71 research outputs found

    Gas response properties of metal oxide nanoparticle based sensors on MEMS microhotplate platforms

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    Abstract. This thesis concentrated on the analysis of the gas response properties of several metal oxide based gas sensors. A thin layer of chosen metal oxide was deposited on SGX Sensortech S.A. sensor platforms using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Metal oxides used in the studies included tungsten trioxide (WO₃3), tin oxide zinc oxide (SnO₂-ZnO) and vanadium pentoxide (V₂O₅). The films were deposited at room temperature and various oxygen partial pressures, and were then post-annealed at 400 °C. Gas response measurements were done in two different temperatures and using several gases including nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H₂), and ammonia (NH₃). The concentration of the gases were varied during each measurement to probe the sensitivity of the sensors. Gas sensing performance of the sensors were evaluated based on material, selectivity toward different gases, and the effect of surface structure. Oxygen partial pressure during PLD had a clear impact on the structure of the oxide film. Higher pressure resulted in larger agglomerates of particles, which in general leads to lower gas sensitivity due to factors such as grain size and surface area-to-volume ratio. The measurements showed high responses to NOx for WO₃ and SnO₂-ZnO samples, as expected. Also, flipping of the response from low concentration to high concentration was observed for WO₃ and SnO₂-ZnO while V₂O₅ showed a mostly stable response.Metallioksidinanopartikkeleihin perustuvien kaasuantureiden analysointi MEMS-rakenteissa. TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ analysoitiin useiden metallioksideihin perustuvien antureiden kaasuvasteita. Kaasuantureiden substraattina kĂ€ytettiin SGX Sensortech S.A. valmistamia mikrolĂ€mmittimeen pohjautuvia MEMS-rakenteita. Substraatin pÀÀlle kasvatettiin ohut kerros valittuja metallioksideja, kuten volframioksidi (WO₃), tinaoksidin ja sinkkioksidin yhdiste (SnO₂-ZnO), ja vanadiumoksidi (V₂O₅). KasvatusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin pulssilaserkasvatusta. Kasvatus tapahtui huoneenlĂ€mmössĂ€ ja useissa eri hapen osapaineissa. Kasvatuksen jĂ€lkeen anturit jĂ€lkihehkutettiin 400 °C lĂ€mpötilassa. Kaasuvastemittaukset suoritettiin kahdessa eri lĂ€mpötilassa usealle eri kaasulle, kuten typpioksideille (NOx), hiilimonoksidille (CO), vetykaasulle (H₂) ja ammoniakille (NH₃). Kaasun konsentraatiota vaihdeltiin mittausten aikana antureiden herkkyyden mÀÀrittĂ€miseksi. Kaasuantureiden toimintakykyĂ€ arvioitiin materiaalin, selektiivisyyden ja oksidin pintarakenteen perusteella. Hapen osapaineella pulssilaserkasvatuksen aikana oli merkittĂ€vĂ€ vaikutus oksidikerroksen rakenteeseen. Suuremmassa paineessa kasvatetut kerrokset muodostivat suurempia partikkeleiden agglomeraatteja, mikĂ€ yleisesti ottaen johti heikompaan kaasuvasteeseen johtuen suuremmasta partikkelikoosta ja pienemmĂ€stĂ€ pinta-alan ja tilavuuden suhteesta. Mittauksissa nĂ€htiin voimakkaita reaktioita typpioksidikaasuihin erityisesti SnO₂-ZnO ja WO₃ nĂ€ytteiden osalta, kuten oli odotettavissa. SnO₂-ZnO ja WO₃ nĂ€ytteillĂ€ oli myös havaittavissa kaasuvasteen suunnan muutos redusoivasta oksidoivaan kaasukonsentraation kasvaessa, kun taas V₂O₅5-nĂ€ytteet kĂ€yttĂ€ytyivĂ€t enimmĂ€kseen vakaasti

    Sampling and PCR method for detecting pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strains in onion harvest

