217 research outputs found

    The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation

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    La journée d’étude The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation, organisée à l’Université Paris 7 - Diderot le vendredi 15 novembre 2013 à l’initiative de Marine Le Puloch (Paris 7) et Céline Planchou (Paris 13), a proposé aux intervenants de s’interroger sur le statut des nations autochtones aux Etats-Unis, tant en termes juridiques qu’identitaires, depuis les fondements de la Jeune République jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Cette journée se proposait d’explorer plusieurs questions. Quelle place occ..

    MISTRAL: sistema de recuperação documentária

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    O Sistema de recuperação documentária, MISTRAL, é um sistema integrado de documentação automatizado, que inclui: busca retrospectiva, disseminação seletiva da informação, entrada em linha de documentos, indexação automática, gestão de léxico e tesauros, interface para videodisco, máquinas de microfilmagem e de fotocomposição. Permite a organização dos maiores bancos de dados na Europa e no mundo.

    The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation

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    La journée d’étude The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation, organisée à l’Université Paris 7 - Diderot le vendredi 15 novembre 2013 à l’initiative de Marine Le Puloch (Paris 7) et Céline Planchou (Paris 13), a proposé aux intervenants de s’interroger sur le statut des nations autochtones aux Etats-Unis, tant en termes juridiques qu’identitaires, depuis les fondements de la Jeune République jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Cette journée se proposait d’explorer plusieurs questions. Quelle place occ..

    The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation

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    La journée d’étude The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation, organisée à l’Université Paris 7 - Diderot le vendredi 15 novembre 2013 à l’initiative de Marine Le Puloch (Paris 7) et Céline Planchou (Paris 13), a proposé aux intervenants de s’interroger sur le statut des nations autochtones aux Etats-Unis, tant en termes juridiques qu’identitaires, depuis les fondements de la Jeune République jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Cette journée se proposait d’explorer plusieurs questions. Quelle place occ..

    Varicella-zoster virus IE63 protein phosphorylation by roscovitine-sensitive cyclin-dependent kinases modulates its cellular localization and activity.

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    peer reviewedDuring the first stage of Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) infection, IE63 (immediate early 63 protein) is mostly expressed in the nucleus and also slightly in the cytoplasm, and during latency, IE63 localizes in the cytoplasm quite exclusively. Because phosphorylation is known to regulate various cellular mechanisms, we investigated the impact of phosphorylation by roscovitine-sensitive cyclin-dependent kinase (RSC) on the localization and functional properties of IE63. We demonstrated first that IE63 was phosphorylated on Ser-224 in vitro by CDK1 and CDK5 but not by CDK2, CDK7, or CDK9. Furthermore, by using roscovitine and CDK1 inhibitor III (CiIII), we showed that CDK1 phosphorylated IE63 on Ser-224 in vivo. By mutagenesis and the use of inhibitors, we demonstrated that phosphorylation on Ser-224 was important for the correct localization of the protein. Indeed, the substitution of these residues by alanine led to an exclusive nuclear localization of the protein, whereas mutations into glutamic acid did not modify its subcellular distribution. When transfected or VZV-infected cells were treated with roscovitine or CiIII, an exclusive nuclear localization of IE63 was also observed. By using a transfection assay, we also showed that phosphorylation on Ser-224 and Thr-222 was essential for the down-regulation of the basal activity of the VZV DNA polymerase gene promoter. Similarly, roscovitine and CiIII impaired these properties of the wild-type form of IE63. These observations clearly demonstrated the importance of CDK1-mediated IE63 phosphorylation for a correct distribution of IE63 between both cellular compartments and for its repressive activity toward the promoter tested

    The Varicella-Zoster Virus Immediate-Early 63 protein affects chromatin controlled gene transcription in a cell-type dependent manner

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    Varicella Zoster Virus Immediate Early 63 protein (IE63) has been shown to be essential for VZV replication, and critical for latency establishment. The activity of the protein as a transcriptional regulator is not fully clear yet. Using transient transfection assays, IE63 has been shown to repress viral and cellular promoters containing typical TATA boxes by interacting with general transcription factors. In this paper, IE63 regulation properties on endogenous gene expression were evaluated using an oligonucleotide-based micro-array approach. We found that IE63 modulates the transcription of only a few genes in HeLa cells including genes implicated in transcription or immunity. Furthermore, we showed that this effect is mediated by a modification of RNA POL II binding on the promoters tested and that IE63 phosphorylation was essential for these effects. In MeWo cells, the number of genes whose transcription was modified by IE63 was somewhat higher, including genes implicated in signal transduction, transcription, immunity, and heat-shock signalling. While IE63 did not modify the basal expression of several NF-κB dependent genes such as IL-8, ICAM-1, and IκBα, it modulates transcription of these genes upon TNFα induction. This effect was obviously correlated with the amount of p65 binding to the promoter of these genes and with histone H3 acetylation and HDAC-3 removal. Conclusion While IE63 only affected transcription of a small number of cellular genes, it interfered with the TNF-inducibility of several NF-κB dependent genes by the accelerated resynthesis of the inhibitor IκBα

