343 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harga Produk Dan Mencari Variasi Terhadap Terhadap Perpindahan Merek Mobil Mpv Di Kota Medan

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    Pada penelian ini ingin melihat bagaimana pengaruh harga produk dan mencari variasi terhadap perpindahan merek mobil MPV di Kota Medan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitaif dan sampel pada penelian ini sebesar 97 orang pemakai mobil MPV yang berpindah di Kota Medan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran angket serta melaukan validitas dan reliabelitas. Teknik analisa data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan uji asumsi klasik dan analisa regresi linnier berganda. Hasil analisa regresi linnier berganda pada penelitian ini adalah Y = 5,5337 + 0,207 X1 + 0,284 X2 + e, serta variabel harga produk dan variabel mencari variasi mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perpindahan merek mobil MPV di Kota Medan. Nilai koefisien Adjusted R Square didapat sebesar 0,461, artinya bahwa sebesar 46,1% variabel perpindahan merek dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel harga produk dan variabel mencari variasi serta sisanya sebesar 53,9% dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel lain yang tidak diteili dan tidak dimasukkan dalam model regresi linier berganda ini

    Towards batch-processing on cold storage devices

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    Large amounts of data in storage systems is cold, i.e., Written Once and Read Occasionally (WORO). The rapid growth of massive-scale archival and historical data increases the demand for petabyte-scale cheap storage for such cold data. A Cold Storage Device (CSD) is a disk-based storage system which is designed to trade off performance for cost and power efficiency. Inevitably, the design restrictions used in CSD's results in performance limitations. These limitations are not a concern for WORO workloads, however, the very low price/performance characteristics of CSDs makes them interesting for other applications, e.g., batch processes, too. Applications, however, can be very slow on CSD's if they do not take their characteristics into account. In this paper we design two strategies for data partitioning in CSDs -- a crucial operation in many batch analytics tasks like hash-join, near-duplicate detection, and data localization. We show that our strategies can efficiently use CSDs for batch processing of terabyte-scale data by accelerating data partitioning by 3.5x in our experiments

    Konsumsi Air Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 45 Bandung Sebagai Bentuk Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan

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    Air merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam mendukung kehidupan. Kondisi air bersih di tanah air saat ini banyak mengalami permasalahan. Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan jumlah manusia maka kebutuhan air bersihpun semakin meningkat, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan sekolah untuk menghemat konsumsi air, mengetahui sistem pengelolaan air, neraca air, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program penghematan konsumsi air di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan Mix methode antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam upaya menghemat konsumsi air di sekolah dikembangkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang berlandaskan pengelolaan dan pelestraian lingkungan yang terkandung dalam visi misi, tujuan dan sasaran program, kebijakan pembiayaan program dalam RAKS dan kebijakan pengembangan sarana prasarana hemat air. Sistem pengelolaan air di sekolah disusun melalui tahap penyusunan program penghematan air, perencanaan dan implementasi program penghematan air, sekolah belum melakukan tahap evaluasi keberhasilan penghematan dari program yang dicanangkan. Neraca SMPN 45  diperoleh konsumsi air yang digunakan masih dibahwah standar SNI. Volume konsumsi air terbesar digunakan untuk kegiatan wudlu, buang air kecil dan cuci tangan. Penghematan terjadi dari penggunaan kembali limbah air bekas wudlu dan cuci tangan sehingga mengurangi konsumsi air bersih di sekolah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program penghematan air di sekolah meliputi aspek sosial yang terdiri dari pengetahuan, partisipasi, dan sosialisasi program. Aspek teknis meliputi sarana teknologi hemat air yang digunakan dan aspek biaya, alokasi biaya digunakan untuk pengadaan dan pemeliharaan sarana prasarana hemat air

    Environment Law and Natural Sustainability resources: case of Pawon Cave Area Conservation Gunung Masigit Village, Cipatat District, West Bandung

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    This study aims to examine the sustainability of the conservation of the Pawon Cave area and the factors that influence it. Sustainable development includes ecology, the region's social and economic benefits, and mining potential. The method used is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative. Herein, the community access to the Pawon Cave area is gardening, taking firewood, and taking grass. Processing and minimization of soil erosion are well managed, including a terracing system. Plants and animals in the area are maintained with no logging or hunting. The site provides benefits such as water, rice, vegetables, and fruits, as well as fertilizer for agriculture. Moreover, factors that affect the sustainability of the conservation of the Pawon Cave area are policy support from the government and having adequate human resources to manage the place. The implementation of the policy has shown that it is appropriate to support conservation efforts such as prevention of mining, preservation of springs, and protection of plants and animals in the area. Several construction facilities have also been built to support tourism. The coaching and training program for the caretaker of the Pawon Cave area is an effort to keep the area manager's human resources professionals. The incentives given by the government to the Provincial Jupel are 500,000/month, and the Regency Jupel is 450,000/month

    Salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate enhance drought tolerance in chamomile plants

