51 research outputs found

    Parafunctional oral habits and its relationship with family structure in a mexican preschoolers group, 2013.

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    Abstract: Introduction. Habit is any act acquired through experience and performed regularly and unconsciously. Parafunctional habits are resulting from the perversion of a normal function, acquired by repeated practice of an act that is not functional or necessary, may be signs of adjustment problems or inappropriate emotional expression. Its importance lies in the fact that they can interfere with the development of dental occlusion. Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of parafunctional oral habits and their possible association with the type of family, in a group of preschool children from eastern Mexico City. Methodology. Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carrying on. Preschool children group and their parents were surveyed before an examiner calibration (k =0.87, p=0.001). The detection of different parafunctional habits was conducted in two stages: 1) application of a parent questionnaire and 2) clinical assessment of the child. Results and discussion. 57.7% of the studied population had at least one parafunctional oral habit. Onycophagia habit was the most prevalent. The relationship between prevalence of parafunctional habits with family type was significant (X2=87.439, p=0.0001). Conclusions. The prevalence of parafunctional habits was high which was associated with family type also the most frequent parafunctional habit onycophagia.Keywords: Prevalence Studies, bruxism, thumb sucking, bottle feeding, sucking behavior.Hábitos orales parafuncionales y su relación con la estructura familiar en un grupo de preescolares mexicanos, 2013.Resumen: Introducción. Un hábito es cualquier acto adquirido mediante la experiencia y realizado regular e inconscientemente. Los hábitos bucales parafuncionales son los que resultan de la alteración de una función normal, o los que se adquieren por la práctica repetida de un acto que no es funcional ni necesario, pudiendo ser signos de problemas de adaptación o de expresión emocional inadecuada. Su importancia radica en el hecho de que pueden  interferir con el desarrollo de la oclusión dental, razón por la cual el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de hábitos bucales parafuncionales y su posible relación con la estructura familiar, en un grupo de preescolares de un Centro de Desarrollo Infantil del oriente de la Ciudad de México. Metodología. El estudio fue de carácter observacional, descriptivo y transversal, en el que 111 preescolares y sus padres fueron encuestados previa calibración de una examinadora (k=0.87, p=0.001). La detección de los diferentes hábitos bucales parafuncionales se realizó en dos etapas: 1) aplicación de un cuestionario al padre de familia y 2) valoración clínica del niño. Resultados y discusión. El 57.7% de la población estudiada presentó, al menos un hábito bucal parafuncional. La onicofagia fue el hábito de mayor prevalencia. La relación entre la prevalencia de hábitos parafuncionales con la estructura familiar resultó ser significativa (X2=87.439, p=0.0001). Conclusiones. La prevalencia de hábitos bucales parafuncionales fue alta la cual estuvo relacionada con la estructura familiar, asimismo, el hábito parafuncional más frecuente fue la onicofagia.Palabras clave: Estudios de prevalencia, bruxismo, succión digital, alimentación con biberón, hábito de chupar

    Depredación de Pselliopus latispina (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) sobre Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    Se reporta la capacidad depredadora de Pselliopus latispina Hussey (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) sobre el ácaro de dos manchas Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Se utilizaron ninfas de P. latispina de primer instar, provenientes de masas de huevos recolectadas en la Sierra de Álvarez, San Luis Potosí, sobre árboles de cedro blanco Juniperus flaccida Schltdl. (Cupressaceae) y hembras adultas de T. urticae desarrolladas en plantas de frijol Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae), originadas a partir de recolectas en huertas de manzana Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae) de Huachichil, Arteaga; Coahuila. Se colocaron ninfas individuales de P. latispina con 50 hembras adultas de T. urticae en cajas Petri, con la finalidad de observar el comportamiento depredador de las ninfas sobre el ácaro. Los datos de depredación fueron analizados con ANOVA y separación de medias mediante pruebas de rango múltiple de Tukey. Se observó la depredación a las 8, 16 y 24 horas y se contabilizó la mortalidad de ácaros. La depredación de P. latispina se incrementó proporcionalmente con el tiempo de exposición, con un consumo promedio de 20, 37 y 48 ácaros a las 8, 16 y 24 horas respectivamente, brindando una nueva opción de manejo del ácaro de dos manchas

    Grain yield, nutritional, polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in accessions of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)

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    Sorghum is an economically important crop in developing countries. The objective of this study was to compare the agronomic performance, and the chromatic, nutritional and nutraceutical properties of nineteen sorghum accessions cultivated in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Results showed that the grain yield (15.22 to 70.18 g per plant), days to flowering (73 to 92 days), panicle length (16.63 to 27.67 cm), luminosity (27.14 to 57.75), chromaticity (5.65 to 15.33) and hue angle (38.49 to 82.66) varied. The percentage of protein (7.33 to 3.43%), fiber (0.60 to 3.03%) and carbohydrates (70.17 to 78.39%) also varied. Grains had a high concentration of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium; the content of total phenols and total flavonoids (free + bound) was found in a range of 117.61 to 2367.01 mg GAE/100 g and 22.52 to 613.92 mg CE/100 g, respectively. The antioxidant capacities (free + bound) showed ranges from 65.09 to 2,017.58 μmol TE/100 g, 43.13 to 1,907.99 μmol TE/100 g and 107.20 to 3,523.20 μmol TE/100 g using the ABTS, DPPH and FRAP methods, respectively. A negative correlation (-0.36) was observed between grain yield and days to flowering. In addition, a positive correlation between phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. These results confirm an important genetic diversity among the studied accessions of sorghum

