306 research outputs found


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    Several studies revealed that Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp, known as bay leaves, has the potential to be used as herbal medicine due to its active compounds including flavonoids. Herbal medicines are chosen to replace synthetic drugs which have side effects on health. However, some active substances of herbal medicines including bay leaves are less soluble in water and have low bioavailability to be absorbed by the intestine is low. A formulation into nanoparticles will provide more effective results. This study aimed to develop a standardized herbal medicine from the bay leaves extract in nanoparticle form with fine quality and efficacious in lowering blood glucose levels. The nanoparticle formulation was conducted using the ionic gelation method with chitosan- tripolyphosphate base and was designed into pre- and post-test-controlled group designs. Wistar white rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used as the experimental animal and grouped into a negative control group, normal control group, positive control (Glibenclamide) groups, and test dosages-induced control group. Fasting blood glucose levels were measured using an enzymatic glucometer and the AUC was analyzed based on the trapezoidal formula statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. The results showed that the bay leaves contained secondary metabolite including flavonoid with concentrations at 96%, 70%, 50%, respectively. The nanoparticles sizes were 1.48%; 1.62%; 1.50%; and 0.03%, respectively. The average particle size was 549.2 nm, and the zeta potential was -40.2 mV. Nanoparticle administration at a dose of 426.80 mg/kg BW; 213.40 mg/kg BW; and 106.70 mg/kg BW showed decreasing blood glucose levels when compared to the positive control group but not significant (P>0.005). The smallest dose of nanoparticle extract that lowered blood glucose levels was at a dose of 106.70 mg/kg BW. It can be concluded the nanoparticles form of bay leaves extract can lower blood glucose levels and meets the quality requirements

    PENDEKATAN KELOMPOK DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT : Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Daur Ulang Sampah Di DKI Jakarta

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    Konsep pengentasan kemiskinan oleh pemerintah mengalami perubahan, yakni penanggulangan kemiskinan secara terpadu dengan basis pemberdayaan masyarakat. Konsep pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat digunakan karena diyakini sumber masalah kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan adalah ketidakberdayaan. DKI Jakarta memiliki berbagai permasalahan, diantaranya adalah masalah kemiskinan dan masalah sampah yang berdampak pada degradasi lingkungan. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja baik secara personal, kelompok maupun masyarakat luas dan dari lembaga mana saja, termasuk Kelompok Daur Ulang Sampah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah : Bagaimana pendekatan kelompok yang dilakukan dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat di DKI Jakarta?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menemukan : (1) Kondisi pemberdayaan daur ulang sampah di DKI Jakarta, (2) Mekanisme pendekatan kelompok dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di DKI Jakarta dan (3) Model hipotetik pendekatan kelompok terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini sengaja dilakukan di kelompok daur ulang sampah berdasarkan kriteria tertentu, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus terhadap kelompok daur ulang sampah. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan observasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari kelompok daur ulang sampah yang berdomisili di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Analisis data melalui tahapan proses reduksi data, display data, pengambilan kesimpulan. Selama proses analisis data peneliti juga melakukan verifikasi data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa (1), kelompok daur ulang sampah dalam melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat terbukti efektif meskipun tidak melaksanakan tahap seleksi wilayah. (2), mekanisme pendekatan kelompok pada Pemberdayaan Masyarakat terintegrasi dengan ESD, meskipun indikator kurikulum pelatihan dan penelitian belum ada. (3), Model hipotetik berdasarkan asumsi akademik, sosial dan ekonomi. Perumusan model ini sesuai dengan fungsi pendidikan non formal yaitu mengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam aspek pengetahun, sikap dan ketrampilan. Kata kunci : pendekatan kelompok, pemberdayaan, daur ulang sampah ABSTRACT In the Group's approach Empowering Communities: A Case Study of Waste Recycling Group In Jakarta The concept of poverty alleviation by the government changes, namely poverty reduction in an integrated manner on the basis of community empowerment. The concept of community-based poverty reduction is used because it is believed the source of the problem of poverty and underdevelopment is powerlessness. Jakarta has a variety of problems, including the problem of poverty and the problem of garbage that have an impact on environmental degradation. Community empowerment can be done by anyone either personally, groups and the public at large and of which institutions, including the Waste Recycling Group. Formulation of the problem in this research is: How do you approach the group performed in community empowerment in Jakarta ?. This study aims to understand and find: (1) The condition of the empowerment of recycling of waste in Jakarta, (2) The mechanism of a group approach in empowering communities in Jakarta and (3) Model hypothetical approach to community empowerment groups. This research was deliberately done in groups of recycling bins based on specific criteria, using a qualitative approach to the design of case studies of groups of waste recycling. Data were collected by interview, documentation and observation. Sources of data obtained from waste recycling group domiciled in Jakarta. Analysis of the data through the stages of the process of data reduction, data display, making conclusions. During the process of data analysis researchers also verified data. The results showed that the first group of waste recycling in the community empowerment is not carrying out the selection stage area. Second, the mechanism instrumental group approach on the input indicators training curriculum and research yet. Third, that gave birth to a hypothetical model of the cluster approach in community empowerment. Keywords: a group approach, empowerment, waste recyclin


