101 research outputs found

    Ochrona godności człowieka jako podstawa penalizacji mowy nienawiści wobec osób z niepełnosprawnościami w polskim prawie karnym

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    The aim of the study is a legal analysis of the provisions criminalizing hate speech in Polish criminal law, in terms of the protection of inherent human dignity in relation to people with disabilities. Rated whether the absence of special protection under criminal law in the area of hate speech provides the proper respect and protects the dignity of persons with disabilities in Poland, to the same extent and degree as other people. The doctrine of criminal law protection against hate speech was discussed. It was analysed why hate speech against people with disabilities was not penalized and it was shown that legal changes in this area should be preceded by a multifaceted legal analysis, taking into account international standards, and proposals for amendments were characterized by an insufficient justification of the inalienable value of dignity. A discussion was held on the basis of criminalizing hate speech against people with disabilities. It has been shown that extending protection against hate speech to people with disabilities is not questionable and should be based on ensuring that dignity is adequately protected by the rule of law in order to counterbalance limitations resulting from the feature of disability, which is essentially independent of them.Celem pracy jest analiza prawna przepisów kryminalizujących mowę nienawiści w polskim prawie karnym w zakresie ochrony przyrodzonej godności człowieka w odniesieniu do osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Oceniono, czy brak szczególnej ochrony prawnokarnej w obszarze mowy nienawiści zapewnia należyty szacunek i ochronę godności osób z niepełnosprawnościami w Polsce w takim samym zakresie i stopniu jak innych osób. Omówiono doktrynę ochrony prawnokarnej przed mową nienawiści. Przeanalizowano przyczyny niewprowadzenia penalizacji mowy nienawiści wobec osób z niepełnosprawnościami i wykazano, że zmiany prawne w tym zakresie powinny być poprzedzone wieloaspektową analizą prawną z uwzględnieniem standardów międzynarodowych, a projekty nowelizacji cechowały się niewystarczającym uzasadnieniem kwestii niezbywalnej wartości godności. Przeprowadzono dyskusję w zakresie podstaw penalizacji mowy nienawiści wobec osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Wykazano, że objęcie osób z niepełnosprawnościami ochroną przed mową nienawiści nie budzi wątpliwości i powinno opierać się na zapewnieniu odpowiedniej ochrony godności przez państwo prawa ze względu na zrównoważenie ograniczeń wynikających z cechy niepełnosprawności, która jest zasadniczo od nich niezależna

    Nadużywanie benzydaminy

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    AbstractWe described the following case of benzydamine hydrochloride oral intoxication used for recreational purpose. The female patient showed extreme excitement with visual hallucinations that persisted for about 10 hours. The benzydamine hydrochloride was used as a drug which is a cheap, easy to acquire and hard to detect. On the basis of the described case and review of the literature, practical psychiatric and toxicological aspects of acute benzydamine misuse and its complications were discussed.StreszczenieW pracy przedstawiono kolejny w Polsce przypadek zatrucia chlorowodorkiem benzydaminy zawartym w preparacie Tantum Rosa. Preparat ten był przyjmowany doustnie w celach rekreacyjnych, a motywem jego używania była chęć znalezienia środka psychoaktywnego, który byłby łatwy do zdobycia, tani i trudny do wykrycia za pomocą powszechnie dostępnych testów narkotykowych. Podobnie jak w opisywanym w 2007 roku przypadku, także i w tym wystąpiło silne pobudzenie psychoruchowe oraz pojawiły się omamy wzrokowe, które utrzymywały się przez ok. 10 godzin. Na podstawie opisanych przypadków, a także przeglądu piśmiennictwa omówiono wybrane praktyczne addyktologiczne i toksykologiczne aspekty używania benzydaminy oraz powikłania z tym związane

    Mental and behavioural disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances. Diagnostic systems, classifications, terms

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    This paper reviews current classifications, diagnostic criteria and used terms (recommended and non-recommended) according to mental and behavioural disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances. Psychiatry 2010; 7, 2: 75-81Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd współczesnych klasyfikacji, kryteriów diagnostycznych oraz terminologii używanej (zalecanej i niezalecanej) w odniesieniu do zaburzeń psychicznych i zaburzeń zachowania spowodowanych używaniem substancji psychoaktywnych. Psychiatria 2010; 7, 2: 75-8

    Morphology of Near- and Semispherical Melted Chips after the Grinding Processes Using Sol-Gel Abrasives Based on SEM-Imaging and Analysis

