427 research outputs found

    Modelling the unfolding pathway of biomolecules: theoretical approach and experimental prospect

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    We analyse the unfolding pathway of biomolecules comprising several independent modules in pulling experiments. In a recently proposed model, a critical velocity vcv_{c} has been predicted, such that for pulling speeds v>vcv>v_{c} it is the module at the pulled end that opens first, whereas for v<vcv<v_{c} it is the weakest. Here, we introduce a variant of the model that is closer to the experimental setup, and discuss the robustness of the emergence of the critical velocity and of its dependence on the model parameters. We also propose a possible experiment to test the theoretical predictions of the model, which seems feasible with state-of-art molecular engineering techniques.Comment: Accepted contribution for the Springer Book "Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications" (proceedings of the BIRS CMM16 Workshop held in Banff, Canada, August 2016), 16 pages, 6 figure

    Rectal Transmission of Transmitted/Founder HIV-1 Is Efficiently Prevented by Topical 1% Tenofovir in BLT Humanized Mice

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    Rectal microbicides are being developed to prevent new HIV infections in both men and women. We focused our in vivo preclinical efficacy study on rectally-applied tenofovir. BLT humanized mice (n = 43) were rectally inoculated with either the primary isolate HIV-1(JRCSF) or the MSM-derived transmitted/founder (T/F) virus HIV-1(THRO) within 30 minutes following treatment with topical 1% tenofovir or vehicle. Under our experimental conditions, in the absence of drug treatment we observed 50% and 60% rectal transmission by HIV-1(JRCSF) and HIV-1(THRO), respectively. Topical tenofovir reduced rectal transmission to 8% (1/12; log rank p = 0.03) for HIV-1(JRCSF) and 0% (0/6; log rank p = 0.02) for HIV-1(THRO). This is the first demonstration that any human T/F HIV-1 rectally infects humanized mice and that transmission of the T/F virus can be efficiently blocked by rectally applied 1% tenofovir. These results obtained in BLT mice, along with recent ex vivo, Phase 1 trial and non-human primate reports, provide a critically important step forward in the development of tenofovir-based rectal microbicides

    Opposing effects of D-aspartic acid and nitric oxide on tuning of testosterone production in mallard testis during the reproductive cycle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>D-Aspartic acid (D-Asp) and nitric oxide (NO) play an important role in tuning testosterone production in the gonads of male vertebrates. In particular, D-Asp promotes either the synthesis or the release of testosterone, whereas NO inhibits it. In this study, we have investigated for the first time in birds the putative effects of D-Asp and NO on testicular testosterone production in relation to two phases of the reproductive cycle of the adult captive wild-strain mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) drake. It is a typical seasonal breeder and its cycle consists of a short reproductive period (RP) in the spring (April-May) and a non reproductive period (NRP) in the summer (July), a time when the gonads are quiescent. The presence and the localization of D-Asp and NO in the testis and the trends of D-Asp, NO and testosterone levels were assessed during the main phases of the bird's reproductive cycle. Furthermore, in vitro experiments revealed the direct effect of exogenously administered D-Asp and NO on testosterone steroidogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>By using immunohistochemical (IHC) techniques, we studied the presence and the distributional pattern of D-Asp and NO in the testes of RP and NRP drakes. D-Asp levels were evaluated by an enzymatic method, whereas NO content, via nitrite, was assessed using biochemical measurements. Finally, immunoenzymatic techniques determined testicular testosterone levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IHC analyses revealed the presence of D-Asp and NO in Leydig cells. The distributional pattern of both molecules was in some way correlated to the steroidogenic pathway, which is involved in autocrine testosterone production. Indeed, whereas NO was present only during the NRP, D-Asp was almost exclusively present during the RP. Consistently, the high testosterone testicular content occurring during RP was coupled to a high D-Asp level and a low NO content in the gonad. By contrast, in sexually inactive drakes (NRP), the low testosterone content in the gonad was coupled to a low D-Asp content and to a relatively high NO level. Consequently, to determine the exogenous effects of the two amino acids on testosterone synthesis, we carried out in vitro experiments using testis sections deriving from both the RP and NRP. When testis slices were incubated for 60 or 120 min with D-Asp, testosterone was enhanced, whereas in the presence of L-Arg, a precursor of NO, it was inhibited.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results provide new insights into the involvement of D-Asp and NO in testicular testosterone production in the adult captive wild-strain mallard drake. The localization of these two molecules in the Leydig cells in different periods of the reproductive cycle demonstrates that they play a potential role in regulating local testosterone production.</p

    Renal tubular HIF-2α expression requires VHL inactivation and causes fibrosis and cysts.

