6 research outputs found

    Continuous removal of ethanol from dilute ethanol-water mixtures using hot microbubbles

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    Product inhibition is a barrier to many fermentation processes, including bioethanol production, and is responsible for dilute product streams which are energy intensive to purify. The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether hot microbubble stripping could be used to remove ethanol continuously from dilute ethanol–water mixtures expected in a bioreactor and maintain ethanol concentrations below the inhibitory levels for the thermophile Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius (TM242), that can utilize a range of sugars derived from lignocellulosic biomass. A custom-made microbubble stripping unit that produces clouds of hot microbubbles (~120 °C) by fluidic oscillation was used to remove ethanol from ~2% (v/v) ethanol–water mixtures maintained at 60 °C. Ethanol was continuously added to the unit to simulate microbial metabolism. The initial liquid height and the ethanol addition rate were varied from 10 to 50 mm and 2.1–21.2 g h−1 respectively. In all the experiments, ethanol concentration was maintained well below the inhibition threshold of the target organism (~2% [v/v]). This microbubble stripping unit has the potential to operate in conjunction with a 0.5–1.0 L fermenter to allow an ethanol productivity of 14.9–7.8 g L−1h−1 continuously

    Design of an airlift loop bioreactor and pilot scales studies with fluidic oscillator induced microbubbles for growth of a microalgae Dunaliella salina

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    This study was conducted to test the feasibility of growing microalgae on steel plant exhaust gas, generated from the combustion of offgases from steel processing, which has a high CO2 content. Two field trials of batch algal biomass growth, mediated by microbubble transfer processes in an airlift loop bioreactor showed only steady growth of biomass with 100% survival rate. The gas analysis of CO2 uptake in the 2200L bioreactor showed a specific uptake rate of 0.1g/L/h, an average 14% of the CO2 available in the exhaust gas with a 23% composition of CO2. This uptake led to a steady production of chlorophyll and total lipid constituency in the bioreactor, and an accelerating exponential growth rate of biomass, with a top doubling time of 1.8days. The gas analysis also showed anti-correlation of CO2 uptake and O2 production, which along with the apparent stripping of the O2 to the equilibrium level by the microbubbles, strongly suggests that the bioreactor is not mass transfer limited, nor O2 inhibited. Removing O2 inhibition results in high growth rates and high density of biomass

    On the design and simulation of an airlift loop bioreactor with microbubble generation by fluidic oscillation

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    Microbubble generation by a novel fluidic oscillator driven approach is analyzed, with a view to identifying the key design elements and their differences from standard approaches to airlift loop bioreactor design. The microbubble generation mechanism has been shown to achieve high mass transfer rates by the decrease of the bubble diameter, by hydrodynamic stabilization that avoids coalescence increasing the bubble diameter, and by longer residence times offsetting slower convection. The fluidic oscillator approach also decreases the friction losses in pipe networks and in nozzles/diffusers due to boundary layer disruption, so there is actually an energetic consumption savings in using this approach over steady flow. These dual advantages make the microbubble generation approach a promising component of a novel airlift loop bioreactor whose design is presented here. The equipment, control system for flow and temperature, and the optimization of the nozzle bank for the gas distribution system are presented. (C) 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved