450 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of IMEP in a rotary combustion engine

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    A real time indicated mean effective pressure measurement system is described which is used to judge proposed improvements in cycle efficiency of a rotary combustion engine. This is the first self-contained instrument that is capable of making real time measurements of IMEP in a rotary engine. Previous methods used require data recording and later processing using a digital computer. The unique features of this instrumentation include its ability to measure IMEP on a cycle by cycle, real time basis and the elimination of the need to differentiate volume function in real time. Measurements at two engine speeds (2000 and 3000 rpm) and a full range of loads are presented, although the instrument was designed to operate to speeds of 9000 rpm

    Progress in the development of CuInS2 based mini modules

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    A sequential process is used to synthesise CuInS2 absorber layers for photovoltaic application. In this process CuIn precursor layers sputtered on molybdenum coated float glass are converted to CuInS2 via sulphurisation in an elemental sulphur vapour ambient. A re evaluation of process parameters has been performed including fine tuning of numerous minor aspects. Using optimised process conditions has lead to improved device performance, especially a narrowed distribution at higher module efficiencies is achieved. At the same time the process yield is improved resulting in fewer devices with poor electrical qualit

    Preliminary results on performance testing of a turbocharged rotary combustion engine

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    The performance of a turbocharged rotary engine at power levels above 75 kW (100 hp) was studied. A twin rotor turbocharged Mazda engine was tested at speeds of 3000 to 6000 rpm and boost pressures to 7 psi. The NASA developed combustion diagnostic instrumentation was used to quantify indicated and pumping mean effect pressures, peak pressure, and face to face variability on a cycle by cycle basis. Results of this testing showed that a 5900 rpm a 36 percent increase in power was obtained by operating the engine in the turbocharged configuration. When operating with lean carburetor jets at 105 hp (78.3 kW) and 4000 rpm, a brake specific fuel consumption of 0.45 lbm/lb-hr was measured

    Time resolved investigation of Cu In,Ga Se2 growth and Ga gradient formation during fast selenization of metallic precursors

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    Ga segregation at the backside of Cu In,Ga Se2 solar cell absorbers is a commonly observed phenomenon for a large variety of sequential fabrication processes. Here, we investigate the correlation between Se incorporation, phase formation and Ga segregation during fast selenisation of Cu In Ga precursor films in elemental selenium vapour. Se incorporation and phase formation are analysed by real time synchrotron based X ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis. Correlations between phase formation and depth distributions are gained by interrupting the process at several points and by subsequent ex situ cross sectional electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The presented results reveal that the main share of Se incorporation takes place within a few seconds during formation of In Se at the top part of the film, accompanied by outdiffusion of In out of a ternary Cu In Ga phase. Surprisingly, CuInSe2 starts to form at the surface on top of the In Se layer, leading to an intermediate double graded Cu depth distribution. The remaining Ga rich metal phase at the back is finally selenised by indiffusion of Se. On the basis of a proposed growth model, we discuss possible strategies and limitations for the avoidance of Ga segregation during fast selenisation of metallic precursors. Solar cells made from samples selenised with a total annealing time of 6.5 amp; 8201;min reached conversion efficiencies of up to 14.2 total area, without anti reflective coating . The evolution of the Cu In,Ga Se2 diffraction signals reveals that the minimum process time for high quality Cu In,Ga Se2 absorbers is limited by cation ordering rather than Se incorporatio

    CdS/Cu(In,Ga)S2 based solar cells with efficiencies reaching 12.9% prepared by a rapid thermal process

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    In this letter, we report externally confirmed total area efficiencies reaching up to 12.9% for CdS/Cu(In,Ga)S2 based solar cells. These are the highest externally confirmed efficiencies for such cells. The absorbers were prepared from sputtered metals subsequently sulfurized using rapid thermal processing in sulfur vapor. Structural, compositional, and electrical properties of one of these champion cells are presented. The correlation between the Ga distribution profile and solar cell properties is discussed

    Electron-beam-induced current at absorber back surfaces of Cu (In,Ga) Se2 thin-film solar cells

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 115.1 (2014): 014504 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/115/1/10.1063/1.4858393The present work reports on investigations of the influence of the microstructure on electronic properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) thin-film solar cells. For this purpose, ZnO/CdS/CIGSe stacks of these solar cells were lifted off the Mo-coated glass substrates. The exposed CIGSe backsides of these stacks were investigated by means of electron-beam-induced current (EBIC) and cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements as well as by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). EBIC and CL profiles across grain boundaries (GBs), which were identified by EBSD, do not show any significant changes at ÎŁ3 GBs. Across non-ÎŁ3 GBs, on the other hand, the CL signals exhibit local minima with varying peak values, while by means of EBIC, decreased and also increased short-circuit current values are measured. Overall, EBIC and CL signals change across non-ÎŁ3 GBs always differently. This complex situation was found in various CIGSe thin films with different [Ga]/([In]+[Ga]) and [Cu]/([In]+[Ga]) ratios. A part of the EBIC profiles exhibiting reduced signals across non-ÎŁ3 GBs can be approximated by a simple model based on diffusion of generated charge carriers to the GBs.This work was supported in part by the BMU projects comCIGS and comCIGSII. R.C. acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521)

    Na incorporation into Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cell absorbers deposited on polyimide: Impact on the chemical and electronic surface structure

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 111.3 (2012): 034903 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/111/3/10.1063/1.3679604Na has deliberately been incorporated into Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) chalcopyrite thin-film solar cell absorbers deposited on Mo-coated polyimide flexible substrates by adding differently thick layers of NaF in-between CIGSe absorber and Mo back contact. The impact of Na on the chemical and electronic surface structure of CIGSe absorbers with various Cu-contents deposited at comparatively low temperature (420 C) has been studied using x-ray photoelectron and x-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. We observe a higher Na surface content for the Cu-richer CIGSe samples and can distinguish between two different chemical Na environments, best described as selenide-like and oxidized Na species, respectively. Furthermore, we find a Cu-poor surface composition of the CIGSe samples independent of Na content and - for very high Na contents - indications for the formation of a (Cu,Na)-(In,Ga)-Se like compound. With increasing Na surface content, also a shift of the photoemission lines to lower binding energies could be identified, which we interpret as a reduction of the downward band bending toward the CIGSe surface explained by the Na-induced elimination of In Cu defects.X.S., R.F., D.G., R.G.W., and M.B. are grateful to the Helmholtz-Association for financial support (VH-NG-423). R.F. also acknowledges the support by the German Academic Exchange Agency (DAAD; 331 4 04 002)
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