901 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Alasan pengabdian ini adalah minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang desain produk, minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara pemilihan bahan baku dan pengawetan bambu serta kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pengolahan finishing, nilai estetika dan kualitas produk kerajinan yang rendah, menyebabkan produksi kerajinan bambu kurang diminati konsumen, Hal ini berakibat pada rendahnya permintaan pasar dan menurunnya penghasilan pengrajin. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang desain produk, pemberian materi pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknik pemilihan dan pengawetan bahan baku serta teknik finishing. Metode yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion, Pelatihan dan Workshop. Hasil berupa dampak dan manfaat yaitu dampak ekonomi dan dampak sosial. Dampak ekonomi dengan adanya peningkatan produksi, peningkatan penghasilan, bangkitan kewirausahaan, dan peningkatan kesejateraan masyarakat. Dampak sosial adalah mitra dapat bekerjasama dalam sebuah wadah, ikatan sosial semakin erat, mengatasi masalah secara bersama-sama sebagai pengrajin, menimbulkan bangkitan sosial untuk masyarakat diluar pengrajin. Capaian kegiatan berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mendesain produk kerajinan bambu, publikasi kegiatan pada media elektronik telah dilakukan dengan mempublikasikan kegiatan pelatihan pada Media Online harian Tribun Timur, publikasi di jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat, video kegiatan pelatihan, workshop dan hasil produk desain. Kata kunci: Peningkatan produksi, desain produk bambu. ABSTRACT The reason for this dedication is the lack of knowledge and skills regarding product design, the lack of knowledge on how to choose raw materials and preserving bamboo and the lack of knowledge and skills in finishing processing, low aesthetic value and quality of handicraft products, causing the production of bamboo handicrafts to be less attractive to consumers. This resulted in lower market demand and decreased craftsmen's.  The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge and skills about product design, providing material knowledge and technical skills for selecting and preserving raw materials and finishing techniques. The method used is Focus Group Discussion, Training and Workshop. The results are in the form of impacts and benefits, namely economic impacts and social impacts. The economic impact is with an increase in production, an increase in income, a generation of entrepreneurship, and an increase in community welfare. The social impact is the ability to work together in a forum, the social ties are getting closer, addressing problems together as craftsmen, causing a social awakening for people outside the craftsmen. The achievement of activities in the form of increased knowledge and skills of partners in Designing Bamboo Craft Products, Publication of activities on Electronic Media has been carried out by publishing training activities on the Tribun Timur daily Media Online, publications in community service Journal, Video training activities, workshops and product design results. Keywords: Increased production, bamboo product design

    Using the Ornaments of Historical Mosque to Learn Two-Dimensional Shapes

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar, sikap ilmiah, serta interaksi model inkuiri dan GI peserta didik kelas V pada mata pelajaran IPA SDN 37 Cakranegara tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen, jenis Quasi Eksperimental Design tipe Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN 37 Cakranegara sebanyak 47 siswa  yang terbagi menjadi dua kelas yakni kelas A dan B. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah tehnik sampling jenuh yaitu tehnik penentuan sampel yang dimana semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode tes dan non tes. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan model inkuiri dan GI terhadap hasil belajar IPA. Berdasarkan hasil post-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar IPA siswa pada kelas inkuiri  (51,78) dan kelas GI (62,81). Hasil perhitungan SPSS diperoleh nilai sig. 0,001 < 0,005 untuk hasil belajar yang dapat dikatakan signifikan, selanjutnya sig. 0,199 > 0,005 pada sikap ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar, dan sig. 0,687 > 0,05 untuk interaksi yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan sikap ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas V mata pelajaran IPA SDN 37 Cakranegara Tahun pelajaran 2019/202


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    Tosora village in Wajoregency-South Sulawesiis the village of the former capital of Wajo Kingdom in the 16th and 17th centuries, which still maintainsthearhitecture of Bugis traditional suspended house. The existence of the historic sites such as oldmosques, fortresses, Geddong and the natural conditions surrounded by rivers, rice fields and lakes is important in the tradition of building Bugis houses in Tosora. The orientation of the layout and house direction in these traditional settlements is various, so the researchaimed to revealthe guidelines used by Tosora peoplein determining the orientation of Bugis Traditional houses either based on tradition or other influencing factors.Theresearch methodology usedqualitative methods with the Case Study Approach. Theresearch wasdescriptive and used the analysis method of Discovering Cultural Themes. The results showed that traditionally, the orientation ofBugis house layout was the direction of thehousesbased on the East wind, the position of the sun on the house and the position of the moon's light into the house. In addition, the orientation is determined by the layout of Bugis house in Tosora which is influenced by the existence of the historic sites (old / ancient mosques and squares) and the location ofthehouses from rice fields(workplaces) for easy accessibility. The moon symbol as a factor that influences the orientation of the house is different from thatin other settlements in Indonesia

