464 research outputs found

    Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 µg L-Thyroxin und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin

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    Dtsch med Wochenschr 1981; 106: 579-583 DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1070359 © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 µg L-Thyroxin und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin Treatment of non-toxic goitre: results of combined treatment with 100 µg L-thyroxine and 10 µg L-triiodothyronine C. R. Pickardt, R. Gärtner, J. Habermann, K. Horn, P. C. Scriba, F. A. Horster, H. Wagner, K. Hengst Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt der Universität München, Klinik für Innere Medizin, Medizinische Hochschule Lübeck, Medizinische Klinik C und Poliklinik der Universität Düsseldorf sowie Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik der Universität Münster Zusammenfassung Bei 96 Patienten mit blander Struma wurde eine offene Prüfung mit einem neuen Schilddrüsenhormonpräparat durchgeführt, das 100 µg L-Thyroxin (T4) und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin (T3) pro Tablette enthält. Als Parameter für die therapeutisch wirksame Tagesdosis wurde die Suppression des TRH-stimulierten Thyreotropinspiegels im Serum gewählt. Hierbei war eine Tagesdosis von 50 µg T4 und 5 µg T3 bei 16 Patienten unwirksam; 75 µg T4 und 7,5 µg T3waren bei nur 4 von 12 Patienten suppressiv wirksam, während 100 µg T4 und 10 µg T3 bei allen Düsseldorfer und Münsteraner Patienten, aber nur bei 17 von 31 Patienten in München den TRH-stimulierten TSH-Anstieg supprimierte. Während der gesamten Therapiedauer blieben Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel im Serum im Normbereich; bei einigen Patienten erhöhte sich der Quotient aus Thyroxin und thyroxinbindendem Globulin über die Norm. Zeichen einer Überdosierung oder Unverträglichkeit wurden nicht beobachtet. In pharmakokinetischen Untersuchungen an acht freiwilligen schilddrüsengesunden Probanden erreichte der mittlere Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel etwa 2 Stunden nach Applikation sein Maximum und näherte sich nach sechs Stunden wieder der Norm. Es zeigten sich deutliche individuelle Schwankungen in den ersten Stunden nach Applikation. Wir empfehlen deshalb, Schilddrüsenhormonspiegel erst 12 oder 24 Stunden nach Applikation eines Schilddrüsenhormonpräparates zu bestimmen; zu dieser Zeit sollte auch der TRH-Test durchgeführt werden. Die Untersuchungen bestätigen die Notwendigkeit, bei der Strumatherapie mit einem Schilddrüsenhormonpräparat die suppressiv wirksame Dosis individuell zu ermitteln; diese Dosis beträgt vorzugsweise 100 µg Thyroxin und 10 µg Trijodthyronin oder 150 µg Thyroxin oder 100 µg Thyroxin und 20 µg Trijodthyronin pro Tag.A new thyroid hormone preparation (100 µg L-thyroxine [T4] and 10 µg L-triiodothyronine [T3] per tablet) was given to 96 patients with non-toxic goitre. Suppression of the TRH-stimulated thyrotropin level in serum was chosen as a measure of therapeutic effectiveness. Daily dose of 50 µg T4 and 5 µg T3 was ineffective in 16 patients; 75 µg T4 and 7.5 µg T3 was effective in only four of twelve patients, while 100 µg T4and 10 µg T3 was effective in all patients from clinics in Düsseldorf and Münster, but in only 17 of 31 patients from Munich, in suppressing the TRH-stimulated TSH rise. During the entire period of treatment serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels remained normal. In some patients the ratio of thyroxine to thyroxine-binding globulin was above normal. Signs of overdosage or intolerance were not observed. Pharmacokinetic studies on eight volunteers with normal thyroid function demonstrated that the mean thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels reached maximum about two hours after administration, returning towards normal after six hours. There were marked individual variations in the first hours after administration. It is therefore recommended that the thyroid hormone level be determined no earlier than 12 or 24 hours after the thyroid hormone preparation has been administered; TRH test should also be performed at this time. These results indicate the need for determining individually the effective suppressive dose of a thyroid hormone preparation in the treatment of goitre. Preferably the dose should be 100 µg thyroxine and 10 µg triiodothyronine, or 150 µg thyroxine or 100 µg thyroxine and 20 µg triiodothyronine per day

    Teaching ultrasound in a curricular course according to certified EFSUMB standards during undergraduate medical education: a prospective study

