9,399 research outputs found

    Combined State and Parameter Estimation for a Static Model of the Maypole (Hoop-Column) Antenna Suface

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    Parameter and state estimation techniques are discussed for an elliptic system arising in a developmental model for the antenna surface of the Maypole Hoop/Column antenna. A computational algorithm based on spline approximations for the state and elastic parameters is given and numerical results obtained using this algorithm are summarized

    Model validation for a noninvasive arterial stenosis detection problem

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    Copyright @ 2013 American Institute of Mathematical SciencesA current thrust in medical research is the development of a non-invasive method for detection, localization, and characterization of an arterial stenosis (a blockage or partial blockage in an artery). A method has been proposed to detect shear waves in the chest cavity which have been generated by disturbances in the blood flow resulting from a stenosis. In order to develop this methodology further, we use both one-dimensional pressure and shear wave experimental data from novel acoustic phantoms to validate corresponding viscoelastic mathematical models, which were developed in a concept paper [8] and refined herein. We estimate model parameters which give a good fit (in a sense to be precisely defined) to the experimental data, and use asymptotic error theory to provide confidence intervals for parameter estimates. Finally, since a robust error model is necessary for accurate parameter estimates and confidence analysis, we include a comparison of absolute and relative models for measurement error.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Deopartment of Education and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    Supersymmetry, the Cosmological Constant and a Theory of Quantum Gravity in Our Universe

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    There are many theories of quantum gravity, depending on asymptotic boundary conditions, and the amount of supersymmetry. The cosmological constant is one of the fundamental parameters that characterize different theories. If it is positive, supersymmetry must be broken. A heuristic calculation shows that a cosmological constant of the observed size predicts superpartners in the TeV range. This mechanism for SUSY breaking also puts important constraints on low energy particle physics models. This essay was submitted to the Gravity Research Foundation Competition and is based on a longer article, which will be submitted in the near future

    Gluino Condensation in Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory

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    Strongly coupled heterotic E8Ă—E8E_8\times E_8 string theory, compactified to four dimensions on a large Calabi-Yau manifold X{\bf X}, may represent a viable candidate for the description of low-energy particle phenomenology. In this regime, heterotic string theory is adequately described by low-energy MM-theory on R4Ă—S1/Z2Ă—X{\bf R}^4\times{\bf S}^1/{\bf Z}_2\times{\bf X}, with the two E8E_8's supported at the two boundaries of the world. In this paper we study the effects of gluino condensation, as a mechanism for supersymmetry breaking in this MM-theory regime. We show that when a gluino condensate forms in MM-theory, the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry can still be satisfied locally in the orbifold dimension S1/Z2{\bf S}^1/{\bf Z}_2. Supersymmetry is then only broken by the global topology of the orbifold dimension, in a mechanism similar to the Casimir effect. This mechanism leads to a natural hierarchy of scales, and elucidates some aspects of heterotic string theory that might be relevant to the stabilization of moduli and the smallness of the cosmological constant.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac, no figure

    Is There A String Theory Landscape

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    We examine recent claims of a large set of flux compactification solutions of string theory. We conclude that the arguments for AdS solutions are plausible. The analysis of meta-stable dS solutions inevitably leads to situations where long distance effective field theory breaks down. We then examine whether these solutions are likely to lead to a description of the real world. We conclude that one must invoke a strong version of the anthropic principle. We explain why it is likely that this leads to a prediction of low energy supersymmetry breaking, but that many features of anthropically selected flux compactifications are likely to disagree with experiment.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, ``Terminology surrounding the anthropic principle revised to conform with accepted usage. More history of the anthropic principle included. Various references added.

    Stabilized Singlets in Supergravity as a Source of the mu-parameter

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    Within the context of supergravity-coupled supersymmetry, fields which are gauge and global singlets are usually considered anathema. Their vacuum expectation values are shifted by quadratically divergent tadpole diagrams which are cutoff at the Planck scale, destabilizing the classical potential and driving the singlet field to large values. We demonstrate a new and generic mechanism which stabilizes the singlet in the presence of an extended gauge symmetry. Such a symmetry will be broken down to the Standard Model by the supergravity interactions near the scale of spontaneous supersymmetry-breaking in the hidden-sector (about 10^{10-11} GeV). The resulting singlet expectation value is stabilized and naturally of order the gravitino mass, providing therefore a weak-scale mass for the Higgs fields of the supersymmetric Standard Model (a "mu-parameter"). The resulting low-energy theory is the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model, with all new fields decoupling at the intermediate scale.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Metaplectic Ice

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    Spherical Whittaker functions on the metaplectic n-fold cover of GL(r+1) over a nonarchimedean local field containing n distinct n-th roots of unity may be expressed as the partition functions of statistical mechanical systems that are variants of the six-vertex model. If n=1 then in view of the Casselman-Shalika formula this fact is related to Tokuyama's deformation of the Weyl character formula. It is shown that various properties of these Whittaker functions may be expressed in terms of the commutativity of row transfer matrices for the system. Potentially these properties (which are already proved by other methods, but very nontrivial) are amenable to proof by the Yang-Baxter equation

    Anomalous He-Gas High-Pressure Studies on Superconducting LaO1-xFxFeAs

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    AC susceptibility measurements have been carried out on superconducting LaO1-xFxFeAs for x=0.07 and 0.14 under He-gas pressures to about 0.8 GPa. Not only do the measured values of dTc/dP differ substantially from those obtained in previous studies using other pressure media, but the Tc(P) dependences observed depend on the detailed pressure/temperature history of the sample. A sizeable sensitivity of Tc(P) to shear stresses provides a possible explanation

    A condensed matter interpretation of SM fermions and gauge fields

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    We present the bundle Aff(3) x C x /(R^3), with a geometric Dirac equation on it, as a three-dimensional geometric interpretation of the SM fermions. Each C x /(R^3) describes an electroweak doublet. The Dirac equation has a doubler-free staggered spatial discretization on the lattice space Aff(3) x C (Z^3). This space allows a simple physical interpretation as a phase space of a lattice of cells in R^3. We find the SM SU(3)_c x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y action on Aff(3) x C x /(R^3) to be a maximal anomaly-free special gauge action preserving E(3) symmetry and symplectic structure, which can be constructed using two simple types of gauge-like lattice fields: Wilson gauge fields and correction terms for lattice deformations. The lattice fermion fields we propose to quantize as low energy states of a canonical quantum theory with Z_2-degenerated vacuum state. We construct anticommuting fermion operators for the resulting Z_2-valued (spin) field theory. A metric theory of gravity compatible with this model is presented too.Comment: Minimal modifications in comparison with the published versio

    Resonance modes in a 1D medium with two purely resistive boundaries: calculation methods, orthogonality and completeness

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    Studying the problem of wave propagation in media with resistive boundaries can be made by searching for "resonance modes" or free oscillations regimes. In the present article, a simple case is investigated, which allows one to enlighten the respective interest of different, classical methods, some of them being rather delicate. This case is the 1D propagation in a homogeneous medium having two purely resistive terminations, the calculation of the Green function being done without any approximation using three methods. The first one is the straightforward use of the closed-form solution in the frequency domain and the residue calculus. Then the method of separation of variables (space and time) leads to a solution depending on the initial conditions. The question of the orthogonality and completeness of the complex-valued resonance modes is investigated, leading to the expression of a particular scalar product. The last method is the expansion in biorthogonal modes in the frequency domain, the modes having eigenfrequencies depending on the frequency. Results of the three methods generalize or/and correct some results already existing in the literature, and exhibit the particular difficulty of the treatment of the constant mode
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