396 research outputs found

    Spaceways: Airspace in Outer Space

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    Forecasted future demand in space travel is driving the need for the development of space traffic management. Currently, orbital space traffic is mostly unregulated with internationally agreed upon best practices and self-interest driving space operators to avoid collisions with other spacecraft. This paper explores the future of space travel by presenting a concept of creating “airspace in space” or spaceways to manage the ever growing volumes of space traffic. Spaceways are analogous to airspace for aircraft with the goal of increasing levels of safety and reducing probabilities of collision. These goals can be achieved by creating traffic rules, defining valuable orbits and minimum capabilities for spacecraft to be flying in the defined valuable orbits. The paper will discuss the creation and evolution of airspace for aircraft, provide an explanation for the need of spaceways and discuss a specific concept for defined spaceways in outer space, including some of the disadvantages for creating spaceways. Additionally, airspace is more than managing the flow of air traffic but also a means of nation-states defining the boundaries of their sovereignty. The current legal framework regarding sovereignty in space, arguments for and against a delimitation line between airspace and outer space and the need for international cooperation to define the spaceways will also be discussed. Lastly, further inquiry into liability implications due to the definition of spaceways and potential organizations to create and control the spaceways will be discussed. Keywords: Space Traffic Management, STM, Spaceways, Airspace, Orbital, Debris, Space Law, Liabilit

    Sub-orbital Spaceflight – An addition to our multi-modal transportation system

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    The number of commercial spaceflights will be increasing by orders of magnitude over the next several decades. The current volume of space traffic can be managed on a case-by-case basis and there is little impact to the National Airspace System (NAS). This will change as more spaceports become operational, commercial sub-orbital flight companies begin serving their customers and as the cost of these flights begin to decrease. Current regulatory paths seek to allow the flexibility in the regulations for this industry to flourish while also maintaining a high standard of safety. There are, however, many nearsighted and old fashioned assumptions when considering these regulations. This paper presents a vision of the future where we add another mode of transportation in our already multi-modal transportation system. Further, this paper presents a case for integrating airports and spaceports, including large hub airports. Included in this vision of integrated airport and spaceport operations will be a discussion on the shortcomings in planned regulatory paths and aspects of commercial space that need to be addressed so the old fashioned methods of regulating spaceflight can be rejected

    Navigating the Skies: An Exploration of Stakeholder Perspectives on Rules for Orbital Traffic Coordination using Grounded Theory and Case Study Research Methodologies

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    This dissertation explored standards, rules, or regulations ( rules ) of orbital traffic coordination to reduce the risk of collisions in space between active space objects. The research questions explored topics associated with areas for potential implementation of rules include maneuvering capabilities, liability and insurance, zoning, right-of-way, and tracking of objects in space. The researcher utilized an exploratory qualitative research method because of the developing field of study and a growing domain for potential regulation. The research design is a mixture of a case study for bounding and structuring the data collection and grounded theory for a rigorous and well-defined analysis approach. The primary data source is semi-structured interviews used to explore the perspectives of three stakeholder groups with a vested interest in space traffic management. The three groups are space industry, space insurance industry, and space law and policy experts. Amongst the three groups, 19 interviews were conducted. The data were analyzed to summarize and compare the different perspectives of each group and across the groups. From the summarized perspectives, the intent was to recommend a set of rules, but participants offered few specific rules. Instead, the dissertation’s results present shared considerations across the six research questions to provide the current state of thinking across the community. Results from this dissertation will provide valuable insight to policymakers beyond feedback generally received during comment periods associated with federal rulemaking. National space traffic management legal frameworks need to harmonize globally to optimize space transportation operations and practices. This dissertation contributes to a larger global effort to standardize and solidify rules defining interactions between space operators by capturing the perspectives of experts primarily in and concerning the United States

    Assessment of MISR and MODIS cloud top heights through inter-comparison with a back-scattering lidar at SIRTA

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    One year of back-scattering lidar cloud boundaries and optical depth were analysed for coincident inter-comparison with the latest processed versions of the NASA-TERRA MISR stereo and MODIS CO2-slicing operational cloud top heights. Optically thin clouds were found to be accurately characterised by the MISR cloud top height product as long as no other cloud was present at lower altitude. MODIS cloud top heights were generally found within the cloud extent retrieved by lidar; agreement improved as cloud optical depth increased and when CO2-slicing was the only technique used for the retrieval. The difference between Lidar and MISR cloud top heights was found to lie between −0.1 and 0.4 km for low clouds and between 0.1 and 3.1 km for high clouds. The difference between Lidar and MODIS cloud top heights was found to lie between −1.2 and 1.5 km for low clouds and between −1.4 and 2.7 km for high clouds

    Classification of ice crystal shapes in midlatitude ice clouds from three years of lidar observations over the SIRTA observatory

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    This paper presents a study of ice crystal shapes in midlatitude ice clouds inferred from a technique based on the comparison of ray-tracing simulations with lidar depolarization ratio measured at 532 nm. This technique is applied to three years of lidar depolarization ratio observations from the SIRTA (Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique) observatory in Palaiseau, France, amounting to 322 different days of ice cloud observations. Particles in clouds are classified in three major groups : plates, columns, and irregular shapes with aspect ratios close to unity. Retrieved shapes are correlated with radiosounding observations from a close-by meteorological station: temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction

