265 research outputs found

    Alpha/Beta T-Cell Depleted Grafts as an Immunological Booster to Treat Graft Failure after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with HLA-Matched Related and Unrelated Donors

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with several complications and risk factors, for example, graft versus host disease (GVHD), viral infections, relapse, and graft rejection. While high levels of CD3+ cells in grafts can contribute to GVHD, they also promote the graft versus leukemia (GVL) effect. Infusions of extra lymphocytes from the original stem cell donor can be used as a treatment after transplantation for relapse or poor immune reconstitution but also they increase the risk for GVHD. In peripheral blood, 95% of T-cells express the αβ T-cell receptor and the remaining T-cells express the γδ T-cell receptor. As αβ T-cells are the primary mediators of GVHD, depleting them from the graft should reduce this risk. In this pilot study, five patients transplanted with HLA-matched related and unrelated donors were treated with αβ T-cell depleted stem cell boosts. The majority of γδ T-cells in the grafts expressed Vδ2 and/or Vγ9. Most patients receiving αβ-depleted stem cell boosts increased their levels of white blood cells, platelets, and/or granulocytes 30 days after infusion. No signs of GVHD or other side effects were detected. A larger pool of patients with longer follow-up time is needed to confirm the data in this study

    The anticancer activity of lytic peptides is inhibited by heparan sulfate on the surface of the tumor cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAPs) with antitumor activity constitute a promising group of novel anticancer agents. These peptides induce lysis of cancer cells through interactions with the plasma membrane. It is not known which cancer cell membrane components influence their susceptibility to CAPs. We have previously shown that CAPs interact with the two glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS), which are present on the surface of most cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the two GAGs in the cytotoxic activity of CAPs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Various cell lines, expressing different levels of cell surface GAGs, were exposed to bovine lactoferricin (LfcinB) and the designer peptide, KW5. The cytotoxic effect of the peptides was investigated by use of the colorimetric MTT viability assay. The cytotoxic effect on wild type CHO cells, expressing normal amounts of GAGs on the cell surface, and the mutant pgsA-745, that has no expression of GAGs on the cell surface, was also investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that cells not expressing HS were more susceptible to CAPs than cells expressing HS at the cell surface. Further, exogenously added heparin inhibited the cytotoxic effect of the peptides. Chondroitin sulfate had no effect on the cytotoxic activity of KW5 and only minor effects on LfcinB cytotoxicity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show for the first time that negatively charged molecules at the surface of cancer cells inhibit the cytotoxic activity of CAPs. Our results indicate that HS at the surface of cancer cells sequesters CAPs away from the phospholipid bilayer and thereby impede their ability to induce cytolysis.</p

    Component Interactions and Electron Transfer in Toluene/o-Xylene Monooxygenase

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    The multicomponent protein toluene/o-xylene monooxygenase (ToMO) activates molecular oxygen to oxidize aromatic hydrocarbons. Prior to dioxygen activation, two electrons are injected into each of two diiron(III) units of the hydroxylase, a process that involves three redox active proteins: the ToMO hydroxylase (ToMOH), Rieske protein (ToMOC), and an NADH oxidoreductase (ToMOF). In addition to these three proteins, a small regulatory protein is essential for catalysis (ToMOD). Through steady state and pre-steady state kinetics studies, we show that ToMOD attenuates electron transfer from ToMOC to ToMOH in a concentration-dependent manner. At substoichiometric concentrations, ToMOD increases the rate of turnover, which we interpret to be a consequence of opening a pathway for oxygen transport to the catalytic diiron center in ToMOH. Excess ToMOD inhibits steady state catalysis in a manner that depends on ToMOC concentration. Through rapid kinetic assays, we demonstrate that ToMOD attenuates formation of the ToMOC–ToMOH complex. These data, coupled with protein docking studies, support a competitive model in which ToMOD and ToMOC compete for the same binding site on the hydroxylase. These results are discussed in the context of other studies of additional proteins in the superfamily of bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (5-R01-GM032134)United States. National Institutes of Health (T32GM008334

    Structure of the Nucleotide Radical Formed during Reaction of CDP/TTP with the E441Q-α2β2 of E. coli Ribonucleotide Reductase

