204 research outputs found

    Magnetic Full-Heusler Compounds for Thermoelectric Applications

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    Full-Heusler compounds exhibit a variety of magnetic properties such as non-magnetism, ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism and anti-ferromagnetism. In recent years, they have attracted significant attention as potential thermoelectric (TE) materials that convert thermal energy directly into electricity. This chapter reviews the theoretical and experimental studies on the TE properties of magnetic full-Heusler compounds. In Section 1, a brief outline of TE power generation is described. Section 2 introduces the crystal structures and magnetic properties of full-Heusler compounds. The TE properties of full-Heusler compounds are presented in Sections 3 and 4. The relationship between magnetism, TE properties and order degree of full-Heusler compounds is elaborated

    Detection of deviance in Japanese kanji compound words

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    Reading fluency is based on the automatic visual recognition of words. As a manifestation of the automatic processing of words, an automatic deviance detection of visual word stimuli can be observed in the early stages of visual recognition. To clarify whether this phenomenon occurs with Japanese kanji compounds-since their lexicality is related to semantic association-we investigated the brain response by utilizing three types of deviants: differences in font type, lexically correct or incorrect Japanese kanji compound words and pseudo-kanji characters modified from correct and incorrect compounds. We employed magnetoencephalography (MEG) to evaluate the spatiotemporal profiles of the related brain regions. The study included 22 adult native Japanese speakers (16 females). The abovementioned three kinds of stimuli containing 20% deviants were presented during the MEG measurement. Activity in the occipital pole region of the brain was observed upon the detection of font-type deviance within 250 ms of stimulus onset. Although no significant activity upon detecting lexically correct/incorrect kanji compounds or pseudo-kanji character deviations was observed, the activity in the posterior transverse region of the collateral sulcus (pCoS)-which is a fusiform neighboring area-was larger when detecting lexically correct kanji compounds than when detecting pseudo-kanji characters. Taken together, these results support the notion that the automatic detection of deviance in kanji compounds may be limited to a low-level feature, such as the stimulus stroke thickness.Peer reviewe


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    The ready-to-drink tea beverages from the market were examined to assess their pro-oxidant activities by incubating with bovine serum albumin in the presence of 10 mM 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), a water-soluble free radical initiator, or 0.1 mM CuC12 in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 37°C for 90 mM. Protein carbonyl was measured as an index of protein oxidation. In the presence of AAPH, several green tea beverages reduced the formation of protein carbonyl possibly by scavenging free radicals, whereas oolong tea and black tea enhanced the protein carbonyl formation. In the presence of Cu^2+ ions, all tea beverages examined in this study largely increased protein carbonyl content. Additionally catechins oxidized by tyrosinase increased the protein carbonyl formation. These results indicate that oxidized catechins and their derivatives, which are rich in oolong tea and black tea, may be responsible for the protein carbonyl formatio

    Detection of Strong Millimeter Emission from the Circumstellar Dust Disk Around V1094 Sco: Cold and Massive Disk around a T Tauri Star in a Quiescent Accretion Phase?

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    We present the discovery of a cold massive dust disk around the T Tauri star V1094 Sco in the Lupus molecular cloud from the 1.1 millimeter continuum observations with AzTEC on ASTE. A compact (rr\lesssim320 AU) continuum emission coincides with the stellar position having a flux density of 272 mJy which is largest among T Tauri stars in Lupus. We also present the detection of molecular gas associated with the star in the five-point observations in 12^{12}CO J=3--2 and 13^{13}CO J=3--2. Since our 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO observations did not show any signature of a large-scale outflow or a massive envelope, the compact dust emission is likely to come from a disk around the star. The observed SED of V1094 Sco shows no distinct turnover from near infrared to millimeter wavelengths, which can be well described by a flattened disk for the dust component, and no clear dip feature around 10 \micron suggestive of absence of an inner hole in the disk. We fit a simple power-law disk model to the observed SED. The estimated disk mass ranges from 0.03 to \gtrsim0.12 M_\sun, which is one or two orders of magnitude larger than the median disk mass of T Tauri stars in Taurus.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cdh23 and Prepulse Inhibition

