357 research outputs found

    String theory and the Kauffman polynomial

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    We propose a new, precise integrality conjecture for the colored Kauffman polynomial of knots and links inspired by large N dualities and the structure of topological string theory on orientifolds. According to this conjecture, the natural knot invariant in an unoriented theory involves both the colored Kauffman polynomial and the colored HOMFLY polynomial for composite representations, i.e. it involves the full HOMFLY skein of the annulus. The conjecture sheds new light on the relationship between the Kauffman and the HOMFLY polynomials, and it implies for example Rudolph's theorem. We provide various non-trivial tests of the conjecture and we sketch the string theory arguments that lead to it.Comment: 36 pages, many figures; references and examples added, typos corrected, final version to appear in CM

    Generalized uncertainty principle in Bianchi type I quantum cosmology

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    We study a quantum Bianchi type I model in which the dynamical variables of the corresponding minisuperspace obey the generalized Heisenberg algebra. Such a generalized uncertainty principle has its origin in the existence of a minimal length suggested by quantum gravity and sting theory. We present approximate analytical solutions to the corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt equation in the limit where the scale factor of the universe is small and compare the results with the standard commutative and noncommutative quantum cosmology. Similarities and differences of these solutions are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PL

    Brane-world black hole entropy from modified dispersion relations

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    The entropy of the Reissner-N\"{o}rdstrom black hole is studied within the context of a brane-world scenario. Such a black hole is a solution of the Einstein field equations on the brane, possessing a tidal charge which is a reflection of the extra dimension. We use the modified dispersion relation to obtain the entropy of such brane-world black holes. The resulting entropy differs from that of the standard Bekenstein-Hawking's and contains information on the extra dimension.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PL

    Dynamics of Baryons from String Theory and Vector Dominance

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    We consider a holographic model of QCD from string theory, a la Sakai and Sugimoto, and study baryons. In this model, mesons are collectively realized as a five-dimensional \U(NF)=U(1)×SU(NF)U(N_F)=U(1)\times SU(N_F) Yang-Mills field and baryons are classically identified as SU(NF)SU(N_F) solitons with a unit Pontryagin number and NcN_c electric charges. The soliton is shown to be very small in the large 't Hooft coupling limit, allowing us to introduce an effective field B{\cal B}. Its coupling to the mesons are dictated by the soliton structure, and consists of a direct magnetic coupling to the SU(NF)SU(N_F) field strength as well as a minimal coupling to the U(NF)U(N_F) gauge field. Upon the dimensional reduction, this effective action reproduces all interaction terms between nucleons and an infinite tower of mesons in a manner consistent with the large NcN_c expansion. We further find that all electromagnetic interactions, as inferred from the same effective action via a holographic prescription, are mediated by an infinite tower of vector mesons, rendering the baryon electromagnetic form factors completely vector-dominated as well. We estimate nucleon-meson couplings and also the anomalous magnetic moments, which compare well with nature.Comment: 65pages, 3 figures, vector mesons and axial-vector mesons are now canonically normalized (comparisons with data and conclusions unaffected

    Neutron Halo Isomers in Stable Nuclei and their Possible Application for the Production of Low Energy, Pulsed, Polarized Neutron Beams of High Intensity and High Brilliance

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    We propose to search for neutron halo isomers populated via γ\gamma-capture in stable nuclei with mass numbers of about A=140-180 or A=40-60, where the 4s1/24s_{1/2} or 3s1/23s_{1/2} neutron shell model state reaches zero binding energy. These halo nuclei can be produced for the first time with new γ\gamma-beams of high intensity and small band width (≤\le 0.1%) achievable via Compton back-scattering off brilliant electron beams thus offering a promising perspective to selectively populate these isomers with small separation energies of 1 eV to a few keV. Similar to single-neutron halo states for very light, extremely neutron-rich, radioactive nuclei \cite{hansen95,tanihata96,aumann00}, the low neutron separation energy and short-range nuclear force allows the neutron to tunnel far out into free space much beyond the nuclear core radius. This results in prolonged half lives of the isomers for the γ\gamma-decay back to the ground state in the 100 ps-μ\mus range. Similar to the treatment of photodisintegration of the deuteron, the neutron release from the neutron halo isomer via a second, low-energy, intense photon beam has a known much larger cross section with a typical energy threshold behavior. In the second step, the neutrons can be released as a low-energy, pulsed, polarized neutron beam of high intensity and high brilliance, possibly being much superior to presently existing beams from reactors or spallation neutron sources.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    Emergence of Skyrme crystal in Gross-Neveu and 't Hooft models at finite density