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    Background: As a non-invasive and readily available diagnostic tool, ultrasound is one of the most important imaging techniques in medicine. Ultrasound is usually trained during residency preferable according to German Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) standards. Our curriculum calls for undergraduate training in ultrasound of medical students in their 4th year of undergraduate education. An explorative pilot study evaluated the acceptance of this teaching method, and compared it to other practical activities in medical education at Muenster University. Methods: 240 medical students in their 4th year of undergraduate medical education participated in the training and completed a pre- and post-questionnaire for self-assessment of technical knowledge, self-assurance of the procedure, and motivation in performing ultrasound using a Likert scale. Moreover, students were asked about their interest in pursuing a career in internal medicine. To compare this training to other educational activities a standardized online evaluation tool was used. A direct observation of procedural skills assessment (DOPS) for the first time applied on ultrasound aimed to independently assess the success of our teaching method. Results: There was a significant increase in technical knowledge and self-assurance (p < 0.001) of the students’ self-assessments. The clinical relevance and self-motivation of the teaching were evaluated positively. The students’ DOPS results demonstrated proficiency in the understanding of anatomic structures shown in ultrasonographic images, including terminology, machine settings, and transducer frequencies. Conclusions: Training ultrasound according to certified DEGUM standards was successful and should be offered in undergraduate medical education. The evaluation of the course affirmed the necessity, quality and clinical relevance of the course with a top ranking score of hands-on training courses within the educational activities of the Medical Faculty of Muenster.<br

    Bacterial survival under extreme UV radiation: A comparative proteomics study of Rhodobacter sp., isolated from high altitude wetlands in Chile

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    Salar de Huasco, defined as a polyextreme environment, is a high altitude saline wetland in the Chilean Altiplano (3800 m.a.s.l.), permanently exposed to the highest solar radiation doses registered in the world. We present here the first comparative proteomics study of a photoheterotrophic bacterium, Rhodobacter sp., isolated from this remote and hostile habitat. We developed an innovative experimental approach using different sources of radiation (in situ sunlight and UVB lamps), cut-off filters (Mylar, Lee filters) and a high-throughput, label-free quantitative proteomics method to comprehensively analyze the effect of seven spectral bands on protein regulation. A hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of 40 common proteins revealed that all conditions containing the most damaging UVB radiation induced similar pattern of protein regulation compared with UVA and visible light spectral bands. Moreover, it appeared that the cellular adaptation of Rhodobacter sp. to osmotic stress encountered in the hypersaline environment from which it was originally isolated, might further a higher resistance to damaging UV radiation. Indeed, proteins involved in the synthesis and transport of key osmoprotectants, such as glycine betaine and inositol, were found in very high abundance under UV radiation compared to the dark control, suggesting the function of osmolytes as efficient reactive oxygen scavengers. Our study also revealed a RecA-independent response and a tightly regulated network of protein quality control involving proteases and chaperones to selectively degrade misfolded and/or damaged proteins

    The PLATO Dome A Site-Testing Observatory : instrumentation and first results

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    The PLATeau Observatory (PLATO) is an automated self-powered astrophysical observatory that was deployed to Dome A, the highest point on the Antarctic plateau, in 2008 January. PLATO consists of a suite of site-testing instruments designed to quantify the benefits of the Dome A site for astronomy, and science instruments designed to take advantage of the unique observing conditions. Instruments include CSTAR, an array of optical telescopes for transient astronomy; Gattini, an instrument to measure the optical sky brightness and cloud cover statistics; DASLE, an experiment to measure the statistics of the meteorological conditions within the near-surface layer; Pre-HEAT, a submillimeter tipping radiometer measuring the atmospheric transmission and water vapor content and performing spectral line imaging of the Galactic plane; and Snodar, an acoustic radar designed to measure turbulence within the near-surface layer. PLATO has run completely unattended and collected data throughout the winter 2008 season. Here we present a detailed description of the PLATO instrument suite and preliminary results obtained from the first season of operation

    Structure Kinetics Relationships and Molecular Dynamics Show Crucial Role for Heterocycle Leaving Group in Irreversible Diacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors

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    Drug discovery programs of covalent irreversible, mechanism-based enzyme inhibitors often focus on optimization of potency as determined by IC50-values in biochemical assays. These assays do not allow the characterization of the binding activity (Ki) and reactivity (kinact) as individual kinetic parameters of the covalent inhibitors. Here, we report the development of a kinetic substrate assay to study the influence of the acidity (pKa) of heterocyclic leaving group of triazole urea derivatives as diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL)-α inhibitors. Surprisingly, we found that the reactivity of the inhibitors did not correlate with the pKa of the leaving group, whereas the position of the nitrogen atoms in the heterocyclic core determined to a large extent the binding activity of the inhibitor. This finding was confirmed and clarified by molecular dynamics simulations on the covalently bound Michaelis−Menten complex. A deeper understanding of the binding properties of covalent serine hydrolase inhibitors is expected to aid in the discovery and development of more selective covalent inhibitors.Medicinal Chemistr

    High local substrate availability stabilizes a cooperative trait

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    Cooperative behavior is widely spread in microbial populations. An example is the expression of an extracellular protease by the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which degrades milk proteins into free utilizable peptides that are essential to allow growth to high cell densities in milk. Cheating, protease-negative strains can invade the population and drive the protease-positive strain to extinction. By using multiple experimental approaches, as well as modeling population dynamics, we demonstrate that the persistence of the proteolytic trait is determined by the fraction of the generated peptides that can be captured by the cell before diffusing away from it. The mechanism described is likely to be relevant for the evolutionary stability of many extracellular substrate-degrading enzymes