    Photon Shielding Features of Quarry Tuff

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    Abstract. Cantera is a quarry tuff widely used in the building industry; in this work the shielding features of cantera were determined. The shielding characteristics were calculated using XCOM and MCNP5 codes for 0.03, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.662, 1, 2, and 3 MeV photons. With XCOM the mass interaction coefficients, and the total mass attenuation coefficients, were calculated. With the MCNP5 code a transmission experiment was modelled using a point-like source located 42 cm apart from a point-like detector. Between the source and the detector, cantera pieces with different thickness, ranging from 0 to 40 cm were included. The collided and uncollided photon fluence, the Kerma in air and the Ambient dose equivalent were estimated. With the uncollided fluence the linear attenuation coefficients were determined and compared with those calculated with XCOM. The linear attenuation coefficient for 0.662 MeV photons was compared with the coefficient measured with a NaI(Tl)-based �-ray spectrometer and a 137Cs source

    Fusarium species in maize grains and stems (Zea mays L.) from subsistence and commercial systems

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    The objective of this research was the morphomolecular identification of species of the genus Fusarium associated with native and commercial maize genotypes in municipalities of Puebla and Morelos, Mexico, as well as to describe the socioeconomic and cultural importance of maize cultivation. Fusarium species were isolated from grains and stem cuttings with purple, brown, and dark brown pigmentations. They were identified morphomolecularly by using taxonomic keys and the Dinocapture 2.0 software, and by DNA extraction by the CTAB method and amplification of the ITS1 and ITS4 region by PCR. Four species were identified: Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium verticillioides, Fusarium incarnatum and Fusarium napiforme with an identity greater than 98%. The genotypes with the highest incidence of Fusarium spp. were: Pioneer 30F35 in San Miguel, Teotlalco, Puebla by F. verticillioides (A2). The genotypes with the lowest incidence were: Shark from Tetelilla, Morelos by F. incarnatum (A1), F. verticillioides (A6) and F. napiforme (A7). Maize is the main food in many locations in Mexico, however, due to the high consumption of this grain and its derivatives, as well as the high consumption of meat presumably fed with this grain, it could represent a route of ingestion of mycotoxins

    A Review of the Current Panorama of Glyphosate Resistance among Weeds in Mexico and the Rest of the World

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    Glyphosate is a non-selective broad-spectrum herbicide. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have classified it as probably carcinogenic to humans, the indiscriminate use of this herbicide in agriculture continues today, as a consequence of its low cost and effectiveness, as well as of the large number of generic products available. In addition to the adverse health effects, the massive use of glyphosate has caused environmental problems which have direct and indirect effects on agroecosystems. With the introduction of resistant transgenic crops, the use of this herbicide has increased fifteenfold since 1996. Just in the last 26 years, 350 cases of glyphosate resistance among weeds have been reported worldwide; however, multiple resistance has been recorded in 23 weed species in 17 countries around the world. In the future, the dependence on this herbicide will result in multiple resistance among weeds, not only in Mexico, but in more parts of the world than those that have been reported to date

    Calidad y clasificación de usos del agua en la cuenca baja del río Papagayo, Guerrero, México

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    Abstract: Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were analyzed during dry and rainy season to verify the water quality of the lower Papagayo river basin and its tributaries. The analyzed parameters were compared with the Ecological Water Quality Criteria and Mexican Official Standards. Some values of the physico-chemical and microbiological analyses were outside of the maximum permissible levels in the rainy season (fecal coliforms, sedimentary solids, total suspended solids and turbidity), and which were significantly different with respect to dry season, whose values of the total hardness and dissolved oxygen increased in some sampling sites during this season. Metal concentrations showed values according to the official regulations, as well as the fats and oils. Physico-chemical and water quality of the Papagayo river basin show that Omitlán river was the station with the highest contamination level. Despite the considerable contributions of pollutants into the principal stream of the Papagayo river, in the two sampling stations located in the lower portion of the basin, termed Bellavista Papagayo and Lomas de Chapultepec, it is appreciated that the river has a good capacity of autopurification, even when in these localities there is an important contribution of pollutants. Based on the results obtained and the application of those rules, it was determined that the water in the downstream basin of the Papagayo river should not be used directly as a source of drinking water for the population centers. This is because they contain dangerous pollutants that cause adverse effects to humans.Resumen: Se realizaron análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos durante la temporada de secas y lluvias para conocer la calidad del agua de la cuenca baja del río Papagayo y sus afluentes. Los parámetros analizados se compararon con los criterios ecológicos de calidad del agua y las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas. Algunos valores de los análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos se encuentran fuera de los límites máximos permisibles en la época de lluvias (coliformes fecales, sólidos sedimentables, sólidos suspendidos totales y turbiedad), los cuales difieren de forma significativa con respecto a la época de secas, la dureza total y el oxígeno disuelto aumentaron en algunos sitios de mu est reo. La concentración de metales, grasas y aceites presenta valores permitidos en las normas oficiales. La calidad fisicoquímica y microbiològica del agua de la cuenca del río Papagayo muestra que la estación con mayor grado de contaminación es la del río Omitlán. A pesar de los aportes considerables de materia contaminante al cauce principal del río Papagayo, en las estaciones de mu est reo Bellavista Papagayo y Lomas de Chapultepec, se aprecia que tiene capacidad de autopurificación, aun cuando en dichos puntos hay contribuciones importantes de contaminantes. Los resultados revelan que la cuenca baja del río Papagayo presenta contaminantes que causan efectos nocivos al ser humano, como la mayoría de los ríos en México, no puede considerarse como fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable