1,241 research outputs found

    Porous mandrels provide uniform deformation in hydrostatic powder metallurgy

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    Porous copper mandrels prevent uneven deformation of beryllium machining blanks. The beryllium powder is arranged around these mandrels and hot isostatically pressed to form the blanks. The mandrels are then removed by leaching

    Advanced development of double-injection, deep-impurity semiconductor switches

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    Deep-impurity, double-injection devices, commonly refered to as (DI) squared devices, represent a class of semiconductor switches possessing a very high degree of tolerance to electron and neutron irradiation and to elevated temperature operation. These properties have caused them to be considered as attractive candidates for space power applications. The design, fabrication, and testing of several varieties of (DI) squared devices intended for power switching are described. All of these designs were based upon gold-doped silicon material. Test results, along with results of computer simulations of device operation, other calculations based upon the assumed mode of operation of (DI) squared devices, and empirical information regarding power semiconductor device operation and limitations, have led to the conculsion that these devices are not well suited to high-power applications. When operated in power circuitry configurations, they exhibit high-power losses in both the off-state and on-state modes. These losses are caused by phenomena inherent to the physics and material of the devices and cannot be much reduced by device design optimizations. The (DI) squared technology may, however, find application in low-power functions such as sensing, logic, and memory, when tolerance to radiation and temperature are desirable (especially is device performance is improved by incorporation of deep-level impurities other than gold

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Produksi pada Nikko Bakery

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    Nikko Bakery merupkan Perusahaan produksi roti yang berawal dari industri rumahan yang menggunakan sistem konvensional dalam kegiatan produksi sehari-hari. Seiring berjalannya waktu, peningkatan kapasitas produksi menyebabkan informasi ketersediaan bahan baku merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk peningkatan efisiensi dan mencegah kekurangan bahan baku. Aplikasi ini dapat menghasilkan perhitungan penggunaan bahan baku yang akan mempermudah bagian produksi agar tidak terjadinya pemborosan bahan baku, peringatan akan stok bahan baku yang sudah sampai batas minimum yang berguna dalam menghemat waktu produksi, pembuatan work order yang akan memudahkan bagian produksi dalam memastikan barang apa saja yang akan diproduksi, pembuatan pesanan yang berfungsi untuk menampung seluruh pesanan pelanggan, pembuatan list customer dan supplier yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan seluruh data customer maupun supplier, serta laporan pendukung lainnya

    Minat Memilih Profesi MedRep Ditinjau dari Persepsi dan Citra Profesi

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    This study examines students\u27 perceptions and brand image of MedRep as the predictors of purchase intentions for the MedRep profession. To examine the proposed research model, 100 samples are collected. Multiple regressions are used to test the hypotheses. There are mixed results in relation to the tested relationships. Brand image have a significant impact on student purchase intention for the MedRep profession. Surprisingly, analysis using the student sample indicated that students\u27 perception has no significant impact on student purchase intention for the MedRep profession

    Peranan Kepala Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Yayasan Mahanaim Kota Bekasi

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    This research is related to the factors affecting the teacher\u27s performance in Mahanaim School. This research is aimed to: 1) investigating the effect of Principal\u27s Role toward theperformance of Mahanaim school\u27s teachers, 2) investigating the effect of work motivation toward the performance of Mahanaim school\u27s teachers, and 3) investigating the effect ofPrincipal\u27s Role toward the work motivation of Mahanaim School\u27s teachers. The methodused is causality method. The number of population used is 109 teachers from MahanaimSchool (Kindegarten, Elementary, Junior, Senior and Vocational High School). The data collected in this research is primarily by questionnaires. The data is analyzed with pathanalysis model. The research findings shows that simultaneously components of Principal\u27s Role (X1) and work motivation (X2) affect significantly to the performance of Mahanaim School\u27s Teachers (Y) in which R=0,504 and R square= 0,341. The most dominant factor toward the performance of Mahanaim School\u27s Teachers is the component of work motivation

    Cooperative DNA-binding by Bicoid provides a mechanism for threshold-dependent gene activation in the Drosophila embryo

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    The Bicoid morphogen directs pattern formation along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis of the Drosophila embryo. Bicoid is distributed in a concentration gradient that decreases exponentially from the anterior pole, however, it transcribes target genes such as hunchback in a step-function-like pattern; the expression domain is uniform and has a sharply defined posterior boundary. A 'gradient-affinity' model proposed to explain Bicoid action states that (i) cooperative gene activation by Bicoid generates the sharp on/off switch for target gene transcription and (ii) target genes with different affinities for Bicoid are expressed at different positions along the A-P axis. Using an in vivo yeast assay and in vitro methods, we show that Bicoid binds DNA with pairwise cooperativity; Bicoid bound to a strong site helps Bicoid bind to a weak site. These results support the first aspect of the model, providing a mechanism by which Bicoid generates sharp boundaries of gene expression. However, contrary to the second aspect of the model, we find no significant difference between the affinity of Bicoid for the anterior gene hunchback and the posterior gene knirps, We propose, instead, that the arrangement of Bicoids bound to the target gene presents a unique signature to the transcription machinery that, in combination with overall affinity, regulates the extent of gene transcription along the A-P axis

    Harvests and Business Cycles in Nineteenth-Century America

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    Most major American industrial business cycles from around 1880 to the First World War were caused by fluctuations in the size of the cotton harvest due to economically exogenous factors such as weather. Wheat and corn harvests did not affect industrial production; nor did the cotton harvest before the late 1870s. The unique effect of the cotton harvest in this period can be explained as an essentially monetary phenomenon, the result of interactions between harvests, international gold flows and high-powered money demand under America's gold-standard regime of 1879-1914.
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