football Union

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    This article examines the model established by the New Zealand Rugby Football Union Inc (NZRFU) to deal with acts of violence on the rugby field. The interface between sport and the law becomes relevant when society perceives sportsfield violence as going beyond acceptable boundaries. Identifying where these boundaries lie is problematic given the traditional reluctance of both sports administrators and the courts to invoke criminal sanctions for violence in sport. Part II examines violence in rugby, the limits to the consent defence, New Zealand case law on rugby violence and the likelihood of increased court action. It looks at the debate surrounding the appropriateness of internal disciplinary tribunals for sportsfield violence, and explores the criteria sports organisations must meet to avoid criminal prosecution of their players or judicial review of their internal disciplinary decisions. Part III outlines the establishment of NZRFU procedures to deal with violence in rugby and how they operate at local, national and international levels. In Part IV, the main features of the NZRFU's judicial disciplinary procedures are reviewed. It concludes that the NZRFU has created an effective and fair set of disciplinary rules to deal with violence in rugby, which has been extended to international competitions. However, there are some problems in its application. It will be suggested that changes could be made to the NZRFU's internal disciplinary procedures to improve consistency and independence and ultimately demonstrate to the rugby community, the courts and the public that violence in rugby is decreasing


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pentingnya pemberlakuan Hukum Humaniter Internasional (HHI) bagi perlindungan masyarakat sipil sebagai non-kombatan di Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi menarik untuk diteliti dikarenakan the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) merupakan pihak yang bertugas untuk melakukan penyebaran informasi mengenai HHI. Hal menarik lainnya adalah dimana ICRC dengan principle of voluntary service yang dimilikinya, tetap melakukan aksi sosialisasi walaupun Indonesia belum melakukan ratifikasi terhadap Protokol Tambahan Konvensi Jenewa 1977. Fokus penelitian ini adalah kegiatan sosialisasi HHI yang dilakukan ICRC dalam rentang waktu tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2015 di Indonesia terhadap pihak TNI, POLRI, pekerja media, dan kalangan akademis. Berdasarkan teori human security, disebutkan bahwa untuk mencapai human security diperlukan kerjasama yang baik antara negara, organisasi internasional, dan sektor-sektor pembangunan yang ada dalam negara tersebut. Dalam teori komunitas epistemik juga disebutkan bahwa negara membutuhkan kehadiran aktor lain dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya serta pembuatan keputusan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dekskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang dijadikan sebagai acuan referensi dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini adalah teori human security berdasarkan pengertian yang dimuat dalam Human Development Report 1994 oleh United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security dan teori komunitas epistemik yang dikemukakan oleh Peter Haas. Data yang digunakan berupa hasil wawancara dan undang-undang sebagai data primer, sedangkan buku, artikel jurnal, dan berita, digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan library research. Teknik analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik reduksi data merujuk kepada Miles dan Huberman. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah ICRC membantu Indonesia dalam melakukan sosialisasi terhadap hukum humaniter internasional. Selain itu, ICRC sebagai komunitas epistemik bekerjasama dengan TNI, POLRI, kalangan akademis, dan pekerja media juga merupakan bentuk dari usaha mewujudkkan keberlangsungan human security

    Using Global Positioning System Analysis to Quantify the movement characteristics of sub elite rugby union players in training and Match Performance

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    Rugby Union (RU) involves various movement patterns (MP) which includes walking, jogging and sprinting. Substantial physiological differences exist between backs and forwards. The diversity of physiological requirements of each positional group results in a range of physiological stress experienced by players. Game demands and training loads needs to be quantified to maximize the physiological benefits of training an improve performance

    But names will never hurt me: Extending hate speech legislation to protect gender and sexual minorities in New Zealand

