840 research outputs found

    Dissociative electron attachment to the H2O molecule. II. Nuclear dynamics on coupled electronic surfaces within the local complex potential model

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    We report the results of a first-principles study of dissociative electron attachment to H2O. The cross sections are obtained from nuclear dynamics calculations carried out in full dimensionality within the local complex potential model by using the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method. The calculations employ our previously obtained global, complex-valued, potential-energy surfaces for the three (doublet B1, doublet A1, and doublet B2) electronic Feshbach resonances involved in this process. These three metastable states of H2O- undergo several degeneracies, and we incorporate both the Renner-Teller coupling between the B1 and A1 states as well as the conical intersection between the A1 and B2 states into our treatment. The nuclear dynamics are inherently multidimensional and involve branching between different final product arrangements as well as extensive excitation of the diatomic fragment. Our results successfully mirror the qualitative features of the major fragment channels observed, but are less successful in reproducing the available results for some of the minor channels. We comment on the applicability of the local complex potential model to such a complicated resonant system.Comment: Corrected version of Phys Rev A 75, 012711 (2007

    Noncommutative Differential Forms on the kappa-deformed Space

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    We construct a differential algebra of forms on the kappa-deformed space. For a given realization of the noncommutative coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra we find an infinite family of one-forms and nilpotent exterior derivatives. We derive explicit expressions for the exterior derivative and one-forms in covariant and noncovariant realizations. We also introduce higher-order forms and show that the exterior derivative satisfies the graded Leibniz rule. The differential forms are generally not graded-commutative, but they satisfy the graded Jacobi identity. We also consider the star-product of classical differential forms. The star-product is well-defined if the commutator between the noncommutative coordinates and one-forms is closed in the space of one-forms alone. In addition, we show that in certain realizations the exterior derivative acting on the star-product satisfies the undeformed Leibniz rule.Comment: to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    The dynamical Green's function and an exact optical potential for electron-molecule scattering including nuclear dynamics

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    We derive a rigorous optical potential for electron-molecule scattering including the effects of nuclear dynamics by extending the common many-body Green's function approach to optical potentials beyond the fixed-nuclei limit for molecular targets. Our formalism treats the projectile electron and the nuclear motion of the target molecule on the same footing whereby the dynamical optical potential rigorously accounts for the complex many-body nature of the scattering target. One central result of the present work is that the common fixed-nuclei optical potential is a valid adiabatic approximation to the dynamical optical potential even when projectile and nuclear motion are (nonadiabatically) coupled as long as the scattering energy is well below the electronic excitation thresholds of the target. For extremely low projectile velocities, however, when the cross sections are most sensitive to the scattering potential, we expect the influences of the nuclear dynamics on the optical potential to become relevant. For these cases, a systematic way to improve the adiabatic approximation to the dynamical optical potential is presented that yields non-local operators with respect to the nuclear coordinates.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, accepted for publ., Phys. Rev.

    Herbicide-Resistance in Turf Systems: Insights and Options for Managing Complexity

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    Due to complex interactions between social and ecological systems, herbicide resistance has classic features of a “wicked problem.” Herbicide-resistant (HR) Poa annua poses a risk to sustainably managing U.S. turfgrass systems, but there is scant knowledge to guide its management. Six focus groups were conducted throughout the United States to gain understanding of socio-economic barriers to adopting herbicide-resistance management practices. Professionals from major turfgrass sectors (golf courses, sports fields, lawn care, and seed/sod production) were recruited as focus-group participants. Discussions emphasized challenges of the weed management of turfgrass systems as compared to agronomic crops. This included greater time constraints for managing weeds and more limited chemical control options. Lack of understanding about the proper use of compounds with different modes of action was identified as a threat to sustainable weed management. There were significant regional differences in perceptions of the existence, geographic scope, and social and ecological causes of HR in managing Poa annua. Effective resistance management will require tailoring chemical and non-chemical practices to the specific conditions of different turfgrass sectors and regions. Some participants thought it would be helpful to have multi-year resistance management programs that are both sector- and species-specific

    Trisomy 21 induces pericentrosomal crowding delaying primary ciliogenesis and mouse cerebellar development.

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    Trisomy 21, the genetic cause of Down syndrome, disrupts primary cilia formation and function, in part through elevated Pericentrin, a centrosome protein encoded on chromosome 21. Yet how trisomy 21 and elevated Pericentrin disrupt cilia-related molecules and pathways, and the in vivo phenotypic relevance remain unclear. Utilizing ciliogenesis time course experiments combined with light microscopy and electron tomography, we reveal that chromosome 21 polyploidy elevates Pericentrin and microtubules away from the centrosome that corral MyosinVA and EHD1, delaying ciliary membrane delivery and mother centriole uncapping essential for ciliogenesis. If given enough time, trisomy 21 cells eventually ciliate, but these ciliated cells demonstrate persistent trafficking defects that reduce transition zone protein localization and decrease sonic hedgehog signaling in direct anticorrelation with Pericentrin levels. Consistent with cultured trisomy 21 cells, a mouse model of Down syndrome with elevated Pericentrin has fewer primary cilia in cerebellar granule neuron progenitors and thinner external granular layers at P4. Our work reveals that elevated Pericentrin from trisomy 21 disrupts multiple early steps of ciliogenesis and creates persistent trafficking defects in ciliated cells. This pericentrosomal crowding mechanism results in signaling deficiencies consistent with the neurological phenotypes found in individuals with Down syndrome

    Plasma-derived proteomic biomarkers in human leukocyte antigen-haploidentical or human leukocyte antigen-matched bone marrow transplantation using post-transplantation cyclophosphamide

