16 research outputs found

    Apartment building Brno,Vídeňská - preparation and realization construction.

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým projektem novostavby bytového domu v Brně. Tato práce zahrnuje technické zprávy, zařízení staveniště, širší dopravní vztahy, rozpočet, propočet, časové plánování, kontrolní a zkušební plán, návrh mechanizmů, smlouvu o dílo, plán bezpečnosti a rizika na stavbě.This Master’s thesis deals with the technological project of the new building apartment house in Brno. This work includes technical reports, site equipment, wider transport relations,budget calculation, time planning, inspection and test plan, mechanical assembly, contract for work, safety plan and risks on the building.

    Everyday life in Slaný around year 1600

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá každodenním životem na přelomu 16. a 17. století v královském městě Slaný ve středních Čechách. Vypráví o pohnuté historii města od jeho pravěkých počátků až po současnost. Těžištěm práce je čtvrtá a pátá kapitola. Čtvrtá kapitola pojednává o typech kriminálních deliktů a trestech, které se za ně udělovaly. Patří sem delikty proti životu a zdraví, proti majetku, proti cti a proti mravnosti. V této části práce se dozvídáme i informace o nečestných povoláních. Pátá kapitola popisuje každodenní starosti tehdejších lidí - potřebu někam patřit, starosti o obživu, ale i finanční záležitosti. Celý text uzavírá humorná příhoda, která se stala v roce 1604.Presented thesis deals with the everyday life of the 16th and 17th century in the royal town of Slaný in the central Bohemia. It recounts the eventful history of the city from its prehistoric beginnings to the present. Focus is the fourth and fifth chapter. The fourth chapter discusses the type sof criminal offenses and punishment for them in the early modern period grant. This includes offenses against life and healthy, against property, against morality and honor. This section we also learn about dishonest professions. The fifth chapter describes the everyday concerns of people at the time - the need to belong, cocern for the livelihood, concern for subsistence but also financial matters. Full text concludes humorous incident that happened in 1604.Institute of Czech HistoryÚstav českých dějinFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Tools for handling bibliographic data

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    In this work we study conversions of bibliographic records between different bibliographic formats and making lists of bibliographic references. We have focused on the formats that are native for the most used citation managers or can be easily imported to them. The formats are the BibTeX format (BibTeX), the RIS format (Reference Manager, Procite, EndNote) a the Tagged "EndNote Import"e (EndNote). We also support conversions from the MARC 21 format, in which libraries store their records. The bibliographic references are created according to the rules of two standards ČSN ISO 960 and ČSN ISO 960-2, we do not consider making the in-text citations

    Pathological phenomena in the society - youth crime and basic principles of prevention

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    Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a část empirickou. Teoretická část uvádí do problematiky kriminality mládeže - upřesňuje stěžejní pojmy, podává výčet možných příčin delikventního jednání a seznamuje se základními druhy prevence. V empirické části je zpracován výzkum dotazníkového šetření, jehož úkolem bylo zjistit, jak je veřejností vnímán problém kriminality mládeže, ve kterých oblastech veřejnost spatřuje její příčiny, jak se staví k hranici trestní odpovědnosti v ČR a jaký zaujímá postoj k preventivním aktivitám. Tato bakalářská práce tedy usiluje o zjištění možných příčin delikvence mládeže, jak z pohledu odborníků - autorů publikací a článků, které jsem použila jako zdroj v teoretické části, tak z pohledu laické veřejnosti - respondentů dotazníkového šetření v části empirické.This bachelor work is divided into the thoretical part and the empirical part. The theoretical part introduces the issue of youth crime - explains core concepts, provides a list of possible cause of deliquent conduct and introduces the basic types of prevention. The empirical part contains a research survey whose task was to find out how to the public preceive the problem of youth crime, areas in which the public sees its causes, the public opinion on the limit of criminal liability in the Czech Republic and the public acceptance of preventive activities. This bachelor work seeks for the possible cause of youth deliquency - both from the perspective of experts - authors of books and articles, which I used as a source in the theoretical part, and from the perspective of the general public - the survey respondents in the empirical part.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    High school students´ attitude to abortions

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice potratovosti. V teoretické části jsou shrnuty základní definice, které s tímto problémem souvisejí, historie, statistické údaje, základní argumenty a postoje skupin Pro-choice a Pro-life, data, která jsou známá z výzkumů a propojenost problematiky interrupcí s feministickou sociologií. Výzkumná část je zaměřena na postoje středoškolských studentů k potratům a na jejich informovanost k této problematice.Bachelor's work attends problems of abortions. In theoretical part are summaried basic definitions, which are related to this problem, history, statistical data, which are known from research and connection this problem with feminism of sociology. Practical part is intented on high school student´s attitudes to abortions and their knowledge of this problem.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Between Mannerism and Baroque.

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    The dissertation evaluated the formal, stylistic and contextual analysis of the painting oeuvre of the Cremonese native Antonio Campi. Monographic elaboration of Campi's oeuvre complement to the existing range of syntheses a number of information that has been in the literature so far omitted. The work assessed Antonio's oeuvre on the revision of archival material preserved in Milanese and Cremonese state and church archives, as well as by the means of thorough study of the secondary literature. Chronology of Campi's production was based on the stylistic and formal analysis and at the same time it has been enriched by a number of comparisons of the Lombardy-Ligurian region. Perspective at Antonio's oeuvre was accompanied by drawings and panel paintings that have emerged in the art market in recent years. With this thorough analysis, it became clear that the simple definition of an older Italian scientific literature that had Antonio Campi understood as a painter, who by his work formed the basis of Caravaggio chiaroscuro approach in the last decades of the 16th century and in the early years of the 17th age, proved to be inaccurate. It became clear that with this view we can not identify ourselves any more. Constant changes in mood, surprise, unpredictability, restlessness and individuality, the..

    Tools for handling bibliographic data

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    In this work we study conversions of bibliographic records between different bibliographic formats and making lists of bibliographic references. We have focused on the formats that are native for the most used citation managers or can be easily imported to them. The formats are the BibTeX format (BibTeX), the RIS format (Reference Manager, Procite, EndNote) a the Tagged "EndNote Import"e (EndNote). We also support conversions from the MARC 21 format, in which libraries store their records. The bibliographic references are created according to the rules of two standards ČSN ISO 960 and ČSN ISO 960-2, we do not consider making the in-text citations

    "The Grünes Gewölbe -between Art Repository and Baroque Museum. The Collection's History up to 1733."

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    121 Anglická anotace The Green Vault is among Europe's most exquisite and most famous treasure chambers. It was established as a baroque museum by the Saxon elector and Polish king August the Strong (1670-1733) between 1723 and 1730. During that period, the Wettin dynasty's sumptuous collection of Renaissance and Baroque treasures was placed on view for the first time in eight presentation rooms of the Royal Palace. The inventories of 1733 have survived and form the basis for the present reinstallation of the treasure chamber. In those documents, this group of rooms is referred to as the "Secret Repository of the Green Vault of Dresden. The malachite-green hue of various architectural elements in the rooms of the secret repository probably led to their colloquial designation as the "Green Vault" from as early as 1572. Between 1723 and 1730 August the Strong realized his vision of a Baroque synthesis of the arts as an expression of wealth and absolutist power. In harmony with the festive architecture, 3,000 artworks were presented standing freely against a background of richly embellished and mirrored display walls and on ornamental tables. In this incomparable Baroque setting, the individual artwork receded behind the overflowing abundance of the whole. The rooms themselves have their origins in palace...Ústav dějin křesťanského uměníInstitute of Christian Art HistoryCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Force in the warp during the weaving proces

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