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    Within the law no 23 year 2002 about Children Protection article 92 subsection (1) was explained tahat every person who had done violence or violence threat, force, gimmick, several lies or persuade a child to do or to let one child do pornographic act purposively, will be sanctioned with imprisonment for longest period 15 (fifteen) years and shortes for 3 (three) year and fine for maximun Rp 300.000.000,00 (three hundred million rupiah) and least is Rp 60.000.000,00 (sixty million rupiah). It sis very clear within the law which gives protection for under-age children as pornographic victim. However in the reality judges has rarely used this article to capture pornographic criminal. Such as within the decision of pengadilan negeri malang (State Court) for case No 341/Pid.B/2009/PN.Malang in which within its decision judges didn’t use this article and use article 293 KUHP whereas pornographic victim belong to under-age children and pornographic performer is an active police officer and the incidence occur when the police has done his job as a plice officer. The judges only gives criminal punishment for eight month toward the defendant though defendant is a police officer that supposes to protect the society but this has supposedly not become a great excuse for the judges to give heavier punishment. This has draw interest of the author to examine the adjudicaation of close court for public in wich facts that appear during court might have been manipulated Moreover the victim is belonging to low economy family that is vulnerable to become victim of the law. From the discussion, we might found out that what become main issues is defendant was not sanctioned using article 82 from law about cildren protection in which to be view from the case, judge suppose to be more sensitiv in order to give lesson or cure from a bad habit toward other pornographic actor and its juridical consequence of this adjudication who didn’Include law of children protection and justice aspect for the victim an the family. According to the author, judges should be wiser in taking decision because from his decision one’s life might be concluded. In this adjudication, judges has include psychology fctor for at least by seeing victim as an underage girl ant future of that girl also justice asoect for pornographic victim not only because the girl was also making mistake but there are no justice for her. Keywords: Children Protection, Adjudication, Juridical consequenc


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar. Ini disebabkan karena kurangnya kesempatan siswa untuk berbicara. Guru masih menggunakan metode ceramah sehingga pembelajaran masih bersifat pasif. Alternatif solusi yang dipilih untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan metode bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan metode bercerita untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. Subjek penelitiannya, 17 siswa kelas II SDN CR. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Kemmis dan Taggart. Instrumen pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan lembar observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini memiliki dua jenis data yaitu, data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan persentase keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar pada siklus I mencapai 57,45%. Sedangkan pada siklus II mencapai 85,30% dan sudah memenuhi kriteria keberhasilan penelitian. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapkan metode bercerita dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar.;---This research is motivated by the low speaking skills of grade II elementary school students. This is due to the lack of opportunities for students to speak. The teacher still uses the method of lecturing so that learning is still passive. The alternative solution chosen to overcome this problem is to apply the storytelling method. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the storytelling method to improve the speaking skills of second grade elementary school students. The subject of the research was 17 class II students at SDN CR. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR) model Kemmis and Taggart. Data collection instruments used are observation sheets, tests, and documentation. This study has two types of data, namely qualitative data and quantitative data. The findings of this study indicate the percentage of speaking skills of grade II students of elementary school in the first cycle reached 57.45%. Whereas in the second cycle reached 85.30% and had met the criteria for success of the study. Thus it can be concluded that applying the storytelling method can improve the speaking skills of grade II elementary school students