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    Hate speech legislation involves a fundamental conflict with the right to freedom of expression. However, it is a conflict that can be justified in a constitutional framework in which free speech is not paramount and can be balanced against other rights and freedoms. This paper discusses the concept of “hate speech” legislation, the conflict between freedom of expression and hate speech censorship, and ways in which these seemingly-incompatible concepts might be harmonised. It considers, drawing on legislation and case law from other jurisdictions, and in light of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013, the possibility of extending such legislation to protect gender and sexual minorities in New Zealand, and suggests a potential framework for such legislative change. Any provision concerning hate speech must avoid overreaching into the realm of free expression. As a result, ‘hate speech’ should be clearly defined and narrowly focussed in scope, as words or matter which “exposes or tends to expose to hatred or contempt” the minority group at which the protection is aimed. In New Zealand’s constitutional/rights framework, this limitation on freedom of expression can be justified as reasonable and appropriate. While hate speech legislation does create a conflict with freedom of expression, to protect hate speech at the risk of perpetuating harm, discrimination, marginalisation and silencing is not appropriate. It sends the message that the voice of hate speakers is worth more than that of minorities, and undervalues the dignity and social assurance of those minority groups as valued members of society

    Naval History by Conspiracy Theory: The British Admiralty before the First World War and the Methodology of Revisionism

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    Revisionist interpretations of British naval policy in the Fisher era claim that an elaborate smoke screen was created to hide the Royal Navy’s real policies; while documents showing the true goals were systematically destroyed. By asserting this, revisionists are able to dismiss those parts of the documentary record that contradict their theories, while simultaneously excusing the lack of evidence for their theories by claiming it has been destroyed. This article shows that this methodology is misleading and untenable

    La prueba de ADN y el derecho de acceso a la justicia en el proceso de filiación extramatrimonial, Carabayllo – 2021

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    La prueba de ADN garantiza el Derecho de Acceso a la Justicia en el Proceso de Filiación Extramatrimonial; en ese contexto es que se plantea el objetivo general de: Analizar de qué manera la Prueba de ADN garantizó el Derecho de Acceso a la Justicia en el Proceso de Filiación Extramatrimonial, Carabayllo -2021. En lo que respecta a la metodología del presente estudio, se tienen los métodos: hermenéutico, inductivo y descriptivo; enfoque cualitativo; tipo de investigación básica; diseño de teoría fundamentada; nivel descriptivo. Nuestro escenario de estudio fue el distrito de Carabayllo; los participantes fueron: abogados especialistas. Las técnicas empleadas fueron la entrevista y el análisis de documentos; los instrumentos fueron la guía de entrevista y la guía de análisis documental. Por último, como resultado y conclusión se tuvo que, la Prueba de ADN garantizó el Derecho de Acceso a la Justicia en el Proceso de Filiación Extramatrimonial; siempre que en los casos que se demuestre que la parte emplazada no cuenta con los medios económicos para solventar el gasto de esta, el Estado lo asuma

    Utilizing the Total Design Method in medicine: maximizing response rates in long, non-incentivized, personal questionnaire postal surveys

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    Introduction: Maximizing response rates in questionnaires can improve their validity and quality by reducing non-response bias. A comprehensive analysis is essential for producing reasonable conclusions in patient-reported outcome research particularly for topics of a sensitive nature. This often makes long (≥7 pages) questionnaires necessary but these have been shown to reduce response rates in mail surveys. Our work adapted the “Total Design Method,” initially produced for commercial markets, to raise response rates in a long (total: 11 pages, 116 questions), non-incentivized, very personal postal survey sent to almost 350 women. Patients and methods: A total of 346 women who had undergone mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction from 2008–2014 (inclusive) at Addenbrooke’s University Hospital were sent our study pack (Breast-Q satisfaction questionnaire and support documents) using our modified “Total Design Method.” Participants were sent packs and reminders according to our designed schedule. Results: Of the 346 participants, we received 258 responses, an overall response rate of 74.5% with a useable response rate of 72.3%. One hundred and six responses were received before the week 1 reminder (30.6%), 120 before week 3 (34.6%), 225 before the week 7 reminder (64.6%) and the remainder within 3 weeks of the final pack being sent. The median age of patients that the survey was sent to, and the median age of the respondents, was 54 years. Conclusion: In this study, we have demonstrated the successful implementation of a novel approach to postal surveys. Despite the length of the questionnaire (nine pages, 116 questions) and limitations of expenses to mail a survey to ~350 women, we were able to attain a response rate of 74.6%