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    Introduction: The dried flowers of chamomile contain many terpenoids and flavonoids contributing to its medicinal properties. Salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) have antioxidant properties and function as direct radical scavengers. Two Matricaria chamomilla cultivars (Bodgold and Hungary breed seeds) were used in this study to investigate the effects of exogenous application of SA and MeJA on protection against drought stress as well as on changes of malone dialdehyde (MDA) and electrolyte leakage index (ELI), and the fluctuation of proline and soluble sugars content in the leaves under drought stress. Methods: The experiment was conducted in a factorial design based on randomized complete blocks with three replicates. Chamomile plants were treated by two levels of drought stress as well as two different levels of MeJA (i.e., 0.0 and 100 &mu;M) and SA (i.e., 0.0 and 0.5 mM) solutions. Results: There was a dramatic drought induced increase in the MDA content (128) and ELI (49) in the leaves. Deleterious effect of drought stress was more severe in untreated plants than in treated ones. Treatments with SA and MeJA significantly improved drought tolerance in chamomile plants. These treatments effectively maintained membrane integrity, thereby retarding electrolyte leakage and membrane lipid peroxidation (MDA). Treatments with SA and MeJA were also effective in enhancing the antioxidant concentrations of proline and soluble sugars. Conclusion: The production of these antioxidants could have been part of a defence system against drought damage, reducing MDA and ELI and maintaining membrane stability.</p

    Analysis of the Application of the Principles of the Cooperative Law Environmentally Friendly in Coffee Agricultural Products (Case Study of Solok Radjo, Solok Regency)

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    The purpose of this study was conducted as an effort to describe the description process related to the application of cooperative principles that are managed in an environmentally friendly manner through a cultural approach and local wisdom of the community in the Solok Radjo Cooperative, this study resulted in a study related to the level of application of cooperative principles carried out by the community in results in accordance with philosophy of law. At the analysis stage of this study using descriptive method techniques through observations on case objects (Case Study). In collecting and collecting data, questionnaires and interviews were used as a way of collecting data for this research, so that there are two forms of data, namely primary and secondary. The samples in this study were the people who were registered as members of the cooperative, then the results of data processing were strengthened based on observations from interviews with cooperative managers. Based on the results of the research and referring to the literature reviewing this research resulted in an illustration that the Solok Radjo Cooperative has properly implemented the cooperative principles according to the Cooperative Law Article 5 of Law Number 25 of 1992 in the process of implementing cooperative activities and involving the community in environmentally friendly management in the process. agricultural production with an approach to the value of local wisdom and knowledge of the indigenous Minang people


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    Mangrove ecosystem is an important part of the coastal environment. One of the problems in almost all coastal areas in Indonesia is the degradation of mangrove area. In the coastal areas of Langkat Regency, precisely in the Tapak Kuda Village is also facing the same thing. In the last 15 years, mangrove area has reduced quite high. One of them is caused by the conversion of mangrove land into ponds. The existence of mangrove ecosystems is related to socio-economic life of society that causes the decline of mangrove area and the changing environmental conditions of social life. The results showed that the conversion of mangrove land brought the social impact on residents’ lives. Changes in the types of jobs are fishermen decreased 24%, the percentage of farmers rose 19% and fish farmers also rose 10%. Income-related conditions, 24% of people feel steady and have sufficient income to meet the families’ needs, 43% of people feel sometimes high income is not enough to meet families’ needs and 33% of people feel low income that make the families’ needs are not fulfilled. The condition of public education level has increased, the percentage of people completing primary school rose 7%, junior high was up 21%, and high school 16%. Regarding the use of natural resources, there were only 35% of the natural resources that could be managed by the community. Community land use patterns are 10% of ponds, 30% of fields, 20% of fishing areas and 40% of conservation areas


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    Budaya makan sayur perlu ditingkatkan, hal ini karena pada tahun 2015 dan 2017 konsumsi sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan penduduk Indonesia secara keseluruhan hanya sekitar 65% dan 79% dari jumlah yang dianjurkan. Sayuran merupakan pangan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat hampir setiap harinya. Bertanam tanaman sayuran di pekarangan rumah dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif warga dalam meminimalkan pengeluaran mereka dalam mengkonsumsi sayuran. Desa Iwul Kecamatan parung Kabupaten Bogor khususnya di RT 01/RW 06 dijadikan tempat Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Abdimas) karena sebagian besar warga memiliki lahan pekarangan rumah yang cukup luas. Namun, mereka belum memahami cara bertanam tanaman sayuran dengan baik sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui manfaat kegiatan Abdimas terhadap keterampilan masyarakat dalam bertanam tanaman sayuran di pekarangan rumah mereka.Kegiatan Abdimas dihadiri oleh 25 peserta. Rincian kegiatannya adalah penjelasan tentang jenis sayuran dan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan manusia, penjelasan tentang cara membuat media tanam yang baik, praktek pembuatan media tanam yang baik oleh peserta, pembagian bahan dan alat yang diperlukan untuk bercocok tanam di pekarangan, dan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner tentang persepsi peserta terhadap manfaat kegiatan ini. Adapun pembibitan yang berhasil dari benih sayuran yang telah diberikan Tim Abdimas UT kepada peserta adalah bibit kacang panjang merah, cabai rawit besar, tomat, terong, dan pakcoy. Bibit-bibit tersebut kemudian dipindahkan ke pekarangan rumah agar dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Manfaat dari kegiatan Abdimas adalah warga mendapatkan benih sayuran gratis yang dapat digunakan untuk bertanam tanaman di pekarangan rumah, warga mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pembibitan benih sayuran dan pemindahan bibit sayuran di pekarangan rumah
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