3,807 research outputs found

    Determination of the lowest energy structure of Ag8_8 from first-principles calculations

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    The ground-state electronic and structural properties, and the electronic excitations of the lowest energy isomers of the Ag8_8 cluster are calculated using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) in real time and real space scheme, respectively. The optical spectra provided by TDDFT predict that the D2d_{2d} dodecahedron isomer is the structural minimum of Ag8_8 cluster. Indeed, it is borne out by the experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Physical Review A as a brief repor

    Unexpected Magnetism of Small Silver Clusters

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    The ground-state electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of small silver clusters, Agn_n (2\len\le22), have been studied using a linear combination of atomic Gaussian-type orbitals within the density functional theory. The results show that the silver atoms, which are diamagnetic in bulk environment, can be magnetic when they are grouped together in clusters. The Ag13_{13} cluster with icosahedral symmetry has the highest magnetic moment per atom among the studied silver clusters. The cluster symmetry and the reduced coordination number specific of small clusters reveal as a fundamental factor for the onset of the magnetism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Low-frequency electrostatic waves in the ionospheric E-region: a comparison of rocket observations and numerical simulations

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    International audienceLow frequency electrostatic waves in the lower parts of the ionosphere are studied by a comparison of observations by instrumented rockets and of results from numerical simulations. Particular attention is given to the spectral properties of the waves. On the basis of a good agreement between the observations and the simulations, it can be argued that the most important nonlinear dynamics can be accounted for in a 2-D numerical model, referring to a plane perpendicular to a locally homogeneous magnetic field. It does not seem necessary to take into account turbulent fluctuations or motions in the neutral gas component. The numerical simulations explain the observed strongly intermittent nature of the fluctuations: secondary instabilities develop on the large scale gradients of the largest amplitude waves, and the small scale dynamics is strongly influenced by these secondary instabilities. We compare potential variations obtained at a single position in the numerical simulations with two point potential-difference signals, where the latter is the adequate representation for the data obtained by instrumented rockets. We can demonstrate a significant reduction in the amount of information concerning the plasma turbulence when the latter signal is used for analysis. In particular we show that the bicoherence estimate is strongly affected. The conclusions have implications for studies of low frequency ionospheric fluctuations in the E and F regions by instrumented rockets, and also for other methods relying on difference measurements, using two probes with large separation. The analysis also resolves a long standing controversy concerning the supersonic phase velocities of these cross-field instabilities being observed in laboratory experiments

    Two distinct superconducting phases in LiFeAs

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    A non-trivial temperature evolution of superconductivity including a temperature-induced phase transition between two superconducting phases or even a time-reversal symmetry breaking order parameter is in principle expected in multiband superconductors such as iron-pnictides. Here we present scanning tunnelling spectroscopy data of LiFeAs which reveal two distinct superconducting phases: at = 18 K a partial superconducting gap opens, evidenced by subtle, yet clear features in the tunnelling spectra, i.e. particle-hole symmetric coherence peak and dip-hump structures. At Tc = 16 K, these features substantiate dramatically and become characteristic of full superconductivity. Remarkably, the distance between the dip-hump structures and the coherence peaks remains practically constant in the whole temperature regimeT ≤ . This rules out the connection of the dip-hump structures to an antiferromagnetic spin resonance

    The overdensities of galaxy environments as a function of luminosity and color

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    We study the mean environments of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as a function of rest-frame luminosity and color. Overdensities in galaxy number are estimated in 8h1Mpc8 h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc} and 1h1Mpc1 h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc} spheres centered on 125,000125,000 galaxies taken from the SDSS spectroscopic sample. We find that, at constant color, overdensity is independent of luminosity for galaxies with the blue colors of spirals. This suggests that, at fixed star-formation history, spiral-galaxy mass is a very weak function of environment. Overdensity does depend on luminosity for galaxies with the red colors of early types; both low-luminosity and high-luminosity red galaxies are found to be in highly overdense regions.Comment: submitted to ApJ

    Chandra Multiwavelength Project: Normal Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

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    (abridged) We have investigated 136 Chandra extragalactic sources without broad optical emission lines, including 93 galaxies with narrow emission lines (NELG) and 43 with only absorption lines (ALG). Based on fx/fo, Lx, X-ray spectral hardness and optical emission line diagnostics, we have conservatively classified 36 normal galaxies (20 spirals and 16 ellipticals) and 71 AGNs. We found no statistically significant evolution in Lx/LB, within the limited z range. We have built log(N)-log(S), after correcting for completeness based on a series of simulations. The best-fit slope is -1.5 for both S and B energy bands, which is considerably steeper than that of the AGN-dominated cosmic background sources, but slightly flatter than the previous estimate, indicating normal galaxies will not exceed the AGN population until fx ~ 2 x 10-18 erg s-1 cm-2 (a factor of ~5 lower than the previous estimate). A group of NELGs appear to be heavily obscured in X-rays, i.e., a typical type 2 AGN. After correcting for intrinsic absorption, their X-ray luminosities could be Lx > 10^44 erg s-1, making them type 2 quasar candidates. While most X-ray luminous ALGs (XBONG - X-ray bright, optically normal galaxy candidates) do not appear to be significantly absorbed, we found two heavily obscured objects, which could be as luminous as an unobscured broad-line quasar. Among 43 ALGs, we found two E+A galaxy candidates with strong Balmer absorption lines, but no [OII] line. The X-ray spectra of both galaxies are soft and one of them has a nearby close companion galaxy, supporting the merger/interaction scenario rather than the dusty starburst hypothesis.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (20 June 2006, v644), replaced with minor correction

    The polar Catalysmic Variable 1RXS J173006.4+033813

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    We report the discovery of 1RXS J173006.4+033813, a polar cataclysmic variable with a period of 120.21 min. The white dwarf primary has a magnetic field of B = 42+6-5 MG, and the secondary is a M3 dwarf. The system shows highly symmetric double peaked photometric modulation in the active state as well as in quiescence. These arise from a combination of cyclotron beaming and ellipsoidal modulation. The projected orbital velocity of the secondary is K2 = 390+-4 km/s. We place an upper limit of 830+-65 pc on the distance.Comment: ApJ Accepted. 12 Pages, 13 Figures, 6 table