26,566 research outputs found

    A study of the factors affecting boundary layer two-dimensionality in wind tunnels

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    The effect of screens, honeycombs, and centrifugal blowers on the two-dimensionality of a boundary layer on the test section floors of low-speed blower tunnels is studied. Surveys of the spanwise variation in surface shear stress in three blower tunnels revealed that the main component responsible for altering the spanwise properties of the test section boundary layer was the last screen, thus confirming previous findings. It was further confirmed that a screen with varying open-area ratio, produced an unstable flow. However, contrary to popular belief, it was also found that for given incoming conditions and a screen free of imperfections, its open-area ratio alone was not enough to describe its performance. The effect of other geometric parameters such as the type of screen, honeycomb, and blower were investigated. In addition, the effect of the order of components in the settling chamber, and of wire Reynolds number were also studied

    Trilingual conversations: a window into multicompetence

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    A recurrent theme in the literature on trilingual language use is the question of whether there is a specific “trilingual competence.” In this paper we consider this question in the light of codeswitching patterns in two dyadic trilingual conversations between a mother and daughter conducted in (Lebanese) Arabic, French, and English. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of codeswitching in both conversants shows that, despite the fact that both subjects are fluent in all three languages, uses of switching are significantly different for mother and daughter across a number of features, including relative frequency of different switch types, and the incidence of hybrid constructions involving items from two or more languages. The subjects appear to display qualitatively distinct profiles of competence in the trilingual mode. This in turn leads to the conclusion that the facts of trilingual language use are best characterized in terms of “multicompetence” (Cook, 1991). The paper concludes with some further reflections on the uniqueness of trilingual language use (an “old chestnut” in trilingualism research, cf. Klein, 1995)

    GaN/AlN Quantum Dots for Single Qubit Emitters

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    We study theoretically the electronic properties of cc-plane GaN/AlN quantum dots (QDs) with focus on their potential as sources of single polarized photons for future quantum communication systems. Within the framework of eight-band k.p theory we calculate the optical interband transitions of the QDs and their polarization properties. We show that an anisotropy of the QD confinement potential in the basal plane (e.g. QD elongation or strain anisotropy) leads to a pronounced linear polarization of the ground state and excited state transitions. An externally applied uniaxial stress can be used to either induce a linear polarization of the ground-state transition for emission of single polarized photons or even to compensate the polarization induced by the structural elongation.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. Accepted at Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Direct measurement of molecular stiffness and damping in confined water layers

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    We present {\em direct} and {\em linear} measurements of the normal stiffness and damping of a confined, few molecule thick water layer. The measurements were obtained by use of a small amplitude (0.36 A˚\textrm{\AA}), off-resonance Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique. We measured stiffness and damping oscillations revealing up to 7 layers separated by 2.56 ±\pm 0.20 A˚\textrm{\AA}. Relaxation times could also be calculated and were found to indicate a significant slow-down of the dynamics of the system as the confining separation was reduced. We found that the dynamics of the system is determined not only by the interfacial pressure, but more significantly by solvation effects which depend on the exact separation of tip and surface. Thus ` solidification\rq seems to not be merely a result of pressure and confinement, but depends strongly on how commensurate the confining cavity is with the molecule size. We were able to model the results by starting from the simple assumption that the relaxation time depends linearly on the film stiffness.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, will be submitted to PR

