571 research outputs found

    The Edge Electric Field of a Pyroelectric and its Applications

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    Following a change of temperature of a pyroelectric (PE), a depolarizing electric field appears both inside the PE, as well as outside its edges, the edge depolarizing electric field (EDEF). The EDEF extends outwards up to a distance of the order of magnitude of the PE width. The mapping and the strength of the EDEF have been calculated and analyzed for the case of a semi-infinite pyroelectric plate. This strong EDEF (104-105 V/cm), when penetrating into the surrounding medium, creates a variety of physical effects: inducing electrical current in a semiconductor and affecting its resistance, accelerating charged and neutral particles in vacuum or in a gas, generating electromagnetic waves, modifying optical characteristics by electrooptical and photoelasic effects, generating piezoelectric deformation and more. We show that these EDEF induced effects could serve as a basis for the development of various applications and devices.Comment: 27 pages including 13 figure


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    The research based on the religion value in the movie of ñ€ƓCinta Laki-laki Biasañ€ director by Guntur Soeharjanto that was produced by Starvision adapted from Asma Nadia novel. The writers analyzed the religion value from each part that was told in thet movie. This research aimed to describe the religion value in that movie. The reason why the writers took ñ€ƓCinta Laki-laki Biasañ€, because that movie had a lot of religion values. Beside that, every dialog contained the speech where the viewers can catch the value. This research was very important and useful for the reader, because many moral messages can we get. The writers used bilbliography research as the research method. The result from the research was the patience feeling, simplicity, alwasy pray to God even though have a lot of businesses, have a good attitude, helping each other, respecting parent, sincere, and never give up. The religion value can be applied in human daily life


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    Stunting is a problem in nutritional status that causes growth disturbances so that toddlers are shorter in age. This study aims to determine the relationship of several factors with events stunting in toddlers at the Kalibaru Health Center in Bekasi in 2022. This research is a quantitative research study with a design approach case control. The population in this study were toddlers stunting and not-stunting aged 12-59 months at the Kalibaru Health Center in Bekasi. The number of samples was 96 under fives which were determined using simple random sampling technique. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data analysis used in this study was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The results of univariate analysis were 19 (19.8%) low birth weight, 24 (25%) history of diarrheal disease, 14 (14.6%) history of acute respiratory infection, 42 (44.8%) breastfeeding were not exclusive, 18 (18.8%) were born prematurely and 33 (34.4%) were not given colostrum. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between the incidence of stunting and birth weight, history of diarrheal disease, exclusive breastfeeding and premature birth (p value < 0,05). Researchers advise the health center to provide more information about stunting prevention.Stunting is a problem in nutritional status that causes growth disturbances so that toddlers are shorter in age. This study aims to determine the relationship of several factors with events stunting in toddlers at the Kalibaru Health Center in Bekasi in 2022. This research is a quantitative research study with a design approach case control. The population in this study were toddlers stunting and not-stunting aged 12-59 months at the Kalibaru Health Center in Bekasi. The number of samples was 96 under fives which were determined using simple random sampling technique. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data analysis used in this study was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The results of univariate analysis were 19 (19.8%) low birth weight, 24 (25%) history of diarrheal disease, 14 (14.6%) history of acute respiratory infection, 42 (44.8%) breastfeeding were not exclusive, 18 (18.8%) were born prematurely and 33 (34.4%) were not given colostrum. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between the incidence of stunting and birth weight, history of diarrheal disease, exclusive breastfeeding and premature birth (p value < 0,05). Researchers advise the health center to provide more information about stunting prevention


