918 research outputs found

    Acácia negra.

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    Introdução. Fenologia e desenvolvimento. Condicionantes agrometeorológicos da produtividade: Disponibilidade hídrica; Temperatura; Radiação solar; Fotoperíodo; Vento. Eventos diversos: Granizo e chuva intensa; Seca e veranico; Vento intenso; Geada; Chuva excessiva; Chuvas na colheita

    Sistema de gerenciamento de informações laboratoriais Infolab.

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    Requisitos do sistema InfoLab. Principais funcionalidades do InfoLab. Resultados e trabalhos futuros.bitstream/item/76630/1/CNPTIA-COM.TEC.-3-99.pd

    Evaluasi Plasma Nutfah Padi Gogo Berdasarkan Karakter Kuantitatif Perakaran Tanaman

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    Produktivitas padi gogo umumnya lebih rendah dibanding dengan padi sawah disebabkan oleh sifat fisik dan terbatasnya air dalam tanah serta karakteristik perakaran tanaman. Varietas padi gogo yang adaptif pada lingkungan lahan marginal dapat diperoleh melalui pemuliaan tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi sistem perakaran plasma nutfah padi gogo melalui kemampuan perakarannya menembus lapisan keras dan untuk mengukur perakaran yang diduga berkaitan dengan adaptabilitasnya terhadap lingkungan kekeringan dan kepadatan tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca BB Biogen Bogor pada bulan Juli–Agustus 2015. Benih plasma nutfah 100 aksesi (varietas lokal) yang berasal dari provinsi Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Jambi, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, NTT, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, DIY, dan Banten ditanam pada pot dengan bagian dasar dilapisi dengan kombinasi campuran 60% parafin dan 40% vaselin yang setara dengan kekerasan 12 bar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengelompokan plasma nutfah 100 varietas padi gogo dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan varietas yang karakteristiknya jauh berbeda dengan yang lain, yaitu varietas Si Gambiri Etek asal Sumatra Utara, varietas Cikapundeng asal Banten, dan varietas Ketan Kasumba B asal Banten. Plasma nutfah yang memiliki karakteristik perakaran baik (bobot akar dan rasio akar tajuk yang tinggi) dapat digunakan sebagai tetua dalam program pemuliaan tanaman

    An R script for quality control in genome-wide association studies.

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    Recent advances in massive genotyping technology based on SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) markers are pushing animal breeding research into a new era where the entire genome is screened in the search for genes which affect traits of economic interest, called genome wide association studies (GWAS). The first step in setting up a GWAS is to perform a quality control analysis (QC) on the genotyped data in order to filter out samples and SNPs not satisfying a previously defined set of criteria [1]. The most common criteria include sample and SNP call rate, minor allele frequency (MAF) and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). It is also recommended to analyze the heterozygosity and the presence of population structure and outlier samples. However, a different set of criteria and thresholds may be more appropriate for different datasets. We wrote an R script [2] which implements a number of QC criteria, making them available as functions and allowing users to use those QC criteria which are more appropriate to their dataset. In this work, we describe a set of functions implemented in our R script and illustrate its use in a GWAS of cattle meat quality in a Canchim cattle breed population.X-MEETING 2011

    Repeatability and genetic dissimilarity using biometric traits of black wattle seeds.

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    Selecting superior individuals requires a careful genetic evaluation. For this reason, repeated measurements of biometric traits need to be carried out in the same individual. This index is a strategic tool aimed to assist in providing accurate observations and further selection. The objectives of this study were to estimate the repeatability coefficient in many seed traits for black wattle clones; test the best method to estimate the optimal number of measurements required; and to analyze genetic dissimilarity. Seed weight, longitudinal length, transversal length, thickness and hilum size were evaluated in nine clones measuring 50 seeds per clone The following methods were employed in the evaluation: analysis of variance, principal component analysis (PCA) based on the correlation and covariance matrices, and structural analysis. Mahalanobis distance was calculated and a scatter plot was created to evaluate genetic dissimilarity. The results showed that the most effective method to determine the repeatability coefficient was PCA based on the covariance matrix. Twenty measurements are needed in order to achieve a coefficient of determination of 90%. Based on the measures of genetic dissimilarity, it was possible to differentiate clones and to recognize two genetically distinct groups

    Análise de uso de padrões de metadados em projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na Embrapa Informática Agropecuária.

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    A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) produz uma grande quantidade de dados como resultado das pesquisa que realiza. Os dados gerados abrangem diferentes domínios: solos, clima, coleções, dados de animais, dados bibliográficos, entre outros. Muitas vezes os projetos trocam ou reúsam a informação produzidas. Apesar disso, muitos deles ainda são armazenados de diferentes formas e usando diferentes formatos, como planilhas, sistemas de banco de dados, papel, entre outros. A necessidade ou possibilidade de integração/compartilhamento de informação entre esses sistemas ou mesmo com outras instituições de pesquisa, desencadeou ações para a incorporação de novas estruturas e conceitos aos sistemas desenvolvidos, no sentido de facilitar a interoperabilidade de dados. Uma abordagem para esse problema é a adoção de padrões de metadados bem estabelecidos para descrição desses dados. Nesse sentindo, a Embrapa Informática Agropecuária estabeleceu um grupo de trabalho cuja missão era identificar a situação de seus projetos de pesquisa quanto à adoção desses padrões. O grupo elaborou um conjunto de perguntas que foram apresentadas à maioria desses projetos, permitindo não apenas identificar a utilização de metadados, mas também descrever as principais observações e recomendações sobre esse tema. Este documento apresenta o trabalho realizado por esse grupo, bem como os resultados obtidos.bitstream/item/57307/1/Livro-BolPesq27-1.pd

    Towards a Vaccine Against Rheumatic Fever

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    Rheumatic fever (RF) is an autoimmune disease which affects more than 20 million children in developing countries. It is triggered by Streptococcus pyogenes throat infection in untreated susceptible individuals. Carditis, the most serious manifestation of the disease, leads to severe and permanent valvular lesions, causing chronic rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We have been studying the mechanisms leading to pathological autoimmunity in RF/RHD for the last 15 years. Our studies allowed us a better understanding of the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of RHD, paving the way for the development of a safe vaccine for a post-infection autoimmune disease. We have focused on the search for protective T and B cell epitopes by testing 620 human blood samples against overlapping peptides spanning 99 residues of the C-terminal portion of the M protein, differing by one amino acid residue. We identified T and B cell epitopes with 22 and 25 amino acid residues, respectively. Although these epitopes were from different regions of the C-terminal portion of the M protein, they showed an identical core of 16 amino acid residues. Antibodies against the B cell epitope inhibited bacterial invasion/adhesion in vitro. Our results strongly indicated that the selected T and B cell epitopes could potentially be protective against S. pyogenes