279 research outputs found


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    Efforts to realize the implementation of the vision and mission of the Regional Government of Simalungun in the field of tourism, the Regional Government of Simalungun District has carried out several steps in developing rural tourism objects, i.e., conducting tourism market analysis studies, formulating marketing strategy and promotingtourism in collaboration with travel agencies, implementing events and entertainment in potential rural tourist locations. The purposed of this study is to analyze the use of rural tourism objects in Simalungun Regency is expected to be an added value that can be felt economically by the surrounding community.The result of this studyshowed that locally based rural development strategy focused on the process of economic growth and structural change driven by local communities and utilized local potentials for development in an effort to improve the level of welfare of local communities.This locally based rural development strategy sought to meet local needs and demands through active participation of local communities in the development process. This strategy didn't only to improve the productive side (agriculture, industry and services), but also encouraged and enhanced the social and cultural dimensions that affect people's lives. The potential of rural development, based on this approach didn't only limited to conventional potentials known like: availability of natural and human resources, but also relies heavily on institutional potential, social and cultural capital.Therefore, recommendation of this study will provide cultural education for the younger generation shall not have to be done in "quirky" ways, for example by requiring all Simalungun people to be able to read or write using the Simalungun language. Keywords: tourism, local wisdom, rural development, Simalungun ethni

    Momen Objektivasi Etnis Simalungun Berdasarkan Organisasi Sosial

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    A social movement also provides guidance on how members should think. Such norms are something resembling a "party line"- the definition of "correct" position for members to look at a specific issue. There is subtle pressure on the individual to support this position even in the absence of personal knowledge of the argument to argue. Not every member can be expected to learn and think through the justified philosophy of the movement and its values. Ideology provides it with "ready-made", which seems to have the power to organize opinions (arguments) This research uses a qualitative approach, with a research design that develops and is open adapted to field conditions. Adjustment to field conditions is used with respect to the relevance of the problem under study, the use of theories and concepts and method used, the objectivity of the research results is based not on the proof of generalization.  The process of objectivization carried out simultaneously through externalization and internalization which in the process of its socialization gives rise to changes that are not uncommon as a matter of concern, such as nervousness or relative deprivation. The moment of simalungun ethnic objectivization is based on social organizations that carry ethnic names, such as Partuha Maujana Simalungun (PMS), Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS), Simalungun Islamic Family Association (IKEIS), Simalungun Student and Student Association (HIMAPSI)

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Based Science Plus Reading untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar pada Ranah Kognitif

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    Latar belakang penelitian Penerapan Model Pembelajaran inquiry Based Science Plus Reading ini adalah adanya dugaan proses pembelajaran kurang memberikan fasilitas untuk melatihkan kemampuan kognitif siswa. Siswa kurang dilibatkan dalam di dalam pembelajaran karena guru menggunakan penjelasan secara langsung. Penjelasan yang diberikan secara matematis sehingga siswa kurang memahami konsep yang dipelajari. Selain itu,, penjelasan konsep tidak dikaitkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga siswa tidak bisa menerapkan konsep dengan baik. Adanya kesulitan dalam membangun pemikiran karena siswa tidak memiliki bekal pengetahuan yang cukup sehingga siswa perlu diberikan tugas membaca. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya metode yang dapat melatihkan kemampuan kognitif siswa dan memberikan bekal pengetahuan yang banyak. Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Based Science Plus Reading cocok untuk melatihkan kemampuan kognitif siswa karena model pembelajaran ini memungkinkan siswa dilibatkan dalam pembelajaran melalui suatu percobaan, sehingga siswa bisa lebih mengetahui dan memahami konsep yang sedang dipelajari. Selain itu di dalam pembelajarannya, siswa diberikan tugas membaca sebelum dilakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre-Experiment Design dengan menggunakan teknik one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 33 siswa kelas VIII. Hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif ini mengacu pada Taksonomi Bloom dan pembelajaran inkuiri yang digunakan berupa interactive demonstration. Hasil belajar siswa pada aspek mengingat diperoleh nilai gain yang dinormalisasi sebesar 0,78 kategori tinggi, pada aspek memahami diperoleh nilai gain ternormalisasi 0,48 kategori sedang, dan pada pada aspek menerapkan diperoleh nilai gain yang dinormalisasi sebesar 0,19 kategori rendah. Korelasi kemampuan membaca dengan hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif diperoleh sebesar 0,5 dengan kategori cukup.---------- The background of research Aplication Inquiry Based Science Learning Model Plus Reading is alleged the learning process not provide facilities for exercise students' cognitive abilities. Students are less involved in learning because teachers in the use of annotations directly. The explanation given mathematically so that students do not understand the concept. In addition ,, explanation of the concept is not associated with everyday life so that students can not apply the concept properly. The difficulties in developing thinking because students do not have a sufficient stock of knowledge that students need to be given the task of reading. Therefore, it is necessary to have a method that can exercise students' cognitive abilities and give a stock of knowledge that a lot. Inquiry Based Science Learning Model Reading Plus is suitable for exercise students' cognitive abilities because this model allows students to be involved in learning through an experiment, so that students can better know and understand the concepts being studied. Also in learning, students are given reading assignments before learning activities. The method that used was Pre-Experiment that using the technique design one group pretest-posttest design. These samples included 33 students of class VIII SMP Negeri 29 Bandung. Learning outcomes in the cognitive domain refers to Bloom's Taxonomy and inquiry learning is used in the form of an interactive demonstration by Wenning. Student learning outcomes in considering aspects of a normalized gain value obtained was 0.78 higher category, in the aspect of understanding the values obtained normalized gain of 0.48 medium category, and in the aspect of applying a normalized gain value obtained 0.19 lower category. Correlation literacy learning outcomes in the cognitive obtained at 0.5 with enough categories