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    Shadow puppet is one of Indonesian traditional arts which has received recognition from UNESCO as a Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Shadow puppet is a blend of art, movement, verbal oral, music, and song. The focus of the study in this paper emphasizes on the verbal aspect in the art of shadow pupper tradition called Janturan and tradition song. Both types of verbal aspect are working to build up a certain atmosphere, such as peace, sad, crowded, intimidating, and angry. Therefore, the lingual units are spoken rhythmically and uses the choice of words having  the power of the aesthetic in terms of sound and meaning. In addition, the verbal aspect is also to mark the change of time, part of the story, and the transition of gending. All of it is a convention that has become a common understanding between the puppeteers, musicians, and sinden ‘singer’. Spectators classified pandhemen or militant fans already understand the conventions and storyline.Keywords: description, janturan, tradition song, puppe

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Nilai Tukar Valuta Asing, Reputasi Kantor Akuntan Publik, dan Debt Default terhadap Penerimaan Opini Audit Modifikasi Going Concern

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    ABSTRAK Going concern adalah asumsi dalam akuntansi yang memperkirakan suatu entitas bisnis akan berlanjut dalam jangka waktu panjang dan tidak akan dilikuidasi dalam jangka waktu pendek. Apabila perusahaan disangsikan untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan usahanya, auditor diharuskan untuk mengungkapkannya dalam bentuk opini audit modifikasi going concern. Ketika kondisi ekonomi merupakan sesuatu yang tidak pasti, para investor mengharapkan auditor memberikan early warning akan kegagalan keuangan perusahaan dan opini audit yang dikeluarkan oleh auditor atas laporan keuangan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan bagi para stakeholdernya dalam mengambil keputusan berinvestasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerimaan opini audit modifikasi going concern melalui beberapa faktor yaitu, likuiditas, nilai tukar valuta asing, reputasi KAP, dan debt default. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor otomotif yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2007-2010. Sebanyak 9 sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dalam menganalisis pengaruh antara variabel independen dan dependen digunakan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan variabel likuiditas, nilai tukar valuta asing, reputasi KAP, dan debt default berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan opini audit modifikasi going concern (p-value 0.013 debt default berpengaruh signifikan dengan penerimaan opini audit modifikasi going concern. Sedangkan likuiditas, nilai tukar valuta asing, dan reputasi KAP tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Keywords: Opini audit modifikasi going concern, likuiditas, nilai tukar valuta asing, reputasi KAP, dan debt default.</p

    European Echinococcosis Registry: Human Alveolar Echinococcosis, Europe, 1982–2000

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    Surveillance for alveolar echinococcosis in central Europe was initiated in 1998. On a voluntary basis, 559 patients were reported to the registry. Most cases originated from rural communities in regions from eastern France to western Austria; single cases were reported far away from the disease-“endemic” zone throughout central Europe. Of 210 patients, 61.4% were involved in vocational or part-time farming, gardening, forestry, or hunting. Patients were diagnosed at a mean age of 52.5 years; 78% had symptoms. Alveolar echinococcosis primarily manifested as a liver disease. Of the 559 patients, 190 (34%) were already affected by spread of the parasitic larval tissue. Of 408 (73%) patients alive in 2000, 4.9% were cured. The increasing prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes in rural and urban areas of central Europe and the occurrence of cases outside the alveolar echinococcosis–endemic regions suggest that this disease deserves increased attention

