
A study of the factors affecting boundary layer two-dimensionality in wind tunnels


The effect of screens, honeycombs, and centrifugal blowers on the two-dimensionality of a boundary layer on the test section floors of low-speed blower tunnels is studied. Surveys of the spanwise variation in surface shear stress in three blower tunnels revealed that the main component responsible for altering the spanwise properties of the test section boundary layer was the last screen, thus confirming previous findings. It was further confirmed that a screen with varying open-area ratio, produced an unstable flow. However, contrary to popular belief, it was also found that for given incoming conditions and a screen free of imperfections, its open-area ratio alone was not enough to describe its performance. The effect of other geometric parameters such as the type of screen, honeycomb, and blower were investigated. In addition, the effect of the order of components in the settling chamber, and of wire Reynolds number were also studied

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