717 research outputs found

    Differential spatial repositioning of activated genes in Biomphalaria glabrata snails infected with Schistosoma mansoni

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    Copyright @ 2014 Arican-Goktas et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease infecting mammals as the definitive host and fresh water snails as the intermediate host. Understanding the molecular and biochemical relationship between the causative schistosome parasite and its hosts will be key to understanding and ultimately treating and/or eradicating the disease. There is increasing evidence that pathogens that have co-evolved with their hosts can manipulate their hosts' behaviour at various levels to augment an infection. Bacteria, for example, can induce beneficial chromatin remodelling of the host genome. We have previously shown in vitro that Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic cells co-cultured with schistosome miracidia display genes changing their nuclear location and becoming up-regulated. This also happens in vivo in live intact snails, where early exposure to miracidia also elicits non-random repositioning of genes. We reveal differences in the nuclear repositioning between the response of parasite susceptible snails as compared to resistant snails and with normal or live, attenuated parasites. Interestingly, the stress response gene heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 is only repositioned and then up-regulated in susceptible snails with the normal parasite. This movement and change in gene expression seems to be controlled by the parasite. Other differences in the behaviour of genes support the view that some genes are responding to tissue damage, for example the ferritin genes move and are up-regulated whether the snails are either susceptible or resistant and upon exposure to either normal or attenuated parasite. This is the first time host genome reorganisation has been seen in a parasitic host and only the second time for any pathogen. We believe that the parasite elicits a spatio-epigenetic reorganisation of the host genome to induce favourable gene expression for itself and this might represent a fundamental mechanism present in the human host infected with schistosome cercariae as well as in other host-pathogen relationships.NIH and Sandler Borroughs Wellcome Travel Fellowshi

    Role of the Endogenous Antioxidant System in the Protection of Schistosoma mansoni Primary Sporocysts against Exogenous Oxidative Stress

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    Antioxidants produced by the parasite Schistosoma mansoni are believed to be involved in the maintenance of cellular redox balance, thus contributing to larval survival in their intermediate snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata. Here, we focused on specific antioxidant enzymes, including glutathione-S-transferases 26 and 28 (GST26 and 28), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), peroxiredoxin 1 and 2 (Prx1 and 2) and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), known to be involved in cellular redox reactions, in an attempt to evaluate their endogenous antioxidant function in the early-developing primary sporocyst stage of S. mansoni. Previously we demonstrated a specific and consistent RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of GST26 and 28, Prx1 and 2, and GPx transcripts, and an unexpected elevation of SOD transcripts in sporocysts treated with gene-specific double-stranded (ds)RNA. In the present followup study, in vitro transforming sporocysts were exposed to dsRNAs for GST26 and 28, combined Prx1/2, GPx, SOD or green-fluorescent protein (GFP, control) for 7 days in culture, followed by assessment of the effects of specific dsRNA treatments on protein levels using semi-quantitative Western blot analysis (GST26, Prx1/2 only), and larval susceptibility to exogenous oxidative stress in in vitro killing assays. Significant decreases (80% and 50%) in immunoreactive GST26 and Prx1/2, respectively, were observed in sporocysts treated with specific dsRNA, compared to control larvae treated with GFP dsRNA. Sporocysts cultured with dsRNAs for GST26, GST28, Prx1/2 and GPx, but not SOD dsRNA, were significantly increased in their susceptibility to H2O2 oxidative stress (60–80% mortalities at 48 hr) compared to GFP dsRNA controls (∌18% mortality). H2O2-mediated killing was abrogated by bovine catalase, further supporting a protective role for endogenous sporocyst antioxidants. Finally, in vitro killing of S. mansoni sporocysts by hemocytes of susceptible NMRI B. glabrata snails was increased in larvae treated with Prx1/2, GST26 and GST28 dsRNA, compared to those treated with GFP or SOD dsRNAs. Results of these experiments strongly support the hypothesis that endogenous expression and regulation of larval antioxidant enzymes serve a direct role in protection against external oxidative stress, including immune-mediated cytotoxic reactions. Moreover, these findings illustrate the efficacy of a RNAi-type approach in investigating gene function in larval schistosomes

    Examining leptogenesis with lepton flavor violation and the dark matter abundance

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    Within a supersymmetric (SUSY) type-I seesaw framework with flavor-blind universal boundary conditions, we study the consequences of requiring that the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe be explained by either thermal or non-thermal leptogenesis. In the former case, we find that the parameter space is very constrained. In the bulk and stop-coannihilation regions of mSUGRA parameter space (that are consistent with the measured dark matter abundance), lepton flavor-violating (LFV) processes are accessible at MEG and future experiments. However, the very high reheat temperature of the Universe needed after inflation (of about 10^{12} GeV) leads to a severe gravitino problem, which disfavors either thermal leptogenesis or neutralino dark matter. Non-thermal leptogenesis in the preheating phase from SUSY flat directions relaxes the gravitino problem by lowering the required reheat temperature. The baryon asymmetry can then be explained while preserving neutralino dark matter, and for the bulk or stop-coannihilation regions LFV processes should be observed in current or future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Living biointerfaces based on non-pathogenic bacteria to direct cell differentiation

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    Genetically modified Lactococcus lactis, non-pathogenic bacteria expressing the FNIII7-10 fibronectin fragment as a protein membrane have been used to create a living biointerface between synthetic materials and mammalian cells. This FNIII7-10 fragment comprises the RGD and PHSRN sequences of fibronectin to bind α5ÎČ1 integrins and triggers signalling for cell adhesion, spreading and differentiation. We used L. lactis strain to colonize material surfaces and produce stable biofilms presenting the FNIII7-10 fragment readily available to cells. Biofilm density is easily tunable and remains stable for several days. Murine C2C12 myoblasts seeded over mature biofilms undergo bipolar alignment and form differentiated myotubes, a process triggered by the FNIII7-10 fragment. This biointerface based on living bacteria can be further modified to express any desired biochemical signal, establishing a new paradigm in biomaterial surface functionalisation for biomedical applications

    Oral rehydration versus intravenous therapy for treating dehydration due to gastroenteritis in children: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: Despite treatment recommendations from various organizations, oral rehydration therapy (ORT) continues to be underused, particularly by physicians in high-income countries. We conducted a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to compare ORT and intravenous therapy (IVT) for the treatment of dehydration secondary to acute gastroenteritis in children. METHODS: RCTs were identified through MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, authors and references of included trials, pharmaceutical companies, and relevant organizations. Screening and inclusion were performed independently by two reviewers in order to identify randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing ORT and IVT in children with acute diarrhea and dehydration. Two reviewers independently assessed study quality using the Jadad scale and allocation concealment. Data were extracted by one reviewer and checked by a second. The primary outcome measure was failure of rehydration. We analyzed data using standard meta-analytic techniques. RESULTS: The quality of the 14 included trials ranged from 0 to 3 (Jadad score); allocation concealment was unclear in all but one study. Using a random effects model, there was no significant difference in treatment failures (risk difference [RD] 3%; 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 0, 6). The Mantel-Haenzsel fixed effects model gave a significant difference between treatment groups (RD 4%; 95% CI: 2, 5) favoring IVT. Based on the four studies that reported deaths, there were six in the IVT groups and two in ORT. There were no significant differences in total fluid intake at six and 24 hours, weight gain, duration of diarrhea, or hypo/hypernatremia. Length of stay was significantly shorter for the ORT group (weighted mean difference [WMD] -1.2 days; 95% CI: -2.4,-0.02). Phlebitis occurred significantly more often with IVT (number needed to treat [NNT] 33; 95% CI: 25,100); paralytic ileus occurred more often with ORT (NNT 33; 95% CI: 20,100). These results may not be generalizable to children with persistent vomiting. CONCLUSION: There were no clinically important differences between ORT and IVT in terms of efficacy and safety. For every 25 children (95% CI: 20, 50) treated with ORT, one would fail and require IVT. The results support existing practice guidelines recommending ORT as the first course of treatment in appropriate children with dehydration secondary to gastroenteritis

    Managing Carbon Aspirations: The Influence of Corporate Climate Change Targets on Environmental Performance

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    Addressing climate change is among the most challenging ethical issues facing contemporary business and society. Unsustainable business activities are causing significant distributional and procedural injustices in areas such as public health and vulnerability to extreme weather events, primarily because of a distinction between primary emitters and those already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Business, as a significant contributor to climate change and beneficiary of externalizing environmental costs, has an obligation to address its environmental impacts. In this paper, we explore the role of firms’ climate change targets in shaping their emissions trends in the context of a large multi-country sample of companies. We contrast two intentions for setting emissions reductions targets: symbolic attempts to manage external stakeholder perceptions via “greenwashing” and substantive commitments to reducing environmental impacts. We argue that the attributes of firms’ climate change targets (their extent, form, and time horizon) are diagnostic of firms’ underlying intentions. Consistent with our hypotheses, while we find no overall effect of setting climate change targets on emissions, we show that targets characterized by a commitment to more ambitious emissions reductions, a longer target time frame, and absolute reductions in emissions are associated with significant reductions in firms’ emissions. Our evidence suggests the need for vigilance among policy-makers and environmental campaigners regarding the underlying intentions that accompany environmental management practices and shows that these can to some extent be diagnosed analytically