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    The Hypoxia-inducible transcription Factor (HIF) represents an important adaptive mechanism under hypoxia, whereas sustained activation may also have deleterious effects. HIF activity is determined by the oxygen regulated α-subunits HIF-1α or HIF-2α. Both are regulated by oxygen dependent degradation, which is controlled by the tumor suppressor "von Hippel-Lindau" (VHL), the gatekeeper of renal tubular growth control. HIF appears to play a particular role for the kidney, where renal EPO production, organ preservation from ischemia-reperfusion injury and renal tumorigenesis are prominent examples. Whereas HIF-1α is inducible in physiological renal mouse, rat and human tubular epithelia, HIF-2α is never detected in these cells, in any species. In contrast, distinct early lesions of biallelic VHL inactivation in kidneys of the hereditary VHL syndrome show strong HIF-2α expression. Furthermore, knockout of VHL in the mouse tubular apparatus enables HIF-2α expression. Continuous transgenic expression of HIF-2α by the Ksp-Cadherin promotor leads to renal fibrosis and insufficiency, next to multiple renal cysts. In conclusion, VHL appears to specifically repress HIF-2α in renal epithelia. Unphysiological expression of HIF-2α in tubular epithelia has deleterious effects. Our data are compatible with dedifferentiation of renal epithelial cells by sustained HIF-2α expression. However, HIF-2α overexpression alone is insufficient to induce tumors. Thus, our data bear implications for renal tumorigenesis, epithelial differentiation and renal repair mechanisms

    Development and Validation of an Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Method for Determination of Zn2+ Ions in Brain Microdialysate Samples

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    An easy, rapid, and sensitive anodic stripping voltammetric method with a controlled growth mercury drop electrode has been developed and validated for the determination of Zn2+ ions in brain microdialysate samples obtained from rats. The considered level of the zinc concentration in the dialysate was 0.5–6 ppb. In the investigated method, the stripping step was carried out by using a differential pulse potential-time voltammetric excitation signal. The optimal experimental conditions as well as the instrumental and accumulation parameters and supporting electrolyte composition were investigated. The optimized method was validated for precision, linearity, and accuracy. Mean recovery 82–110% was achieved, the precision expressed by CV not greater than 7.6% and the linearity given by correlation coefficient not lower than 0.9988. The limit of detection was 0.1 ppb. No interferences were observed. Due to high linearity, precision, and sensitivity, the developed method may be successfully applied in the determination of zinc ions in microdialysate brain samples. The results obtained for the first time demonstrate detailed characteristics of the determination of zinc in the brain microdialysate fluid by the ASV method. It may be applied in a wide range of physiological and pharmacological studies which focus on very low zinc concentration/alteration in various compartments of the organisms

    Znf202 Affects High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Promotes Hepatosteatosis in Hyperlipidemic Mice

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    Background: The zinc finger protein Znf202 is a transcriptional suppressor of lipid related genes and has been linked to hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A functional role of Znf202 in lipid metabolism in vivo still remains to be established. Methodology and Principal Findings: We generated mouse Znf202 expression vectors, the functionality of which was established in several in vitro systems. Next, effects of adenoviral znf202 overexpression in vivo were determined in normo- as well as hyperlipidemic mouse models. Znf202 overexpression in mouse hepatoma cells mhAT3F2 resulted in downregulation of members of the Apoe/c1/c2 and Apoa1/c3/a4 gene cluster. The repressive activity of Znf202 was firmly confirmed in an apoE reporter assay and Znf202 responsive elements within the ApoE promoter were identified. Adenoviral Znf202 transfer to Ldlr-/- mice resulted in downregulation of apoe, apoc1, apoa1, and apoc3 within 24 h after gene transfer. Interestingly, key genes in bile flux (abcg5/8 and bsep) and in bile acid synthesis (cyp7a1) were also downregulated. At 5 days post-infection, the expression of the aforementioned genes was normalized, but mice had developed severe hepatosteatosis accompanied by hypercholesterolemia and hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A much milder phenotype was observed in wildtype mice after 5 days of hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Interestingly and similar to Ldl-/- mice, HDL-cholesterol levels in wildtype mice were lowered after hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Conclusion/Significance: Znf202 overexpression in vivo reveals an important role of this transcriptional regulator in liver lipid homeostasis, while firmly establishing the proposed key role in the control of HDL levels

