9 research outputs found

    The Arginine Methyltransferase Carm1 is Necessary for Heart Development

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    To discover genes implicated in human congenital disorders, we performed ENU mutagenesis in the mouse and screened for mutations affecting embryonic development. In this work we report defects of heart development in mice homozygous for a mutation of Coactivator-associated Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (Carm1). While Carm1 has been extensively studied, it has never been previously associated with a role in heart development. Phenotype analysis combining histology and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging shows a range of cardiac defects. Most notably, many affected mid-gestation embryos appear to have cardiac rupture and hemorrhaging in the thorax. Mice that survive to late gestation show a variety of cardiac defects, including Ventricular Septal Defects (VSDs), Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), and Persistent Truncus Arteriosus (PTA). Transcriptome analyses of the mutant embryos by mRNA-seq reveal the perturbation of several genes involved in cardiac morphogenesis and muscle development and function. In addition, we observe the mis-localization of cardiac neural crest cells at E12.5 in the outflow tract. The cardiac phenotype of Carm1 mutant embryos is similar to that of Pax3 null mutants, and PAX3 is a putative target of CARM1. However, our analysis does not support the hypothesis that developmental defects in Carm1 mutant embryos are primarily due to a functional defect of PAX3

    Mutation mapping and identification by whole-genome sequencing

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    Genetic mapping of mutations in model systems has facilitated the identification of genes contributing to fundamental biological processes including human diseases. However, this approach has historically required the prior characterization of informative markers. Here we report a fast and cost-effective method for genetic mapping using next-generation sequencing that combines single nucleotide polymorphism discovery, mutation localization, and potential identification of causal sequence variants. In contrast to prior approaches, we have developed a hidden Markov model to narrowly define the mutation area by inferring recombination breakpoints of chromosomes in the mutant pool. In addition, we created an interactive online software resource to facilitate automated analysis of sequencing data and demonstrate its utility in the zebrafish and mouse models. Our novel methodology and online tools will make next-generation sequencing an easily applicable resource for mutation mapping in all model systems.Harvard Stem Cell Institute (Junior Faculty Grant)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01DK090311)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01MH084676

    A Forward Genetic Screen in Mice Identifies Mutants with Abnormal Cortical Patterning

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    Formation of a 6-layered cortical plate and axon tract patterning are key features of cerebral cortex development. Abnormalities of these processes may be the underlying cause for a range of functional disabilities seen in human neurodevelopmental disorders. To identify mouse mutants with defects in cortical lamination or corticofugal axon guidance, N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis was performed using mice expressing LacZ reporter genes in layers II/III and V of the cortex (Rgs4-lacZ) or in corticofugal axons (TAG1-tau-lacZ). Four lines with abnormal cortical lamination have been identified. One of these was a splice site mutation in reelin (Reln) that results in a premature stop codon and the truncation of the C-terminal region (CTR) domain of reelin. Interestingly, this novel allele of Reln did not display cerebellar malformation or ataxia, and this is the first report of a Reln mutant without a cerebellar defect. Four lines with abnormal cortical axon development were also identified, one of which was found by whole-genome resequencing to carry a mutation in Lrp2. These findings demonstrated that the application of ENU mutagenesis to mice carrying transgenic reporters marking cortical anatomy is a sensitive and specific method to identify mutations that disrupt patterning of the developing brain

    ERK mediates activity dependent neuronal complexity via sustained activity and CREB-mediated signaling

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    A major question in the process of dendrite development and complexity is not whether neuronal activity plays a role, but how it contributes to specific components of the mature dendrite pattern. Neurons interpret activity into the influx of calcium ions leading to activation of signaling pathways. The dynamics of calcium-activated signaling pathways after neuronal activity and the contribution to formation of dendrite complexity remain unclear. Here, we show that one calcium activated signaling pathway, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), showed differential activity in cortical neurons. In response to depolarizing stimuli, ERK was active for less than an hour in most neurons, whereas in others ERK remained active for several hours. Further, neurons in which ERK activity was sustained, displayed greater dendrite complexity than neurons that did not display sustained ERK activity. Interestingly, this difference in dendrite complexity was detected in some, but not all, morphological parameters. Pharmacological inhibition of sustained ERK activity inhibited calcium-activated dendrite complexity. Increasing the duration and degree of ERK phosphorylation, and thus activity, with dominant negative MAP kinase phosphatase-1 accentuated dendrite complexity. Neurons in which ERK activity was sustained activated downstream nuclear targets including RSK, MSK, cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), CRE-mediated gene transcription, and stabilized c-Fos. Further, the increase in dendrite complexity mediated by sustained ERK activity was inhibited by expression of a dominant negative CREB. These data indicate that ERK-mediated activity induced dendrite complexity via sustained signaling and CREB-mediated signaling. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Experience of a hierarchical relationship between a pair of mice specifically influences their affective empathy toward each other

