2,033 research outputs found

    ‘Back to our Roots?’ Re-visiting psychoanalytically-informed baby and young child observation in the education of student social workers

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    While there is a well-established literature on psychoanalytically-informed baby and young child observation in social work education, little has been published recently. This paper reviews the rationale for its use, evaluating its impact on students’ learning in the light of contemporary policy and practice contexts facing social work education. Analysis of feedback gained from a recent cohort, identifies three ways in which learning through baby and young child observation contributes: firstly, students encounter and learn about the complexity of child development from the direct experience of observing and secondly, observing facilitates the development of important skills for practice; students’ ‘use of self’. Thirdly, through observing, students describe how they develop the capacity to take-up and sustain a professional role. Well-structured teaching and learning through observation is therefore shown to provide a rigorous, theoretically- grounded contribution to the training of university-based social work students entering this complex and challenging professional field

    "Roll back the years": A study of grandparent special guardians' experiences and implications for social work policy and practice in England

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    Growing numbers of grandparent special guardians (GSGs) are assuming responsibility for increasing numbers of children in the care system in England. Special guardianship arrangements are increasingly used as a permanency option as they allow children to remain in their kinship networks, rather than in local authority care or be adopted; yet there is a scarcity of research on GSG carers’ experiences. This article reports a small qualitative research study where ten sets of grandparents were interviewed to explore their journey to becoming GSGs and to theorise their subsequent experiences. Two themes emerge. Firstly, experiences of the assessment process are elaborated, decisions often being made at a time of family crisis, impacting on GSGs: financial, employment, relational. Secondly, GSGs’ experiences of managing often-challenging relationships and contact arrangements between the grandchildren and the parents reveal three main relationship management approaches emerging: containing-flexible; containing-controlled and; uncontained/defeated approaches. Anthropological concepts of affinity help theorise the GSGs’ ambivalent responses to becoming carers in later life, enabling reconfigured kinship relationships in new family forms. Family policy and social work practice is critiqued as GSGs appear often left alone to ‘roll back the years’, to heal previous harms done to the grandchildren who end-up in their care

    NMR structure of the three quasi RNA recognition motifs (qRRMs) of human hnRNP F and interaction studies with Bcl-x G-tract RNA: a novel mode of RNA recognition

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    The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) F belongs to the hnRNP H family involved in the regulation of alternative splicing and polyadenylation and specifically recognizes poly(G) sequences (G-tracts). In particular, hnRNP F binds a G-tract of the Bcl-x RNA and regulates its alternative splicing, leading to two isoforms, Bcl-xS and Bcl-xL, with antagonist functions. In order to gain insight into G-tract recognition by hnRNP H members, we initiated an NMR study of human hnRNP F. We present the solution structure of the three quasi RNA recognition motifs (qRRMs) of hnRNP F and identify the residues that are important for the interaction with the Bcl-x RNA by NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutagenesis experiments. The three qRRMs exhibit the canonical βαββαβ RRM fold but additional secondary structure elements are present in the two N-terminal qRRMs of hnRNP F. We show that qRRM1 and qRRM2 but not qRRM3 are responsible for G-tract recognition and that the residues of qRRM1 and qRRM2 involved in G-tract interaction are not on the β-sheet surface as observed for the classical RRM but are part of a short β-hairpin and two adjacent loops. These regions define a novel interaction surface for RNA recognition by RRM

    NMR structure of the three quasi RNA recognition motifs (qRRMs) of human hnRNP F and interaction studies with Bcl-x G-tract RNA: a novel mode of RNA recognition

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    The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) F belongs to the hnRNP H family involved in the regulation of alternative splicing and polyadenylation and specifically recognizes poly(G) sequences (G-tracts). In particular, hnRNP F binds a G-tract of the Bcl-x RNA and regulates its alternative splicing, leading to two isoforms, Bcl-x(S) and Bcl-x(L), with antagonist functions. In order to gain insight into G-tract recognition by hnRNP H members, we initiated an NMR study of human hnRNP F. We present the solution structure of the three quasi RNA recognition motifs (qRRMs) of hnRNP F and identify the residues that are important for the interaction with the Bcl-x RNA by NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutagenesis experiments. The three qRRMs exhibit the canonical βαββαβ RRM fold but additional secondary structure elements are present in the two N-terminal qRRMs of hnRNP F. We show that qRRM1 and qRRM2 but not qRRM3 are responsible for G-tract recognition and that the residues of qRRM1 and qRRM2 involved in G-tract interaction are not on the β-sheet surface as observed for the classical RRM but are part of a short β-hairpin and two adjacent loops. These regions define a novel interaction surface for RNA recognition by RRMs

    Aggregation of frictional particles due to capillary attraction

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    Capillary attraction between identical millimeter sized spheres floating at a liquid-air interface and the resulting aggregation is investigated at low Reynolds number. We show that the measured capillary forces between two spheres as a function of distance can be described by expressions obtained using the Nicolson approximation at low Bond numbers for far greater particle sizes than previously assumed. We find that viscous hydrodynamics interactions between the spheres needs to be included to describe the dynamics close to contact. We then consider the aggregates formed when a third sphere is added after the initial two spheres are already in contact. In this case, we find that linear superposition of capillary forces describes the observed approach qualitatively but not quantitatively. Further, we observe an angular dependence of the structure due to a rapid decrease of capillary force with distance of separation which has a tendency to align the particles before contact. When the three particles come in contact, they may preserve their shape or rearrange to form an equilateral triangle cluster - the lowest energy state - depending on the competition between attraction between particles and friction. Using these observations, we demonstrate that a linear particle chain can be built from frictional particles with capillary attraction.Comment: accepted for Physical Review

    NMR Spectroscopy: An Excellent Tool to Understand RNA and Carbohydrate Recognition by Proteins

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    Structural biology plays a key role in understanding how networks of protein interactions with their partners are organized at the atomic level. In this review, we show that NMR is a very efficient method to solve 3D structures of protein – RNA and protein–carbohydrate complexes of high quality. We explain the importance of studying such interactions and describe the main steps that are required to determine structures of these types of complexes by NMR. Finally, we show that X-ray crystallography and NMR are complementary methods and briefly report on advantages and disadvantages of each approach

    The high kinetic stability of a G-quadruplex limits hnRNP F qRRM3 binding to G-tract RNA

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    The RNA binding protein heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) F is involved in telomeres maintenance and pre-mRNA processing, such as alternative splicing and polyadenylation. It specifically recognizes RNA containing three consecutive guanines (G-tracts) that have the potential to assemble into G-quadruplexes. We have proposed recently that hnRNP F could regulate alternative splicing by remodeling RNA structures, such as G-quadruplexes. However, the exact mechanism of hnRNP F binding to such RNA sequences remains unknown. Here, we have studied the binding of the third RNA binding domain of hnRNP F [quasi-RNA recognition motif 3 (qRRM3)] to G-tract RNA using isothermal titration calorimetry, circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Our results show that qRRM3 binds specifically exclusively to single-stranded G-tracts (ssRNA), in contrast to previous reports stating that the G-quadruplex was recognized as well. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the pre-existent ssRNA/G-quadruplex equilibrium slows down the formation of the protein-ssRNA complex. Based on in vitro transcription assays, we show that the rate of the protein-RNA complex formation is faster than that of the G-quadruplex. We propose a model according to which hnRNP F could bind RNA co-transcriptionally and prevents G-quadruplex formatio
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