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    The Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the conversion of nucleoside diphosphates to deoxynucleotides and requires a diferric-tyrosyl radical cofactor for catalysis. RNR is composed of a 1:1 complex of two homodimeric subunits: α and β. Incubation of the E441Q-α mutant RNR with substrate CDP and allosteric effector TTP results in loss of the tyrosyl radical and formation of two new radicals on the 200 ms to min time scale. The first radical was previously established by stopped flow UV/vis spectroscopy and pulsed high field EPR spectroscopy to be a disulfide radical anion. The second radical was proposed to be a 4′-radical of a 3′-keto-2′-deoxycytidine 5′-diphosphate. To identify the structure of the nucleotide radical [1′-[superscript 2]H], [2′-[superscript 2]H], [4′-[superscript 2]H], [5′-[superscript 2]H], [U−[superscript 13]C, [superscript 15]N], [U−[superscript 15]N], and [5,6 -[superscript 2]H] CDP and [β-[superscript 2]H] cysteine-α were synthesized and incubated with E441Q-α2β2 and TTP. The nucleotide radical was examined by 9 GHz and 140 GHz pulsed EPR spectroscopy and 35 GHz ENDOR spectroscopy. Substitution of [superscript 2]H at C4′ and C1′ altered the observed hyperfine interactions of the nucleotide radical and established that the observed structure was not that predicted. DFT calculations (B3LYP/IGLO-III/B3LYP/TZVP) were carried out in an effort to recapitulate the spectroscopic observations and lead to a new structure consistent with all of the experimental data. The results indicate, unexpectedly, that the radical is a semidione nucleotide radical of cytidine 5′-diphosphate. The relationship of this radical to the disulfide radical anion is discussed.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM29595)(EB002804)(EB002026

    DNA building blocks: keeping control of manufacture

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    Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is the only source for de novo production of the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) building blocks needed for DNA synthesis and repair. It is crucial that these dNTP pools are carefully balanced, since mutation rates increase when dNTP levels are either unbalanced or elevated. RNR is the major player in this homeostasis, and with its four different substrates, four different allosteric effectors and two different effector binding sites, it has one of the most sophisticated allosteric regulations known today. In the past few years, the structures of RNRs from several bacteria, yeast and man have been determined in the presence of allosteric effectors and substrates, revealing new information about the mechanisms behind the allosteric regulation. A common theme for all studied RNRs is a flexible loop that mediates modulatory effects from the allosteric specificity site (s-site) to the catalytic site for discrimination between the four substrates. Much less is known about the allosteric activity site (a-site), which functions as an on-off switch for the enzyme's overall activity by binding ATP (activator) or dATP (inhibitor). The two nucleotides induce formation of different enzyme oligomers, and a recent structure of a dATP-inhibited α6β2 complex from yeast suggested how its subunits interacted non-productively. Interestingly, the oligomers formed and the details of their allosteric regulation differ between eukaryotes and Escherichia coli Nevertheless, these differences serve a common purpose in an essential enzyme whose allosteric regulation might date back to the era when the molecular mechanisms behind the central dogma evolved

    Formal Reduction Potential of 3,5-Difluorotyrosine in a Structured Protein: Insight into Multistep Radical Transfer

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    The reversible Y–O•/Y–OH redox properties of the α[subscript 3]Y model protein allow access to the electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of 3,5-difluorotyrosine. The unnatural amino acid has been incorporated at position 32, the dedicated radical site in α[subscript 3]Y, by in vivo nonsense codon suppression. Incorporation of 3,5-difluorotyrosine gives rise to very minor structural changes in the protein scaffold at pH values below the apparent pK (8.0 ± 0.1) of the unnatural residue. Square-wave voltammetry on α[subscript 3](3,5)F[subscript 2]Y provides an E°′(Y–O•/Y–OH) of 1026 ± 4 mV versus the normal hydrogen electrode (pH 5.70 ± 0.02) and shows that the fluoro substitutions lower the E°′ by −30 ± 3 mV. These results illustrate the utility of combining the optimized α[subscript 3]Y tyrosine radical system with in vivo nonsense codon suppression to obtain the formal reduction potential of an unnatural aromatic residue residing within a well-structured protein. It is further observed that the protein E°′ values differ significantly from peak potentials derived from irreversible voltammograms of the corresponding aqueous species. This is notable because solution potentials have been the main thermodynamic data available for amino acid radicals. The findings in this paper are discussed relative to recent mechanistic studies of the multistep radical-transfer process in Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase site-specifically labeled with unnatural tyrosine residues.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM29595