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    Fusarium basal rot is a worldwide disease problem in onions, and causes substantial losses in onion production, both during the growing season and in the storage. To minimize the post-harvest losses, a protocol for screening of latent infections with pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strains from harvested onions was developed. This protocol is based on a dual PCR test with primers specific for the fungal species and new SIX3 primers specific for the onion-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains. A pooled sample containing pieces from 50 harvested symptomless onions was prepared for the dual PCR using microwave disruption of the filamentous Fusarium fungi and Whatman FTA(TM) filter paper matrix technology, or as a reference protocol, by extracting DNA with a commercial kit. The two sample preparation protocols gave consistent results with the tested onion samples. Detection limit of the dual PCR protocol was 100 pg of F. oxysporum DNA, in a mixture with onion DNA, when the FTA card was applied. The new protocol reported here is simple and sensitive enough for routine testing, enabling the detection of latent infections in harvest lots even at the infection levels under 10%. Significance and Impact of the Study Fusarium basal rot causes serious problems in onion production. To minimize post-harvest losses, a simple protocol based on FTA(TM) technology and a dual PCR test with Fusarium oxysporum species-specific and pathogenicity-specific primers was developed. By testing pooled onion samples using this method, latent infections with F. oxysporum can be screened from a representative sample of the harvest. This screening method could be a useful tool to manage the post-harvest losses caused by latent infections with F. oxysporum and, with modification of the PCR protocol, with other Fusarium species pathogenic to onion.Peer reviewe

    UskontotieteilijÀnÀ sosiologipÀivillÀ

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    Expression of αvÎČ6integrin in oral leukoplakia

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    The distribution of αvÎČ6integrin was examined in oral leukoplakia, lichen planus and squamous cell carcinomas using immunohistochemistry. Controls included oral mucosal wounds, chronically inflamed and normal oral mucosa. Integrins ÎČ1, ÎČ3, ÎČ4, ÎČ5, fibronectin and tenascin were also studied. The integrin αvÎČ6was highly expressed throughout the whole lesion of 90% of the squamous cell carcinomas but was not present in any of the normal specimens. αvÎČ6integrin was also expressed in 41% of the leukoplakia specimens, and 85% of the lichen planus samples, but in none of the tissues with inflammatory hyperplasia or chronic inflammation. The expression of ÎČ1 integrins was localized in the basal layer, and that of the ÎČ4at the cell surface facing the basement membrane of all specimens. The integrins ÎČ3and ÎČ5were absent from all normal and leukoplakia specimens. Fibronectin and tenascin were present in the connective tissue underneath the epithelium of all the sections, and their expression was similar in both αvÎČ6-positive and αvÎČ6-negative tissues. A group of 28 leukoplakia patients were followed 1–4 years after first diagnosis. In this group, initially αvÎČ6integrin-positive leukoplakia specimens had high tendency for disease progression while αvÎČ6-negative specimens did not progress. These results suggest that the expression of αvÎČ6integrin could be associated in the malignant transformation of oral leukoplakias. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Conservation of Salmonella Infection Mechanisms in Plants and Animals

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    Salmonella virulence in animals depends on effectors injected by Type III Secretion Systems (T3SSs). In this report we demonstrate that Salmonella mutants that are unable to deliver effectors are also compromised in infection of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Transcriptome analysis revealed that in contrast to wild type bacteria, T3SS mutants of Salmonella are compromised in suppressing highly conserved Arabidopsis genes that play a prominent role during Salmonella infection of animals. We also found that Salmonella originating from infected plants are equally virulent for human cells and mice. These results indicate a high degree of conservation in the defense and infection mechanism of animal and plant hosts during Salmonella infection

    The Type VI secretion system deploys anti-fungal effectors against microbial competitors

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    This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science to S.J.C., 104556; 097377, J.Q.; 101873 & 200208, N.A.R.G.), the MRC (MR/K000111X/1, S.J .C; MC_UU_12016/5, M.T.), and the BBSRC (BB/K016393/1 & BB/P020119/1, J.Q.). We thank Maximilian Fritsch, Mario López Martín and Birte Hollmann for help with strain construction; Gary Eitzen for construction of pGED1; Donna MacCallum for the gift of Candida glabrata ATCC2001; Joachim MorschhÀuser for the gift of pNIM1; Gillian Milne (Microscopy and Histology facility, University of Aberdeen) for assistance with TEM; and Peter Taylor, Michael Porter, Laura Monlezun and Colin Rickman for advice and technical assistance.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Essays on the effects of past gains on subsequent risk-taking and stock returns