    Influence of large offshore wind farms on North German climate

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    Wind farms impact the local meteorology by taking up kinetic energy from the wind field and by creating a large wake. The wake influences mean flow, turbulent fluxes and vertical mixing. In the present study, the influences of large offshore wind farms on the local summer climate are investigated by employing the mesoscale numerical model METRAS with and without wind farm scenarios. For this purpose, a parametrisation for wind turbines is implemented in METRAS. Simulations are done for a domain covering the northern part of Germany with focus on the urban summer climate of Hamburg. A statistical-dynamical downscaling is applied using a skill score to determine the required number of days to simulate the climate and the influence of large wind farms situated in the German Bight, about 100 km away from Hamburg.Depending on the weather situation, the impact of large offshore wind farms varies from nearly no influence up to cloud cover changes over land. The decrease in the wind speed is most pronounced in the local areas in and around the wind farms. Inside the wind farms, the sensible heat flux is reduced. This results in cooling of the climate summer mean for a large area in the northern part of Germany. Due to smaller momentum fluxes the latent heat flux is also reduced. Therefore, the specific humidity is lower but because of the cooling, the relative humidity has no clear signal. The changes in temperature and relative humidity are more wide spread than the decrease of wind speed. Hamburg is located in the margins of the influenced region. Even if the influences are small, the urban effects of Hamburg become more relevant than in the present and the off-shore wind farms slightly intensify the summer urban heat island

    Stable crystalline lattices in two-dimensional binary mixtures of dipolar particles

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    The phase diagram of binary mixtures of particles interacting via a pair potential of parallel dipoles is computed at zero temperature as a function of composition and the ratio of their magnetic susceptibilities. Using lattice sums, a rich variety of different stable crystalline structures is identified including AmBnA_mB_n structures. [AA (B)(B) particles correspond to large (small) dipolar moments.] Their elementary cells consist of triangular, square, rectangular or rhombic lattices of the AA particles with a basis comprising various structures of AA and BB particles. For small (dipolar) asymmetry there are intermediate AB2AB_2 and A2BA_2B crystals besides the pure AA and BB triangular crystals. These structures are detectable in experiments on granular and colloidal matter.Comment: 6 pages - 2 figs - phase diagram update

    Бесконтактный односекционный микродвигатель постоянного тока

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    Ultrafast lasers have found widespread applications in science and industry. In order to increase the throughput in micromachining and to reduce the measurement time in scientific applications, the average power of these laser sources needs to be increased. Ultrafast laser sources of high average power at moderate cost, high reliability and flexible repetition rate are essential for the transfer of femtosecond technology to industry

    Heavy ion induced desorption measurements on cryogenic targets

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    Relativistic electronic dressing in laser-assisted ionization of atomic hydrogen by electron impact

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    Within the framework of the coplanar binary geometry where it is justified to use plane wave solutions for the study of the (e,2e)(e,2e) reaction and in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field, we introduce as a first step the DVRPWBA1 (Dirac-Volkov Plane Wave Born Approximation1) where we take into account only the relativistic dressing of the incident and scattered electrons. Then, we introduce the DVRPWBA2 (Dirac-Volkov Plane Wave Born Approximation2) where we take totally into account the relativistic dressing of the incident, scattered and ejected electrons. We then compare the corresponding triple differential cross sections for laser-assisted ionization of atomic hydrogen by electron impact both for the non relativistic and the relativistic regime.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 7 figure

    Broad relaxation spectrum and the field theory of glassy dynamics for pinned elastic systems

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    We study thermally activated, low temperature equilibrium dynamics of elastic systems pinned by disorder using one loop functional renormalization group (FRG). Through a series of increasingly complete approximations, we investigate how the field theory reveals the glassy nature of the dynamics, in particular divergent barriers and barrier distributions controling the spectrum of relaxation times. A naive single relaxation time approximation for each wavevector is found to be unsatisfactory. A second approximation based on a random friction model, yields a size (L) dependent log-normal distribution of relaxation times (mean barriers ~L^\theta and variance ~ L^{\theta/2}) and a procedure to estimate dynamical scaling functions. Finally, we study the full structure of the running dynamical effective action within the field theory. We find that relaxation time distributions are non-trivial (broad but not log-normal) and encoded in a closed hierarchy of FRG equations. A thermal boundary layer ansatz (TBLA) appears as a consistent solution. It extends the one discovered in the statics which was shown to embody droplet thermal fluctuations. Although perturbative control remains a challenge, the structure of the dynamical TBLA which encodes barrier distributions opens the way for deeper understanding of the field theory approach to glasses