70 research outputs found

    Egg quantity determination based on characteristic polarisation state

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    Inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms of spinning, precessing black-hole binaries in the effective-one-body formalism

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    We describe a general procedure to generate spinning, precessing waveforms that include inspiral, merger and ringdown stages in the effective-one-body (EOB) approach. The procedure uses a precessing frame in which precession-induced amplitude and phase modulations are minimized, and an inertial frame, aligned with the spin of the final black hole, in which we carry out the matching of the inspiral-plunge to merger-ringdown waveforms. As a first application, we build spinning, precessing EOB waveforms for the gravitational modes l=2 such that in the nonprecessing limit those waveforms agree with the EOB waveforms recently calibrated to numerical-relativity waveforms. Without recalibrating the EOB model, we then compare EOB and post-Newtonian precessing waveforms to two numerical-relativity waveforms produced by the Caltech-Cornell-CITA collaboration. The numerical waveforms are strongly precessing and have 35 and 65 gravitational-wave cycles. We find a remarkable agreement between EOB and numerical-relativity precessing waveforms and spins' evolutions. The phase difference is ~ 0.2 rad at merger, while the mismatches, computed using the advanced-LIGO noise spectral density, are below 2% when maximizing only on the time and phase at coalescence and on the polarization angle.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Suitability of hybrid gravitational waveforms for unequal-mass binaries

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    This article studies sufficient accuracy criteria of hybrid post-Newtonian (PN) and numerical relativity (NR) waveforms for parameter estimation of strong binary black-hole sources in second- generation ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. We investigate equal-mass non-spinning binaries with a new 33-orbit NR waveform, as well as unequal-mass binaries with mass ratios 2, 3, 4 and 6. For equal masses, the 33-orbit NR waveform allows us to recover previous results and to extend the analysis toward matching at lower frequencies. For unequal masses, the errors between different PN approximants increase with mass ratio. Thus, at 3.5PN, hybrids for higher-mass-ratio systems would require NR waveforms with many more gravitational-wave (GW) cycles to guarantee no adverse impact on parameter estimation. Furthermore, we investigate the potential improvement in hybrid waveforms that can be expected from 4th order post-Newtonian waveforms, and find that knowledge of this 4th post-Newtonian order would significantly improve the accuracy of hybrid waveforms.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Experimental and numerical investigation of an air-to-water heat pipe-based heat exchanger

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    An experimental and analytical investigation was conducted on an air-to-water heat exchanger equipped with six wickless heat pipes (thermosyphons) charged with water as the working fluid. The flow pattern consisted of a double pass on the evaporator and condenser sections. The six thermosyphons were all made from carbon steel, measured 2m in length and were installed in a staggered arrangement. The objectives of the reported experimental investigation were to analyse the effect of multiple air passes at different air inlet temperatures (100 to 250°C) and air mass flow rates (0.05 to 0.14kg/s) on the thermal performance of the heat exchanger unit including the heat pipes. The results were compared with a CFD model that assumed the heat pipes were solid rods with a constant conductivity. The conductivity of the pipes was extracted from modifications of correlations available in the literature based around the theory of Thermal Resistance. The results proved to be very accurate within 10% of the experimental values

    Discontinuous Galerkin method for the spherically reduced BSSN system with second-order operators

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    We present a high-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin method for evolving the spherically-reduced Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura (BSSN) system expressed in terms of second-order spatial operators. Our multi-domain method achieves global spectral accuracy and long-time stability on short computational domains. We discuss in detail both our scheme for the BSSN system and its implementation. After a theoretical and computational verification of the proposed scheme, we conclude with a brief discussion of issues likely to arise when one considers the full BSSN system.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, uses revtex4. Revised in response to referee's repor

    The third post-Newtonian gravitational wave polarisations and associated spherical harmonic modes for inspiralling compact binaries in quasi-circular orbits

