814 research outputs found

    Russian anti-literature

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    To support the myth of Russian literature’s unique social mission, its critics, historians, and creators since the time of Pushkin have used various strategies to present it as inherently nomoclastic – as somehow standing apart from established European models (e.g. Tolstoy’s preface to War and Peace), or otherwise distinguished from more trivial forms of writing designed primarily for entertainment rather than education (e.g. Chernyshevsky’s What Is to Be Done?) In the efforts of nineteenth-century Russia to realize its cultural ambitions the yardstick was always Western Europe; yet these efforts could only be judged successful if grounded in a concept of the nation’s uniqueness. Therefore, the social function that was to mold Russia’s destiny could only arise from a literature that measured itself against the West and yet remained distinct – one that could be seen as an antithesis to the Western cultural establishment just as young Russia as a whole sought to see itself as old Europe’s opposite. At the same time, the anti-literary strategies of Russian writing (from the genre-breaking labels of Pushkin’s Evgeny Onegin and Gogol’s Dead Souls to the defiantly ‘bad’ prose of Chernyshevsky) serve to compensate for the impossible burden of redemptive expectation, by means of deferring the final expression and perfection of both its form and content

    Caryl Emerson. The First Hundred Years of Mikhail Bakhtin.

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    Fra grønn gigafabrikk til grønne ringvirkninger

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    Batteri som næring utvikler seg i eksplosiv takt i verden og Norge. I 2023 er gigafabrikker under etablering i Arendal (Morrow), Mo i Rana (Freyr), Sandnes (Beyonder) og Trøndelag (Elinor). I Sverige er Northvolt i Skellefteå den som har kommet lengst i Norden. Men hva fører disse etableringene til det regionale næringslivet i små regioner? Kan batterifabrikkene fungere som en katalysator for regional sirkulær økonomi? Ved bruk av eksisterende teori skal denne masteroppgaven gjøre en analyse på Morrows etablering i Arendal-regionen

    Vídeo-conferência internacional Noruega Brasil : extratos fundamentais

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    Teleconferência realizada em 2007 entre o Brasil e a Noruega, com a palestrante norueguesa Celma Regina Hellebust.Discorre sobre a Noruega e suas relações com o Brasil

    Portable HEPA Filtration Successfully Augments Natural-Ventilation-Mediated Airborne Particle Clearance in a Legacy Design Hospital Ward

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    As the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 pandemic has proceeded, ventilation has been recognized increasingly as an important tool in infection control. Many hospitals in Ireland and the UK do not have mechanical ventilation and depend on natural ventilation. The effectiveness of natural ventilation varies with atmospheric conditions and building design. In a challenge test of a legacy design ward, this study showed that portable air filtration significantly increased the clearance of pollutant aerosols of respirable size compared with natural ventilation, and reduced spatial variation in particle persistence. A combination of natural ventilation and portable air filtration is significantly more effective for particle clearance than either intervention alone

    Uma comparação das regulações de trabalho relacionadas à proteção da saúde no setor petroleiro no Brasil e na Noruega

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    The purpose of this article is to compare the regulations on work related health issues in the offshore petroleum sector in Brazil and Norway. The regulation of reporting and handling of work related illness has been used as a case for the study. We aim to show that even though the legislation both in Brazil and Norway relies upon similar legislative traditions, emphasising statute law, with written norms given by national authorities, there are considerable differences in how the regulation is developed and how the this kind of norms are formulated in the two countries. The differences will be interpreted in view of the governance cultures in the petroleum sector in the two countries. What can be learnt from this comparison may be of general interest when working with development of legislation and regulations.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo das principais características dos modelos de regulação adotados em assuntos relacionados à saúde do trabalhador no setor petroleiro no Brasil e na Noruega. As legislações de ambos os países estão inseridas na tradição da lei escrita, mas cada nação tem uma abordagem particular de sua regulação. O Brasil conta com uma típica postura regulatória, enquanto a Noruega apresenta traços do direito consuetudinário, com modelos legais baseados na presunção de que as partes envolvidas são capazes de agregar boas e seguras práticas profissionais. Percebe-se que ambas as abordagens regulatórias relacionam-se com o panorama social de cada nação. Porém, como o tempo e a cultura se modificam, os dois países talvez tenham algo a aprender um com outro

    A comparison of on-line and off-line bioaerosol measurements at a biowaste site

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    An air measurement campaign was carried out at a green-waste composting site in the South of Ireland during Spring 2016. The aim was to quantify and identify the levels of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAP) that were present using the traditional off-line, impaction/optical microscopy method alongside an on-line, spectroscopic approach termed WIBS (Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor), which can provide number concentrations, sizes and “shapes” of airborne PBAP in real-time by use of Light Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The results from the two techniques were compared in order to validate the use of the spectroscopic method for determining the releases of the wide-range of PBAP present there as a function of site activity and meteorological conditions. The seven-day monitoring period undertaken was much longer than any real-time studies that have been previously performed and allowed due comparison between weekday (working) activities at the site and weekend (closed) releases. The time-span also allowed relationships between site activities like turning, agitation or waste delivery and the WIBS data to be determined in a quantitative manner. This information cannot be obtained with the Andersen Sampling methods generally employed at green-waste management sites. Furthermore, few specific bioaerosol types other than Aspergillus fumigatus, are identified using the traditional protocols employed for site licensing purposes. Here though the co-location of WIBS with the impaction instrument made it possible to identify the real-time release behaviour of a specific plant pathogenic spore, Ustilago maydis, present after green-waste deliveries were made by a local distillery