804 research outputs found

    Interview with Carolyn Hahnemann

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    Carolyn Hahnemann talks about what it\u27s like to live in a house on stilts.https://digital.kenyon.edu/lak_interviews/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of Intense Sound Waves on a Stationary Gas Flame

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    Intense sound waves with a resonant frequency of 5000 cycles per second were imposed on a stationary propane-air flame issuing from a nozzle. In addition to a slight increase of the flame velocity, a fundamental change both in the shape of the burning zone and in the flow pattern could be observed. An attempt is made to explain the origin of the variations in the flame configuration on the basis of transition at the nozzle from jet flow to potential flow

    Colon wall motility: comparison of novel quantitative semi-automatic measurements using cine MRI

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    Background Recently, cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown promise for visualizing movement of the colonic wall, although assessment of data has been subjective and observer dependent. This study aimed to develop an objective and semi-automatic imaging metric of ascending colonic wall movement, using image registration techniques. Methods Cine balanced turbo field echo MRI images of ascending colonic motility were acquired over 2 min from 23 healthy volunteers (HVs) at baseline and following two different macrogol stimulus drinks (11 HVs drank 1 L and 12 HVs drank 2 L). Motility metrics derived from large scale geometric and small scale pixel movement parameters following image registration were developed using the post ingestion data and compared to observer grading of wall motion. Inter and intra-observer variability in the highest correlating metric was assessed using Bland–Altman analysis calculated from two separate observations on a subset of data. Key Results All the metrics tested showed significant correlation with the observer rating scores. Line analysis (LA) produced the highest correlation coefficient of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.55–0.86), p < 0.001 (Spearman Rho). Bland–Altman analysis of the inter- and intra-observer variability for the LA metric, showed almost zero bias and small limits of agreement between observations (−0.039 to 0.052 intra-observer and −0.051 to 0.054 inter-observer, range of measurement 0–0.353). Conclusions & Inferences The LA index of colonic motility derived from cine MRI registered data provides a quick, accurate and non-invasive method to detect wall motion within the ascending colon following a colonic stimulus in the form of a macrogol drink

    Om begreberne toft og bol

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    En stedsevarende debat i dansk landbrugshistorie har stået omkring begreberne bol og toft. Hvordan har deres indbydes relation været, hvilke roller har de haft i den juridiske verden, som. regulerede landsbyens rettigheder. Denne artikel diskuterer tolkningerne i to hovedværker fra det seneste tiår og kommer selv med et forslag til svar på nogle af spørgsmålene

    Toft og gårdsted

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    Toft and FarmsteadA clarification of the concepts farmstead and toft is crucial to a general understanding of the function of the original rural village as well as the legal status of the medieval and pre-medieval peasant. To this end, the present article presents a survey of the relevant West European research literature, ranging from Roman times to the European Middle Ages. Moreover, it undertakes an analysis of various Danish primary sources as well as Danish and Swedish literature in the field of agrarian history. The conclusion of this examination is that the village peasant community was based on a combination of, on the one hand, the individual peasant’s particular rights and private status, and, on the other, his integration within a tightly-knit community of mutual obligations. The structural core of this community consisted of complex organizational forms, through which most of the land was allocated to individual use, yet subordinate to collective rules of cultivation. The peasant’s particular rights entitled him, firstly, to the farmstead, which encompassed the dwelling and a plot for gardening, and, secondly, a piece of agricultural land, which was permanently attached to the farmstead and could be used as the peasant saw fit. In the Danish context, this area is called a »toft«. The same concept appears elsewhere under a great variety of regional and national designations. Possession of the farmstead – in whole, by a half or in still smaller parts – entitled the peasant to common land. Legal right fell to the farmstead in its entirety, but if the farmstead was divided, the right could be secondarily divided according to shares. A private piece of land attached to a farmstead in some form of particular ownership or at least full individual right of use appears to have been a common characteristic of the early peasant village, an elementary, general trait among peasants since antiquity and far into the Middle Ages – and even further, however dispersed and sporadic, up to the displacement of commonality by sovereign production units. Every peasant in a village had to have as the basis for all other rights and for his very identity a piece of the village’s land that he could call his own along with his share in the common land. It was possession of the farmstead that gave access to community rights and duties. In other words, private possession was the precondition for the peasant’s share in the collectivity, a precondition that appears to have deep roots in ancient institutional structures, which have eroded only very slowly and have never completely disappeared. In this conceptual framework, the peasant’s status prefigures modern civil rights, which thus can be traced not only ideologically, but also through material and institutional history back to antiquity’s concept of the free citizen. According to Hannah Arendt, the free citizen is distinguished from the slave and other kinds of marginalized individuals by the fundamental right of private property. Translated by Michael Wolf

    Aspectos da reprodução humana assistida na parceria homoafetiva

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    Resumo:O s métodos artificiais de procriação têm sido buscados e aperfeiçoados pela humanidade ao longo do tempo devido ao forte desejo inerente ao ser humano de perpetuação da espécie. Traduzindo para o cenário atual, teríamos o sonho da concepção de filhos e da formação de uma família. Na esfera jurídica, a recente decisão do STF, que equiparou as uniões homoafetivas às demais entidades familiares reconhecidas, fez com que surgissem dúvidas a respeito da extensão de outros direitos conexos aos casais homossexuais, incluindo o direito à utilização das referidas técnicas de Reprodução Humana Assistida. A Resolução nº 1957/2010 é, atualmente, a única normatização em vigor a respeito do tema e por sua natureza jurídica de ato normativo não preenche toda a necessidade de regulamentação que a realidade tem demandado. Uma reflexão profunda acerca dos desdobramentos e aspectos da Reprodução Humana Assistida para parceiros homoafetivos é de fundamental importância para a sociedade brasileir

    Doctrina y tratamiento homeopático de las enfermedades crónicas

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    Existe una copia en microfilme para la consulta de la obra

    ChatGPT desarrollando código fuente de software para historias de usuarios en una consultora, Lima, 2023

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación de ChatGPT en el desarrollo de código fuente de software para historias de usuarios en una consultora en Lima durante el 2023. Fue un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental transversal, descriptivo, correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 124 historias de usuario desarrolladas con ChatGPT. Los datos se recolectaron a través de una ficha de análisis validada por juicio de expertos. Los resultados evidenciaron que ChatGPT tiene una relación significativo en el desarrollo de software. Asimismo, reduce la complejidad (r=0.892), aumenta la precisión (r=0.813) e incrementa la eficiencia (r=0.776). Se concluye que adoptar ChatGPT en consultoras de software locales potencia su transformación digital. Se recomienda configurar prompts especializados, capacitar al personal y complementar ChatGPT con otros recursos para garantizar un software de calidad

    Heilung der asiatischen Cholera und Schützung vor derselben

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