1,136 research outputs found

    Direct observation of irradiation-induced nanocavity shrinkage in Si

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    Nanocavities in Si substrates, formed by conventional H implantation and thermal annealing, are shown to evolve in size during subsequent Si irradiation. Both ex situ and in situ analytical techniques were used to demonstrate that the mean nanocavity diameter decreases as a function of Si irradiation dose in both the crystalline and amorphous phases. Potential mechanisms for this irradiation-induced nanocavity evolution are discussed. In the crystalline phase, the observed decrease in diameter is attributed to the gettering of interstitials. When the matrix surrounding the cavities is amorphized, cavity shrinkage may be mediated by one of two processes: nanocavities can supply vacancies into the amorphous phase and/or the amorphous phase may flow plastically into the nanocavities. Both processes yield the necessary decrease in density of the amorphous phase relative to crystalline material

    Direct observation of substitutional Ga after ion implantation in Ge by means of extended x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We present an experimental lattice location study of Ga atoms in Ge after ion implantation at elevated temperature (250°C). Using extended x-rayabsorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments and a dedicated sample preparation method, we have studied the lattice location of Ga atoms in Ge with a concentration ranging from 0.5 at. % down to 0.005 at. %. At Ga concentrations ≤0.05 at.%, all Ga dopants are substitutional directly after ion implantation, without the need for post-implantation thermal annealing. At higher Ga concentrations, a reduction in the EXAFS amplitude is observed, indicating that a fraction of the Ga atoms is located in a defective environment. The local strain induced by the Ga atoms in the Ge matrix is independent of the Ga concentration and extends only to the first nearest neighbor Ge shell, where a 1% contraction in bond length has been measured, in agreement with density functional theory calculations.We acknowledge the support from the Research Foundation Flanders, the epi-team from imec, the KU Leuven GOA 09/06 project, the IUAP program P6/42 and the Australian Research Council. S.C. acknowledges support from OCAS NV by an OCAS-endowed chair at Ghent University


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    The following recommended programs are reviewed: (1) infrared and optical interferometry (a ground-based and space programs); (2) compensation for the atmosphere with adaptive optics (a program for development and implementation of adaptive optics); and (3) gravitational waves (high frequency gravitational wave sources (LIGO), low frequency gravitational wave sources (LAGOS), a gravitational wave observatory program, laser gravitational wave observatory in space, and technology development during the 1990's). Prospects for international collaboration and related issues are also discussed

    CHARA/MIRC observations of two M supergiants in Perseus OB1: temperature, Bayesian modeling, and compressed sensing imaging

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    Two red supergiants of the Per OB1 association, RS Per and T Per, have been observed in H band using the MIRC instrument at the CHARA array. The data show clear evidence of departure from circular symmetry. We present here new techniques specially developed to analyze such cases, based on state-of-the-art statistical frameworks. The stellar surfaces are first modeled as limb-darkened discs based on SATLAS models that fit both MIRC interferometric data and publicly available spectrophotometric data. Bayesian model selection is then used to determine the most probable number of spots. The effective surface temperatures are also determined and give further support to the recently derived hotter temperature scales of red su- pergiants. The stellar surfaces are reconstructed by our model-independent imaging code SQUEEZE, making use of its novel regularizer based on Compressed Sensing theory. We find excellent agreement between the model-selection results and the reconstructions. Our results provide evidence for the presence of near-infrared spots representing about 3-5% of the stellar flux

    First visual orbit for the prototypical colliding-wind binary WR 140

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    Wolf-Rayet stars represent one of the final stages of massive stellar evolution. Relatively little is known about this short-lived phase and we currently lack reliable mass, distance, and binarity determinations for a representative sample. Here we report the first visual orbit for WR 140(=HD193793), a WC7+O5 binary system known for its periodic dust production episodes triggered by intense colliding winds near periastron passage. The IOTA and CHARA interferometers resolved the pair of stars in each year from 2003--2009, covering most of the highly-eccentric, 7.9 year orbit. Combining our results with the recent improved double-line spectroscopic orbit of Fahed et al. (2011), we find the WR 140 system is located at a distance of 1.67 +/- 0.03 kpc, composed of a WR star with M_WR = 14.9 +/- 0.5 Msun and an O star with M_O = 35.9 +/- 1.3 Msun. Our precision orbit yields key parameters with uncertainties times 6 smaller than previous work and paves the way for detailed modeling of the system. Our newly measured flux ratios at the near-infrared H and Ks bands allow an SED decomposition and analysis of the component evolutionary states.Comment: Complete OIFITS dataset included via Data Conservancy Projec

    Identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in R And

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    We report the identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in the published high-resolution infrared spectrum of the S-type star, R And. This is the first astronomical detection of this molecule. The lines show inverse P-Cygni profiles, indicating infall motion of the molecular layer due to stellar pulsation. A simple spherical shell model with a constant infall velocity is adopted to determine the condition of the layer. It is found that a single excitation temperature of 2200 K reproduces the observed line intensities satisfactory. SH is located in a layer from 1.0 to ~1.1 stellar radii, which is moving inward with a velocity of 9 km s-1. These results are consistent with the previous measurements of CO Δv=3\Delta v=3 transitions. The estimated molecular abundance SH/H is 1x10^-7, consistent with a thermal equilibrium calculation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Imaging the Algol Triple System in H Band with the CHARA Interferometer

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    Algol (Beta Per) is an extensively studied hierarchical triple system whose inner pair is a prototype semi-detached binary with mass transfer occurring from the sub-giant secondary to the main-sequence primary. We present here the results of our Algol observations made between 2006 and 2010 at the CHARA interferometer with the Michigan Infrared Combiner in the H band. The use of four telescopes with long baselines allows us to achieve better than 0.5 mas resolution and to unambiguously resolve the three stars. The inner and outer orbital elements, as well as the angular sizes and mass ratios for the three components are determined independently from previous studies. We report a significantly improved orbit for the inner stellar pair with the consequence of a 15% change in the primary mass compared to previous studies. We also determine the mutual inclination of the orbits to be much closer to perpendicularity than previously established. State-of-the-art image reconstruction algorithms are used to image the full triple system. In particular an image sequence of 55 distinct phases of the inner pair orbit is reconstructed, clearly showing the Roche-lobe-filling secondary revolving around the primary, with several epochs corresponding to the primary and secondary eclipses

    Electronic properties of (Ga,Mn)N thin films with high Mn content

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    Optical and dc resistivity measurements as well as x-ray spectroscopies have been performed on (Ga,Mn)N films containing Mn at up to 11 at. %. The results indicate that at higher Mn contents, the Fermi level is situated within extended states, while GaN host interband optical transitions are unaffected. The Mn state is confirmed to be 3d⁵, as in the case of lower Mn content films; however, the high Mn content merges the 3d levels into a band located just below the host conduction band. The Fermi level is located within these Mn states just below the conduction band, in sharp contrast to its midgap position in fully crystalline, low Mn concentration materials. The difference in the position of the Fermi level at high Mn dopant levels has important implications for the promotion of ferromagnetism in this material.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology through its New Economy Research Fund and through a postdoctoral fellowship of one of the authors B.J.R.. The work of the MacDiarmid Institute is supported by a New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence award. Another author S.G. wishes to thank Education New Zealand for financial support of the XANES measurements

    First Results from the CHARA Array. II. A Description of the Instrument

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    The CHARA Array is a six 1-m telescope optical/IR interferometric array located on Mount Wilson California, designed and built by the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy of Georgia State University. In this paper we describe the main elements of the Array hardware and software control systems as well as the data reduction methods currently being used. Our plans for upgrades in the near future are also described