    Interplay of LFV and slepton mass splittings at the LHC as a probe of the SUSY seesaw

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    We study the impact of a type-I SUSY seesaw concerning lepton flavour violation (LFV) both at low-energies and at the LHC. The study of the di-lepton invariant mass distribution at the LHC allows to reconstruct some of the masses of the different sparticles involved in a decay chain. In particular, the combination with other observables renders feasible the reconstruction of the masses of the intermediate sleptons involved in χ20→ℓ~ ℓ→ℓ ℓ χ10 \chi_2^0\to \tilde \ell \,\ell \to \ell \,\ell\,\chi_1^0 decays. Slepton mass splittings can be either interpreted as a signal of non-universality in the SUSY soft breaking-terms (signalling a deviation from constrained scenarios as the cMSSM) or as being due to the violation of lepton flavour. In the latter case, in addition to these high-energy processes, one expects further low-energy manifestations of LFV such as radiative and three-body lepton decays. Under the assumption of a type-I seesaw as the source of neutrino masses and mixings, all these LFV observables are related. Working in the framework of the cMSSM extended by three right-handed neutrino superfields, we conduct a systematic analysis addressing the simultaneous implications of the SUSY seesaw for both high- and low-energy lepton flavour violation. We discuss how the confrontation of slepton mass splittings as observed at the LHC and low-energy LFV observables may provide important information about the underlying mechanism of LFV.Comment: 50 pages, 42 eps Figures, typos correcte

    Flavor violating leptonic decays of τ and ÎŒ leptons in the Standard Model with massive neutrinos

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    We have revisited the computations of the flavor violating leptonic decays of the τ and ÎŒ leptons into three lighter charged leptons in the Standard Model with massive neutrinos. We were driven by a claimed unnaturally large branching ratio predicted for the τ − → ÎŒ − l + l − (l = ÎŒ, e) decays (Pham, Eur Phys J C 8:513 1999), which was at odds with the corresponding predictions for the ÎŒ − → e−e−e+ processes (Petcov, Sov J Nucl Phys 25:340 1977). In contrast with the prediction in [17], our results are strongly suppressed and in good agreement with the approximationmade in Ref. [15], where masses and momenta of the external particles were neglected in order to deal with the loop integrals. However -as a result of keeping external momenta and masses in the computation of the dominant penguin and box diagrams- we even find slightly smaller branching fractions. Therefore, we confirm that any future observation of such processes would be an unambiguous manifestation of new physics beyond the Standard Model.Finally, we also acknowledge support from Conacyt through projects FOINS-296-2016 (Fronteras de la Ciencia), and 236394 and 250628 (Ciencia BĂĄsica)

    A module-based analytical strategy to identify novel disease-associated genes shows an inhibitory role for interleukin 7 Receptor in allergic inflammation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The identification of novel genes by high-throughput studies of complex diseases is complicated by the large number of potential genes. However, since disease-associated genes tend to interact, one solution is to arrange them in modules based on co-expression data and known gene interactions. The hypothesis of this study was that such a module could be a) found and validated in allergic disease and b) used to find and validate one ore more novel disease-associated genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To test these hypotheses integrated analysis of a large number of gene expression microarray experiments from different forms of allergy was performed. This led to the identification of an experimentally validated reference gene that was used to construct a module of co-expressed and interacting genes. This module was validated in an independent material, by replicating the expression changes in allergen-challenged CD4<sup>+ </sup>cells. Moreover, the changes were reversed following treatment with corticosteroids. The module contained several novel disease-associated genes, of which the one with the highest number of interactions with known disease genes, <it>IL7R</it>, was selected for further validation. The expression levels of <it>IL7R </it>in allergen challenged CD4<sup>+ </sup>cells decreased following challenge but increased after treatment. This suggested an inhibitory role, which was confirmed by functional studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose that a module-based analytical strategy is generally applicable to find novel genes in complex diseases.</p
