78 research outputs found

    Comparison of cloud products within IASI footprints for the assimilation of cloudy radiances

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    This article compares different methods of deriving cloud properties in the footprint of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), onboard the European MetOp satellite. Cloud properties produced by ten operational schemes are assessed and an intercomparison of the products for a 12 h global acquisition is presented. Clouds cover a large part of the Earth, contaminating most of the radiance data. The estimation of cloud top height and effective amount within the sounder footprint is an important step towards the direct assimilation of cloud-affected radiances. This study first examines the capability of all the schemes to detect and characterize the clouds for all complex situations and provides some indications of confidence in the data. Then the dataset is restricted to thick overcast single layers and the comparison shows a significant agreement between all the schemes. The impact of the retrieved cloud properties on the residuals between calculated cloudy radiances and observations is estimated in the long-wave part of the spectrum

    Analysis of procainamide-derivatised heparan sulphate disaccharides in biological samples using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography mass spectrometry

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a family of linear heteropolysaccharides made up of repeating disaccharide units that are found on the surface and extracellular matrix of animal cells. They are known to play a critical role in a wide range of cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation and invasion. To elucidate the mechanism of action of these molecules, it is essential to quantify their disaccharide composition. Analytical methods that have been reported involve either chemical or enzymatic depolymerisation of GAGs followed by separation of non-derivatised (native) or derivatised disaccharide subunits and detection by either UV/fluorescence or MS. However, the measurement of these disaccharides is challenging due to their hydrophilic and labile nature. Here we report a pre-column LC-MS method for the quantification of GAG disaccharide subunits. Heparan sulphate (HS) was extracted from cell lines using a combination of molecular weight cutoff and anion exchange spin filters and digested using a mixture of heparinases I, II and III. The resulting subunits were derivatised with procainamide, separated using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and detected using electrospray ionisation operated in positive ion mode. Eight HS disaccharides were separated and detected together with an internal standard. The limit of detection was found to be in the range 0.6–4.9 ng/mL. Analysis of HS extracted from all cell lines tested in this study revealed a significant variation in their composition with the most abundant disaccharide being the non-sulphated ∆UA–GlcNAc. Some structural functional relationships are discussed demonstrating the viability of the pre-column method for studying GAG biolog

    Biofunctional and biomimetic polymer brushes prepared via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization

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    Surface-initiated controlled radical polymerization is a powerful strategy to tailor the chemical and physical surface properties of materials. This article highlights recent work from the author's laboratory in which surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization is used to generate biofunctional and biomimetic surface coatings. Three examples will be discussed. The first two examples are based on the surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and (polyethylene glycol) methacrylate, which generates a polymer brush that suppresses non-specific adhesion of proteins and cells. These non-fouling brushes have been used to generate protein microarrays and to produce coatings that can promote endothelialization of implantable biomaterials. The third example describes the use of polyelectrolyte brushes as matrices to direct the mineralization of calcium carbonate. © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

    Kinetic energies of histidine/Cu+ complexes desorbed by MeV particle bombardment

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