189 research outputs found

    Menakar Perlindungan Justice Colaborator

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    Corruption is one form of systematic organized crimes performed with complicated modus operandi. Disclosing of this crime, in addition to requiring special equipment, also needs a certain method. One of the methods is using actors who collaborate or justice collaborator. The provisions on justice collaboratororiginally referred to Article 10 paragraph (2) of Law No. 13 of 2006 on Protection of Witnesses and Victims –but there are indications that these provisions do not provide protection to the justice collaborator. Because even though he plays as a collaborating actor, it does not result in a loss of authority of the state to prosecute the concerned. This provision is considered violating the principle of lex certain criminal law, for its ambiguity and multiple interpretations. Constitutional Court in its decision No. 42/PUU-VIII/2010states that Article 10 paragraph (2) regarding a quoprovision is not contrary to the 1945 Constitution. Without realizing it, Constitutional Court has come affirming the lack of protection on the collaborating actors. The fate of justice collaboratorthen finds the clarity in Article 10 paragraph (1) of Law No. 31 of 2014 on Protection on Witnesses and Victims. In the future, with reference to a quo provision, there is no guarantee to the justice collaboratorthat he would not be prosecuted either criminal or civil, except for statements or testimony that is not done in good faith. Besides regulated under legislation of Witnesses and Victims Protection, protection of the justice collaboratorhas also been set in UNTOC 2000 and UNCAC 2003

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Korporasi dalam Tindak Pidana Sumber Daya Alam

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    In ius constitutum of Natural Resources, the liability of corporate criminal, in any case, has been set in fve laws. First, fsheries and forestry law have similar formulation that corporations act as makers–undertakers are convicted. Second, plantation law, corporations act as makers –the corporations are convicted. Third, environmental law, corporations as makers –the corporation and the orderer are convicted. Fourth, mineral and coal mining law, corporations as makers –the board and the corporation are convicted. Indeed, there are inconsistencies in the regulation of corporate criminal liability in natural resources sector resulting in legal uncertainty.IntisariDalam ius constitutum SDA, paling tidak pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi diatur oleh lima undangundang. Pertama UU perikanan dan kehutanan memiliki rumusan yang sama bahwa korporasi sebagai pembuat–pengurus dipidana. Kedua, UU perkebunan, korporasi sebagai pembuat–korporasi dipidana. Ketiga, UU lingkungan hidup, korporasi sebagai pembuat–korporasi dan orang yang memberi perintah dipidana. Keempat, UU minerba, korporasi sebagai pembuat–pengurus dan korporasi yang dipidana. Tegasnya ada inkonsistensi dalam pengaturan pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi di sektor SDA sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum

    Brand Marketing Communications Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia (Resonance Pyramid Brand Implementation Study on Radio Magno)

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    This research focused on assessing brand marketing communication of Magno Radio using the approach of two models of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Customer-based Brand Equity (CBBE). It used descriptive qualitative approach with case study method using key informants Managing Director of Magno Radio. The unit of analysis of this research is based on the perspective of sender, namely the owner of Magno Radio, while data sources were obtained through interviews, observation, and secondary data. Results of this study illustrate how the IMC and CBBE can help establish brand equity of Magno Radio in export markets, particularly in Japan. It is also expected to contribute further study and enrich the study of brand equity in the field of applied science communication. Practically, this research can be applied in general by Indonesian SMEs in planning their brands with the aim to penetrate the export market.     Keywords: IMC, CBBE, brand communication, SME

    Daya Larvasida Ekstrak Biji Srikaya (Annona Squamosa) Dengan Rentang Waktu Penyimpanan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Larva Culex Quinquefasciatus

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    . Synthetic insecticide have been used to control Culex quinquefasciatus, but the prolonged USAge of synthetic insecticide has a bad impact on the environment and may caused resistance. Sugar apple\u27s (Annona squamosa) seeds which contain alkaloid can be used as an alternative insecticide that was safe for environment. This research aims is to know the effect of sugar apple\u27s seeds with different length of storage as C. quinquefasciatus larvacide. This research was an experimental study with a randomized controlled trial group design approach. The test material was an extract of sugar apple\u27s seeds which have been kept for 0, 1, 2, and 3 week with LC50 (0,47 ppm) was used. Each treatment used 25 C. quinquefasciatus larvae from third instar larvae stage and replicated five times. After exposed for 24 hours, dead larvae counted. The result confirmed that the extract of sugar apple\u27s seeds which has been stored in 0, 1, 2, and 3 week did not showed any significant different on larvae mortality. Extract of sugar apple\u27s seeds which have been stored in 0, 1, 2, and 3 week have an equal activity as Culex quinquefasciatus larvicide

    Does Brand Love and Brand Image Have a Strong Impact on Word of Mouth? (Evidence from the Indonesian Vocational School)

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    This research focuses on the analysis of brand love and brand image influence on word of mouth in Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (Vokasi UI). The method used is quantitative approach by analyzing the existing variables through multiple regression analysis (multivariate) by spreading questionnaires to 96 students in Vokasi UI. The results of this study illustrate the relationship between brand love and brand image to word of mouth of the brand Vokasi UI within the student, where brand love has a significant relationship to word of mouth while brand image has little significance to word of mouth.     Keywords: vocational education, brand love, brand image, word of mouth (WOM

    Persepsi Pesanggem Mengenai Hutan Mangrove Dan Partisipasi Pesanggem Dalam Pengelolaan Tambak Mangrove Ramah Lingkungan Model Empang Parit

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    This research was aimed to: (1) analyze perception of the pesanggem about mangrove forest; (2) analyze participation of the pesanggem in an Environmental Friendly Mangrove Embankment Empang-Parit Model Management; (3) analyze the correlation between perception and participation of pesanggem in mangrove embankment management. This research has been conducted by using survey method and supported by qualitative method with in-depth interview and observation. Qualitative method aimed to gain in-depth understanding related to the data which has been obtained from quantitative method. The result shows that most of the pesanggem has positif perception about mangrove forest ecosystem and ecology function of mangrove forest. Most of the pesanggem has negative perception about social-economy function of mangrove forest. Most of the pesanggem has low level participation in planning phase and monitoring phase. Most of the pesanggem has high level participation in implementation phase and benefitted phase

    Kebijakan Optimalisasi Penerimaan Pajak Warnet di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Tahun 2012-2014)

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    Entertainment tax income from the internet cafes at the region of Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency has not been at maximum level because in the past 3 years of administration, only Rp. 7.354.898 that has been stored to the goverment as entertainment tax from internet cafes .The income of tax is not proportional with the amount of internet cafes that are in the refion of Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency. The main cause of this case is tax infringement by many of the internet cafes that was explained beforehand by the state goverment.The issue of this research is: how does the city administration reacts to the internet cafe phenomenon thats happening in Pekanbaru (Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency Research 2012-2014)?The type of this research is quantitative research, and using interviews, documentation reviews, observation to gather data that is used in this research. The source of data in this research is from primary and secondary datas.The results of this research is, PP No. 5 Year 2011, concerning the Entertainment Tax, is a form of goverment regulation for internet cafes in Pekanbaru City by administration. With this regulation, state goverment can optimize the state income from the entratainment tax. Optimization of the entertainment tax in Simpang baru, Tampan Regency, Pekan Baru is to discipline the tax evading internet cafes by doing pengsan. Techically, the goverment has supervised and has been doing soscialization about the regulation to the community especially internet cafe owners that are residing in Pekan baru, particulary in Simpang baru, because 2 of the biggest universities in Riau is at Simpang Baru, therefore Simpang Baru is a big potential place for internet cafes to thrive
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