    All Sky Camera for the CTA Atmospheric Calibration work package

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    The All Sky Camera (ASC) is a passive non-invasive imaging system for rapid night sky atmosphere monitoring. By design, the operation of the ASC will not affect the measurement procedure of the CTA observatory, for which we discuss its application in this report. The data collected should enable improved productivity and increased measurement time for the CTA observatory. The goal of ASC is to identify cloud position, atmosphere attenuation and time evolution of the sky condition, working within the CTA Central Calibration Facilities (CCF) group. Clouds and atmosphere monitoring may allow near-future prediction of the night-sky quality, helping scheduling. Also, in the case of partly cloudy night sky the cameras will identify the uncovered regions of the sky during the operation time, and define potential observable sources that can be measured. By doing so, a higher productivity of the CTA observatory measurements may be possible

    Improved Thin Cirrus and Terminator Cloud Detection in CERES Cloud Mask

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    Thin cirrus clouds account for about 20-30% of the total cloud coverage and affect the global radiation budget by increasing the Earth's albedo and reducing infrared emissions. Thin cirrus, however, are often underestimated by traditional satellite cloud detection algorithms. This difficulty is caused by the lack of spectral contrast between optically thin cirrus and the surface in techniques that use visible (0.65 micron ) and infrared (11 micron ) channels. In the Clouds and the Earth s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Aqua Edition 1 (AEd1) and Terra Edition 3 (TEd3) Cloud Masks, thin cirrus detection is significantly improved over both land and ocean using a technique that combines MODIS high-resolution measurements from the 1.38 and 11 micron channels and brightness temperature differences (BTDs) of 11-12, 8.5-11, and 3.7-11 micron channels. To account for humidity and view angle dependencies, empirical relationships were derived with observations from the 1.38 micron reflectance and the 11-12 and 8.5-11 micron BTDs using 70 granules of MODIS data in 2002 and 2003. Another challenge in global cloud detection algorithms occurs near the day/night terminator where information from the visible 0.65 micron channel and the estimated solar component of 3.7 micron channel becomes less reliable. As a result, clouds are often underestimated or misidentified near the terminator over land and ocean. Comparisons between the CLAVR-x (Clouds from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer [AVHRR]) cloud coverage and Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) measurements north of 60 N indicate significant amounts of missing clouds from CLAVR-x because this part of the world was near the day/night terminator viewed by AVHRR. Comparisons between MODIS cloud products (MOD06) and GLAS in the same region also show similar difficulties with MODIS cloud retrievals. The consistent detection of clouds through out the day is needed to provide reliable cloud and radiation products for CERES and other research efforts involving the modeling of clouds and their interaction with the radiation budget

    Experimental and Numerical Study of the Influence of String Mismatch on the Yield of PV Modules Augmented By Static Planar Reflectors

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    International audiencePhotovoltaic (PV) modules are generally installed by the application of empirical rules aimed at reducing shadows during the periods of high solar irradiation. A traditional installation on a horizontal surface results in largely spaced rows of modules with a relatively low tilt angle. The addition of inter-row reflectors results in more direct and diffuse flux transmitted to the cells. The " Aleph " (Amélioration de l'Efficacité Photovoltašque) project aims to define clear rules for optimal settings of systems of PV module rows with fixed inter-row planar reflectors in a given location and under a given climate. Two PV technologies are tested for performance with this type of system: amorphous silicon (a-Si) and polycrystalline silicon (p-Si). This work combines experiments on panel behavior in an outdoor environment on the SIRTA (Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique) meteorology platform and a multiphysics numerical model used to couple all the important physical phenomena and accurately describe the system behavior. The model includes a ray tracing radiation/optics module based on the Monte-Carlo method, as well as an electrical module simulated in SPICE. This work presents the influence of the string mismatch losses, present at periods of heterogeneous illumination, on the yield of PV modules augmented by static planar reflectors

    Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds and Multiple Tropopauses from a 2002-2006 Climatology over the SIRTA Observatory

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    This study present a comparison of lidar observations of midlatitude cirrus clouds over the SIRTA observatory between 2002 and 2006 with multiple tropopauses (MT) retrieved from radiosounding temperature profiles. The temporal variability of MT properties (frequency, thickness) are discussed. Results show a marked annual cycle, with MT frequency reaching its lowest point in May (~18% occurrence of MT) and slowly rising to more than 40% in DJF. The average thickness of the MT also follows an annual cycle, going from less than 1 km in spring to 1.5 km in late autumn. Comparison with lidar observations show that cirrus clouds show a preference for being located close below the 1st tropopause. When the cloud top is above the 1st tropopause (7% of observations), in 20% of cases the cloud base is above it as well, resulting in a cirrus cloud "sandwiched" between the two tropopauses. Compared to the general distribution of cirrus, cross-tropopause cirrus show a higher frequency of large optical depths, while inter-tropopause cirrus show almost exclusively low optical depths (Tau < 0.03 in 90% of cases) typical of subvisible clouds. Results suggest the occurrence of inter-tropopause cirrus clouds is correlated with the frequency of multiple tropopauses