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    We study two-dimensional, large NN field theoretic models (Gross-Neveu model, 't Hooft model) at finite baryon density near the chiral limit. The same mechanism which leads to massless baryons in these models induces a breakdown of translational invariance at any finite density. In the chiral limit baryonic matter is characterized by a spatially varying chiral angle with a wave number depending only on the density. For small bare quark masses a sine-Gordon kink chain is obtained which may be regarded as simplest realization of the Skyrme crystal for nuclear matter. Characteristic differences between confining and non-confining models are pointed out.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, added reference, corrected sig

    Symmetry Nonrestoration in a Gross-Neveu Model with Random Chemical Potential

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    We study the symmetry behavior of the Gross-Neveu model in three and two dimensions with random chemical potential. This is equivalent to a four-fermion model with charge conjugation symmetry as well as Z_2 chiral symmetry. At high temperature the Z_2 chiral symmetry is always restored. In three dimensions the initially broken charge conjugation symmetry is not restored at high temperature, irrespective of the value of the disorder strength. In two dimensions and at zero temperature the charge conjugation symmetry undergoes a quantum phase transition from a symmetric state (for weak disorder) to a broken state (for strong disorder) as the disorder strength is varied. For any given value of disorder strength, the high-temperature behavior of the charge conjugation symmetry is the same as its zero-temperature behavior. Therefore, in two dimensions and for strong disorder strength the charge conjugation symmetry is not restored at high temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling properties of the magnetic-field-induced specific heat of superconducting UBe

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    We report on measurements of the low-temperature specific heat Cp(T, B) of the unconventional superconductor UBe13 in magnetic fields up to 7 T. At B≈2 T, a substantial change in the magnetic-field dependence of the temperature derivative of the magnetic-field induced contribution to the electronic specific heat CH(T, B), resulting from the flow of supercurrents around the vortices, is observed, suggesting a crossover between two different regions in the superconducting phase diagram of UBe13. For fields B >2 T, CH(T, B) exhibits a scaling behavior with respect to TB-1/2, which provides substantial evidence for the existence of point nodes in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum of the superconductor

    Effective Lagrangian Approach to the Theory of Eta Photoproduction in the N∗(1535)N^{*}(1535) Region

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    We investigate eta photoproduction in the N∗(1535)N^{*}(1535) resonance region within the effective Lagrangian approach (ELA), wherein leading contributions to the amplitude at the tree level are taken into account. These include the nucleon Born terms and the leading tt-channel vector meson exchanges as the non-resonant pieces. In addition, we consider five resonance contributions in the ss- and uu- channel; besides the dominant N∗(1535)N^{*}(1535), these are: N∗(1440),N∗(1520),N∗(1650)N^{*}(1440),N^{*}(1520),N^{*}(1650) and N∗(1710)N^{*}(1710). The amplitudes for the π∘\pi^\circ and the η\eta photoproduction near threshold have significant differences, even as they share common contributions, such as those of the nucleon Born terms. Among these differences, the contribution to the η\eta photoproduction of the ss-channel excitation of the N∗(1535)N^{*}(1535) is the most significant. We find the off-shell properties of the spin-3/2 resonances to be important in determining the background contributions. Fitting our effective amplitude to the available data base allows us to extract the quantity χΓηA1/2/ΓT\sqrt{\chi \Gamma_\eta} A_{1/2}/\Gamma_T, characteristic of the photoexcitation of the N∗(1535)N^{*}(1535) resonance and its decay into the η\eta-nucleon channel, of interest to precise tests of hadron models. At the photon point, we determine it to be (2.2±0.2)×10−1GeV−1(2.2\pm 0.2)\times 10^{-1} GeV^{-1} from the old data base, and (2.2±0.1)×10−1GeV−1(2.2\pm 0.1) \times 10^{-1} GeV^{-1} from a combination of old data base and new Bates data. We obtain the helicity amplitude for N∗(1535)→γpN^{*}(1535)\rightarrow \gamma p to be A1/2=(97±7)×10−3GeV−1/2A_{1/2}=(97\pm 7)\times 10^{-3} GeV^{-1/2} from the old data base, and A1/2=(97±6)×10−3GeV−1/2A_{1/2}=(97\pm 6)\times 10^{-3} GeV^{-1/2} from the combination of the old data base and new Bates data, compared with the results of the analysis of pion photoproduction yielding 74±1174\pm 11, in the same units.Comment: 43 pages, RevTeX, 9 figures available upon request, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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