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    Selected issues related to SEM-imaging and image analysis of spherical melted chips formed during the grinding process are presented and discussed. The general characteristics of this specific group of machining products are given. Chip formation phenomena, as well as their overall morphology, are presented using selected examples of near- and semispherical melted chips occurring singly or concentrated in clusters on the grinding wheel surface after the machining process. Observation of the spherical melted chips and acquisition of their images were carried out for grinding wheel active surfaces with microcrystalline sintered corundum abrasive grains SG™ after the internal cylindrical grinding process of a 100Cr6 steel and Titanium Grade 2® alloy by use of a scanning electron microscope, JEOL JSM-5500LV. Analysis of the obtained SEM micrographs was carried out by Image-Pro® Plus 5.0 software to determine the selected geometrical parameters describing the morphological features of the assessed chips


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    Earth Science provide large amounts of data. The available information can be stored and then analysed in different systems. For disciplines such as: geology, geophysics and environmental protection are created database. At the request of the Ministry of the Environment was established portal containing a record of such databases. There are a number of databases that can be classified into several groups. Presented work focuses on the analysis of environmental databases. The study analysed the opportunities offer such systems, examined access to information

    Imbalances in the study of the relationship between leisure and self-esteem: a systematic review

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    This systematic review offers a comprehensive examination of the relationship between leisure and self-esteem. The different perspectives were analyzed according to a framework that includes the different approaches for defining and measuring leisure, and a similar one was proposed for self-esteem. Articles indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) up to the end of 2018 were reviewed, specifically those that contained the keywords “leisure”, “self-esteem” or “self esteem” anywhere in the manuscript. Articles that did not present the qualitative or quantitative instruments needed to evaluate leisure or self-esteem were excluded. A total of 49 articles included the final quantitative synthesis. The overall findings showed that the prevailing methodology was objective (external). As regards content, the following combinations predominated: the behavioral approach to leisure with the unidimensional approach to self-esteem and the experiential approach to leisure with the unidimensional approach to self-esteem. Less studies were observed with the combination of mixed approaches and more comprehensive analyses: the behavioral-experiential combined with the multidimensional. To conclude, this study shows there is a demand for further empirical studies that explore the relationships between leisure and self-esteem. It also identified which approaches are most desirable to expand our understanding of the relationships between leisure and self-esteem.This contribution has received financial support from REDICE16-1320, University of Barcelona; RTI2018-094405-B-100, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain, and the PsicoSAO-ResearchGroup in Social, Environmental, and Organizational Psychology (2017 SRG 564 Comissionat per a Universitats iRecerca del DIUE of the Generalitat de Catalunya

    A fully automated cell segmentation and morphometric parameter system for quantifying corneal endothelial cell morphology

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    YesBackground and Objective Corneal endothelial cell abnormalities may be associated with a number of corneal and systemic diseases. Damage to the endothelial cells can significantly affect corneal transparency by altering hydration of the corneal stroma, which can lead to irreversible endothelial cell pathology requiring corneal transplantation. To date, quantitative analysis of endothelial cell abnormalities has been manually performed by ophthalmologists using time consuming and highly subjective semi-automatic tools, which require an operator interaction. We developed and applied a fully-automated and real-time system, termed the Corneal Endothelium Analysis System (CEAS) for the segmentation and computation of endothelial cells in images of the human cornea obtained by in vivo corneal confocal microscopy. Methods First, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Band-pass filter is applied to reduce noise and enhance the image quality to make the cells more visible. Secondly, endothelial cell boundaries are detected using watershed transformations and Voronoi tessellations to accurately quantify the morphological parameters of the human corneal endothelial cells. The performance of the automated segmentation system was tested against manually traced ground-truth images based on a database consisting of 40 corneal confocal endothelial cell images in terms of segmentation accuracy and obtained clinical features. In addition, the robustness and efficiency of the proposed CEAS system were compared with manually obtained cell densities using a separate database of 40 images from controls (n = 11), obese subjects (n = 16) and patients with diabetes (n = 13). Results The Pearson correlation coefficient between automated and manual endothelial cell densities is 0.9 (p < 0.0001) and a Bland–Altman plot shows that 95% of the data are between the 2SD agreement lines. Conclusions We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the CEAS system, and the possibility of utilizing it in a real world clinical setting to enable rapid diagnosis and for patient follow-up, with an execution time of only 6 seconds per image