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    We previously identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for prepulse inhibition (PPI), an endophenotype of schizophrenia, on mouse chromosome 10 and reported Fabp7 as a candidate gene from an analysis of F2 mice from inbred strains with high (C57BL/6N; B6) and low (C3H/HeN; C3H) PPI levels. Here, we reanalyzed the previously reported QTLs with increased marker density. The highest logarithm of odds score (26.66) peaked at a synonymous coding and splice-site variant, c.753G>A (rs257098870), in the Cdh23 gene on chromosome 10; the c.753G (C3H) allele showed a PPI-lowering effect. Bayesian multiple QTL mapping also supported the same variant with a posterior probability of 1. Thus, we engineered the c.753G (C3H) allele into the B6 genetic background, which led to dampened PPI. We also revealed an e-QTL (expression QTL) effect imparted by the c.753G>A variant for the Cdh23 expression in the brain. In a human study, a homologous variant (c.753G>A; rs769896655) in CDH23 showed a nominally significant enrichment in individuals with schizophrenia. We also identified multiple potentially deleterious CDH23 variants in individuals with schizophrenia. Collectively, the present study reveals a PPI-regulating Cdh23 variant and a possible contribution of CDH23 to schizophrenia susceptibility

    Fabp7 Maps to a Quantitative Trait Locus for a Schizophrenia Endophenotype

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    Deficits in prepulse inhibition (PPI) are a biological marker for schizophrenia. To unravel the mechanisms that control PPI, we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis on 1,010 F2 mice derived by crossing C57BL/6 (B6) animals that show high PPI with C3H/He (C3) animals that show low PPI. We detected six major loci for PPI, six for the acoustic startle response, and four for latency to response peak, some of which were sex-dependent. A promising candidate on the Chromosome 10-QTL was Fabp7 (fatty acid binding protein 7, brain), a gene with functional links to the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor and expression in astrocytes. Fabp7-deficient mice showed decreased PPI and a shortened startle response latency, typical of the QTL's proposed effects. A quantitative complementation test supported Fabp7 as a potential PPI-QTL gene, particularly in male mice. Disruption of Fabp7 attenuated neurogenesis in vivo. Human FABP7 showed altered expression in schizophrenic brains and genetic association with schizophrenia, which were both evident in males when samples were divided by sex. These results suggest that FABP7 plays a novel and crucial role, linking the NMDA, neurodevelopmental, and glial theories of schizophrenia pathology and the PPI endophenotype, with larger or overt effects in males. We also discuss the results from the perspective of fetal programming

    High-Resolution Submillimeter and Near-Infrared Studies of the Transition Disk around Sz 91

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    To reveal the structures of a transition disk around a young stellar object in Lupus, Sz 91, we have performed aperture synthesis 345 GHz continuum and CO(3--2) observations with the Submillimeter Array (\sim1\arcsec--3\arcsec resolution), and high-resolution imaging of polarized intensity at the KsK_s-band by using the HiCIAO instrument on the Subaru Telescope (0\farcs25 resolution). Our observations successfully resolved the inner and outer radii of the dust disk to be 65 AU and 170 AU, respectively, which indicates that Sz 91 is a transition disk source with one of the largest known inner holes. The model fitting analysis of the spectral energy distribution reveals an H2_2 mass of 2.4×1032.4\times10^{-3} M_\sun in the cold (T<T<30 K) outer part at 65<r<17065<r<170 AU by assuming a canonical gas-to-dust mass ratio of 100, although a small amount (>3×109>3\times10^{-9} M_\sun) of hot (TT\sim180 K) dust possibly remains inside the inner hole of the disk. The structure of the hot component could be interpreted as either an unresolved self-luminous companion body (not directly detected in our observations) or a narrow ring inside the inner hole. Significant CO(3--2) emission with a velocity gradient along the major axis of the dust disk is concentrated on the Sz 91 position, suggesting a rotating gas disk with a radius of 420 AU. The Sz 91 disk is possibly a rare disk in an evolutionary stage immediately after the formation of protoplanets because of the large inner hole and the lower disk mass than other transition disks studied thus far