81 research outputs found

    Estimating Emission Control Costs: A Comparison of the Approaches Implemented in the EC-EFOM-ENV and the IIASA-RAINS Models

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    The paper introduces two major model approaches to estimate emission control costs and develops a methodology to introduce results of energy flow optimization models (such as EFOM-ENV) into models for integrated assessment of acidification control strategies (such as the RAINS model). Based on a reference scenario for West Germany, national cost curves for reductions of SO2 and NOx emissions derived by both the EFOM-ENV and the RAINS model are compared. It is shown that -- as long as changes in the energy structure are excluded as means for reducing emissions -- results obtained from these models are comparable and the reasons for differences can be traced back to different input assumptions. However, as soon as energy conservation and fuel-substitution are utilized to reduce emissions, the simplified approach implemented in the RAINS model results in an overestimation of emission control costs

    Повышение эффективности транспортно-логистической отрасли. Энергоэффективность складских помещений

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    У статті розглянуто розвиток транспортно-логістичної галузі, особливості формування енергоефективної транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури із визначенням ролі портів у морських транспортних перевезеннях та виділенням процесу енергоефективності складських приміщень як одного із основних завдань модернізації транспортно-логістичної галузі. Оцінено типи складів та їх класифікацію, основні напрямки розвитку складської інфраструктури, визначено, що віднесення складів до одного із класів обумовлює різні вихідні вимоги до їх модернізації та здійснення заходів підвищення енергоефективності. Показано, що при оцінці якості складів у логістичній галузі, в першу чергу, враховується енергоефективність приміщень; енергоефективні складські комплекси мають характеризуватися суттєвим зниженням витрат і викидів у навколишнє середовище, а також застосуванням технологій, які дозволяють знижувати споживання природних ресурсів і негативний вплив на навколишнє середовище, що розглядаються як фактори сталого розвитку ланцюгів постачань великих компаній; підвищення енергетичної ефективності в логістичних системах, зокрема, складських приміщеннях, вимагає модернізації програм розвитку компетенції експертів з енергоаудиту, енергетичного менеджменту, підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів. Проаналізовано сучасний європейський досвід щодо вирішення проблеми підвищення ефективності функціонування транспортно-логістичної галузі, зокрема, особливості підвищення ефективності функціонування складів за рахунок енергоефективності будівель, а рівень енергоефективності має визначатися у відповідності до вимог актів законодавства ЄС, Енергетичного Співтовариства. Розглянуто вплив процесу автоматизації, моніторингу та управління будівлями на рівень їх енергоефективності згідно європейського регіонального стандарту ЕN 15232: 2007 «Енергоефективність будівель. Методи визначення впливу автоматизації, керування і експлуатації будівлі».The article discusses the development of transport and logistics industry, especially the formation of energy-efficient transport and logistics infrastructure to the definition of the role of ports in maritime transport and traffic allocation process, energy storage facilities as one of the main tasks of modernizing transportation and logistics industry. Reviewed by types of compositions and their classification, the main lines of storage infrastructure, determined that the assignment of syllables to one of the classes makes different output requirements for their modernization and implementation of energy efficiency measures. It is shown that in assessing the quality warehouses in the logistics industry, primarily takes into account energy facilities; energy storage systems are characterized by a significant reduction in costs and emissions into the environment, and the use of technologies that reduce the consumption of natural resources and the negative impact on the environment, considered as factors of sustainable supply chains of large companies; energy efficiency in logistics systems, including storage facilities require modernization programs of the competence of experts on energy, energy management, training and skills development. The modern European experience to address improving the efficiency of transport and logistics sector, including features to enhance the functioning of warehouses through energy efficiency of buildings and energy efficiency must be determined in accordance with legislative acts of the EU Energy Community. The influence of process automation, monitoring and management of buildings on the level of energy efficiency under the European Regional Standard EN 15232: 2007 "Energy efficiency of buildings. Methods for determining the impact of automation, control and operation of the building".В статье рассмотрено развитие транспортно-логистической отрасли, особенности формирования энергоэффективной транспортно-логистической инфраструктуры с определением роли портов в морских транспортных перевозках и выделением процесса энергоэффективности складских помещений как одной из основных задач модернизации транспортно-логистической отрасли. Оценены типы складов и их классификация, основные направления развития складской инфраструктуры, определено, что отнесение складов к одному из классов обусловливает разные исходные требования к их модернизации и осуществлению мероприятий по повышению энергоэффективности. Показано, что при оценке качества складов в логистической отрасли, в первую очередь, учитывается энергоэффективность помещений; энергоэффективные складские комплексы должны характеризоваться существенным снижением затрат и выбросов в окружающую среду, а также применением технологий, позволяющих снижать потребление природных ресурсов и негативное воздействие на окружающую среду, которые рассматриваются как факторы устойчивого развития цепей поставок крупных компаний; повышение энергетической эффективности в логистических системах, в частности, складских помещениях, требует модернизации программ развития компетенции экспертов по энергоаудиту, энергетического менеджмента, подготовки и повышения квалификации кадров. Проанализировано современный европейский опыт решения проблемы повышения эффективности функционирования транспортно-логистической отрасли, в частности, особенности повышения эффективности функционирования складов за счет энергоэффективности зданий, а уровень энергоэффективности должен определяться в соответствии с требованиями актов законодательства ЕС, Энергетического Сообщества. Рассмотрено влияние процесса автоматизации, мониторинга и управления зданиями на уровень их энергоэффективности согласно европейского регионального стандарта ЕN 15232: 2007 «Энергоэффективность зданий. Методы определения влияния автоматизации, управления и эксплуатации здания»

