630 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the start of development in Daphnia pulex winter eggs [Translation from: Biological Reviews Vol. 13, 24-26, 1951]

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    The winter eggs of Daphnia pulex, after passing safely through the winter , develop and hatch in the spring, multiplying by themselves, while some males emerging among them with the changes in environment produce fertile eggs, which are universally known as winter eggs . This study researches the factors governing the development of winter eggs through experiments

    Electromagnetically excited acoustic resonance for evaluating attenuation coefficient and grain size in polycrystalline metals

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    Copyright 1994 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters, 64(17), 2217-2219, 1994 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.11167

    Requirement of the FATC domain of protein kinase Tel1 for localization to DNA ends and target protein recognition

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    Two large phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinases (PIKKs), ATM and ATR, play a central role in the DNA damage response pathway. PIKKs contain a highly conserved extreme C-terminus called the FRAP-ATM-TRRAP-C-terminal (FATC) domain. In budding yeast, ATM and ATR correspond to Tel1 and Mec1, respectively. In this study, we characterized functions of the FATC domain of Tel1 by introducing substitution or truncation mutations. One substitution mutation, termed tel1-21, and a truncation mutation, called tel1- Î"C, did not significantly affect the expression level. The tel1-21 mutation impaired the cellular response to DNA damage and conferred moderate telomere maintenance defect. In contrast, the tel1-Î"C mutation behaved like a null mutation, conferring defects in both DNA damage response and telomere maintenance. Tel1-21 protein localized to DNA ends as effectively as wild-type Tel1 protein, whereas Tel1-Î"C protein failed. Introduction of a hyperactive TEL1-hy mutation suppressed the tel1-21 mutation but not the tel1-Î"C mutation. In vitro analyses revealed that both Tel1-21 and Tel1-Î"C proteins undergo efficient autophosphorylation but exhibit decreased kinase activities toward the exogenous substrate protein, Rad53. Our results show that the FATC domain of Tel1 mediates localization to DNA ends and contributes to phosphorylation of target proteins. © 2015 Ogi, Goto, Ghosh, et al

    Behaviour and hydraulic performances of composite breakwter under higher wave than design wave

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    Coastal and harbor structures should be resilient so that the hydraulic performances of the structures will not decreased rapidly at the ultimate state where the incident wave height exceeds the design wave. In this study, the behavior of the caissons of composite breakwaters and the hydraulic performance at the ultimate state are measured through a hydraulic experiment. The influence of the damage to a caisson on the behavior of the adjacent one is also investigated. The authors show that the sliding distance of the caisson for the largest incident wave height in the case where the caissons with the same safety factors are installed in a row is larger than those in the cases where one of the caissons has a smaller safety factor and where one of the caissons is intentionally overturned

    Resonance EMAT system for acoustoelastic stress measurement in sheet metals

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    Copyright 1993 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 64(11), 3198-3205, 1993 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.114432

    Sistem Perakaran Bidara Laut (Strychnos Lucida R.br.) Untuk Pengendalian Tanah Longsor

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    One of potential Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in West Nusa Tenggara and Bali is Strychnos lucida R.Br. which is used for medicinal purposes. The species is also potential to use in land rehabilitation of dry land where it offers an additional benefit of landslide control. Part of the plant which has important role in landslide control is root system. Therefore this study aimed to investigate the Strychnos lucida root system in landslide control. The study was held in Bali Barat National Park. Root characteristics observed in the study were the penetration position in the soil, root architecture, and Index of Roots Anchoring (IRA) and Index of Roots Binding (IRB). The result showed that Strychnos lucida root was able to penetrate into deep soil layer and had R-tipe root architecture which can increase shear resistance of soil. Value of IRA and IRB indicated the species had a more vertical roots in every growth stage and a high enough horizontal roots. Based on its root characteristics, Strychnos lucida was able to decrease landslide risk, especially shallow and surface landslide

    Spectral invariance, K-theory isomorphism and an application to the differential structure of C<SUP>&#x002A;</SUP>-algebras

