216 research outputs found

    Food, Tourism and Health: a Possible Sinergy?

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    Food is a significant aspect of the tourist’s experience of a destination. While the term “wine and food tourism ” is too often addressed only to the taste of the product, the more aseptic definition of  “food tourism” wants to focus the attention also on the health properties of local products.  Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving ourselves of the foods we love. Rather, it is about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing our mood, and keeping ourselves as healthy as possible, all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for us. We can expand our range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet. Not only the psychological, but also the physical benefits of tourism appear to have gained increasing importance and healthy nutrition represents one of the most important determinants. Food tourism can be considered a potential benefit for human health.Understanding tourists’ needs and wants in terms of healthy food consumption is of paramount importance to hospitality businesses. Food, tourism and health could really be a possible synergy.Il cibo rappresenta un aspetto significativo dell'esperienza del turista nei confronti di una specifica destinazione. Mentre il termine "turismo eno-gastronomico" Ăš troppo spesso rivolto solo all’apprezzamento del gusto del prodotto, la definizione piĂč asettica di "turismo del cibo" vuole focalizzare l'attenzione anche sulle proprietĂ  salutistiche dei prodotti locali. Alimentarsi in modo corretto e sano non significa necessariamente seguire severe e restrittive filosofie nutrizionali, che ci consentono di restare irrealisticamente magri, e soprattutto non significa privarci dei cibi che piĂč amiamo. Piuttosto, si tratta di sentirsi meglio, avere piĂč energia, stabilizzare il nostro umore,  promuovendo contemporaneamente la nostra salute. Ognuno di questi obiettivi puĂČ essere raggiunto imparando alcuni semplici basilari concetti sulle linee giuda per una corretta nutrizione e applicandoli in modo personalizzato. Possiamo espandere la nostra gamma di scelte alimentari  salutistiche in qualsiasi luogo del modo ci si trovi , e imparare a scegliere con consapevolezza per creare e mantenere una dieta sana anche in viaggio. Non solo i benefici psicologici che derivano da un viaggio, ma anche i benefici fisici e fisiologici del turismo sembrano aver acquisito sempre maggiore importanza, e la sana alimentazione rappresenta uno dei fattori determinanti piĂč importanti. Il turismo del cibo puĂČ realmente rappresentare una risorsa per la promozione della salute.Capire le esigenze dei turisti in termini di richiesta di cibi ad alto contenuto salutistico Ăš di fondamentale importanza per le imprese coinvolte nei settori della ristorazione e dell’accoglienza. Cibo, turismo e salute potrebbe davvero costituire una possibile sinergia vincente

    Quercetin Reduces Inflammatory Responses in LPS-Stimulated Cardiomyoblasts

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    Flavonoids possess several biological and pharmacological activities. Quercetin (Q), a naturally occurring flavonoid, has been shown to downregulate inflammatory responses and provide cardioprotection. However, the mechanisms behind the anti-inflammatory properties of Q in cardiac cells are poorly understood. In inflammation, nitric oxide (NO) acts as a proinflammatory mediator and is synthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in response to pro-inflammatory agents such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a causative agent in myocardial depression during sepsis. In the present study, we evaluated the protective effect of Q on rat cardiac dysfunction during sepsis induced by LPS. Pretreatment of H9c2 cardiomyoblasts with Q inhibited LPS-induced iNOS expression and NO production and counteracted oxidative stress caused by the unregulated NO production that leads to the generation of peroxynitrite and other reactive nitrogen species. In addition, Q pretreatment significantly counteracted apoptosis cell death as measured by immunoblotting of the cleaved caspase 3 and caspase 3 activity. Q also inhibited the LPS-induced phosphorylation of the stress-activated protein kinases (JNK/SAPK) and p38 MAP kinase that are involved in the inhibition of cell growth as well as the induction of apoptosis. In conclusion, these results suggest that Q might serve as a valuable protective agent in cardiovascular inflammatory diseases