    Mathematical modeling of extracorporeal CO2 removal

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    Extra¬cor¬poreal CO2 removal devices (ECCO2R) can be used in clinics to decarboxylate blood externally for patients suffering from pulmonary insufficiencies like acute respiratory distress syndrome. In this work, a model of the respiratory system coupled with such a device is proposed to analyze the decrease of CO2 partial pressure in blood as a function of blood flow through the device. This model provides a mathematical tool which could help clinicians to choose the optimal settings of ECCO2R.Mathematical modeling and optimization of the use of cardiopulmonary assistances in intensive care unit

    Caracterização mecânica e determinação da resistencia a tração de caña brava para uso em construções rurais

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    The techniques traditionally used for construction are evaluated by engineering design standards and methods, which are updated daily to optimize structural and material properties. However, the use of natural materials is limited by the lack of necessary studies and conservation techniques and even more by the lack of regulations for their use in civil constructions, which is reflected in the fact that rural communities do not make use of materials from their own region for the improvement and adaptation of their houses, Therefore, this study aims to investigate and provide quantitative and qualitative results on the fibers of caña brava (gynerium sagittatum), with the objective of determining whether these fibers can be used and have applications in the area of construction and improvement of housing in the rural sector. In this article you will find the first phase of the project in which physical characterization studies were carried out using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, as well as tensile and compression mechanical strength tests, through which it was possible to determine the resistance of the object under study.Las técnicas usadas tradicionalmente para la construcción son evaluadas por normas y métodos de diseño en la ingeniería, las cuales se van actualizando diariamente para optimizar las propiedades estructurales y de los materiales. Sin embargo, el uso de materiales naturales está limitado por no contar con estudios necesarios y técnicas de conservación de los mismos y aún más por no contar con normatividad para su utilización en construcciones civiles, esto se ve reflejado en que las comunidades rurales no hacen uso de los materiales propios de su región para mejoramiento y adecuación de sus viviendas, por ello, en el presente estudio se pretende  investigar y dar resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre las fibras de caña brava (gynerium sagittatum), esto con el objetivo de determinar si dichas fibras  pueden ser utilizadas y tener aplicaciones en el área de la construcción y mejoramiento  de viviendas en el sector rural. En este artículo podrá encontrarse la primera fase del proyecto en la cual se realizaron estudios de caracterización física empleando técnicas de microscopía óptica (MO) y microscopía de barredura electrónica (MEB), así como ensayos de resistencia mecánica de tracción y compresión, mediante los cuales fue posible determinar la resistencia del objeto en estudioAs técnicas tradicionalmente utilizadas para a construção são avaliadas por padrões e métodos de projeto de engenharia, que são atualizados diariamente para otimizar as propriedades estruturais e materiais. Entretanto, o uso de materiais naturais é limitado devido à falta dos estudos e técnicas de conservação necessários, e ainda mais devido à falta de regulamentos para seu uso em construções civis. Isto se reflete no fato de que as comunidades rurais não fazem uso de materiais de sua própria região para a melhoria e adaptação de suas habitações, Portanto, este estudo visa investigar e fornecer resultados quantitativos e qualitativos sobre as fibras de caña brava (gynerium sagittatum), com o objetivo de determinar se estas fibras podem ser utilizadas e têm aplicações na área da construção e melhoria de moradias no setor rural. Neste artigo você encontrará a primeira fase do projeto na qual foram realizados estudos de caracterização física utilizando técnicas de microscopia óptica (OM) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), bem como testes de resistência mecânica à tração e compressão, por meio dos quais foi possível determinar a resistência do objeto em estudo

    Blood dynamics of mercury and selenium in northern elephant seals during the lactation period

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    The effects of reproduction and maternal investment (i.e., milk transfer) on trace element levels remain poorly understood in marine mammals. We examined the blood dynamics of mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) during lactation in the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), a top predator from the North Pacific Ocean. Total Hg and Se levels were measured in whole blood and milk of 10 mother-pup pairs on days 5 and 22 of lactation. Both Hg and Se were transferred to offspring through the milk. Results suggested that the maternal transfer of Se was prominent during lactation, whereas the Hg transfer was larger during gestation. The lactation period affected Hg and Se levels in the blood of elephant seal mothers and pups. Physiological processes and their relationship to body condition should be considered carefully when interpreting trace element levels in the framework of biomonitoring.Peer reviewe
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