    Excess of serotonin affects neocortical pyramidal neuron migration

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    The serotonin transporter (SERT) is a key molecule involved in the homeostasis of extracellular levels of serotonin and is regulated developmentally. Genetic deletion of SERT in rodents increases extracellular levels of serotonin and affects cellular processes involved in neocortical circuit assembly such as barrel cortex wiring and cortical interneuron migration. Importantly, pharmacological blockade of SERT during brain development leads to phenotypes relevant to psychiatry in rodents and to an increased risk for autism spectrum disorders in humans. Furthermore, developmental adversity interacts with genetically-driven variations of serotonin function in humans and nonhuman primates to increase the risk for a variety of stress-related phenotypes. In this study, we investigate whether an excess of serotonin affects the migration of neocortical pyramidal neurons during development. Using in utero electroporation combined with time-lapse imaging to specifically monitor pyramidal neurons during late mouse embryogenesis, we show that an excess of serotonin reversibly affects the radial migration of pyramidal neurons. We further identify that the serotonin receptor 5-HT6 is expressed in pyramidal neuron progenitors and that 5-HT6 receptor activation replicates the effects of serotonin stimulation. Finally, we show that the positioning of superficial layer pyramidal neurons is altered in vivo in SERT knockout mice. Taken together, these results indicate that a developmental excess of serotonin decreases the migration speed of cortical pyramidal neurons, affecting a fundamental step in the assembly of neural circuits. These findings support the hypothesis that developmental dysregulation of serotonin homeostasis has detrimental effects on neocortical circuit formation and contributes to increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders

    An initial psychometric evaluation and exploratory cross-sectional study of the Body Checking Questionnaire among Brazilian women

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    Body checking is considered an expression of an excessive preoccupation with appearance. The first aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ). Additionally, we wanted to examine the questionnaire’s associations with body avoidance behaviour, body mass index, dietary habits, and the intensity, frequency, and length of physical exercise. Finally, we also examined the differences between the total BCQ score and the individual BCQ factor scores. Differences between active and sedentary persons and between non-dieters and those on weight-loss diets were also analyzed. For the psychometric study, 546 female public university students from four different courses were surveyed. Two minor samples of university students and eating disorders women were also recruited. In the second part of the study, 403 women were recruited from weight-loss programs, gyms, and a university. All participants were verbally invited to participate in the research and voluntarily took part. Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit to the original model of the Brazilian BCQ that retained all 23 items. Satisfactory evidence of construct validity and internal consistency were also generated through analysis of factor loadings, t-values, Cronbach’s alpha, and construct reliability tests. The results also showed associations among body checking and body avoidance, body satisfaction, social anxiety, body mass index, and the frequency and intensity of physical exercise. Significant differences were found between non-dieters and weight-loss dieters for all BCQ factors and the total BCQ score. For physically active and sedentary persons, a significant difference was only observed for idiosyncratic checking behaviour. In conclusion, the BCQ appears to be a valid and reliable scale for Brazilian research, and the associations and differences found in this study suggest that women at gyms and especially in weight-loss programs should be targeted for future body checking studies

    B-Cyclin/CDKs Regulate Mitotic Spindle Assembly by Phosphorylating Kinesins-5 in Budding Yeast

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    Although it has been known for many years that B-cyclin/CDK complexes regulate the assembly of the mitotic spindle and entry into mitosis, the full complement of relevant CDK targets has not been identified. It has previously been shown in a variety of model systems that B-type cyclin/CDK complexes, kinesin-5 motors, and the SCFCdc4 ubiquitin ligase are required for the separation of spindle poles and assembly of a bipolar spindle. It has been suggested that, in budding yeast, B-type cyclin/CDK (Clb/Cdc28) complexes promote spindle pole separation by inhibiting the degradation of the kinesins-5 Kip1 and Cin8 by the anaphase-promoting complex (APCCdh1). We have determined, however, that the Kip1 and Cin8 proteins are present at wild-type levels in the absence of Clb/Cdc28 kinase activity. Here, we show that Kip1 and Cin8 are in vitro targets of Clb2/Cdc28 and that the mutation of conserved CDK phosphorylation sites on Kip1 inhibits spindle pole separation without affecting the protein's in vivo localization or abundance. Mass spectrometry analysis confirms that two CDK sites in the tail domain of Kip1 are phosphorylated in vivo. In addition, we have determined that Sic1, a Clb/Cdc28-specific inhibitor, is the SCFCdc4 target that inhibits spindle pole separation in cells lacking functional Cdc4. Based on these findings, we propose that Clb/Cdc28 drives spindle pole separation by direct phosphorylation of kinesin-5 motors
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