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    Abstract This dissertation contributes to the research on behavioral biases among individual investors by demonstrating how investors increase their portfolio volatility, i.e., risk, following favorable outcomes. This work also shows the influence of the first investment on subsequent risk-taking preferences. It also shows how stock prices, through unrealized capital gains, create an evident momentum effect following both bull and bear markets. The work is quite new because house money, quasi-hedonic editing rules and mental accounting are not frequently used in the financial literature. The data used are from the Finnish Central Securities Depository (FCSD), which is unique in the financial research literature. The results of the first essay indicate that individual investors purchase stocks that increase portfolio risk or volatility after a period of negative market returns. These results propose that investors attribute these returns to themselves. Therefore, they are supporting a self-attribution bias. Ergo, investors gamble with their winnings over the next investment session. This behavior is consistent with the house money effect, which has not been before analyzed in the background of the stock market. Inexperienced investors are particularly prone to this effect. The second essay investigates the effect of the outcome of the first investment on subsequent risk-taking preferences, which has not been previously analyzed in the context of financial markets. The database allows for analyses of new investors making their first stock market investment. The results show that in first or subsequent investments the win effect is stronger. The effect in the first investment situation results in higher volatility. Therefore, the result suggests that realized money is more likely to be risked in the situation of the first stock than in the situation of the other stocks. The third essay, using a technique not before applied to research regarding momentum asymmetry, shows that deviations from the holdings- or volume-based reference price, i.e., the so-called capital gains overhang, can account for momentum. The results propose that after accounting for the disposition effect, overconfidence and biased self-attribution are not able to explain momentum asymmetry.TiivistelmÀ VÀitöskirja edistÀÀ yksittÀisten sijoittajien kÀyttÀytymishÀiriöitÀ koskevaa tutkimusta osoittamalla, kuinka sijoittajat lisÀÀvÀt salkun riskiÀ myönteisten tulosten jÀlkeen. VÀitöskirja osoittaa myös, kuinka sijoittajat lisÀÀvÀt salkun riskisyyttÀ ensimmÀistÀ investointia myöhemmille riskinottopÀÀtöksille. Se esittÀÀ myös, kuinka realisoitumattomat myyntivoitot aiheuttavat ilmeisen momentum-vaikutuksen, sekÀ nousevilla ettÀ laskevilla markkinoilla. Teos on melko uusi, koska talon rahoilla pelaamista, lÀhes-hedonisia muokkaussÀÀntöjÀ ja henkistÀ kirjanpitoa ei kÀytetÀ kovin paljon talouskirjallisuudessa. KÀytetyt tiedot ovat Rahoitustutkimuksen ainutlaatuinen Suomen Arvopaperikeskus (FCSD) aineisto. EnsimmÀisessÀ esseessÀ, kun sijoittajat ovat saavuttaneet tuottoja negatiivisten markkinatuottojen jÀlkeen, he ostavat osakkeita, jotka lisÀÀvÀt salkun riskisyyttÀ. NÀmÀ tulokset viittaavat siihen, ettÀ sijoittajat mÀÀrittÀvÀt nÀmÀ tuotot itselleen. Siksi he tukevat itsemÀÀrÀÀmisoikeutta, joten sijoittajat pelaavat voitoillaan seuraavan sijoituskauden aikana. KÀyttÀytyminen on yhdenmukainen talon rahan vaikutuksen kanssa. Vaikutus, jota ei ole aiemmin analysoitu osakemarkkinoiden yhteydessÀ. Kokemattomat sijoittajat ovat erityisen alttiita tÀstÀ vaikutuksesta. Toinen essee tutkii ensimmÀisen investoinnin tuloksen vaikutusta myöhempÀÀn riskinottopÀÀtökseen. SitÀ ei ole aiemmin analysoitu rahoitusmarkkinoiden yhteydessÀ. Tietokannan avulla analysoidaan uusia sijoittajia, jotka tekevÀt ensimmÀisen pörssi-investoinninsa. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ kummassakin tapauksessa, ensimmÀiset tai toiset voitot, voittoefektit ovat voimakkaammat kuin voitto-dummy ja ensimmÀisellÀ tasolla olevat voitot antavat suuremman vaikutuksen riskisyyteen. Kiinnostavaa on se, ettÀ tulo, joka kertoo, onko realisoitunut raha todennÀköisemmin riski ensimmÀisessÀ osakkeessa, on suurempi kuin riski muissa osakkeissa. Kolmas essee kÀyttÀÀ menetelmÀÀ, jota ei ole aikaisemmin kÀytetty momentum-symmetrian tutkimukseen. TÀmÀ tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ poikkeamat volyymi- tai omistukseen perustuvasta viitehinnasta, eli ns. myyntivoiton ylitys, voivat selittÀÀ momentumia. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, ettÀ disposition ja liiallisen itseluottamuksen ja harhaisen itse-attribuution jÀlkeen ei voida suurella todennÀköisyydellÀ selittÀÀ momentumin epÀsymmetriaa