    Alveolar echinococcosis: update 2016

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    L’échinococcose alvĂ©olaire (EA) est une cestodose larvaire rare, due au dĂ©veloppement dans le foie de la larve d’Echinococcus multilocularis. Sa progression s’apparente Ă  celle d’un cancer Ă  marche lente. En France, les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques de l’EA se sont modifiĂ©es rĂ©cemment. Les foyers endĂ©miques restent localisĂ©s Ă  l’Est et au Centre du Territoire, mais la limite occidentale de la zone d’endĂ©mie française dĂ©passe dĂ©sormais Paris et concerne Ă©galement les zones urbaines. Le registre français des cas indique par ailleurs une augmentation de l’incidence annuelle. Elle est probablement surtout la consĂ©quence d’une amĂ©lioration significative des techniques de diagnostic, en particulier de l’échographie, examen de premiĂšre ligne pour le diagnostic de cette affection. Le dĂ©veloppement de thĂ©rapeutiques immunosuppressives (chimiothĂ©rapie, biothĂ©rapie) pour diverses pathologies peut fournir une deuxiĂšme explication, avec l’observation croissante de cas d’EA dĂ©couverts en situation d’immunosuppression. La maladie est repĂ©rĂ©e plus tĂŽt dans son cours Ă©volutif, trĂšs souvent Ă  un stade asymptomatique. L’ictĂšre qui, par le passĂ©, rĂ©vĂ©lait l’EA dans la moitiĂ© des cas, n’est aujourd’hui que trĂšs rarement prĂ©sent au diagnostic. La chirurgie est restĂ©e jusque dans les annĂ©es 1980, la seule et unique solution pour son traitement, souvent palliatif. Des options complĂ©mentaires, ou distinctes, sont apparues au cours de ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es : administration d’albendazole exerçant un effet parasitostatique, radiologie interventionnelle, transplantation hĂ©patique en cas d’EA Ă©voluĂ©es. Toutes ces acquisitions, associĂ©es Ă  un diagnostic gĂ©nĂ©ralement plus prĂ©coce, aux progrĂšs des techniques d’imagerie et de la chirurgie hĂ©pato-biliaire ainsi qu’à une approche multidisciplinaire de cette prise en charge, ont permis d’amĂ©liorer considĂ©rablement le pronostic.Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a rare larval cestodosis infestation caused by the intra-hepatic development of Echinococcus multilocularis larva. Its progression in the liver is similar to a slow-growing cancer. Recently in France, the epidemiological characteristics of AE evolved. The endemic areas are still located in the East and in the Center of the territory, but the western limit of the French endemic zone now extends beyond Paris and includes other urban areas. The French Registry also indicates an increase of the annual incidence rate. Above all, this phenomenon is probably due to the major improvement of the diagnostic techniques – especially liver ultrasound exam, that proved to be the first line exam to diagnose this parasitic disease. This could also be explained by the development of immunosuppressive therapeutics like chemotherapy or biotherapy to treat various pathological conditions, which is linked with the growing observation of AE discovered in immunosuppressive situations. Today, the disease is detected earlier in its course, most of the time at an asymptomatic stage. By the past, jaundice, which usually reflect an advanced disease was the revealing symptom in half of the cases; it is now very rarely present at the time of diagnosis. Until the 1980s, surgery remained the only solution for its treatment – which was often part of a palliative care. Additional or alternative options appeared during the last 30 years: administration of albendazole having a parasitostatic effect, interventional radiology, liver transplantation in case of advanced AE. All these acquisitions, combined with an earlier diagnosis, the progress in imagery technology and in hepatobiliary surgery, and a multidisciplinary approach of the patient’s care, contributed to improve significantly AE prognosis

    Indications and results of liver transplantation for Echinococcus alveolar infection: an overview

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    Background: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) of the liver, caused by the larval stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, has the characteristics of a slow-growing liver cancer. It is one of the rare parasitic diseases for which a parasitolytic drug is not yet available, and AE is lethal in the absence of appropriate therapeutic management. Complete surgical resection of the parasite at an early stage of infection provides favourable prospects for cure, but, due to a long clinical latency, many cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage, so that partial liver resection can be performed in only 35% of patients. Benzimidazole (BZM) treatment is given in inoperable cases but these compounds are only parasitostatic, and lifelong therapy is required. During the past 20 years some centres have considered liver transplantation (LT) for the treatment of incurable AE. Methods: Our review summarizes the results of this experience based on a series of 47 European patients who received transplants between 1985 and 2002, tries to specify the real place of LT for AE, and underlines the measures that could be undertaken in the future to improve the results. Results: Five-year survival was 71%. Five-year survival without recurrence was 58%. Major technical difficulties related either to previous laparotomies or to the loco-regional involvement were observed. The nine early deaths concerned AE patients with a long past-history of symptomatic AE (iterative cholangitis, secondary biliary cirrhosis). Five late deaths were directly related to ongoing AE, located in the brain in three cases, a very rare AE location that was not investigated before LT in these patients. Conclusions: In general, the pre-LT screening for distant AE metastases appeared insufficient in this series. Heavy immunosuppressive schemes, absence or delayed re-introduction of BZM after LT have clearly played a role in this unfavourable course. This unique experience indicates that, despite major technical difficulties, LT for incurable AE is feasible and could be discussed in very symptomatic cases. Before LT, interventional radiology should be preferred to repeated laparotomies. Pre-LT and post-LT BZM treatment is mandatory. A careful evaluation of possible distant metastases should be done before the decision for LT is made. After LT, the possibility of an ongoing AE must be permanently kept in mind. This could be reduced by lightening the immunosuppressants, carefully following the specific circulating antibodies, and applying a systematic radiological evaluation, not only to the graft but also to the lungs and the brai

