2,950 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: 311-316 (4-5%) pasien infant menjalani operasi elektif di RSUD dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya setiap tahun. Salah satu persiapan operasi adalah puasa. Pasien pediatri lebih mudah mengalami hipoglikemia karena metabolisme yang tinggi dan simpanan glikogen lebih sedikit; oleh karenanya, infus Dekstrosa 5% NaCl 0.225% biasa digunakan sebagai rumatan. Penelitian sebelumnya pada pasien operasi elektif menunjukkan peningkatan kadar gula darah post-operatif bermakna. Pada pasien darurat, stres dan puasa yang tidak cukup mungkin mempunyai peran dalam peningkatan kadar gula darah postoperatif. Metode: 14 infant yang menjalani operasi darurat (kelompok I) dan 14 operasi elektif (kelompok II) yang sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi diambil sebagai sampel. Informed consents diambil, pasien dipuasakan sesuai panduan American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA); kecuali pasien darurat yang tidak memungkinkan ditunda operasinya. Infus Dekstrosa 5% NaCl 0.225% digunakan sebagai rumatan selama operasi sesuai standar di RSUD dr. Soetomo. Sampel GDA diambil setelah induksi anestesi dan setelah operasi. Perbedaan GDA durante operasi dibandingkan antara kedua kelompok. Hasil: Kelompok I mengalami peningkatan GDA yang lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding kelompok II. Lama operasi berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok sedangkan usia, berat badan, lama operasi, kadar GDA preoperasi homogen. Kesimpulan: Pasien infant yang menjalani operasi darurat lebih cenderung mengalami hiperglikemia postoperatif, oleh karenanya, kadar dekstrosa yang lebih rendah mungkin diperlukan untuk rumatan selama operasi. Pada kasus ini, puasa yang terlalu lama mungkin mempunyai andil, sedangkan stres preoperatif tidak diamati. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan mengenai penyebab lebih tingginya peningkatan kadar gula darah pada operasi darurat dan dalam penentuan kadar dekstrosa yang tepat untuk rumatan selama operasi pada infant. IR-PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA LAPORA

    Photon-induced oxidation of graphene/Ir(111) by SO<sub>2</sub> adsorption

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    We prepare a single layer of graphene oxide by adsorption and subsequent photo-dissociation of SO2 on graphene/Ir(111). Epoxidic oxygen is formed as the main result of this process on graphene, as judged from the appearance of characteristic spectroscopic features in the C 1s and O 1s core level lines. The different stages of decomposition of SO2 into its photo-fragments are examined during the oxidation process. NEXAFS at the carbon K edge reveals a strong disturbance of the graphene backbone after oxidation and upon SO adsorption. The oxide phase is stable up to room temperature, and is fully reversible upon annealing at elevated temperatures. A band gap opening of 330 ± 60 meV between the valence and conduction bands is observed in the graphene oxide phase


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    Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) are known that have important role to improve plant phosphate uptake as biofertilizer. These Microorganism hold potential to promote organic agriculture as eco friendly and efficiency. This study aims to isolate, enumerate and characterize indigenous PSB from Kebunan Village soil as the organic biofertilizer agent. Isolation and enumeration were carried out using the spread plate method on PCA media for enumeration of the total bacteria and Pikovskaya media (PKV) and NBRIP for BPF selection and enumeration. characterization includes observing the morphological colonies and cells. These experimental studies found that the soil pH was 6.5, the temperature range was 28-35 °C, the total P content was from 0.59 to 1.09 and the dissolved phosphate content sequentially from the smallest is 0.53 (KB2), 29.41 (KB1), 60.45 (KB3). The total abundance of bacteria at 3 different locations showed variations between 1.97 x 106 to 287 x 106. The highest abundance of BPF reached 5.45 x 106 cfu/g was in the watershed which had the lowest available P content. Total 7 isolates of BPF were successfully isolated and characterized with different colony characters and cell shapes. The selected BPF isolates were dominated by Gram-positive bacilli

    Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Breadfruit Nuggets with the Addition of Several Types of Animal Meat

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    Nuggets is a processed product made from ground meat with several additional ingredients. Along with the development of science, nuggets are also made from food sources of carbohydrates, namely breadfruit. This study aims to characterize breadfruit nuggets treated with several types of animal meat. The design of this study used a one-factor completely randomized design, namely the addition of animal meat with 3 treatment levels as follows: P1: tuna fish meat, P2: free-range chicken meat, and P3: beef. The results showed that the chemical characteristics of breadfruit nuggets treated with tuna, free-range chicken, and beef were water content of 50.30%, 52.21%, 55.56%, ash content 2.97%, 2.28%, 2.06%, fat content 5.03%, 5.20%, 4.90%, protein content 8.65%, 9.96%, 11.02% and carbohydrate content 33.03%, 30.32%, 26.44%. While the organoleptic characteristics were color 1.66 (didn't like), 3.00 (liked), 2.33 (rather liked), taste 2.00 (rather liked), 4.00 (very like), 3.00 (liked), texture 3.00 (like), 4.00 (like very much), 2.00 (rather like), and overall 2.00 (rather like), 4.00 (like very much), 3.00 (like)