    A Group Approach in a Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Waste Recycling Group in Jakarta

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    This study reviews a group approach in empowering the community through waste recycling activities related to the development of human resources in Jakarta. The specific objectives to be achieved are the wish to understand and find: (1). Conditions of waste recycling empowerment in Jakarta, (2). Mechanisms of a group approach in empowering communities in Jakarta, (3). Formulating hypothetical model of a group approach in community empowerment. Concepts and theories used are community empowerment and Education for Sustainability Development (ESD) as the grand theories. The supporting concepts and theories are logic models and dynamics. This study used a qualitative approach with the design of case studies towards groups of waste recycling. Data were collected by deep interviews, documentations and observation. Sources of the data were obtained from waste recycling group domiciled in Jakarta. Analysis of the data was done through the stages of the process of data reduction, data display, making conclusions. Results of the study are: (1) The waste recycling group in doing community empowerment does not carry out the selection phase of the region, (2) There has not been a mechanism of a group approach to the instrumental input which is an indicator of training curriculum and research yet, (3) A formulation of hypothetical model of the group approach in community empowerment. Keywords: a group approach, empowerment, waste recyclin

    PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, LEVERAGE DAN LIKUIDITAS TERHADAP KINERJA LINGKUNGAN : Studi pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Sektor Manufaktur Periode 2009-2013

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    Secara umum terdapat 3 tujuan utama dari perusahaan atau lebih dikenal dengan triple bottom line, yaitu profit, people, dan planet. Dari tinjauan ini jelas digambarkan bahwa fokus BUMN pun mulai beralih dari yang hanya sekedar menekankan pada profit (untuk sumber pendapatan negara yang berasal dari pendapatan non pajak) menjadi dalam cakupan yang lebih luas, yaitu lingkungan baik sosial maupun lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara parsial dan simultan. Faktor-faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah profitabilitas, leverage dan likuiditas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif verifikatif. Dengan pengujian verifikatif menggunakan regresi berganda (multiple regression), pengujian parsial (uji t) dan pengujian simultan (uji F). Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yaitu laporan tahunan perusahaan dan laporan hasil PROPER Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian. Sampel penelitian merupakan 11 perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Tahun 2009-2013 yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, leverage dan likuiditas berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara parsial. Serta profitabilitas, leverage, dan profitabilitas berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara simultan. Kata kunci : Profitabilitas, leverage, likuiditas, dan kinerja lingkungan There are three main objectives of the company in general, or better known as the triple bottom line, that is profit, people and planet. From this review, clearly illustrated that the focus of BUMN were began to shift from being merely emphasizes the profit (for sources of state revenue derived from non-tax revenues) into the broader scope, that is environment both the social and life environment. The purpose of this research is to examine and obtain empirical evidence about factors which affect environmental performance in partially and simultaneous. The factors examined in this study are profitability, leverage and liquidity. Research method used in this research is descriptive verification method. The verification method is tested using multiple regression partial testing (t-testing) and simultaneous testing (F-testing). The data used are secondary data that the annual report of companies and result of PROPER report from Ministry of Environment sampled in the research. The research sampel was 11 companies on State-Owned Enterprises in period 2009-2013 which were taken using purposive sampling method. The results show that profiitability, leverage and liquidity have insignificant influence toward environmental performance in partial. And also profitability, leverage, and liqudity have insignificant influence toward emviromental performance in simultaneous. Keywords :profitability, leverage, liquidity and environmental performance

    Social Action Model of Education Waste Treatment on Domestic Level in Way Huwi Village, Lampung Selatan