    Energy Consumption, Carbon Emissions and Global Warming Potential of Wolfberry Production in Jingtai Oasis, Gansu Province, China

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    During the last decade, China's agro-food production has increased rapidly and been accompanied by the challenge of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental pollutants from fertilizers, pesticides, and intensive energy use. Understanding the energy use and environmental impacts of crop production will help identify environmentally damaging hotspots of agro-production, allowing environmental impacts to be assessed and crop management strategies optimized. Conventional farming has been widely employed in wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) cultivation in China, which is an important cash tree crop not only for the rural economy but also from an ecological standpoint. Energy use and global warming potential (GWP) were investigated in a wolfberry production system in the Yellow River irrigated Jingtai region of Gansu. In total, 52 household farms were randomly selected to conduct the investigation using questionnaires. Total energy input and output were 321,800.73 and 166,888.80 MJ ha−1, respectively, in the production system. The highest share of energy inputs was found to be electricity consumption for lifting irrigation water, accounting for 68.52%, followed by chemical fertilizer application (11.37%). Energy use efficiency was 0.52 when considering both fruit and pruned wood. Nonrenewable energy use (88.52%) was far larger than the renewable energy input. The share of GWP of different inputs were 64.52% electricity, 27.72% nitrogen (N) fertilizer, 5.07% phosphate, 2.32% diesel, and 0.37% potassium, respectively. The highest share was related to electricity consumption for irrigation, followed by N fertilizer use. Total GWP in the wolfberry planting system was 26,018.64 kg CO2 eq ha−1 and the share of CO2, N2O, and CH4 were 99.47%, 0.48%, and negligible respectively with CO2 being dominant. Pathways for reducing energy use and GHG emission mitigation include: conversion to low carbon farming to establish a sustainable and cleaner production system with options of raising water use efficiency by adopting a seasonal gradient water pricing system and advanced irrigation techniques; reducing synthetic fertilizer use; and policy support: smallholder farmland transfer (concentration) for scale production, credit (small- and low-interest credit) and tax breaks

    Effect of frequently used chemotherapeutic drugs on cytotoxic activity of human cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

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    Tumors are considered to be possible targets of immunotherapy using stimulated and expanded cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). It is important to consider the drug-induced effects when chemotherapeutic regimens and CTL-mediated immunotherapy is planned to be used in parallel. In this study, we characterized the effect of 29 frequently used chemotherapeutic agents on the cytotoxic activity of autologous and allogeneic CTLs. We found that treatment of CTLs with the following drugs: docetaxel, vincristine, chlorambucil, mitomycin C, oxaliplatin, doxorubicin, and bleomycin effectively inhibited CTL-mediated killing, without affecting their viability. On the other hand, the following drugs enhanced or permitted efficient CTL-mediated killing in vitro at concentrations comparable with the maximally achieved therapeutic concentration in vivo in humans: daunorubicin, prednisolone, vinorelbine, cisplatin, methotrexate, hydroxyurea, cytarabine, cyclophosphamide, topotecan, epirubicin, fluorouracil, carboplatin, asparaginase, 6-mercaptopurine, and bortezomib. Our results could potentially be used in the future to design new CTL-based adjuvant immunotherapy protocols

    Alpha/Beta T-Cell Depleted Grafts as an Immunological Booster to Treat Graft Failure after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with HLA-Matched Related and Unrelated Donors

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with several complications and risk factors, for example, graft versus host disease (GVHD), viral infections, relapse, and graft rejection. While high levels of CD3+ cells in grafts can contribute to GVHD, they also promote the graft versus leukemia (GVL) effect. Infusions of extra lymphocytes from the original stem cell donor can be used as a treatment after transplantation for relapse or poor immune reconstitution but also they increase the risk for GVHD. In peripheral blood, 95% of T-cells express the αβ T-cell receptor and the remaining T-cells express the γδ T-cell receptor. As αβ T-cells are the primary mediators of GVHD, depleting them from the graft should reduce this risk. In this pilot study, five patients transplanted with HLA-matched related and unrelated donors were treated with αβ T-cell depleted stem cell boosts. The majority of γδ T-cells in the grafts expressed Vδ2 and/or Vγ9. Most patients receiving αβ-depleted stem cell boosts increased their levels of white blood cells, platelets, and/or granulocytes 30 days after infusion. No signs of GVHD or other side effects were detected. A larger pool of patients with longer follow-up time is needed to confirm the data in this study