    Penetración de Cefalotina en líquido tisular de músculo y tejido muscular

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    The aim ot fhe present work was to compare the penetration in muscle tissue fluid (MTF) and muscle tissue (MT) of cephalotin administered in rabbits. Animals were distributed in Trial 1 (n = 15) and Trial 2 ( n= 6). In the Trial 1 the animals were implanted in ischiotibial muscle with non reactive material cages. Animals recibed subcutaneously (sc) cephalotin (20 mg/kg) and blood, MTF and MT samples were recollected. In the Trial 2 the animals recibed cephalotin (20 mg/kg) intravenously (iv) and blood samples were recollected. Pharmacokinetic analysis were performed using a non-compartmental model. Results: terminal disposition rate constant (λz ) (serum iv) 1.43 ± 0.54, (serum sc) 1.90, (MTF) 0.57 and (MT) 1.80 h–1 ; elimination half-life (t1/2 ) (serum iv) 0.53 ± 0.13, (serum sc) 0.36, (MTF) 1.20 and (MT) 0.38 h; the area under the curve [AUC(0-6) ] (serum iv) 60.40 ± 38.20, (serum sc) 45.90, (MTF) 21.60 and (MT) 3.00 μg.ml–1 h. and the bioavailability (F) was 76%. The penetration of cephalotin in MTF and MT were. 47.70 and 6.43%, respectively. Cephalotin administered subcutaneously in rabbit presented higher bioavailability, distribution in extracelullar fluid and low penetration in muscle tissue.Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron comparar la penetración in líquido tisular de músculo (MTF) y tejido muscular (MT) de cefalotina administrada a conejos. Los animales fueron distribuidos en Experimento 1 (n = 15) y Experimento 2 (n = 6). En el Experimento 1 los conejos fueron implantados en tejido muscular con cajas confeccionadas con material no reactivo. Posteriormente recibieron subcutáneamente (sc) cefalotina (20 mg/kg) y se recolectaron muestras de sangre, MTF y MT. En el Experimento 2 los animales recibieron cefalotina (20 mg/kg) vía endovenosa (iv) y se recolectaron muestras de sangre. El análisis farmacocinético fue realizado utilizando un modelo no compartimental. Resultados: constante de velocidad de eliminación (λz ) (suero iv) 1,43 ± 0,54, (suero sc) 1,90, (MTF) 0,57 y (MT) 1,80 h–1 ; tiempo medio de eliminación (t1/2 ) (suero iv) 0,53 ± 0,13, (suero sc) 0,36, (MTF) 1,20 y (MT) 0,38 h; área bajo la curva [AUC(0-6) ] (suero iv) 60,40 ± 38,20, (suero sc) 45,90, (MTF) 21,60 y (MT) 3,00 μg.ml–1 h y biodisponibilidad (F) 76%. La penetración de cefalotina en MTF y MT fue de 47,70 y. 6,43%, respectivamente. La cefalotina administrada subcutáneamente en conejos presentó alta biodisponibilidad, distribución en líquido extracelular y baja penetración en tejido muscular

    Pengaruh Kualitas Audit, Debt Default, Opinion Shopping, Dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan Terhadap Penerimaan Opini Audit Going Concern Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur (Yang Terdaftar Dibursa Efek Indonesia 2011-2015)

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    Responsibility of auditors currently do not only focus on assessing the fairness of financial statements and detecting fraud, but also information that is not limited in the things revealed in the financial statements, such as disclosure of information about the existence and continuity of corporate entities. This is due to the demands of the shareholders to the auditor ti provide early warning about the prospect of a company as consideration before deciding on an investment decision. In this study, we attempt empirically to examine the effect of audit quality, debt default, opinion shopping, and company\u27s growth on receiving a going concern audit opinion of a compaany. Research sample amounts to 20 companies selected with purposive sampling method, with observation period of 5 years.The date used were secondary data. The data that used in this research is audited financial statements that published by manufacturing companies listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2011-2015. The method of analysis used logistic regression method. The result of logistic regression using SPSS that, audit quality weren\u27t significant with going concern opinion. Variables debt default, opinion shopping, and growth of company\u27s weren\u27t significant with going concern opinion