    Chemistry and Biological Activity of Anthraquinones from Morinda Elliptica (Rubiaceae)

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    Morinda ellipfica or locally known as "mengkudu kecil" is a medicinal plant commonly used by the Malays i n Peninsular Malaysia. The plant parts are used in various ways to treat many health problems and ailments. Literature search did not reveal any reports on its chemical constituents or biological activity. So, it is believed tl1at this is the first study on the chemical constituents and biological activity of Morinda ellipfica. Phytochemical studies on roots of this plant have resulted in the isolation of a new anthraquinone, 2-formyl-1-hydroxyanthraquinone, and ten known anthraquinones, 1-hydroxy-2-methylanthraquinone, nordamnacanthal, damnacanthal, lucidin-w-methylether, rubiadin, soranjidiol, morindone, rubiadin-1-methylether, morindone-5-methyl ether and a lizarin-1-methylether. The structures of the anthraquinones were established based on spectral studies using ultravioletvisible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, one and two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, and mass spectrometry.The new anthraquinone, 2-formyl- -hydroxyanthraquinone, was synthesized through a four step synthesis from phthalide anhydride and 4-bromophenol. The steps involved a Friedel-Crafts condensation of the starting mate rial to form the anth raqu inone rings followed by debromination and methylation before an oxidation step to the targeted aldehyde. Studies on the biological activity of the anthraquinones were conducted using some selected bioassay procedures. The anthraquinones were subjected to a battery of bioactivity testings, which included antimicrobial, antiviral, cytotoxicity and antioxidant assays. The results of these tests indicated that some of the compounds do possess interesting biological activity especially in the cytotoxicity and antioxidant assays. Damnacanthal and nordamnacanthal were found to be active against many cell lines tested and may have potential to be developed as anticancer agents