    Elements for European logistics policy - A discussion paper

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    Following a Finnish initiative the European Commission is preparing a communication on logistics in 2006. To support the preparations Finland arranged the so called EULOC-process in which logistics experts from different countries were invited to participate. First, an industry foresight of European logistics in 2015 was created. Next, the mission, vision and policy priorities of the European logistics policy were discussed. The mission for European logistics policy was created from the viewpoint of citizens, companies, states and Europe. Seven vision elements were created. The driving visions are “Seamless systems” and “Intelligent regulation”. The guiding and enabling visions are “Resources” and “Cost efficiency”. The outcome visions are “Europe’s competitiveness”, “Equal business opportunity” and “Sustainability”. According to the experts’ views the priority areas of European logistics policy are Infrastructure – Seamless systems require investments Research, development and training – Strengthen the competitiveness of the European Union Enterprises – The reinforcement of logistic industry Regulation – Innovative and intelligent Cost Efficiency – Effective logistics Sustainability – From environmental, social and economic viewpoint, a must in modern logistics Co-Operation – A strategic issue in network society Public-Private Partnership – Agile solutions for investments

    Reduced costs with bisoprolol treatment for heart failure - An economic analysis of the second Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study (CIBIS-II)

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    Background Beta-blockers, used as an adjunctive to diuretics, digoxin and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, improve survival in chronic heart failure. We report a prospectively planned economic analysis of the cost of adjunctive beta-blocker therapy in the second Cardiac Insufficiency BIsoprolol Study (CIBIS II). Methods Resource utilization data (drug therapy, number of hospital admissions, length of hospital stay, ward type) were collected prospectively in all patients in CIBIS . These data were used to determine the additional direct costs incurred, and savings made, with bisoprolol therapy. As well as the cost of the drug, additional costs related to bisoprolol therapy were added to cover the supervision of treatment initiation and titration (four outpatient clinic/office visits). Per them (hospital bed day) costings were carried out for France, Germany and the U.K. Diagnosis related group costings were performed for France and the U.K. Our analyses took the perspective of a third party payer in France and Germany and the National Health Service in the U.K. Results Overall, fewer patients were hospitalized in the bisoprolol group, there were fewer hospital admissions perpatient hospitalized, fewer hospital admissions overall, fewer days spent in hospital and fewer days spent in the most expensive type of ward. As a consequence the cost of care in the bisoprolol group was 5-10% less in all three countries, in the per them analysis, even taking into account the cost of bisoprolol and the extra initiation/up-titration visits. The cost per patient treated in the placebo and bisoprolol groups was FF35 009 vs FF31 762 in France, DM11 563 vs DM10 784 in Germany and pound 4987 vs pound 4722 in the U.K. The diagnosis related group analysis gave similar results. Interpretation Not only did bisoprolol increase survival and reduce hospital admissions in CIBIS II, it also cut the cost of care in so doing. This `win-win' situation of positive health benefits associated with cost savings is Favourable from the point of view of both the patient and health care systems. These findings add further support for the use of beta-blockers in chronic heart failure

    Family businesses from emerging markets and choice of entry mode abroad: insights from Indian firms

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    Internationalization of family businesses (FBs) is an interesting topic that has received extensive attention in the literature during the last decades. Prior studies emphasized the conservative attitude toward risk of FBs. However, studies addressing international decisions of emerging-market FBs (EMFBs) are still scarce. We investigate whether home and host countries matter when EMFBs choose the entry mode abroad. By doing so, we discern whether they follow the same behavioral pattern as developed-country multinational enterprises (MNEs) or they show a distinctive strategic behavior. Drawing on a sample of 298 foreign market entries carried out by Indian MNEs, our results show that Indian FBs prefer acquisitions instead of greenfield investments. Moreover, host country factors matter, since outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of Indian FBs in developed markets is associated with a preference for acquisitions, whereas OFDI in developing countries is associated with greenfield investments

    Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015

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    The present paper delivers a robust and systematic literature review (SLR) on supply chain risk management (SCRM) with the purpose to a) review and analyse the literature concerning definitions and research methodologies applied, to b) develop a classificatory framework which clusters existing enablers on SCRM, and to c) examine the linkage between SCRM and performance. The findings reveal that not only is SCRM loosely defined, but that there are various fragmented supply chain risks enablers and that there is a strong need for a clear terminology for its building enablers. In addition to that, the review points to a lack of empirical confirmation concerning the connection between SCRM and performance. This paper contributes an overview of 80 peer-reviewed journal articles on SCRM from 2000 to the beginning of 2015. We offer an overarching definition of SCRM, synthesise and assemble the numerous enablers into preventive and responsive strategies by means of a conceptual framework. Moreover, indicating the social network theory (SNT) as a potential theoretical foundation for SCRM, we further contribute to the supply chain management (SCM) literature by providing propositions that guide future research