    Bioactivity of Olive Oil Phenols in Neuroprotection

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    Neurological disorders such as stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are associated with high morbidity and mortality, and few or no effective options are available for their treatment. These disorders share common pathological characteristics like the induction of oxidative stress, abnormal protein aggregation, perturbed Ca(2+) homeostasis, excitotoxicity, inflammation and apoptosis. A large body of evidence supports the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet in preventing neurodegeneration. As the Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high consumption of extra-virgin olive oil it has been hypothesized that olive oil, and in particular its phenols, could be responsible for the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean diet. This review provides an updated vision of the beneficial properties of olive oil and olive oil phenols in preventing/counteracting both acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases

    Natural Compounds as a Strategy to Optimize " In Vitro" Expansion of Stem Cells

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    The efficient use of stem cells for transplantation is often limited by the relatively low number of stem cells collected. The ex vivo expansion of human stem cells for clinical use is a potentially valuable approach to increase stem cell number. Currently, most of the procedures used to expand stem cells are carried out using a 21% oxygen concentration, which is about 4- to 10-fold greater than the concentration characteristic of their natural niches. Hyperoxia might cause oxidative stress with a deleterious effect on the physiology of cultured stem cells. In this review, we investigate and critically examine the available information on the ability of natural compounds to counteract hyperoxia-induced damage in different types of stem cells ex vivo. In particular, we focused on proliferation and stemness maintenance in an attempt to draw up useful indications to define new culture media with a promoting activity on cell expansion in vitro

    Polyphenols in Exercise Performance and Prevention of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

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    Although moderate physical exercise is considered an essential component of a healthy lifestyle that leads the organism to adapt itself to different stresses, exercise, especially when exhaustive, is also known to induce oxidative stress, inflammation, and muscle damage. Many efforts have been carried out to identify dietary strategies or micronutrients able to prevent or at least attenuate the exercise-induced muscle damage and stress. Unfortunately most studies have failed to show protection, and at the present time data supporting the protective effect of micronutrients, as antioxidant vitamins, are weak and trivial. This review focuses on those polyphenols, present in the plant kingdom, that have been recently suggested to exert some positive effects on exercise-induced muscle damage and oxidative stress. In the last decade flavonoids as quercetin, catechins, and other polyphenols as resveratrol have caught the scientists attention. However, at the present time drawing a clear and definitive conclusion seems to be untimely

    Review Article Polyphenols in Exercise Performance and Prevention of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

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    Although moderate physical exercise is considered an essential component of a healthy lifestyle that leads the organism to adapt itself to different stresses, exercise, especially when exhaustive, is also known to induce oxidative stress, inflammation, and muscle damage. Many efforts have been carried out to identify dietary strategies or micronutrients able to prevent or at least attenuate the exercise-induced muscle damage and stress. Unfortunately most studies have failed to show protection, and at the present time data supporting the protective effect of micronutrients, as antioxidant vitamins, are weak and trivial. This review focuses on those polyphenols, present in the plant kingdom, that have been recently suggested to exert some positive effects on exercise-induced muscle damage and oxidative stress. In the last decade flavonoids as quercetin, catechins, and other polyphenols as resveratrol have caught the scientists attention. However, at the present time drawing a clear and definitive conclusion seems to be untimely

    A pro longevity role for cellular senescence

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    Cellular senescence is a fundamental process that may play positive or detrimental roles for the organism. It is involved in tissue development and in tumor prevention although during aging is becoming a detrimental process contributing to the decline of tissue functions. In previous investigations, we have uncovered a better capacity to detect DNA damage in cells from long-lived mammals. Here, we report that cultured cells derived from long-lived species have a higher propensity to undergo senescence when challenged with DNA damage than cells derived from short-lived species. Using a panel of cells derived from six mammals, which range in lifespan from 3-4 years up to 120 years, we examined cell cycle response, induction of apoptosis and of cellular senescence. All species exhibited a cell cycle arrest while induction of apoptosis was variable. However, a significant positive correlation was found between the relative percent of cells, within a population which entered senescence following damage, and the lifespan of the species. We suggest that cellular senescence may have a positive role during development allowing it to contribute to the evolution of longevity

    The use of dietary supplements among soccer referees: How much do they know?