    Axial load-axial deformation behaviour of circular concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars and helices

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    Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars has attracted a significant amount of research attention in the last three decades to overcome the problems associated with the corrosion of steel reinforcing bars in reinforced concrete members. A limited number of studies, however, have investigated the behaviour of concrete columns reinforced with FRP bars. Also, available design standards either ignore the contribution of or do not recommend the use of GFRP bars in compression members. This study reports the results of experimental investigations of concrete specimens reinforced with GFRP bars and GFRP helices as longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, respectively. A total of five circular concrete columns of 205 mm in diameter and 800 mm in height were cast and tested under axial compression. The experimental results showed that reducing the spacing of the GFRP helices or confining the specimens with CFRP sheet led to improvements in the strength and ductility of the specimens. Also, an analytical model has been developed for the axial load-axial deformation behaviour of the circular concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars and helices. The model has been validated with the experimental results

    Vernacular Architecture of Buginese:The Concept of Local-Wisdom in Constructing Buildings Based on Human Anatomy

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    Purpose: Several studies have been conducted on the concept of Bugis community house construction to understand its macro- and micro-cosmology. This study was, however, conducted to complement the multi-perception research on the relationship between architecture and local wisdom by disclosing the formation of residential space plans. This involved the use of the Bugis house as the subject and the application of the horizontal and vertical philosophies’ perspectives based on the anatomical dimensions of a lying human body as its traditional architectural uniqueness. Research Design & Methodology: The study was conducted qualitatively in Talungeng Village, Bone Regency, Indonesia, for a period of one year, 2018–2019, using the case study approach, phenomenology, and ethnography model. Data were collected through several eligible informants and analyzed using the Discovering Cultural Themes method by associating studies with architecture. Results & Findings: This study showed the horizontal spatial organization and relations in the Bugis house plan derive from the philosophy and function of human body parts in a lying position, which is believed to be a means to provide protection and comfort for residents, while the vertical aspect involves the use of the house frame as the central pillar in proportion to the whole structure. The adoption of the human body as the framework is usually to provide mutual support for the building structure and to ensure it has enough strength to mitigate against earthquakes, floods, and strong winds

    Metabolic Syndrome and Related Lifestyle Factors Among Group of People in Erbil City

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    The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is rising worldwide. This study aimed to demonstrate the association between major dietary patterns with metabolic syndrome components and the related lifestyle factors among adults in Erbil city. In this cross-sectional study, the participants were selected by applying convenience sampling method among healthy adults by means of lack of chronic diseases and not being pregnant. The study was conducted on a group of n=378 healthy adults filled the form consisted of the 3 sections (sociodemographic, physical activity questionnaire and food frequency questionnaire) in Tishk international university and Brayati neighborhood. among 378 participants, only n=203 participants responded to the practical part, n=113 females and n=90 males, aged between 19 to 60 years. Biochemical tests, anthropometrics, and blood pressure measurements were performed. factor analysis with a principal component PCA method was used to identify dietary patterns. Three major dietary patterns were identified and designed as healthy, western, and traditional with the factor loads (29.66, 20.56 and 17.56) respectively. A high score in western dietary pattern ranges was most correlated with a higher risk of abnormal blood glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein concentration p-values (0.002, 0.022,0.015, and 0.008) respectively. The participants were determined to be %69.5 physically inactive. A significant association exists between dietary patterns and related lifestyle factors and metabolic syndrome risks among Erbil adults

    Condition based maintenance optimization for multi-state wind power generation systems under periodic inspection

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    As the wind power system moves toward more efficient operation, one of the main challenges for managers is to determine a cost effective maintenance strategy. Most maintenance optimization studies for wind power generation systems deal with wind turbine components separately. However, there are economic dependencies among wind turbines and their components. In addition, most current researches assume that the components in a wind turbine only have two states, while condition monitoring techniques can often provide more detailed health information of components. This study aims to construct an optimal condition based maintenance model for a multi-state wind farm under the condition that individual components or subsystems can be monitored in periodic inspection. The results are demonstrated using a numerical example.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio