228 research outputs found

    Large-scale collective motion of RFGC galaxies

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    We processed the data about radial velocities and HI linewidths for 1678 flat edge-on spirals from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue. We obtained the parameters of the multipole components of large-scale velocity field of collective non-Hubble galaxy motion as well as the parameters of the generalized Tully-Fisher relationship in the "HI line width - linear diameter" version. All the calculations were performed independently in the framework of three models, where the multipole decomposition of the galaxy velocity field was limited to a dipole, quadrupole and octopole terms respectively. We showed that both the quadrupole and the octopole components are statistically significant. On the basis of the compiled list of peculiar velocities of 1623 galaxies we obtained the estimations of cosmological parameters Omega_m and sigma_8. This estimation is obtained in both graphical form and as a constraint of the value S_8=sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^0.35 = 0.91 +/- 0.05.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Fitomassa de adubos verdes e controle de plantas daninhas em diferentes densidades populacionias de leguminosas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitomassa de calopogônio, mucuna-preta, mucunarajada,feijão-de-porco, guandu de porte alto, Crotalaria spectabilis e C. breviflora sob diferentes densidades de semeadura (10, 20, 40, 80 e 160 sementes viáveis m-2), e o crescimento de plantas daninhas nessas densidades, em área de tabuleiros costeiros. O experimento foi desenvolvido de maio a agosto de 1996, no Campo Experimental “Antônio Martins”(EMDAGRO/Embrapa-CPATC), em Lagarto, SE. O número de plantas vivas na floração (NPVF) e a matéria seca da parte aérea das leguminosas (MSPA) foram determinados quando, em cada espécie, cerca de 50% das plantas floresceram. Maiores incrementos de MSPA, em resposta ao adensamento populacional, foram observados em C. spectabilis e C. breviflora, seguidas pelo calopogônio, mucuna-preta e mucuna-rajada. Em relação ao feijão-de-porco, a resposta foi negativa, enquanto com o guandu não houve influência. Quanto ao NPVF, as respostas ao adensamento foram lineares e positivas em C. spectabilis, C. breviflora e calopogônio, e quadráticas com ponto de máxima em feijão-de-porco,guandu e mucuna-rajada. Embora nenhum modelo tenha sido ajustado para expressar a relação entre NPVF e adensamento na semeadura de mucuna-preta, a sobrevivência dessa espécie foi reduzida em todas as densidades. Maiores inibições de plantas daninhas ocorreram nas parcelas de mucuna-preta e feijão-de-porco

    An analysis of the FIR/RADIO Continuum Correlation in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    The local correlation between far-infrared (FIR) emission and radio-continuum (RC) emission for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is investigated over scales from 3 kpc to 0.01 kpc. Here, we report good FIR/RC correlation down to ~15 pc. The reciprocal slope of the FIR/RC emission correlation (RC/FIR) in the SMC is shown to be greatest in the most active star forming regions with a power law slope of ~1.14 indicating that the RC emission increases faster than the FIR emission. The slope of the other regions and the SMC are much flatter and in the range of 0.63-0.85. The slopes tend to follow the thermal fractions of the regions which range from 0.5 to 0.95. The thermal fraction of the RC emission alone can provide the expected FIR/RC correlation. The results are consistent with a common source for ultraviolet (UV) photons heating dust and Cosmic Ray electrons (CRe-s) diffusing away from the star forming regions. Since the CRe-s appear to escape the SMC so readily, the results here may not provide support for coupling between the local gas density and the magnetic field intensity.Comment: 19 pages, 7 Figure

    Role of fractal dimension in random walks on scale-free networks

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    Fractal dimension is central to understanding dynamical processes occurring on networks; however, the relation between fractal dimension and random walks on fractal scale-free networks has been rarely addressed, despite the fact that such networks are ubiquitous in real-life world. In this paper, we study the trapping problem on two families of networks. The first is deterministic, often called (x,y)(x,y)-flowers; the other is random, which is a combination of (1,3)(1,3)-flower and (2,4)(2,4)-flower and thus called hybrid networks. The two network families display rich behavior as observed in various real systems, as well as some unique topological properties not shared by other networks. We derive analytically the average trapping time for random walks on both the (x,y)(x,y)-flowers and the hybrid networks with an immobile trap positioned at an initial node, i.e., a hub node with the highest degree in the networks. Based on these analytical formulae, we show how the average trapping time scales with the network size. Comparing the obtained results, we further uncover that fractal dimension plays a decisive role in the behavior of average trapping time on fractal scale-free networks, i.e., the average trapping time decreases with an increasing fractal dimension.Comment: Definitive version published in European Physical Journal

    Formation of Subtropical Mode Water in a high-resolution ocean simulation of the Kuroshio Extension region