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    Recent studies have suggested that plasma-derived proteins may be potential biomarkers relevant for graft-versus-host disease and/or non-relapse mortality occurring after allogeneic blood or marrow transplantation. However, none of these putative biomarkers have been assessed in patients treated either with human leukocyte antigen-haploidentical blood or marrow transplantation or with post-transplantation cyclophosphamide, which has been repeatedly associated with low rates of severe acute graft-versus-host disease, chronic graft-versus-host disease, and non-relapse mortality. We explored whether seven of these plasma-derived proteins, as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, were predictive of clinical outcomes in post-transplantation cyclophosphamide-treated patients using plasma samples collected at serial predetermined timepoints from patients treated on prospective clinical studies of human leukocyte antigen-haploidentical (n=58; clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: 00796562) or human leukocyte antigen-matched-related or -unrelated (n=100; clinicaltrials.gov Identifiers: 00134017 and 00809276) T-cell-replete bone marrow transplantation. Day 30 levels of interleukin-2 receptor α, tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, serum STimulation-2 (IL1RL1 gene product), and regenerating islet-derived 3-α all had high areas under the curve of 0.74–0.97 for predicting non-relapse mortality occurrence by 3 months post-transplant in both the human leukocyte antigen-matched and human leukocyte antigen-haploidentical cohorts. In both cohorts, all four of these proteins were also predictive of subsequent non-relapse mortality occurring by 6, 9, or 12 months post-transplant and were significantly associated with non-relapse mortality in univariable analyses. Furthermore, day 30 elevations of interleukin-2 receptor α were associated with grade II–IV and III–IV acute graft-versus-host disease occurring after day 30 in both cohorts. These data confirm that plasma-derived proteins previously assessed in other transplantation platforms appear to retain prognostic and predictive utility in patients treated with post-transplantation cyclophosphamide

    Der Konflikt in Afghanistan : Historischer und gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund, Evolution und Lageentwicklung – ein Positionspapier

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    This study is part of a larger project, the aim of which is to elucidate “mental health nurses” attitudes towards their patients'. In this study, nurses' and patients' attitudes are described from the perspective of both parties using a qualitative approach. The informants were selected from a rehabilitation unit for young adults, below 40, suffering from psychosis at a psychiatric clinic that provides acute psychiatric care. The informant group consisted of three dyads: three patients with various diagnoses and three nurses with primary responsibility for the patients' daily care. The aim of this particular study was to extend our preliminary understanding of nurses' attitudes towards psychiatric patients in the context of psychiatric in-patient care, by elucidating the patient's “inner” picture of her/his past, present and future and the nurse's picture of the same patient's past, present and future. Data were collected and analysed using a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach and the narrative picturing technique. For each picture and group, 15 related sub-themes emerged, on the basis of which six themes were formulated. The findings show that the nurses overrate their own importance when it comes to the patient's well-being on the ward. All the nurses emphasize confirmation and safety as the basis of their nursing care, while in the patient's picture the nurses represent a replication of childhood demands, which probably means that nursing care risks becoming a continuation of the patient's childhood estrangement

    Barriers and incentives to orphan care in a time of AIDS and economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of caregivers in rural Zimbabwe

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    BACKGROUND: Africa is in an orphan-care crisis. In Zimbabwe, where one-fourth of adults are HIV-positive and one-fifth of children are orphans, AIDS and economic decline are straining society's ability to care for orphans within their extended families. Lack of stable care is putting thousands of children at heightened risk of malnourishment, emotional underdevelopment, illiteracy, poverty, sexual exploitation, and HIV infection, endangering the future health of the society they are expected to sustain. METHODS: To explore barriers and possible incentives to orphan care, a quantitative cross-sectional survey in rural eastern Zimbabwe asked 371 adults caring for children, including 212 caring for double orphans, about their well-being, needs, resources, and perceptions and experiences of orphan care. RESULTS: Survey responses indicate that: 1) foster caregivers are disproportionately female, older, poor, and without a spouse; 2) 98% of non-foster caregivers are willing to foster orphans, many from outside their kinship network; 3) poverty is the primary barrier to fostering; 4) financial, physical, and emotional stress levels are high among current and potential fosterers; 5) financial need may be greatest in single-orphan AIDS-impoverished households; and 6) struggling families lack external support. CONCLUSION: Incentives for sustainable orphan care should focus on financial assistance, starting with free schooling, and development of community mechanisms to identify and support children in need, to evaluate and strengthen families' capacity to provide orphan care, and to initiate and support placement outside the family when necessary

    When algorithms shape collective action: Social media and the dynamics of cloud protesting

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    How does the algorithmically mediated environment of social media restructure social action? This article combines social movement studies and science and technology studies to explore the role of social media in the organization, unfolding, and diffusion of contemporary protests. In particular, it examines how activists leverage the technical properties of social media to develop a joint narrative and a collective identity. To this end, it offers the notion of cloud protesting as a theoretical approach and framework for empirical analysis. Cloud protesting indicates a specific type of mobilization that is grounded on, modeled around, and enabled by social media platforms and mobile devices and the virtual universes they identify. The notion emphasizes both the productive mediation of social and mobile media and the importance of activists’ sense-making activities. It also acknowledges that social media set in motion a process that is sociotechnical in nature rather than merely sociological or communicative, and thus can be understood only by intersecting the material and the symbolic dimensions of contemporary digitally mediated collective action. The article shows how the specific materiality of social media intervenes in the actors’ meaning work by fostering four mechanisms—namely performance, interpellation, temporality, and reproducibility—which concur to create a "politics of visibility" that alters traditional identity dynamics. In addition, it exposes the connection between organizational patterns and the role of individuals, explaining how the politics of visibility is the result of a process that originates and ends within the individual—which ultimately creates individuals-in-the-group rather than groups