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    The gravitational waveform (GWF) generated by inspiralling compact binaries moving in quasi-circular orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation to general relativity. Our motivation is two-fold: (i) To provide accurate templates for the data analysis of gravitational wave inspiral signals in laser interferometric detectors; (ii) To provide the associated spin-weighted spherical harmonic decomposition to facilitate comparison and match of the high post-Newtonian prediction for the inspiral waveform to the numerically-generated waveforms for the merger and ringdown. This extension of the GWF by half a PN order (with respect to previous work at 2.5PN order) is based on the algorithm of the multipolar post-Minkowskian formalism, and mandates the computation of the relations between the radiative, canonical and source multipole moments for general sources at 3PN order. We also obtain the 3PN extension of the source multipole moments in the case of compact binaries, and compute the contributions of hereditary terms (tails, tails-of-tails and memory integrals) up to 3PN order. The end results are given for both the complete plus and cross polarizations and the separate spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes.Comment: includes corrections to be published in an erratum; the changes are: in Eq (5.15b), -484/105 -> -188/35; in Eq (8.9g), 81127/10080 -> 1369/160; Eq (8.10g), -48239/5040 -> -2419/240; Eq (9.4b), -995/84 -> -353/2

    The performance of a heat pipe based solar PV/T roof collector and its potential contribution in district heating applications

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    Photovoltaic–thermal water collectors have the ability to convert solar energy into electricity and heat, simultaneously. Furthermore, the combination of photovoltaic–thermal solar collectors with a water cooling system can increase significantly the electrical and thermal efficiencies of the system, which can improve the total thermal efficiency of buildings. In this paper, the findings of six experimental configurations of solar-thermal collectors are presented and analysed. Five of the solar-thermal panel configurations were implemented with a cooling cycle. Two of the solar-thermal panels were equipped with monocrystalline silicon modules, the other two collectors were equipped with polycrystalline silicone modules, one of the collectors was based on heat pipe technology and was equipped with a cooling system, while the last collector did not include any cooling cycle. The duration of the experiments was four days during the September of 2014 and they were conducted under different solar radiation conditions. The second part of the paper presents the simulation results for five of the solar-thermal panels connected with a cooling water tank (volume of 500 litre), a domestic hot water tank (volume 350 litre) and a water-water heat pump, in terms of covering the hot water demands of a single family dwelling. The results showed that the hybrid solar collectors would be able to cover approximately 60% of the dwelling’s hot water needs for days with low levels of solar radiation, while for days with high solar radiation they could cover the hot water requirements of the family by 100%


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    The project reported in this paper used CFD as a tool to investigate the effect of multi-pass on the shell side heat transfer of a heat exchanger system. The heat exchanger system is equipped with six vertical thermosyphons transferring thermal energy from a heat source (air) to a heat sink (water). The CFD model has been experimentally validated. The two-phase change processes inside the thermosyphons were not modelled during the simulation. Instead, the thermosyphons were treated as solid rods with a constant thermal conductivity, which was calculated theoretically by applying the thermal resistance analogy with the aid of convection, boiling and condensation correlations found in the literature. The heat source consists of multiple air passes on the evaporator section of the thermosyphons and two water passes on the condenser section. Three different arrangements on the evaporator section were investigated with one, two or three shell passes and the thermal performance compared for the three configurations. The investigation was performed at various inlet conditions: a range of air inlet temperatures (100, 150, 200 and 250°C) and mass flow rates (0.05, 0.08, 0.11 and 0.14 kg/s). The water inlet conditions were kept constant (a temperature of 15°C and a mass flow rate of 0.08 kg/s). The overall rate of heat transfer was obtained by both CFD and a theoretical model, and the results lay within 15% of the experimental data. The numerical predictions demonstrated that the k-ε Realizable turbulence model is a reliable tool for predicting heat transfer and fluid flow in such heat exchangers

    Overview of the mobility related security challenges in LPWANs

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) is a new emerging system of interconnected devices that experiences significant growth in a wide variety of applications. The rising communication technologies for IoT are the Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) having long range, low cost and low power characteristics. In this context, an important part of the applications requires the mobility of the end devices with secure communications. In this paper, we consider the mobility management solutions in LPWAN networks and we investigate how they ensure security. We first review the basic IoT security requirements and the typical IoT protocol stack. We then focus on the existing mobility management solutions in LPWAN and we highlight the mobility related security issues by checking the attacks that can be performed in case of mobility. Furthermore, we evaluate the security in each mobility solution by checking the aforementioned attacks and we draw a comparison study
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