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ocean Modelling 17 (2007): 338-356, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.03.002.A high-resolution numerical model is used to examine the formation and variability of the North Pacific Subtropical ModeWater (STMW) over a 3-year period. The STMW distribution is found to be highly variable in both space and time, a characteristic often unexplored because of sparse observations or the use of coarse resolution simulations. Its distribution is highly dependent on eddies, and where it was renewed during the previous winter. Although the potential vorticity fluxes associated with down-front winds can be of the same order of magnitude or even greater than the diabatic ones due to air-sea temperature differences, the latter dominate the potential vorticity budget on regional and larger scales. Air-sea fluxes, however, are dominated by a few strong wind events, emphasizing the importance of short time scales in the formation of mode waters. In the Kuroshio Extension region, both advection and mixing play important roles to remove the STMW from the formation region.This work was sponsored by the National Science Foundation OCE-0220161 (S.J.) and OCE-0221781/0549225 (J.M.), the Office of Naval Research (J.M., M.M.), Department of Energy/CCPP (M.M.), and the Office of Science (BER), US Department of Energy, Grant No. DE-FG02-05ER64119 (J.M.)

    Mean first-passage time for random walks on undirected networks

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    In this paper, by using two different techniques we derive an explicit formula for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) between any pair of nodes on a general undirected network, which is expressed in terms of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an associated matrix similar to the transition matrix. We then apply the formula to derive a lower bound for the MFPT to arrive at a given node with the starting point chosen from the stationary distribution over the set of nodes. We show that for a correlated scale-free network of size NN with a degree distribution P(d)dγP(d)\sim d^{-\gamma}, the scaling of the lower bound is N11/γN^{1-1/\gamma}. Also, we provide a simple derivation for an eigentime identity. Our work leads to a comprehensive understanding of recent results about random walks on complex networks, especially on scale-free networks.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; definitive version published in European Physical Journal

    Measurement of the B-Meson Inclusive Semileptonic Branching Fraction and Electron-Energy Moments

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    We report a new measurement of the B-meson semileptonic decay momentum spectrum that has been made with a sample of 9.4/fb of electron-positron annihilation data collected with the CLEO II detector at the Y(4S) resonance. Electrons from primary semileptonic decays and secondary charm decays were separated by using charge and angular correlations in Y(4S) events with a high-momentum lepton and an additional electron. We determined the semileptonic branching fraction to be (10.91 +- 0.09 +- 0.24)% from the normalization of the electron-energy spectrum. We also measured the moments of the electron energy spectrum with minimum energies from 0.6 GeV to 1.5 GeV.Comment: 36 pages postscript, als available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/, Submitted to PRD (back-to-back with preceding preprint hep-ex/0403052

    Distinct gut virome profile of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes in the ENDIA study

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    Background:The importance of gut bacteria in human physiology, immune regulation, and disease pathogenesis is well established. In contrast, the composition and dynamics of the gut virome are largely unknown; particularly lacking are studies in pregnancy. We used comprehensive virome capture sequencing to characterize the gut virome of pregnant women with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D), longitudinally followed in the Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity study. Methods:In total, 61 pregnant women (35 with T1D and 26 without) from Australia were examined. Nucleic acid was extracted from serial fecal specimens obtained at prenatal visits, and viral genomes were sequenced by virome capture enrichment. The frequency, richness, and abundance of viruses were compared between women with and without T1D. Results:Two viruses were more prevalent in pregnant women with T1D: picobirnaviruses (odds ratio [OR], 4.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.0-17.1; P = .046) and tobamoviruses (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.1-9.3; P = .037). The abundance of 77 viruses significantly differed between the 2 maternal groups (≥2-fold difference; P < .02), including 8 Enterovirus B types present at a higher abundance in women with T1D. Conclusions:These findings provide novel insight into the composition of the gut virome during pregnancy and demonstrate a distinct profile of viruses in women with T1D.Ki Wook Kim, Digby W. Allen ... Simon C. Barry ... Lynne C Giles ... Megan A S Penno ... Rebecca L Thomson ... et al

    Structural basis of glycan276-dependent recognition by HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies

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    Recognition of N-linked glycan at residue N276 (glycan276) at the periphery of the CD4-binding site (CD4bs) on the HIV-envelope trimer is a formidable challenge for many CD4bs-directed antibodies. To understand how this glycan can be recognized, here we isolate two lineages of glycan276-dependent CD4bs antibodies. Antibody CH540-VRC40.01 (named for donor-lineage.clone) neutralizes 81% of a panel of 208 diverse strains, while antibody CH314-VRC33.01 neutralizes 45%. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of these two antibodies and 179NC75, a previously identified glycan276-dependent CD4bs antibody, in complex with HIV-envelope trimer reveal substantially different modes of glycan276 recognition. Despite these differences, binding of glycan276-dependent antibodies maintains a glycan276 conformation similar to that observed in the absence of glycan276-binding antibodies. By contrast, glycan276-independent CD4bs antibodies, such as VRC01, displace glycan276 upon binding. These results provide a foundation for understanding antibody recognition of glycan276 and suggest its presence may be crucial for priming immunogens seeking to initiate broad CD4bs recognition