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    This research study is about the education of solid waste treatment model on domestic level through social action activities in relation with human resources development at Way Huwi village, South Lampung. The specific goals to be achieved is to understand and discover: (1). Forms of community participation on waste problems at Way Huwi village, South Lampung, (2). Formulate hypothetical model of social action education of solid waste treatment on domestic level. The concepts and theories used are community empowerment and Education for Sustainability Development (ESD) as the grand theori. This research used a qualitative approach with case study design on waste recycling. Data were collected with interview, observation and documentation. Sources of data were obtained from the community of Way Huwi Village in South Lampung. The data analysis will through the process of data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the research are: (1) The forms of community participation in waste problem is by burning the waste, paying  retribution and participating in the activity of solve the waste problem in their environment, (2) hypothetical model formulation of social action of waste treatment education  on domestic level which obtained based on the results of community identification to resolved waste problem as well as the needs. Keywords: social action, waste treatment educatio

    PENGGUNAAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Tema 1 Subtema Perubahan Wujud Benda di Kelas V SDN Tanjungpura IV Kecamatan Karawang Barat, Kabupaten Karawang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa baik secara pengetahuan, keterampilan dan keaktivan siswa didalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar pada kelas V di SDN Tanjungpura IV, melalui penggunaan model problem based learning. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai PTK. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga siklus, dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari 2 pembelajaran. Siswa yang yang diteliti berjumlah 50 siswa. Problem Based Learning merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang disarankan didalam kurikulum 2013. Model problem based learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan masalah-masalah sebagai landasan permbelajaran, dimana nantinya siswa dilatih untuk mencari informasi dan mengolah data untuk memecahkan permasalahn tersebut. Pada penelitian ini pengumpulan data di ambil dari hasil pre-postest siswa dan hasil observasi. Pada hasil penelitian di kelas V mengalami kenaikan disetiap siklusnya. Pada siklus I permebalajaran 1 didapatkan hasil belajar siswa yang tuntas sebesar 46% dengan nilai rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh 69,6 dan pada pembelajaran 2 diperoleh hasil belajar siswa dengan ketuntasan siswa sebesar 62% dengan nilai rata-rata 74,4. Pada siklus II pada pembelajaran 3 diperoleh hasil belajar siswa dengan ketuntasan 78% dengan nilai rata-rata yang didapat 77,6, dan pada pemeblajaran 4 diperoleh hasil belajar dengan ketuntasan 84% dengan nilai rata-rata 80,4. Pada siklus III pembelajaran 5 didapat hasil belajar dengan ketuntasan 92% dengan rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 83,6, dan pada pemeblajaran 6 diperoleh hasil belajar siswa dengan ketuntasan 100% dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 84. Selain pada penilain pengetahuan saja, tetapi pada aspek keterampilan dan kreativitas siswa telah tumbuh dan meningkat disetiap siklusnya. Kata kunci: Problem Based Learnin