    The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin down-regulates the expression of the ubiquitin ligase subunit Skp2 in breast cancer cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Loss of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer. The decrease in p27 levels is mainly the result of enhanced proteasome-dependent degradation mediated by its specific ubiquitin ligase subunit S phase kinase protein 2 (Skp2). The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a downstream mediator in the phosphoinositol 3' kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway that down-regulates p27 levels in breast cancer. Rapamycin was found to stabilize p27 levels in breast cancer, but whether this effect is mediated through changes in Skp2 expression is unknown. METHODS: The expression of Skp2 mRNA and protein levels were examined in rapamycin-treated breast cancer cell lines. The effect of rapamycin on the degradation rate of Skp2 expression was examined in cycloheximide-treated cells and in relationship to the anaphase promoting complex/Cdh1 (APC\C) inhibitor Emi1. RESULTS: Rapamycin significantly decreased Skp2 mRNA and protein levels in a dose and time-dependent fashion, depending on the sensitivity of the cell line to rapamycin. The decrease in Skp2 levels in the different cell lines was followed by cell growth arrest at G1. In addition, rapamycin enhanced the degradation rate of Skp2 and down-regulated the expression of the APC\C inhibitor Emi1. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that Skp2, an important oncogene in the development and progression of breast cancer, may be a novel target for rapamycin treatment

    Field template-based design and biological evaluation of new sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitors

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    Purpose: Sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) is a protooncogenic enzyme expressed in many human tumours and is associated with chemoresistance and poor prognosis. It is a potent therapy target and its inhibition chemosensitises solid tumours. Despite recent advances in SK1 inhibitors synthesis and validation, their clinical safety and chemosensitising options are not well described. In this study, we have designed, synthesised and tested a new specific SK1 inhibitor with a low toxicity profile. Methods: Field template molecular modelling was used for compound design. Lead compounds were tested in cell and mouse cancer models. Results: Field template analysis of three known SK1 inhibitors, SKI-178, 12aa and SK1-I, was performed and compound screening identified six potential new SK1 inhibitors. SK1 activity assays in both cell-free and in vitro settings showed that two compounds were effective SK1 inhibitors. Compound SK-F has potently decreased cancer cell viability in vitro and sensitised mouse breast tumours to docetaxel (DTX) in vivo, without significant whole-body toxicity. Conclusion: Through field template screening, we have identified a new SK1 inhibitor, SK-F, which demonstrated antitumour activity in vitro and in vivo without overt toxicity when combined with DTX

    Constitutive expression of ftsZ overrides the whi developmental genes to initiate sporulation of Streptomyces coelicolor

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    The filamentous soil bacteria Streptomyces undergo a highly complex developmental programme. Before streptomycetes commit themselves to sporulation, distinct morphological checkpoints are passed in the aerial hyphae that are subject to multi-level control by the whi sporulation genes. Here we show that whi-independent expression of FtsZ restores sporulation to the early sporulation mutants whiA, whiB, whiG, whiH, whiI and whiJ. Viability, stress resistance and high-resolution electron microscopy underlined that viable spores were formed. However, spores from sporulation-restored whiA and whiG mutants showed defects in DNA segregation/condensation, while spores from the complemented whiB mutant had increased stress sensitivity, perhaps as a result of changes in the spore sheath. In contrast to the whi mutants, normal sporulation of ssgB null mutants—which fail to properly localise FtsZ—could not be restored by enhancing FtsZ protein levels, forming spore-like bodies that lack spore walls. Our data strongly suggest that the whi genes control a decisive event towards sporulation of streptomycetes, namely the correct timing of developmental ftsZ transcription. The biological significance may be to ensure that sporulation-specific cell division will only start once sufficient aerial mycelium biomass has been generated. Our data shed new light on the longstanding question as to how whi genes control sporulation, which has intrigued scientists for four decades

    The Arabidopsis thaliana F-Box Protein FBL17 Is Essential for Progression through the Second Mitosis during Pollen Development

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    In fungi and metazoans, the SCF-type Ubiquitin protein ligases (E3s) play a critical role in cell cycle regulation by degrading negative regulators, such as cell cycle-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) at the G1-to-S-phase checkpoint. Here we report that FBL17, an Arabidopsis thaliana F-box protein, is involved in cell cycle regulation during male gametogenesis. FBL17 expression is strongly enhanced in plants co-expressing E2Fa and DPa, transcription factors that promote S-phase entry. FBL17 loss-of-function mutants fail to undergo pollen mitosis II, which generates the two sperm cells in mature A. thaliana pollen. Nonetheless, the single sperm cell-like cell in fbl17 mutants is functional but will exclusively fertilize the egg cell of the female gametophyte, giving rise to an embryo that will later abort, most likely due to the lack of functional endosperm. Seed abortion can, however, be overcome by mutations in FIE, a component of the Polycomb group complex, overall resembling loss-of-function mutations in the A. thaliana cyclin-dependent kinase CDKA;1. Finally we identified ASK11, as an SKP1-like partner protein of FBL17 and discuss a possible mechanism how SCFFBL17 may regulate cell division during male gametogenesis