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    © 2022 The Authors. Genes, Brain and Behavior published by International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Prior experience of social hierarchy is known to modulate emotional contagion, a basic form of affective empathy. However, it is not known whether this behavioral effect occurs through changes in an individual's traits due to their experience of social hierarchy or specific social interrelationships between the individuals. Groups of four mice with an established in-group hierarchy were used to address this in conjunction with a tube test. The rank-1 and rank-4 mice were designated as the dominant or subordinate groups, respectively. The two individuals in between were designated as the intermediate groups, which were then used as the observers in observational fear learning (OFL) experiments, an assay for emotional contagion. The intermediate observers showed greater OFL responses to the dominant demonstrator than the subordinate demonstrators recruited from the same home-cage. When the demonstrators were strangers from different cages, the intermediate observers did not distinguish between dominant and subordinate, displaying the same level of OFL. In a reverse setting in which the intermediate group was used as the demonstrator, the subordinate observers showed higher OFL responses than the dominant observers, and this occurred only when the demonstrators were cagemates of the observers. Furthermore, the bigger the rank difference between a pair, the higher the OFL level that the observer displayed. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the hierarchical interrelationship established between a given pair of animals is critical for expressing emotional contagion between them rather than any potential changes in intrinsic traits due to the experience of dominant/subordinate hierarchy.11Nsciescopu

    Mutations in Dnaaf1 and Lrrc48 Cause Hydrocephalus, Laterality Defects, and Sinusitis in Mice

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    We have previously described a forward genetic screen in mice for abnormalities of brain development. Characterization of two hydrocephalus mutants by whole-exome sequencing after whole-genome SNP mapping revealed novel recessive mutations in Dnaaf1 and Lrrc48. Mouse mutants of these two genes have not been previously reported. The Dnaaf1 mutant carries a mutation at the splice donor site of exon 4, which results in abnormal transcripts. The Lrrc48 mutation is a missense mutation at a highly conserved leucine residue, which is also associated with a decrease in Lrrc48 transcription. Both Dnaaf1 and Lrrc48 belong to a leucine-rich repeat-containing protein family and are components of the ciliary axoneme. Their Chlamydomonas orthologs are known to be required for normal ciliary beat frequency or flagellar waveform, respectively. Some Dnaaf1 or Lrrc48 homozygote mutants displayed laterality defects, suggesting a motile cilia defect in the embryonic node. Mucus accumulation and neutrophil infiltration in the maxillary sinuses suggested sinusitis. Dnaaf1 mutants showed postnatal lethality, and none survived to weaning age. Lrrc48 mutants survive to adulthood, but had male infertility. ARL13B immunostaining showed the presence of motile cilia in the mutants, and the distal distribution of DNAH9 in the axoneme of upper airway motile cilia appeared normal. The phenotypic abnormalities suggest that mutations in Dnaaf1 and Lrrc48 cause defects in motile cilia function

    Reelin Mediates Hippocampal Cajal-Retzius Cell Positioning and Infrapyramidal Blade Morphogenesis.

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    We have previously described hypomorphic reelin (Reln) mutant mice, RelnCTRdel, in which the morphology of the dentate gyrus is distinct from that seen in reeler mice. In the RelnCTRdel mutant, the infrapyramidal blade of the dentate gyrus fails to extend, while the suprapyramidal blade forms with a relatively compact granule neuron layer. Underlying this defect, we now report several developmental anomalies in the RelnCTRdel dentate gyrus. Most strikingly, the distribution of Cajal-Retzius cells was aberrant; Cajal-Retzius neurons were increased in the suprapyramidal blade, but were greatly reduced along the subpial surface of the prospective infrapyramidal blade. We also observed multiple abnormalities of the fimbriodentate junction. Firstly, progenitor cells were distributed abnormally; the "neurogenic cluster" at the fimbriodentate junction was absent, lacking the normal accumulation of Tbr2-positive intermediate progenitors. However, the number of dividing cells in the dentate gyrus was not generally decreased. Secondly, a defect of secondary glial scaffold formation, limited to the infrapyramidal blade, was observed. The densely radiating glial fibers characteristic of the normal fimbriodentate junction were absent in mutants. These fibers might be required for migration of progenitors, which may account for the failure of neurogenic cluster formation. These findings suggest the importance of the secondary scaffold and neurogenic cluster of the fimbriodentate junction in morphogenesis of the mammalian dentate gyrus. Our study provides direct genetic evidence showing that normal RELN function is required for Cajal-Retzius cell positioning in the dentate gyrus, and for formation of the fimbriodentate junction to promote infrapyramidal blade extension

    Spatial and temporal diversity of glycome expression in mammalian brain

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    Mammalian brain glycome remains a relatively poorly understood area compared to other large-scale "omics" studies, such as genomics and transcriptomics due to the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of glycan structure and properties. Here, we first performed spatial and temporal analysis of glycome expression patterns in the mammalian brain using a cutting-edge experimental tool based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, with the ultimate aim to yield valuable implications on molecular events regarding brain functions and development. We observed an apparent diversity in the glycome expression patterns, which is spatially well-preserved among nine different brain regions in mouse. Next, we explored whether the glycome expression pattern changes temporally during postnatal brain development by examining the prefrontal cortex (PFC) at different time point across six postnatal stages in mouse. We found that glycan expression profiles were dynamically regulated during postnatal developments. A similar result was obtained in PFC samples from humans ranging in age from 39 d to 49 y. Novel glycans unique to the brain were also identified. Interestingly, changes primarily attributed to sialylated and fucosylated glycans were extensively observed during PFC development. Finally, based on the vast heterogeneity of glycans, we constructed a core glyco-synthesis map to delineate the glycosylation pathway responsible for the glycan diversity during the PFC development. Our findings reveal high levels of diversity in a glycosylation program underlying brain region specificity and age dependency, and may lead to new studies exploring the role of glycans in diverse brain functions.11Nsciescopu