32 research outputs found

    Clinical and diagnostic assessment of Goodsall`s rule in anorectal fistulas

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    The exact identification of the internal opening in the surgical treatment of anorectal fistulae is of basic importance for their radical treatment. The rule of Goodsall enables identification of the internal opening. 184 patients with anorectal fistulae have been studied (145 male è 39 female). According to the type of the fistulae patients were distributed as follows: 86(46.74%) with transsphincteric, 57(30.98%) with extrasphincteric and 41(22.28%) with intrasphincteric. Most of them 126(68.48%) have had posterior external opening, while 58(31.52%) had anterior external opening. The internal opening has been identified in 169(91.85%) cases. The Goodsall`s rule was observed in 131(77.51%) Exception of this rule was registered in 38 patients - 20 cases with transsphincteric fistulae, 12 with extrasphincteric, 5 with re current fistulae and 1 with intersphincteric. 87.30%(110/126) of the posterior anorectal fistulae fulfilled the rule of Goodsall, while the anterior ones this rule was observed in 33/58(56.90%). From the cases with intersphincteric fistulae in 97.56 % there is match with the rule of Goodsall. The Goodsall`s rule predicts the position of the internal opening, according to the localization of the external opening. Exceptions of this rule were in the anterior fistulae and lying more than 3 cm from the anus /sensitivity of 56.90 %/. The Goodsall`s rule demonstrates highest informativity in posterior fistulae/sensitivity was 87.30 %/

    Current problems on operative strategy for complicated colon diverticular disease

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    Perforation of complicated diverticular disease of the colon with generalized peritonitis is common life-threatening emergency requiring surgical intervention. Although the absolute prevalence of perforated diverticulitis complicated by generalized peritonitis is low, its importance lies in the signifcant postoperative mortality, ranging from 4-26%, regardless of selected surgical strategy. The optimal treatment for perforated diverticulitis has been always a matter of debate, changing the ‘‘gold standard`` several times in the last decades. Primary resection has become the standard practice, but fear of anastomotic leakage of ten deterred many surgeons from performing primary anastomosis. Therefore, for many surgeons Hartmann`s procedure has remained the favored option. We share our 10 years de part mental experience in complicated diverticular disease of the colon studying 146 cases with diverticular disease treated in our clinic between 2000-2010. The indications for operation were diverticulitis complications - perforation, obstructiuon and bleeding, demonstrated on clinically by generalized peritonitis - 21, acute obstruction - 4 and rectorrhagia - 2. Operation was performed in 29 patients in urgent setting. Primary resection with anastomosis was done in 12 patients (41.38%). Manual anastomoses were performed in 4 cases, while mechanical anastomoses with staplers were accomplished in 8 cases. In 6/50%/ of the latter we used our standardized technique for linear stapler latero-lateral/functional end-to-end anastomosis, formerly implemented by as for colonic cancer resections and anastomoses. We had have 2 /6.9%/ anastomosis dehiscenses. Hartmann`s procedure was per formed in 17 patients (58.62%).We did not have any complications or death with standardized stapler resections and anastomoses. Hospital operative mortality was 13.79% /4 cases/. We advocate the primary anastomosis as the standard procedure, especially for older patients. Using a standardized technique with linear stapler for primary colon resection and anastomosis in complicated diverticular disease we favor the patient`s outcome with safety, efficiency and effectiveness

    Elastic seton procedure for surgical treatment of anorectal fistulas

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    The anorectal fistula is a disease requiring careful assessment of the local signs and precise localization of the fistula channel. The Seton procedure for treatment of the fistula-in-ano we apply only for the management of trans- or extrasphincteric anorectal fistula. 152 patients with high trans- or extrasphincteric fistula-in-ano were operated. Men were 123/80.92%/, women-29/19.08%/. In 70 /46.05%/ fistula were extrasphincteric, while in 82/53.95%/ they were transsphincteric. Ba sic step is to identify the internal opening of the fistula channel following Goodsal`s rule. The Seton is trespassed through the internal opening and we tight it moderately. Every next tightening is performed at 3 days intervals. Recurrences ware registered in the first 6 months in 8 patients/5.26%/. We conclude that that seton procedure for treatment of trans- and extrasphincteric fistula is an easy to learn and practice radical one stage surgical method with a cure rate of nearly 95%. Elastic Seton ligation technique is a modification of the known from ancient times conventional ligation procedure. The following procedure is an effective method for difficult and high fistula-in-ano

    Autologous blood donation in elective surgery of colorectal cancer - is it possible?