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    This study investigates the questioning strategies employed in classroom interaction in one public senior high school in Cimahi. This study, thus, intends to explore what questioning strategies are applied by the teacher in the classroom interaction along with teacher’s and students’ perceptions of the questioning strategies applied in the classroom interaction. To meet the purposes of the study, a case study was employed. The data were obtained from classroom observation, interview with the teacher and interview with students. The basic frameworks of questioning strategies analysis are relied on Chaudron (1988), Wu (1993), Anwar (2000) and Tsui et al (2004) frameworks. This study revealed that the teacher employed several questioning strategies namely rephrasing, blank-filling, code-switching, probing, simplification, exemplification, repetition, and decomposition in eliciting the students’ responses. However, the most dominant questioning strategy employed by the teacher was rephrasing strategy since this strategy was effective in eliciting the students’ responses in the classroom interaction. This result was supported by the result of the interview with the students which revealed that the most helpful questioning strategy for the students was rephrasing strategy. The teacher and the students generally gave positive perceptions toward questioning startegies. For the teacher, questioning startegy is one of the teacher’s tools in eliciting students’ responses. Meanwhile, for the students, questioning strategies are really helpful in comprehending the teacher’s questions and also helpful in gaining confidence to express their ideas verbally. Based on the findings, it is recommended that future research concerning the implementation of questioning strategy in Indonesia should be enriched with more attention to the correlation between the implementation of questioning strategies and students’ achievement. Keywords: Teacher’s Questioning Strategies, Classroom Interaction. Penelitian ini meneliti strategi bertanya yang digunakan guru dalam interaksi kelas di sebuah SMA negeri di Cimahi. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah strategi bertanya apa yang digunakan oleh guru dalam interaksi kelas beserta persepsi guru dan siswa mengenai penggunaan strategi bertanya tersebut dalam interaksi kelas. Dengan mempertimbangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini, studi kasus dipilih sebagai metode yang cocok untuk digunakan. Data yang dibutuhkan dikumpulkan dari beberapa instrumen yang digunakan, yakni observasi kelas, wawancara dengan guru dan wawancara dengan siswa. Kerangka kerja dasar yang digunakan dalam menganalisis strategi bertanya dikembangkan berdasarkan kerangka kerja dari Chaudron (1988), Wu (1993), Anwar (2000) dan Tsui et al (2004). Berdasarkan hasil temuan, rephrasing, blank-filling, code-switching, probing, simplification, exemplification, repetition, dan decomposition adalah jenis strategi bertanya yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam usaha memperoleh respon siswa. Meskipun demikian, strategi bertanya yang paling dominan digunakan oleh guru dalam interaksi kelas adalah strategi rephrasing karena, berdasarkan hasil analisis, strategi ini efektif dalam mendorong siswa untuk memberikan respon. Hasil analisis ini juga didukung oleh hasil wawancara dengan siswa yang mengungkapkan bahwa strategi bertanya yang sangat membantu siswa dalam memahami pertanyaan guru adalah strategi rephrasing. Secara umum, guru dan para siswa memberikan persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan strategi bertanya. Bagi guru, strategi bertanya merupakan salah satu cara guru dalam memperoleh respon dari siswa. Sedangkan bagi para siswa, strategi bertanya sangatlah membantu mereka dalam memahami pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru dan juga sangat membantu siswa dalam menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri untuk mengemukakan pendapat maupun ide mereka secara verbal. Berdasarkan hasil temuan, direkomendasikan untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk lebih memfokuskan penelitian terhadap korelasi antara pengimplementasian strategi bertanya dan pencapaian siswa. Kata kunci: Strategi bertanya guru, Interaksi kela

    Traces of Social History in Batu Bara Songket Traditional Crafts in Batubara Regency, North Sumatra Province

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    This study aims to describe the traces of social history in the traditional craft of Batubara songket in Batubara Regency. Songket Batu Bara woven fabric continues to evolve with the times, songket has even become a popular choice for traditional Malay wedding attire, especially in Batu Bara regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was carried out by observation, document analysis, interviews, and literature studies. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques were used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the Batu Bara Malay songket woven fabric is a traditional woven fabric that has become a cultural heritage for the Batu Bara people. Batu Bara Malay Songket was already known during the reign of the Batu Bara Sultanate. The functions of the Malay Batu Bara woven songket include, as a reinforcement of identity, an expression of love, to maintaining the continuity and stability of Malay culture, when someone wears a Malay songket, they are already carrying out the function of the Malay songket woven fabric and also developing culture

    Traces of Social History in Batu Bara Songket Traditional Crafts in Batubara Regency, North Sumatra Province

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    This study aims to describe the traces of social history in the traditional craft of Batubara songket in Batubara Regency. Songket Batu Bara woven fabric continues to evolve with the times, songket has even become a popular choice for traditional Malay wedding attire, especially in Batu Bara regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was carried out by observation, document analysis, interviews, and literature studies. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques were used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the Batu Bara Malay songket woven fabric is a traditional woven fabric that has become a cultural heritage for the Batu Bara people. Batu Bara Malay Songket was already known during the reign of the Batu Bara Sultanate. The functions of the Malay Batu Bara woven songket include, as a reinforcement of identity, an expression of love, to maintaining the continuity and stability of Malay culture, when someone wears a Malay songket, they are already carrying out the function of the Malay songket woven fabric and also developing culture