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    Abstrak Vasektomi merupakan alat kontrasepsi pria yang sejak lama dibudayakan suku Using. Vasektomi sebagai alat kontrasepsi khas suku Using memunculkan berbagai bentuk pro dan kontra. Tanpa disadari suku Using menggemari vasektomi sebagai bentuk counter gender inequality. Suku Using dengan berbagai cara mereka tempuh untuk berpartisipasi dan mengapresiasikan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi ditinjau dalam kajian budaya dan gender. Teori yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah Teori Malthus membahas mengenai kependudukan kaitannya dengan Keluarga Berencana dan mempertahankan pendapatnya bahwa “natural law” atau hukum alamiah yang mempengaruhi atau menentukan pertumbuhan penduduk. Keluarga Berencana (akseptor alat kontrasepsi) juga seringkali dikaitkan dengan masalah gender. Namun, yang menjadi persoalan, ternyata perbedaan gender telah melahirkan berbagai ketidakadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan data yang valid maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnografi. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukam bahwa ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi khusus pria dan wanita merupakan salah satu bentuk perlawanan ketidakadilan gender. Suku Using mampu menyeimbangkan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi wanita dan pria sebagai bentuk counter gender inequality. Membudayakan vasektomi dalam lingkungan masyarakat suku Using dan mengunggulkan berbagai bentuk manfaatnya hingga membentuk suatu paguyuban merupakan cara yang cukup ampuh untuk menyetarakan gender. Vasektomi mampu dikonstruksi sebagai alat kontrasepsi khas suku Using yang paling aman dan terpercaya. Kata Kunci: Budaya, Gender, Vasektomi Abstract Vasectomy is male contraception that has long cultivated Using tribe. Vasectomy as a contraceptive Using typical rates led to various forms of pros and cons. Using tribal unwittingly fond vasectomy as a form of counter gender inequality. Using tribe in many ways they have taken to participate and appreciate the use of contraceptives is reviewed in cultural studies and gender. The theory of this study is used to discuss the Malthusian theory of population and family planning to do with his opinion that "natural law" or laws that affect or determine the natural population growth. Family planning (contraceptive acceptors) is also often associated with gender issues. However, that is a problem, it turns out gender differences have spawned numerous injustices. This study used a qualitative approach. To obtain valid data, this study used an ethnographic approach. Availability of contraceptives for men and women is a form of resistance is able to balance the injustice gender.Suku Using contraceptive use of women and men as a form of counter gender inequality. Cultivating a vasectomy within the tribal communities and favor Using various forms of benefits to forming a community is a powerful enough way to equalize gender. Vasectomy is able to be constructed as a typical tribal contraceptives Using the most secure and reliable. Keywords: Culture, Gender, Vasectom

    PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, LEVERAGE DAN LIKUIDITAS TERHADAP KINERJA LINGKUNGAN : Studi pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Sektor Manufaktur Periode 2009-2013

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    Secara umum terdapat 3 tujuan utama dari perusahaan atau lebih dikenal dengan triple bottom line, yaitu profit, people, dan planet. Dari tinjauan ini jelas digambarkan bahwa fokus BUMN pun mulai beralih dari yang hanya sekedar menekankan pada profit (untuk sumber pendapatan negara yang berasal dari pendapatan non pajak) menjadi dalam cakupan yang lebih luas, yaitu lingkungan baik sosial maupun lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara parsial dan simultan. Faktor-faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah profitabilitas, leverage dan likuiditas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif verifikatif. Dengan pengujian verifikatif menggunakan regresi berganda (multiple regression), pengujian parsial (uji t) dan pengujian simultan (uji F). Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yaitu laporan tahunan perusahaan dan laporan hasil PROPER Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian. Sampel penelitian merupakan 11 perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Tahun 2009-2013 yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, leverage dan likuiditas berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara parsial. Serta profitabilitas, leverage, dan profitabilitas berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja lingkungan secara simultan. Kata kunci : Profitabilitas, leverage, likuiditas, dan kinerja lingkungan There are three main objectives of the company in general, or better known as the triple bottom line, that is profit, people and planet. From this review, clearly illustrated that the focus of BUMN were began to shift from being merely emphasizes the profit (for sources of state revenue derived from non-tax revenues) into the broader scope, that is environment both the social and life environment. The purpose of this research is to examine and obtain empirical evidence about factors which affect environmental performance in partially and simultaneous. The factors examined in this study are profitability, leverage and liquidity. Research method used in this research is descriptive verification method. The verification method is tested using multiple regression partial testing (t-testing) and simultaneous testing (F-testing). The data used are secondary data that the annual report of companies and result of PROPER report from Ministry of Environment sampled in the research. The research sampel was 11 companies on State-Owned Enterprises in period 2009-2013 which were taken using purposive sampling method. The results show that profiitability, leverage and liquidity have insignificant influence toward environmental performance in partial. And also profitability, leverage, and liqudity have insignificant influence toward emviromental performance in simultaneous. Keywords :profitability, leverage, liquidity and environmental performance
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