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    Reports from recent studies indicate a causal relationship between all transfusion, infectious complications and recurrent disease in surgical patients. The aim of the presented study is to elucidate the possibilities and indications for autologous haemotransfusion in the elective surgery of the colorectal cancer. Retrospective analysis was per formed over 724 electively operated patients with colorectal cancer. The prospective part includes observation of 20 radically operated patients. In these patients autologous haemotransfusion was per - formed. As indications for autologous haemotransfusion we consider age up to 80 years, hemoglobin levels at least 130 g/l, plasma protein > 65 g/l, body weight > 50 kg, good general condition and absence of decompensated cardiovascular or endocrine dis eases. In two patients with hemoglobin level between 90 - 110 g/l we per formed stimulation by means of Erythropoietin. According to retrospective data ad mission hemoglobin levels varies from 54 g/l to 175 g/l (mean 119 g/l ± 22, 6). From all electively operated patients 33, 9% had hemoglobin values over 130 g/l. The frequency of post-operative infectious complications increases from 9.1% in non-transfused patients to 38,7 % in patients with more than 4 units of allogenic blood trans fused. The prospective part of the study is designed to establish feasibility of the autologous haemotransfusion in clinical practice. The fall of hemoglobin values on the next day after donation varies from 11g/l to 19g/l (mean 15.5 g/l ± 2,19). Erythropoietin stimulation was not found to increase hemoglobin values significantly. There were no complications in the post-operative period in autologous haemotransfusion group with exception of one superficial wound infection. Autologous haemotransfusion is feasible in approximately 1/3 of electively operated patients with colorectal cancer with no ad verse effects or post-operative complications. It de creases the necessity of allogenic bioproducts and hence the risks related. Autologous haemotransfusion is easy to perform and propose ben e fits both from medical and logistic nature. Concerning to stimulation with Erythropoetin in our opinion it is without proven short term efficacy in general surgery so far

    Ancestrally duplicated conserved noncoding element suggests dual regulatory roles of HOTAIR in <i>cis </i>and <i>trans</i>

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    HOTAIR was proposed to regulate either HoxD cluster genes in trans or HoxC cluster genes in cis, a mechanism that remains unclear. We have identified a 32-nucleotide conserved noncoding element (CNE) as HOTAIR ancient sequence that likely originated at the root of vertebrate. The second round of whole-genome duplication resulted in one copy of the CNE within HOTAIR and another copy embedded in noncoding transcript of HOXD11. Paralogous CNEs underwent compensatory mutations, exhibit sequence complementarity with respect to transcripts directionality, and have high affinity in vitro. The HOTAIR CNE resembled a poised enhancer in stem cells and an active enhancer in HOTAIR-expressing cells. HOTAIR expression is positively correlated with HOXC11 in cis and negatively correlated with HOXD11 in trans. We propose a dual modality of HOTAIR regulation where transcription of HOTAIR and its embedded enhancer regulates HOXC11 in cis and sequence complementarity between paralogous CNEs suggests HOXD11 regulation in trans.publishedVersio

    Dual-initiation promoters with intertwined canonical and TCT/TOP transcription start sites diversify transcript processing

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    Variations in transcription start site (TSS) selection reflect diversity of preinitiation complexes and can impact on post-transcriptional RNA fates. Most metazoan polymerase II-transcribed genes carry canonical initiation with pyrimidine/purine (YR) dinucleotide, while translation machinery-associated genes carry polypyrimidine initiator (5'-TOP or TCT). By addressing the developmental regulation of TSS selection in zebrafish we uncovered a class of dual-initiation promoters in thousands of genes, including snoRNA host genes. 5'-TOP/TCT initiation is intertwined with canonical initiation and used divergently in hundreds of dual-initiation promoters during maternal to zygotic transition. Dual-initiation in snoRNA host genes selectively generates host and snoRNA with often different spatio-temporal expression. Dual-initiation promoters are pervasive in human and fruit fly, reflecting evolutionary conservation. We propose that dual-initiation on shared promoters represents a composite promoter architecture, which can function both coordinately and divergently to diversify RNAs

    Dual-initiation promoters with intertwined canonical and TCT/TOP transcription start sites diversify transcript processing