    Helminths and Immunological Tolerance

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    Current immunosuppression regimens for solid-organ transplantation have shown disappointing efficacy in the prevention of chronic allograft rejection and carry unacceptable risks including toxicity, neoplasia, and life-threatening infection. Achievement of immunological tolerance (long-term antigen unresponsiveness in an immunocompetent host) presents the exciting prospect of freedom from immunosuppression for transplant recipients. It is now 60 years since the first demonstration of immunological tolerance in animal models of transplantation, but translation into routine clinical practice remains elusive. Helminth parasites may provide novel strategies toward achieving this goal. Helminths are remarkably successful parasites: they currently infect more than one quarter of the world’s population. It is now well established that the parasites’ success is the result of active immunomodulation of their hosts’ immune response. Although this primarily secures ongoing survival of the parasites, helminth-induced immunomodulation can also have a number of benefits for the host. Significant reductions in the prevalence of allergy and autoimmune conditions among helminth-infected populations are well recognized and there is now a significant body of evidence to suggest that harmful immune responses to alloantigens may be abrogated as well. Here, we review all existing studies of helminth infection and transplantation, explore the mechanisms involved, and discuss possible avenues for future translation to clinical practice

    QSAR-driven screening uncovers and designs novel pyrimidine-4,6-diamine derivatives as potent JAK3 inhibitors

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    This study presents a robust and integrated methodology that harnesses a range of computational techniques to facilitate the design and prediction of new inhibitors targeting the JAK3/STAT pathway. This methodology encompasses several strategies, including QSAR analysis, pharmacophore modeling, ADMET prediction, covalent docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and the calculation of binding free energies (MM/GBSA). An efficacious QSAR model was meticulously crafted through the employment of multiple linear regression (MLR). The initial MLR model underwent further refinement employing an artificial neural network (ANN) methodology aimed at minimizing predictive errors. Notably, both MLR and ANN exhibited commendable performance, showcasing R2 values of 0.89 and 0.95, respectively. The model's precision was assessed via leave-one-out cross-validation (CV) yielding a Q2 value of 0.65, supplemented by rigorous Y-randomization. , The pharmacophore model effectively differentiated between active and inactive drugs, identifying potential JAK3 inhibitors, and demonstrated validity with an ROC value of 0.86. The newly discovered and designed inhibitors exhibited high inhibitory potency, ranging from 6 to 8, as accurately predicted by the QSAR models. Comparative analysis with FDA-approved Tofacitinib revealed that the new compounds exhibited promising ADMET properties and strong covalent docking (CovDock) interactions. The stability of the new discovered and designed inhibitors within the JAK3 binding site was confirmed through 500 ns MD simulations, while MM/GBSA calculations supported their binding affinity. Additionally, a retrosynthetic study was conducted to facilitate the synthesis of these potential JAK3/STAT inhibitors. The overall integrated approach demonstrates the feasibility of designing novel JAK3/STAT inhibitors with robust efficacy and excellent ADMET characteristics that surpass Tofacitinib by a significant margin
