173 research outputs found

    Analysis of airborne Doppler lidar, Doppler radar and tall tower measurements of atmospheric flows in quiescent and stormy weather

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    The first experiment to combine airborne Doppler Lidar and ground-based dual Doppler Radar measurements of wind to detail the lower tropospheric flows in quiescent and stormy weather was conducted in central Oklahoma during four days in June-July 1981. Data from these unique remote sensing instruments, coupled with data from conventional in-situ facilities, i.e., 500-m meteorological tower, rawinsonde, and surface based sensors, were analyzed to enhance understanding of wind, waves and turbulence. The purposes of the study were to: (1) compare winds mapped by ground-based dual Doppler radars, airborne Doppler lidar, and anemometers on a tower; (2) compare measured atmospheric boundary layer flow with flows predicted by theoretical models; (3) investigate the kinematic structure of air mass boundaries that precede the development of severe storms; and (4) study the kinematic structure of thunderstorm phenomena (downdrafts, gust fronts, etc.) that produce wind shear and turbulence hazardous to aircraft operations. The report consists of three parts: Part 1, Intercomparison of Wind Data from Airborne Lidar, Ground-Based Radars and Instrumented 444 m Tower; Part 2, The Structure of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer as Revealed by Lidar and Doppler Radars; and Part 3, Doppler Lidar Observations in Thunderstorm Environments

    Prevalence of strong bottom currents in the greater Agulhas system

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    Deep current meter data and output from two high-resolution global ocean circulation models are used to determine the prevalence and location of strong bottom currents in the greater Agulhas Current system. The two models and current meter data are remarkably consistent, showing that benthic storms, with bottom currents greater than 0.2 m s(-1), occur throughout the Agulhas retroflection region south of Africa more than 20% of the time. Furthermore, beneath the mean Agulhas Current core and the retroflection front, bottom currents exceed 0.2 m s(-1) more than 50% of the time, while away from strong surface currents, bottom currents rarely exceed 0.2 m s(-1). Implications for sediment transport are discussed and the results are compared to atmospheric storms. Benthic storms of this strength (0.2 m s(-1)) are comparable to a 9 m s(-1) (Beaufort 5) windstorm, but scaling shows that benthic storms may be less effective at lifting and transporting sediment than dust storms

    Analysis of waterspout environmental conditions and of parent-storm behaviour based on satellite data over the southern Aegean Sea of Greece

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    ABSTRACTA frequent area of waterspout formation is identified over the southern Aegean Sea. The objectives of this study are threefold: (1) to investigate the temporal evolution of Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) of cloud lines (waterspouts' parent clouds) that triggered the formation of single or multiple waterspout events, by using Meteorological Satellite Second Generation infrared satellite data, cloud base height data and weather observations from the closest Hellenic National Meteorological Service meteorological station; (2) to synthesize a detailed climatology of the thermodynamic environment during waterspout activity and (3) to explore the sea‐surface temperature (SST) seasonal distribution and its possible relationships with the temperature of the middle and lower troposphere during waterspout days over the southern Aegean Sea.It was found that the CTT of waterspout parent clouds decreases close to waterspout formation time, which is consistent with growing clouds. The Severe Weather Threat Index (SWEAT), the Bulk Richardson Number (BRN) and the Convective Potential Available Energy during the autumn season were consistent with a shallow‐convection environment. The instability parameter Ξ”T1000 (difference in the air temperature between 1000 hPa and that at other pressure levels) exhibited a symmetric distribution about the median during both seasons and at all levels. More than 75% of autumn waterspout activity over the southern Aegean Sea developed with SST values varying from 22 to 24.5 °C, while the instability parameter Ξ”TSST (the temperature difference between the SST and the temperature at various pressure levels) exhibited a symmetrical distribution about the median for both seasons and for all pressure levels, consistent with the Ξ”T1000 seasonal distribution. A statistical analysis showed that the means of SWEAT, BRN, convective inhibition, SST, Ξ”TSST and Ξ”T1000 from air temperature at 700 hPa differ statistically significant (p < 0.001) between waterspout and non‐waterspout days in autumn, over the southern Aegean Sea, during 2005–2012

    The P2X1 receptor and platelet function

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    Extracellular nucleotides are ubiquitous signalling molecules, acting via the P2 class of surface receptors. Platelets express three P2 receptor subtypes, ADP-dependent P2Y1 and P2Y12 G-protein-coupled receptors and the ATP-gated P2X1 non-selective cation channel. Platelet P2X1 receptors can generate significant increases in intracellular Ca2+, leading to shape change, movement of secretory granules and low levels of Ξ±IIbΞ²3 integrin activation. P2X1 can also synergise with several other receptors to amplify signalling and functional events in the platelet. In particular, activation of P2X1 receptors by ATP released from dense granules amplifies the aggregation responses to low levels of the major agonists, collagen and thrombin. In vivo studies using transgenic murine models show that P2X1 receptors amplify localised thrombosis following damage of small arteries and arterioles and also contribute to thromboembolism induced by intravenous co-injection of collagen and adrenaline. In vitro, under flow conditions, P2X1 receptors contribute more to aggregate formation on collagen-coated surfaces as the shear rate is increased, which may explain their greater contribution to localised thrombosis in arterioles compared to venules within in vivo models. Since shear increases substantially near sites of stenosis, anti-P2X1 therapy represents a potential means of reducing thrombotic events at atherosclerotic plaques

    A Meaningful U.S. Cap-and-Trade System to Address Climate Change

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    There is growing impetus for a domestic U.S. climate policy that can provide meaningful reductions in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. In this article, I propose and analyze a scientifically sound, economically rational, and politically feasible approach for the United States to reduce its contributions to the increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. The proposal features an up-stream, economy-wide CO2 cap-and-trade system which implements a gradual trajectory of emissions reductions over time, and includes mechanisms to reduce cost uncertainty. I compare the proposed system with frequently discussed alternatives. In addition, I describe common objections to a cap-and-trade approach to the problem, and provide responses to these objections
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