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    Variations in transcription start site (TSS) selection reflect diversity of preinitiation complexes and can impact on post-transcriptional RNA fates. Most metazoan polymerase II-transcribed genes carry canonical initiation with pyrimidine/purine (YR) dinucleotide, while translation machinery-associated genes carry polypyrimidine initiator (5’-TOP or TCT). By addressing the developmental regulation of TSS selection in zebrafish we uncovered a class of dual-initiation promoters in thousands of genes, including snoRNA host genes. 5’-TOP/TCT initiation is intertwined with canonical initiation and used divergently in hundreds of dual-initiation promoters during maternal to zygotic transition. Dual-initiation in snoRNA host genes selectively generates host and snoRNA with often different spatio-temporal expression. Dual-initiation promoters are pervasive in human and fruit fly, reflecting evolutionary conservation. We propose that dual-initiation on shared promoters represents a composite promoter architecture, which can function both coordinately and divergently to diversify RNAs

    Полинейромиопатия критических состояний (обзор литературы)

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    Neuromuscular disorders are extremely common in critically ill patients; they significantly affect the recovery time and limit the quality of subsequent  life. Until now, it is difficult to assess the presence of such disorders in intensive care units. The presented literature analysis of the current state of  the issues of epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology of critical illness polyneuromyopathy (CIPNM) determines the current directions  in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology Нервно-мышечные расстройства чрезвычайно распространены у больных в критическом состоянии, они значительно влияют на сроки  выздоровления и ограничивают качество последующей жизни. До сих пор оценка наличия таких нарушений в отделениях реанимации  и интенсивной терапии представляет трудности. Представленный анализ литературы современного состояния вопросов эпидемиологии,  патогенеза и патофизиологии полинейромиопатии критических состояний (ПНМКС) определяет актуальные направления диагностики  и лечения этой патологии

    Integrated annotation and analysis of genomic features reveal new types of functional elements and large-scale epigenetic phenomena in the developing zebrafish

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    Zebrafish, a popular model for embryonic development and for modelling human diseases, has so far lacked a systematic functional annotation programme akin to those in other animal models. To address this, we formed the international DANIO-CODE consortium and created the first central repository to store and process zebrafish developmental functional genomic data. Our Data Coordination Center (https://danio-code.zfin.org) combines a total of 1,802 sets of unpublished and reanalysed published genomics data, which we used to improve existing annotations and show its utility in experimental design. We identified over 140,000 cis-regulatory elements in development, including novel classes with distinct features dependent on their activity in time and space. We delineated the distinction between regulatory elements active during zygotic genome activation and those active during organogenesis, identifying new aspects of how they relate to each other. Finally, we matched regulatory elements and epigenomic landscapes between zebrafish and mouse and predict functional relationships between them beyond sequence similarity, extending the utility of zebrafish developmental genomics to mammals

    Acute diverticulitis in immunocompromised patients: evidence from an international multicenter observational registry (Web-based International Register of Emergency Surgery and Trauma, Wires-T)

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    Background: Immunocompromised patients with acute diverticulitis are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare clinical presentations, types of treatment, and outcomes between immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients with acute diverticulitis. Methods: We compared the data of patients with acute diverticulitis extracted from the Web-based International Registry of Emergency Surgery and Trauma (WIRES-T) from January 2018 to December 2021. First, two groups were identified: medical therapy (A) and surgical therapy (B). Each group was divided into three subgroups: nonimmunocompromised (grade 0), mildly to moderately (grade 1), and severely immunocompromised (grade 2). Results: Data from 482 patients were analyzed—229 patients (47.5%) [M:F = 1:1; median age: 60 (24–95) years] in group A and 253 patients (52.5%) [M:F = 1:1; median age: 71 (26–94) years] in group B. There was a significant difference between the two groups in grade distribution: 69.9% versus 38.3% for grade 0, 26.6% versus 51% for grade 1, and 3.5% versus 10.7% for grade 2 (p &lt; 0.00001). In group A, severe sepsis (p = 0.027) was more common in higher grades of immunodeficiency. Patients with grade 2 needed longer hospitalization (p = 0.005). In group B, a similar condition was found in terms of severe sepsis (p = 0.002), quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score &gt; 2 (p = 0.0002), and Mannheim Peritonitis Index (p = 0.010). A Hartmann’s procedure is mainly performed in grades 1–2 (p &lt; 0.0001). Major complications increased significantly after a Hartmann’s procedure (p = 0.047). Mortality was higher in the immunocompromised patients (p = 0.002). Conclusions: Immunocompromised patients with acute diverticulitis present with a more severe clinical picture. When surgery is required, immunocompromised patients mainly undergo a Hartmann’s procedure. Postoperative morbidity and mortality are, however, higher in immunocompromised patients, who also require a longer hospital stay