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    Referees are essential for the correct execution of each soccer match and national soccer associations support them with physical training guidelines in order to improve agility, aerobic and sprint capacity, to reduce the risk of injury and to meet the minimum required performance levels. Despite the importance given to performance skills no specific nutritional guideline is provided to support the performance required. This study was aimed to investigate soccer field and assistant referees knowledge and consumption of dietary supplements. Seventy-one European referees participated to this survey by filling a short and quick anonymous questionnaire designed to collect information about their refereeing category, educational level, frequency of supplement consumption, type of supplement consumed. Moreover, a sub-group of 20 participants wore a training watch to record energy expenditure, distance, and heart rate during training sessions and matches. Our data show that referees frequently consume supplements especially those refereeing in lower categories, moreover they often follow a friend’s suggestion when deciding to take a supplement instead of trusting a professional prescription. According to our survey, national and international soccer federations should care more about their referee nutritional education

    Combination of Epigallocatechin Gallate and Sulforaphane Counteracts In Vitro Oxidative Stress and Delays Stemness Loss of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells

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    Amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) are characterized in vivo by a unique niche guarantying their homeostatic role in the body. Maintaining the functionality of stem cells ex vivo for clinical applications requires a continuous improvement of cell culture conditions. Cellular redox status plays an important role in stem cell biology as long as reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration is finely regulated and their adverse effects are excluded. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of two antioxidants, sulforaphane (SF) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), against in vitro oxidative stress due to hyperoxia and freeze-thawing cycles in AFSCs. Human AFSCs were isolated and characterized from healthy subjects. Assays of metabolic function and antioxidant activity were performed to investigate the effect of SF and EGCG cotreatment on AFSCs. Real-time PCR was used to investigate the effect of the cotreatment on pluripotency, senescence, osteogenic and adipogenic markers, and antioxidant enzymes. Alkaline phosphatase assays and Alizarin Red staining were used to confirm osteogenic differentiation. The cotreatment with SF and EGCG was effective in reducing ROS production, increasing GSH levels, and enhancing the endogenous antioxidant defences through the upregulation of glutathione reductase, NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase-1, and thioredoxin reductase. Intriguingly, the cotreatment sustained the stemness state by upregulating pluripotency markers such as OCT4 and NANOG. Moreover, the cotreatment influenced senescence-associated gene markers in respect to untreated cells. The cotreatment upregulated osteogenic gene markers and promoted osteogenic differentiation in vitro. SF and EGCG can be used in combination in AFSC culture as a strategy to preserve stem cell functionality

    53BP1 contributes to a robust genomic stability in human fibroblasts

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    Faithful repair of damaged DNA is a crucial process in maintaining cell viability and function. A multitude of factors and pathways guides this process and includes repair proteins and cell cycle checkpoint factors. Differences in the maintenance of genomic processes are one feature that may contribute to species-specific differences in lifespan. We predicted that 53BP1, a key transducer of the DNA damage response and cell cycle checkpoint control, is highly involved in maintaining genomic stability and may function differently in cells from different species. We demonstrate a difference in the levels and recruitment of 53BP1 in mouse and human cells following DNA damage. In addition, we show that unresolved DNA damage persists more in mouse cells than in human cells, as evidenced by increased numbers of micronuclei. The difference in micronuclei seems to be related to the levels of 53BP1 present in cells. Finally, we present evidence that unresolved DNA damage correlates with species lifespan. Taken together, these studies suggest a link between recruitment of 53BP1, resolution of DNA damage, and increased species lifespan