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    The notion of spectral invariance of a locally convex &#x002A;-algebra is defined by constructing the enveloping C&#x002A;-algebra and is characterized. It is shown that the spectral invariance induces &#167;{\rm K}&#167;-theory isomorphism at a general level. As an application, the differential structure of C&#x002A;-algebras is studied

    Precise control of hydrogen response of semicontinuous palladium film using piezoelectric resonance method

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    During deposition of metallic material on a substrate, a semicontinuous film composed of isolated and connected clusters is formed transiently at a few nanometers thickness. The surface electrical conductivity at this moment is governed by the tunneling conduction, and slight subsequent evolution of the film morphology changes the conductivity markedly because of the island connection. When the semicontinuous palladium film is exposed to hydrogen, its morphology changes because of absorption of hydrogen, changing the surface conductivity drastically. This phenomenon is applicable for hydrogen sensing. However, it has been significantly difficult to fabricate an optimum semicontinuous structure because it appears in a very short time during deposition. In the present study, we precisely control the palladium film morphology using the piezoelectric resonance method. In this method, an electric field is excited around the substrate surface using the resonant vibration of the piezoelectric material. The electric field generates the electrical current in the deposited material, and the vibrational energy of the piezoelectric material is spent on it. Because the energy loss depends on the electrical conductivity (morphology) of the deposited material, by measuring the change in the attenuation of the resonant vibration, evolution of the morphology is detectable. Using this method, palladium films with several morphologies were fabricated, and the conductivity change in hydrogen was evaluated. The change ratio of the conductivity significantly depended on the morphology, and the conductive sensitivity to the hydrogen detection with the optimum structure was larger than that reported in the previous study by a factor of 12.Nakamura N., Ueno T., Ogi H. Precise control of hydrogen response of semicontinuous palladium film using piezoelectric resonance method. Applied Physics Letters, 114(20), 201901 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5094917.https://doi.org/10.1063/1.509491

    Suppression of Brillouin oscillation in transparent free-standing diamond thin films in picosecond ultrasound

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    Brillouin oscillation appears in picosecond ultrasonics for a transparent specimen because of backward light scattering by moving strain pulse. Its amplitude is comparable with those of other responses, such as pulse-echo signals and through-thickness resonance, obscuring these non-Brillouin-oscillation responses. We here find that Brillouin oscillation can be suppressed in a transparent free-standing film by coating both sides with a metallic thin film of appropriate thickness and that this peculiar behavior is caused by strain pulses generated on both sides with a slight phase difference. This phenomenon allowed us to fabricate a Brillouin-oscillation-free diamond free-standing film, which showed a high capability for sensor applications.H. K. Weng, A. Nagakubo, H. Watanabe, and H. Ogi, "Suppression of Brillouin oscillation in transparent free-standing diamond thin films in picosecond ultrasound", Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 112203 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0087648

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Assure Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV C Sdn 37 Pekanbaru

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    The objectives of this research is to improve learning outcomes IPS academic year 2015/2016. Subjects in this research all fourth grade students of grade IV C SDN 37 Pekanbaru by the number of students as many as 32 students. This research is a classroom action research conducted by two cycles. The results showed after applying the learning model ASSURE in learning IPS learning outcomes increased. This can be evidenced by the value of the acquisition of the activities of teachers in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 75% of both categories increased in the first cycle of the second meeting as much as 5,54% to 79,16% with the good category and the second cycle of the first meeting with the price increases both categories increased 83,33% in the second cycle the second meeting as much as 5,26% to 91,66% with very good category. Activities of students in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 75% of both categories increased in the first cycle of the second meeting as much as 11,10% to 83,33% with the good category and the second cycle first meeting increased by an average of 87,5% category good and at the second meeting of the second cycle increased by 9,52% to 95,83% with very good category. The results of social studies has increased, before action is ASSURE learning model application data on the basis of the complete score of 6 (18,75%) with an average of 70,78. Which completed the first cycle increased 26 votes (81,25%) with an average of 79,5 and the second cycle increased the complete 29 people (90,62%) with average 87,13 this indicates that the application of ASSURE learning model can improve the results of IPS grade IV C SDN 37 Pekanbaru
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