    Improved Semileptonic Form Factor Calculations in Lattice QCD

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    We investigate the computational efficiency of two stochastic based alternatives to the Sequential Propagator Method used in Lattice QCD calculations of heavy-light semileptonic form factors. In the first method, we replace the sequential propagator, which couples the calculation of two of the three propagators required for the calculation, with a stochastic propagator so that the calculations of all three propagators are independent. This method is more flexible than the Sequential Propagator Method but introduces stochastic noise. We study the noise to determine when this method becomes competitive with the Sequential Propagator Method, and find that for any practical calculation it is competitive with or superior to the Sequential Propagator Method. We also examine a second stochastic method, the so-called ``one-end trick", concluding it is relatively inefficient in this context. The investigation is carried out on two gauge field ensembles, using the non-perturbatively improved Wilson-Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action with N_f=2 mass-degenerate sea quarks. The two ensembles have similar lattice spacings but different sea quark masses. We use the first stochastic method to extract O(a){\mathcal O}(a)-improved, matched lattice results for the semileptonic form factors on the ensemble with lighter sea quarks, extracting f_+(0)

    Analisis Antrian Rawat Jalan Poliklinik Lantai 1, Lantai 3 Dan Pendaftaran Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Hospital is an organization social and health that provides complete (comprehensive), the healing of disease (curative) and disease prevention (preventive) to the public. Hospital quality can be know from the professionality hospital personnel, efficiency, and effectiveness of services.The duration of registration procedure and service for doctor consultation can affect patient satisfaction of Outpatient Hospital Dr. Kariadi Semarang in obtaining health care. Therefore, it's necessary queuing models that suitable. so as to obtainable an effective service, balance and efficient which can reduce the long queues and long waiting time. From the analysis, obtainable queuing models at the registration that is (M/M/8):(GD/∞/∞) with the counter number 8 server. In the vct-cst polyclinic and child development polyclinic the model is (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) with the number of server 1 doctor while for the nervers polclinic, child health, internal disease, gynecologic and obstetrics, cdc, general surgery, hemodialysis and kb, fertility and the test tube babies that is (M/M/c): (GD/∞/∞) with the number of servers depending on each clinic

    Imeall : a computational framework for the calculation of the atomistic properties of grain boundaries

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    We describe the Imeall package for the calculation and indexing of atomistic properties of grain boundaries in materials. The package provides a structured database for the storage of atomistic structures and their associated properties, equipped with a programmable application interface to interatomic potential calculators. The database adopts a general indexing system that allows storing arbitrary grain boundary structures for any crystalline material. The usefulness of the Imeall package is demonstrated by computing, storing, and analysing relaxed grain boundary structures for a dense range of low index orientation axis symmetric tilt and twist boundaries in -iron for various interatomic potentials. The package’s capabilities are further demonstrated by carrying out automated structure generation, dislocation analysis, interstitial site detection, and impurity segregation energies across the grain boundary range. All computed atomistic properties are exposed via a web framework, providing open access to the grain boundary repository and the analytic tools suite

    Qualitative Analysis: Comparison of Growth and Development in Children with HIV/AIDS Living at Lentera Halfway House and Those Living at Home with Family in Surakarta

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    Background: Children with HIV/AIDS infection need optimal endurance to grow and develop. Optimal endurance is required to cope with threatening diseases. This study aimed to compare growth and development in children with HIV/AIDS living at Lentera halfway house and those living at home with family in Surakarta.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with case study approach. The main study subjects were children with HIV/AIDS. The informants of this study included manager and care-givers at the Lentera halfway house, and parents. The informants were selected by snowball sampling. The dependent variables under study included bodyweight, CD4, fine and gross motoric development, stigma and discrimination, moral and religious development. The independent variable was place of care, i.e. halfway house or home with family. Except for bodyweight and CD4, the other remaining variables were collected by in-depth interview and observation. Bodyweight was measured by scale. CD4 was measured by chemical laboratory.Results: There was no difference in child growth living in the two places of care, with respect to bodyweight and CD4 count. The CD4 count was moderate indicating a moderate immunosuppressive state. Children with HIV/AIDS suffered stigma and discrimination more at halfway house than at home living with family. There was no difference in gross motoric development in children with HIV/AIDS living at the two places of care. Likewise, there was no difference in moral and religious development in children with HIV/AIDS living at the two places of care.Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination occur more often in children with HIV/AIDS that live at halfway house than at home with family. Bodyweight, CD4 count, gross motoric development, and moral and religious development are comparable in children with HIV/AIDS that live at halfway house and at home with family.Keywords: children with HIV/AIDS, halfway house, family, growth, developmentCorrespondence: Vita Raraningrum. School of Midwifery Rustida, Banyuwangi, East Java. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health (2016), 1(3): 175-181https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2016.01.03.0
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